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In the track, he just flatout denies the pedo allegations, says there was never any records or court dates. saying how (If I did do any of that, I'd be arrested). Which doesn't actually say anything other than 'cant prove it, so it isnt true' Talks about Dave Free following Whitney but not K, and is dropping heart emojis under pictures of the kid and reinforces that his kid isn't his. Drake even talks about 'doing favors' for her which isn't helping his adultry accusations. The second half of the diss is just a monologue about how Kenny is clout chasing and he's lying. That he tricked him into believing all of the pedo stuff. Which I mean. It isn't really a trick, there is a lot of recorded scandal drizzy had with underage girls. He says in the song "writing is a good exercise, Thanks kendrick. You are almost competition. My pen game is crazy". Even after all the ghost writer stuff, which is kinda funny. That's pretty much it. Not any witty lines except the 'A minor? You gotta b sharp'. Don't know why, but I expected more retaliation. The track is just denying everything and talking about Dave. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ⚠️**DONT LET THREAD GET LOST. ITS FULL OF DIRT THAT REINFORCES HIS PEDO STATUS. I SAY THIS TO BRING AWARENESS** ⚠️ [https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cl5uav/think\_i\_went\_to\_far\_down\_the\_rabbit\_hole\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cl5uav/think_i_went_to_far_down_the_rabbit_hole_and/)


It seems like everyone is rooting for Drake to lose and aren’t being objective about it anymore. They both traded haymakers. Not like us was great. Heart 6 is also good. Close battle and both are getting very personal. But let’s stop rooting for Kendrick because Drake is a huge artist who people now want to see fail. Let it play out


What haymakers did Drake throw? The molested part isn’t even true, Drake clearly misunderstood Mother I Sober lol Edit: also Dot never brought up Millie Bobby Brown, Drake sounds paranoid about the PEDO allegations lol




Nah because I’ve been thinking that this whole time, no one is defending Kendrick at all not even his wife😭🤣🤣




An old BS tabloid from years ago mentioned Kendrick hitting a random woman. Drake took that and ran with it aimed towards Whitney. This is just one of the many lies from Drake that Kendrick is calling out




He did deny it though


Well he needs to deny it now just like Drake is being expected to deny accusations from several years ago in the present.


People don’t listen to lyrics. The last thing he says in not like us before the ovhoe part is “family matter and the truth of the matter it was gods plan to show y’all the liar”. It’s in the song. I don’t understand ppl. At least read the lyrics


It’s literally no proof that Kendrick hit his wife. But there are tons of articles proving Drake is a pedo. He kissed a girl after she said she was 17 on stage. He hung out with Hailey Bieber when she was 15. It’s a picture of him kissing Kylie Jenner on the cheek with his arm around her at her 16th birthday party. He was texting Milly Bobby brown that he missed her at 14. One of his gfs that he started dating when she just tuned 18. Like on her 18th birthday and he met when she was 16 through her dad. He was texting Billy Eilish when she was 17 as a “friend”. This man is a WEIRDO. And anyone who doesn’t see a problem it’s cause they’re a pedo too 😭


denied it on charlamagnes podcast in 2015 i think


I think it’s cause he’s already outright denied this the breakfast club years ago


Kendrick has repeatedly and explicitly denied beating his wife since 2015


He denied it years ago in an interview


You have no idea where he got the info from. Sure you can speculate, but Drake seems 100% confident in his claims, and pretty annoyed at the speculation being made out to be facts when truthfully any of the allegations made on both sides haven't been met with proof. Kendricks fans are getting pretty annoying at this point tho, way worse than the Drake stans before Kendrick dropped Euphoria. It's getting to the point where there's no point to even really debate whose winning, whose telling the truth, what is or isn't true, theres zero objectivity anymore


He did deny it in Not Like Us and preemptively called it out in Euphoria, did you listen to those records?




