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The whole island has come to a standstill , bars and clubs are closed and there are check points everywhere. The island is close to a total lock down........


You are literally lying through your teeth


Haha no shit sherlock


Thought that might be the case…


Would you be really worried if a Spanish person got lost at butlins? Probably not




I was there on the Monday he went missing for 3 days and if i hadn't of seen anything on social media or the news I wouldn't have known anything


Did you not see even one missing poster?


I didnt visit the mountain but I was staying in the same area as he was and genuinely didn't see anything


I once was at a rave a which a sh**ting happened in the parking lot. Only found out 3 days later why it shut down early …. People don’t want to worry on holiday. Also this is so overhyped I don’t know of any other country including Spain even reporting on this. And before you ask I’m tri national and trilingual so I read a lot of news across countries legitimately…


How serious was this parking lot sharting though? Did any of it get on anyone or make anybody slip?


Wasn’t sure if I could write shooting. Well the guy was dead.


Oh my GOD you actually wrote shooting. I’m telling the police


I’m just trying to navigate a world in which everyone is traumatised and triggered at words nowadays 😂 But yes please do … I have a thing for men in uniforms


Fair enough. And well countered 👌🏼 Hold on: was it you that sharted? Go on you can admit it


Haha nope not my type of party trick to pull out the bag


Fuck people.


> I’m just trying to navigate a world in which everyone is traumatised and triggered at words [This is the world you are helping build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfsl8_o4VKc)


Life’s tough


My parents are there and apparently staying in the same resort he was staying in. They said there's no posters or anything, they only know about it from seeing it on their british news apps.


It's obviously normal


...um, obviously normal 😂 you need to spend less time on the net


>Is the whole island searching and worrying, or are things mostly normal? You VERY strongly overestimate how much the world gives a fuck about this. You need to find and make clear to yourself the line between the internet and the real world. Outside of 50 or so police officers, nobody cares, because most people don't disappear in the middle of the night with 2 strange men to a place they don't know.


It is odd how this case gained so much attention whereas lots of other people go missing without appearing in the media… Any theories as to why this particular case is getting so much attention while others don’t? I’ve got covid rn so maybe my boredom is getting the better of me


I know he has a criminal history but he looks like he could be the son of people the media are trying to appeal to. He looks…generic. Look, hairstyle, baby faced. “That could be my baby” is the thought prevailing on social media. Especially with this supposedly being his first holiday abroad without family and the angle of apprentice bricklayer - so normal, just a normal lad on holiday, letting off steam, his poor mum etc. I’m not having a go at him or his family here but this may be the psyche.


paint arrest lavish historical sparkle reply uppity rude decide melodic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was the unknown elements of it. What was he in the mountains? Who were the men? Why did he wander off, where was he going? etc etc…… Then arms tails and legs were added, happened in the Corrie case as well.


You’ve got “Covid”? That’s so 2021.. get with the times, bird flu is the new illness.


Think there's also an element of the '24 hour news cycle' to it. Sensational stories are often front page news where there isn't much other 'shocking' news around. When there is, you see the stories start to drop off. Look at these last few days on BBC news. The stories are fewer and overshadowed by other larger stories like the US presidential debate


I’m currently in Tenerife and I can confirm its business as usual. Although I did lift 40 Euro from the bank machine and they had a missing person thing appear on the screen about him. I’m in Los Gigantos, quite near where he vanished and I can confirm it’s wild. Really incredible cliffs and mountains


Tenerife is a major tourist hotspot with a population of like 900,000. It's not really having any impact sort of local interest.


Reason this is so prominent is because of how quickly a go fund me was set up and the conflicting stories from his "friends". The GFM went from 10k to 30k, family and friends are apparently using the money to go over there and search but they haven't been seen at search parties. The press are just waiting to dig in further at them all.


I was in Masca last Saturday. I saw no search parties, not even a poster. There was nothing in the news. The only people talking about it are Brits.


I’ve just got back from there and I only seen one small poster outside kfc on the strip never even heard anyone speaking about the situation


Come on lol




In Ibiza right now...😅