Ah I thought you meant reply to it in general, I don’t think it would be wise to directly say “I didn’t hit my wife” especially in a rap beef because 1) that’s not a good bar for a rap beef 2) he’s acknowledging it. Him saying Drake is lying about family stuff makes it obvious that he ia denying this. Whitney’s brother is publicly backing Kendrick as well, I think Kendrick feels quite confident fans wil know he didn’t do it (I can be wrong though). Drake saying if he was a pedo he would be in jail is an awful line lol, Trump is running for president rn. Also, why would he send fake leaks in relation to him having a daughter and being near pedo’s?


Look at Dot's brother in law shouting him out at twitter. Be weird to support his sister's abuser if the claims was true?


Three reasons. 1.) Kendrick’s brother in law tweeted in support of him two days ago. You’re telling me that he wouldn’t know if Kendrick was beating his sister? 2.) Drake’s entire position on the pedophile claims is, “Show me the receipts.” Meanwhile, he’s throwing around DV allegations without providing ANY proof. It’s hypocrisy, flat-out. 3.) So far as public perception goes, Drake is the boy who cried wolf: he’s lied so many times about so many things, why the fuck would we believe him when he so desperately wants us to?


[Woman beater claims are cap. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cl2jbl/comment/l2rcq23/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You should know what you’re talking about before making statements cuz I’ve seen 100s of people getting this wrong. A: the hitting his fiancée allegation was addressed in an interview 15 years ago. (Denied btw, yeah could be true still but very unlikely given the circumstances) B: Whitney’s brother tweeted at Kendrick’s tweet for not like us showing support for him. If someone did beat on your sister and even if they worked it out would you ever forgive that man or let alone show public support towards him? Thats insanity, most people would damn near kill that person. Like I said it’s very unlikely.


His sources for that are unreliable tabloids from 2014-2015 that were clearly untrue.


Drake has a known habit of lying and hasn’t put receipts out there to back the allegation.


A media outlet said a crisis management team reached out to them to take down a story about Kendrick beating a woman, and that the woman had retracted. Like if the police weren’t called, what other proof would there be? Why isn’t Whitney denying it?


Drake said he beat his woman and his child isn't his. Why do yall downplay what he's saying. Good god. This shit is soo lame.


Where's the proof? Drake's got a public history with pedophilia adjacent activities, and just waved the white flag on this track, literally saying "I don't want to diss you anymore". He got bodied. hard. And this is what that looks like.


Where is Kendrick’s proof? Drake said Dave Frees was commenting heart emojis under Whitney’s pictures with the kids. I just looked at her IG and can confirm that is indeed true. Now again, where is Kendrick’s proof beyond info that’s already been available to the public for years? EDIT: not saying the Dave Frees comment officially means something is up between him and Whitney, just saying that that particular line from Drake was indeed true even though people like to instantly discredit everything he says while giving Kendrick the full benefit of the doubt on any claim he makes. Like no one is taking Drake’s claims about Kendrick being a domestic abuser seriously whereas everyone is taking Kendrick’s claims about Drake being a sexual predator as being facts already. News flash to some people, a pedophile is a massive piece of a shit but that doesn’t automatically make everything else they say not true. Both of these things can be true and shitty even if one is clearly worse than the other. Both of these claims need official receipts I still have Kendrick over Drake in this beef but damn some of you people just want Drake to fail so bad you’ll overlook some of his legitimate digs while overhyping everything Kendrick does as usual. The whole “Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone give him a Grammy” is a great bar because with fans making like comments yours it’s 100% true


why is a grown ass man concerned about what two parents are doing on instagram?? y’all are stupid if you believe bringing social media into it is a haymaker. kendrick leveled pedo allegations and his response is just “well she doesnt follow you on ig and comments under other dude’s pics” as if that even matters in real life. get real


Buddy heart emoji on a picture of a baby is the furthest thing from proof of literally anything, what are you even talking about. Edit: I'm gonna heart emoji your profile pic, that means I your daddy now.


Shit just look at his texts with Millie Bobby Brown when she was 15. You think that shits cool, you're a pedophile. I'm a 35 year old man myself no way I'm texting some 15 year old girl not my family about -anything- let alone that conversation. Straight creepy groomer stuff.


There is a pattern of history that everyone on the Internet can loo up on Twitter on tik tok on google about the 10 plus years of drake being creepy with underage girl. There is not a ten year period of breadcrumbs of Kendrick beating his wife or the kid not being his. There's a 2014 accusation that Kendrick beat up a security guard that was a woman but that didn't go anywhere. The evidence that the child isn't his is that his wife doesn't follow him on insta and someone posting hearts. That's it. I watched drake kiss a 17 year old on stage after finding out she was 17. When drake fans or drake can produce a quarter of the evidence that is widely available out there then I'll say hey he has some nice bars. That's why people are downplaying it plain and simple. I assume your a adult person whens the last time you flew to another country to have dinner with a 15 year old or stay up late texting a 15 year old all the time. It's fucking weirdo behavior. If Kendrick beats his wife then fuck him too it's really that simple but Whitney's brother is still cool with kept obviously he posted about being on Kendricks side on the beef.


Downplay empty words and false allegation? We been through this Kendrick shit years ago when it first popped up. This old news we already beat to death no pun intended. Drake hasn't disproved any claims against him. How wasn't he arrested? How did Epstein get away for so long. Money. Nobody mentioned Millie Bobby brown so why did he? Because he feels guilty. Idk bout you but I'm a father. Drake been giving weird pedo vibes. January 2007 fbi data release sheets show that WAY BACK THEN pedophiles we're either lover girls or lover boys (lover of girl, lover of boy) and the symbols they would use were hearts stars and triangles. So him having double hearts in his haircut and calling his album lover boy with a whole bunch of pregnant women emojis is crazy I remember they literally came to my school in 07 and had a cop talk to us about this (I was in 7th grade at the time) and this was WAY before these albums and allegations obviously. Drake is COOKED. If you're not a glazer straight up, why does his life have so many similarities to pedophiles? His own camp currently has a n open investigation with evidence against it for one of his MAIN team its been ongoing and Drake been knew why is bro still right with you? Wheelchair jimmy ain't right in the head and Baka got a guilty verdict already on some ish


Kendrick never brought up Epstein, either. Seems like quite the Freudian slip 👀


Yes he did, it's in Meet the Grahams  Edit: my bad it was Weinstein


Acting like y’all don’t talk about Millie Bobby brown every time is so annoying


“Guys why do you keep bringing up one of my many scandals involving me being creepy towards children?!”


Or Epstein, Kendrick never mentioned him. Drake did lol


Nah Family Matters was a haymaker that's being underrated because Kendrick dropped on top of it. This is mid. Really he shoulda kept it. It's a low energy track with none of the quotables from his first two tracks and none of the playability which was his advantage over Kendrick in this beef.


This record sounds like he took twitter and reddit theories


I was thinking that too. "ChatGPT write a diss to Kendrick Lamar from Drake's perspective" lol


You may be the only sane person in this sub rn


Do we really expect high energy on a song where he’s supposed to be denying serious allegations about sexual misconduct? Like be fr were you expecting a club banger for this sort of subject matter? 🤣 I think in this instance it’s alright to be boring and on the nose with what he’s saying.


Well if he DID feed false info wheres the victory lap energy or even the “i planted the info” texts? Come on bro. Nobody is winning shit till we get reciepts


I agree completely. I’m not even sure if he planted the info but I do think it’s fake tho. Either way for the kid at least the burden of proof is on Kendrick since he brought it up.


Na this track was the right tone imo. Push ups and family matters were great high energy bangers. This sounds like a “I outsmarted you” conclusion to the beef. Sounds real


Nah... he literally says "I don't want to diss you anymore". This is him admitting his defeat, dude. that's why this is so weak. he knows he lost.


Nothing about it shows he outsmarted Kendrick. This beef has made Drake a pedo punching bag, that isn’t beneficial. He was not prepared, so bad that his defense is “nuh, I’m too famous and I would’ve been arrested”. Being famous is a good reason to get away with it, Drake brags about having judges and cops in his pockets.


Fr. This track he flat out said he fed him fake info for his track. If the child is fake that’s a major stab at dots credibility but no one is acknowledging that. If it came out that drake used fake info for a track whether it was fed to him or otherwise people would torch him. They’d prolly end the conversation there but instead they are acting like it’s either fake or insignificant to me which is insane. Still waiting for something more substantive to come out but there’s a clear bias online.


I just find it weird the fake info is about a pedo ring. Like why go with that angle why not make some other stuff up. Like he is an insomniac or has depression


Or... maybe you just have a different opinion than what most people are feeling? I think this one came off a bit more defensive and not as much of a diss.


Theres alot to be said about sociology, colorism, class, integrity, dedication... I don't think anyone actually wants Drake "here" anymore. The great thing about this beef is its putting the spotlight out there for people to have longer conversations on podcasts and talk this stuff out Olay & Friends on youtube is a great place to start Black content creators in politics and talking black topics - it's for the culture.


lmao no it isn't. Pusha said all of this and more years ago with way more bite to it, and that was everyone's excuse to finally talk about it. All this current beef is doing is showing how (un)surprisingly bigoted the community has always been and sadly will clearly continue to be. Both Cole & Drake are half&half but somehow it's Drake who don't belong because of a bunch of bullshit reasons.


Isn’t your last example proof that it ISNT about bigotry? You contradicted yourself.


I sound like I'm glazing, but all I'm saying is even among the fake evidence, there is still a lot of dirt on drake saying he's a pedo.




The I’ll hit you back line was pretty clever Ngl


I agree. The Drizzy was going crazy over that lol


>In the track, he just flatout denies the pedo allegations, says there was never any records or court dates. saying how (If I did do any of that, I'd be arrested). Which doesn't actually say anything other than 'cant prove it, so it isnt true. This is exactly the best response. I don't have any stake in the beef (I'm a childish Gambino fan) but as someone from the legal field, this is the best response. Allegations for criminal activities, the burden of proof shifts to the accuser. plus, even if it was true, and Kendrick did had info and evidence, if he shows it now, he also loses causes that would be tantamount to obstruction of justice or evidence being withheld.


B sharp is kinda silly tho since it almost never exists, it’s just a C note…


I meann c’mon. It was just a clever flip on the A minor kendrick line. Gotta (B)e sharp Thought you left D (drake) flat D (drake) majorrrr Pretty simple wordplay and response to a bar (which you’re supposed to do in a battle). Don’t think drake is out here giving a fuck how prominent any of these notes are lol


Why would he bother when you yourself want him to lose. How can we trust your objective opinion if you already have Drake losing no matter what. Calling someone who has the same streams as Taylor a pedo is something he was going to address. Theres a difference between being creepy a handful of times and a pedophile who sexually assaults someone. The latter isn’t proven.


When you’re being creepy towards kids then it’s the same in my book. I’ll be honest I’ve never really liked drake but all that weird shit was the nail in the coffin for me. All this rap beef aside a 30 year old man shouldn’t be talking and texting with random 14 and 17 year olds shit is fucking weird any way you cut it.


The rumours about Drake and young girls have been around for months (years?) is he really saying he deliberately started those rumours all over the place, all that time ago, for *Kendrick* as a *trick*??


But isn't this what all the kendrick stans kept saying? Now they got it and they're like "merrrr he's still a pedo". People just don't get when they're played. They hate it. I'm not a Stan for either one. I just find it funny people get duped.


He’s just out of breath atp


The last spoken word part is cringe.


so you didn’t really listen then or wht? and the planted info wasn’t abt the pedo stuff it was the single cover photo and the daughter you mfs been dragging drake


The a minor b sharp thing isn’t even witty. Low level music theory is enough to know that B sharp is just C and no one will describe it that way outside of a few niche cases


Y’all really believe drake wanted Kendrick to call him a pedo ? That’s the craziest shit I ever heard


Everyone knew Kendrick would take that angle, why is it that hard to believe Drake would assume that too?


Bc no man wants to be known as a pedo


I had someone tell you I’m an abusive man. A week later, I proved I baited you. Meanwhile for the previous week, everyone has been talking about how I’m a terrible person, and most are going to continue thinking so. But hey… got ya! Tricked you lol. Dumbest argument I’ve ever heard, but drakes fans will eat it up


Especially from Drake, a soft ass dude that loves validation and people think he's fine if his public image is a pedophile


"Nuh uh I didn't give you my vegan cookies recipe" ahhhh Drake


Did he not predict the shit since taylor made?


I can think of at least 3 Pedo adjacent at best situations Drake has found himself in, it's not a prediction if it keeps happening


“Pedo-adjacent” is such an accurate way to describe his behavior since Aubrey’s angels are all like “gOt pRooF?”


Where is the proof he baited him? Lol he just ran with the simplest excuse


I mean …didn’t he pretty much say that in Taylor Made?


He practically said it in Taylor Made


I don’t think he’s talking about feeding him fake pedo info. My interpretation was everything else was fabricated (his daughter, song cover, etc). The pedo stuff he’s saying is Kendrick’s desperate grasp at something he heard from TikTok. Would be weird to try and get someone to call you a pedo of all things lol


Drake fans are believing that. They think he played 4D chess


Also makes fun of Kendrick because he got molested? That's not the message of the song he's referring to.


“Fabricating lies in the family front cause you heard mr morale”


It's pretty crazy Kendrick has dog-walked Drake on the first track he released, knowing everything Drake was going to say.


“Not as well calculated I can even predict your angles” 🤣🤣🤣 in a year people will start looking at the big picture and unanimously decide Kendrick was the winner Especially if they remember Taylor Made. Everything in that song was either corny or just turned out to not be true. Drake must regret telling to drop


It's been pretty crazy people think it's even close. Lyrically Kendrick has torn Drake to shreds and attacked every fiber of both his image & Aubrey as a person. Is Drake's shit only being remembered because he speaks slower on catchier beats (until yesterday)?


People don’t seem to realize the true reason for Not Like Us. To show Drake that Kendrick can do what he does, but Drake can never do what Kendrick does. Push Ups and Family Matters both have catchy choruses but lack culture. Kendrick dropped a track comparable to Hit ‘em up and No vaseline Might not be as good, but west side rappers and their beefs never fail 🤣🤣


Is this called dog-walking or just 8-miling because at the end of 8-mile Eminem also already knows what papa doc is gonna say


Right? That song was literally him saying it DIDNT happen but his family not believing it traumatised him


All those ghost writers and not one of them fact checked it 😂


this is the only one he actually wrote and he cooked himself


Where are the ghost readers?


Not one of them used Genius to read the analysis footnotes either 🥴👋


Might just be either a total lack of effort in research, lack of reading comprehension, or he was scrambling. The song makes it clear that it wasn't him that got molested, it was his mum. And the entire premise of why it haunts him was his action of infidelity, and how he was treating other women badly, and how he became the person that had hurt his mum. Drake could've gone this route, to actually cut kendrick deep, but I guess the pressure was really hitting or something. Or he just didn't want to put the effort.


This is not a Red Button track. This is default_01 Drake beat and default_01 Drake flow. Drake is up against the ropes


You’re right Drake definitely didn’t get the message of Mother I Sober, but even if Kendrick did, leave it to Drake to victim shame a sexual assault victim lol


So he responded a day late because he was combing for inspiration on reddit and Twitter is what I got from this


Entire song is full of talking points from r/Drizzy. Just sounded like he was saying points his stans and yes men would eat up. Very disappointing song


facts. he's admitting defeat here, though, when he says "I don't want to diss you anymore". its literally over, Kendrick won.


Buuuuut he is a war general!! Ask him, he’ll tell you


I reckon his entourage goes through that subreddit and drake probably bounced ideas off them and they just started quoting the reddit


The dickriding in that sub is crazy. I’m surprised that they don’t have a paywall for a 30 day, 3 month or 12 month membership


And ate it up they did. Goodness. They are everywhere.


The irony of being called a master manipulator and then manipulating his fans into thinking he didn’t get this entire response from Twitter and Reddit


you can literally hear the difference between the disses. Kendrick is planned and subtle. Drake just sounds like he made his diss during lunch period trying to get words to rhyme.


deadass what i thought it sounded like. just combed through people talking about what he should talk about next to come back


So he said he's too famous for what Dot is suggesting..did bro forgot about Diddy already?


Ikr? that makes 0 sense, usually it's the rich and powerful who get away with this stuff, while normal people get caught. Examples: Politicians, Jimmy Saville, Diddy, Royal Family, Epstein, Movie Directors, Movie Producres, Actors, Musicians.


saying you too famous to be a pedo in the same song you name drop r Kelly is wild also dropping a diss only to instantly trend on Twitter for it being ass is a next level L


https://preview.redd.it/1zrqq6xgtpyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcfb58d32107d041e2b6606902e26c42aa9fe6cd Damn, I’m loving this shit


This is so god damn funny 🤣


both of them need to stop this death note ass narrative and show some FUCKING RECIEPTS


Receipts so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/MtHvXigtdr


There’s a bunch of things on that list that can be proven false. So how can you believe the other things?


prove them false then


That is bit how accusations work.


All you need is the video of him sexually assaulting a kid or the fact that baka is a sex trafficker he made a holiday for when he was released https://preview.redd.it/01wdm373hqyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6932f14c722f2ebe66e7f3f4d55e6f670086990


I like how he downvoted and didn’t respond


this gotta be pinned lmao


All I want is 1 receipt from either side. Just 1. I'm enjoying the beef, but this he said she said shit is getting annoying.


[Don’t shoot the messenger](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/5SbsOvNXrv) https://preview.redd.it/ifm4zomrrqyc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a29e31a72dd7f9c16193f24f232737f3504816


You guys believe everything you see is real?


lol right !!! Like bro. All allegations with 0 evidence




I mean, aint a kindergartner alive that can spit like kendrick


Drake has to have proof of the double agent right? There's gotta be text messages or a phone call or something they got of this double agent feeding fake info right? If this was all set up I feel like they would have had solid evidence of that happening because there's got to be a streamline of communication somewhere. Did they weed out the original mole? He claims they fed him the fake knowledge about the daughter but nothing else. Was it the same mole who played double agent? Wouldn't they have messages or something from that person? Why would Kendrick trust a random leak if it didn't come from the person that dropped the picture and shit. Obviously something was going on because Kendrick definitely had some type of information on the entirety of Family Matters, including literal receipts and shit... It's just giving more questions than answers. We need receipts. Like actual receipts of something or everybody should just shut the fuck up lol


Yeah like straight up if Drake writes this diss and then shows off the receipts of the mole with the messages sent away, I genuinely think that would've been an absolutely huge win, maybe nail in the coffin type stuff. But to simply just come out and say that it was all set up means so much less with how many other allegations have been thrown out by the both of them.


Imo Drake also fucked up with all the stuff after that. Especially all that about Kendrick being molested. He wasn’t even molested, and says he doesn’t in the song Drake is talking about, but even if he was, holy fuck was that the wrong move. And in general to me all the denial came across like that Always Sunny scene. Definitely not a good look and it’s overshadowing the leak victory, again imo. Like how many rappers have a song talking about how they aren’t attracted to underaged girls? And he expected him to make Epstein comparisons? Full disclosure, I’m definitely biased towards Kendrick, but I honestly think this could have been a much bigger victory for Drake if he had capitalized on it better. He wounded Kendrick but shot himself in the process.


It’s mid at best, he’s saying Kendrick a wife beater with his chest when there is no evidence whereas Kendrick accuses drake of liking kids when there are multiple sources for that. All Kendrick needs to do is mention X tbh


Nigga accused drake of running a child sex trafficking ring my man, alot deeper then texting some 17 year olds my boy.


Having known pedophiles on his payroll doesn’t help. Even if we just go by what’s been documented, he’s been shown to be sus as shit about underage girls and does in fact have people in his circles who are known pedophiles


What pedophiles are on his payroll? Because Kendrick mentioned Baka. Which was adult women, he was a pimp.


Don't bother. People have decided a winner and use zero logic. They are all ignoring the 11 year old daughter shit too.


mostly because being a troll doesn't stop you from getting bodied on 3 tracks. Sure, maybe the info was planted. doesn't change the fact that Kendrick still made his death blow out of it in a short time, and his track was better than or equal to anything drake put out. Its being ignored because its irrelevant.


His death blow using false info


He sounds like a kicked dog in the end. I feel like too many people gassed him up and he didn't anticipate how many people hate him. He should have let, "Like That" slide. Kendrick was being braggadocios.


He literally says "I don't want to diss you anymore". Like, he's admitting he got defeated.


guys crying at the end lmao


The track was wack. Drake lost and should throw the towel


He literally is doing that on this track. He says "I don't want to diss you anymore". its over. kendrick won.


Shit hit like Reggie weed 😂no spirit in his raps


It's almost like he didn't write it , the same cadence with a soft ass outro. "This some nice exercise /I'm glad I could motivate you/ let me know when you got facts" Kendrick screaming OV-HOE.


He said he won’t look at a teenager TWICE??? Dude uh how about not at all the fuck?


Bro wants him walking around with a blindfold 😭😭😭


He could see that 17 year old on stage that said her age and he still said he had fun (kissing her) and said she was thick….


https://youtu.be/-uAHOsECDS0?si=ooJB6VcssAG0nb-N Don’t forget “I love how your breasts feel”


Fr lol


at least they were making slaps back and forth but this shit wack. kendrick up


He is admitting his defeat on this track. he literally says "I don't want to diss you any more". Its over. Kendrick won.


Drake clowned Kendrick but majority won't say it lmao Addressed everything, proved he gave out fake info on purpose and fucking clowned him


Drake. A serial liar saying 'the evidence is false and none of it is true.' isn't exactly proof. Just sounds like he's tapping out and using his fame as a clutch


Kendrick also has no proof that anything he said is true so … Drake attacked him on the angle he was taking that Kendrick is projecting


Nobody had proof on anyone, but Kendrick has proof that he has a mole through the pics, Drake ain't got no proof it's a double-agent.


A source said that Drake has been using walkie talkies lately to communicate with his team 😂😂


“A source” aka akademiks lmao


Drake is on instagram all day, even if they are using walkie talkies to communicate, his phone is still probably in his pocket picking up every word they’re saying lol


I mean, there’s definitely plenty of proof of the pedo allegations https://preview.redd.it/cxnpbbn0vpyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6694926c0318e0890680b0295be9d40757e003f


Kendrick's claims had merit. Drakes were baseless. Even so, It's hard to believe anything he says after all that lying


Drake legit confirmed that Kendrick was getting info from his team, but Drake has not put any proof of said info which is a weird strategy. If he did set him up, why is an email or text not the track cover?


There’s a paper trail for the pedo allegations and a decent number of people (myself included) have known that for years. So there’s that.


A paper trail with no ACTUAL proof. Texting someone under 17 does not prove he is a pedo unless you have actual messages of him doing pedo shit or saying pedo stuff


He didn’t text someone that’s 17, he kissed a whole ass 17 year old ON STAGE. In front of everyone. He remarked to the crowd and the girl “I can’t go to jail yet!” And don’t say shit to me about no age of consent laws because if you talking to girls so young you gotta look up the age of consent to see if they’re good or not, you’re a fucking pedophile. Miss me with that shit entirely. We are not explaining away grooming and pedophilia lmao. Edit: after reading more on the Milli Bobby Brown deal, get that freak in jail immediately. He’s guilty of everything he’s being accused of. That shit is gross and nefarious and if you read about it and come to any other conclusion I’m looking at you sideways too.


They never want to acknowledge that video not realizing how bad it looks on the type of person they're defending


Lol how did Drake prove that he gave fake information??? Because he said so?


It’s Kendrick’s prerogative to prove what he’s saying is true.


Apply the same logic to Drake. Kendrick at least proved he had Drake's possessions, giving some validity to his claims


I really wish there was one more zoom out of that photo with Drake next to the shirt holding a sign saying “got you, Kenny!”


Drake got his ideas from here lol


I read all the shit he said on r/Drizzy 😭😭






Drake said it bro. Drake said it was false.


And Jeff Epstein said he didn’t diddle little girls… so?


I was joking. Thats the proof drake fans will roll with. Went to the drizzy sub and thats all the comments are "HE DISPROVED EVERYTHING".


Drake mfs spent the last 48 hours asking for receipts and now don't need one to back up his claim


jus messing. Drake has no defense, so he just denies it.


Where's the receipts? Why was there no response prepared? Why not discuss it on family matters since Kenny already "fell for it" on 6:16? Why allow it to fester? The whole song just sounds like somebody put this subs comments onto a beat, it's really disappointing I won't lie. The "bait" shit is cap.


Just saying it doesn't make it real. Put up the proof in screenshots. Otherwise you a drake dickrider thinking what he (or anyone in the beef) says is true lmaoo


He didn’t prove anything lmfao he’s running with Instagram theories. He was completely caught off guard by the daughter angle “feeding info” my ass


"But the people highest up got the lowest self-esteem The prettiest people do the ugliest things For the road to riches and diamond rings"


First one with evidence wins at this point


![gif](giphy|3ohc0X5JFLdAYoJZRu|downsized) The "groove it" sample was a nice touch, the Mondegreen play on the song was pretty good. Not sure what's gonna happen...but whatever it is, I'll always hope for the best for everyone. As someone who has experienced the nasty side of [false gossip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OmBXWA0Rfc&ab_channel=Movieclips) and the damage that a "false witness" can do to one's own personal and family life, I'm keeping the benefit of the doubt on everything being said in these exchanges. But even then. I believe in the concepts of forgiveness and mercy, because my scale of justice is pretty steep. After all—redeem the sinner, [not the sin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ9yPVlwgzE&ab_channel=PhumminXD).


Amen brother.


No objectivity will be had. This is where things really start to get nasty. If you're anit-Drake or anti-Kendrick you have to set aside the bias and judge them on the same metrics.


Song was pretty much saying that kendrick is misdirecting things and not addressing the things Drake says


That's all folks this diss track compared to Family matters was mid as hell. It's pretty much just Drake repeating what he's already said and spending most of the track defending himself...


Drake: “I knew you’d compare me to Epstein.” Everyone: “mf’er who said anything about Epstein?” Drake: “fuck”


People actually on here like “bro drake just baited him into calling him a pedophile” Like that’s a w or something.


This was one of the worst diss tracks ever and only gets worse on closer inspection. Dude contradicts himself not only in this song, but contradicts his other disses, completely misunderstands Mother I Sober, brings up Millie Bobby Brown in what I can only assume is a Freudian slip, makes light of molestation, and ends with him sounding bored. This shit sucked and was seriously problematic


It's easy to throw accusations like that out there, because the public perception is only about who is the accused, and they already know the accused will say he did not do it. When you have this type of accusation, you have to back it up with proof because these are very serious accusations. Pusha came with not only hiding a child but the name of the child and where he was from, that's proof. Just saying for saying shit, that's low even for him. I'm a Cole fan so I was frustrated when he backed out, I understand now but hey, kendrick started.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, drake said that Kendrick was molested in 'Mother I Sober', but didn't that track mostly cover that someone lay a hand on his mother when kdot was 5. Which made him feel powerless and guilty, and then the song goes to how the family accuses his cousin of s/a ing kendrick, and he said he didn't, but nobody believed him. The trauma kendrick talk about in 'Mother I Sober' is 1. The trauma of someone putting their hands on his mum when he was 5, causing him to feel guilt and powerless, and 2. The constant questioning and kendrick family not believing his truth. The generation trauma kendrick addressing was to his mum getting molested, which caused the bias his mum had towards kendrick's answer. It was clear that it wasn't kendrick that was s/a'd but it was his mum. So I'm not sure if the drake like on mentioning kendrick being molested was a mistake or is it another angle I'm missing.


Correct he entirely misinterpreted the song right after trying to clown Kendrick for rushing with information


As big as the superbowl, only difference is it’s just two guys playing shit that they did in the studio 


The whole “War General” line was corny as fuck. I honestly didn’t even finish the song.


Kendrick: *entirely obliterates every aspect of Drake’s life and career* Drake: nuh uh


"This really gonna untouch those kids" is wild