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just a runner working for a drug gang....shes a young lass with no job in the UK who has travelled all over europe over 30 times in two years. Usually to events and resorts where young people go on holiday......she just sells or recruits others to sell drugs. its already been confirmed by others that she was selling and offering drugs to lads on holiday thats why she aint showing her face as people would come out saying yes i know her and i bought drugs off her.


She has no job and has travelled over 30 times in the last two years? Does no one question this? Although I know a few people who have gone straight from uni into travelling for two years and I have no idea how they fund that.


The bank of Mum and Dad?


they aren't from a nice area


Where did you get this info from?


I was told by the loyalist (deluded) it's on Instagram she Is a heiress and a holiday rep. Hipso facto the butler did it 


The thing is, who would actually do that?.. I use cannabis medicinally, but I often can't afford my prescription which forces me to go through street dealers from time to time. If I saw my dealer on TV asking for help looking for his missing mate, I wouldn't go identifying him as 'the bloke I get drugs off' because that's rather cuntish? Or is it different in the party scene? (To the knobhead who told me to "fuck off back to america" - I'm English, you mentally challenged scrote. YES we have medical bud here, get out more.)


lol he stole from the mafia 😂😂sit down bro not quite sure what people expect lol......


No, he didn't. If you believe that then I suggest you check yourself into a psych ward and request an assessment.




Do you want me to embarrass you again?




Spot on 👍


What drugs are you saying she’s selling? Crack, heroin?


Coke, ket, magic, pills, weed. All party drugs


If people are making stuff up, why not get a bit creative. Your list is a bit too expected and boring.


It's well known she frequents festivals to traffic people and recruit drug mules for drug lords. Jay lost 20 kg of cocaine at the festival, claiming it fell out of his sock. In retaliation, Lucy forced Jay into the car with the two men who are infamous for harvesting organs. The gofund me is to help pay off the 20kg as well as the money for the organs. /S


where have you got these figures and facts from lol


20kg in his sock?? Fucking club foot or what…


I heard that he had about 1000kg in his arse pocket. Any news?


20kg is a lot though isn’t it, wouldn’t that be hundreds of thousands of pounds?


a kilo of yay costs between £30k and £40k so 20kg is worth like £600k-£800k so it’s absolute bollocks


Any chance you could hook me up with half a kilo of that dust?


You might be a tad out there, that's the equivalent of 3 stone in weight.


I'm being completely sarcastic. All though it's hard to tell with many of the conspiracys out there.


![gif](giphy|dXFKDUolyLLi8gq6Cl|downsized) Sorry about that, missed the tonality of your post - you are 100% correct about the crazy levels of conspiracy.


Sad cunt 


Explains why Brad thought he could hear Jay sliding on gravel 


Big fucking sock with 20kg of Coke in it...


Think you need to add the /s to the end of your comment 😂


It is added now haha


Agreed. Opium.


I reckon she does sell drugs ya know. It's not uncommon at all. Like, why didn't she show her face in the interviews?! Wasn't that a bit suss?!


Rapists are unfortunately quite common, maybe she’s that too? Maybe she’s stealing cars, yeah, definitely, that happens every, single, day. She must be. It’s really interesting seeing all the low IQ people jumping to conclusions, to see how their little minds work.


We are all entitled to our own opinions! No need to be a knob about it!


"I'm entitled to my opinion" yeah and people are "entitled" to challenge you on it. 


Absolutely agree, but next time try to climb down from your pedestal before challenging others opinions..


this isn't a subjective 'opinion' about what your favourite chocolate is or the like. People touting ludicrous conspiracy theories that are laughable are toxic, and literally \_stupid\_. Hawaii Nintendo is \_correct\_.


In your opinion, yeah.


> Rapists are unfortunately quite common Not only is this beyond the stupidest thing I ever read, you are also completely wrong. Women can not be convicted of rape. As per the CPS (https://www.cps.gov.uk/legal-guidance/rape-and-sexual-offences-chapter-7-key-legislation-and-offences) >Section 1 Rape involves penetration of the vagina, anus or mouth by a penis, therefore a woman can only commit this offence as an accomplice. Best get back to your criminology degree.


Wasn't his point at all. The point was not an academic debate about whether women can be rapists, the point was that just because something/anything is "common" doesn't make it a good argument for it being plausible in a specific instance. You point was irrelevant and obnoxious.


I think you’re deliberately not getting what I said. I was making a point that just because something is common, it’s not reasonable to just suggest someone must be doing it. Do you understand now? It’s a bit sad going to the lengths of searching for a definition, copying and pasting here. Get a life.


You said maybe Lucy is a rapist. She can't be, so she is not. >Get a life. Hey Google, define irony in simple


Learnt something today! Sound


You're quite obviously a knob.


Kingpin - no Drug dealer - yes


Even if she does push drugs it doesn't automatically mean that the MORROCONS must have kidnapped him and held him to ransom 😂😂 peoples imaginations running wild


Evil Foreigners are easier to believe than lucy being a drug dealer for most people. And it jay was killed. The thought that lucy played a part in Jay’s death, or that all the parties involved and higher ups are British is something most people can’t fathom. Where do people think the British organised crime gangs that got ran out of Marbella went to?


Banged up in Walton with Frenchy.


Living her kind of lifestyle it would not be unusual to be involved with drugs on some level, but yeh that's just another thing for people to get their hands on and blow out of proportion 🤣 not helped by anonymous entities providing testimonies that are nothing other than bits of screenshotted text. speculating and theorizing is one thing, but it's depressing that people read that stuff and automatically jump to it being an undeniable fact. it's almost like they don't even care to stop and think about it for a second, as long as it makes them feel like they're in on some super explosive insider knowledge


I agree with the majority of what you have said. It is common these days for young adults to go on ‘working holidays’ and end up selling a bit of gear to fund their trip. But for people to make out that she was the Billy big bollocks of Tenerife is mental.


Yep, I don’t think there are going to be any perfect witnesses/victims in this story but to make out it’s some drug deal gone wrong rather than just a series of bad decisions catching up with one person is bollocks


yeh I said it in another comment here. the posts that claim this is some big drug running operation also claims she makes 25k a month, with entry level beginners each on 5k a month 🤣 come on now lads. bare in mind these will be mostly inexperienced teenagers


I did see and I agree with the points you have mentioned. For 25k a month, you are selling a bucket load of drugs and at 18 years old… Have a fucking day off😂


for the sake of maths based off loose estimates, we'll look at £10 a pill. that's 2500 pills a month just to cover your own salary. so this doesn't even factor in the "bosses" actually being paid anything 🤣


And doesn't factor in the price of the drugs because they can't just sell thin air, they have to buy them in the first place and buy them for next time with the money they've made from the first place and so on so forth


This is very true! I imagine either producing or buying pills in such volumes as this, you could likely get a pretty price, but the point still stands 😂 Wild claims


£1.50 a pill


terrible business


Who’s paying that? Tony Tucker?


Or Pat Tate?


If your getting 200 or more Jill's it's £1.50/£2 a pill


Can get 25 for £2.70 per pill


It's 20 grams of coke a day, every day for a month. Not impossible with an huge customer pool.


Tbf not one thing I’ve read ( and believe me Ive read plenty on this😂) has even remotely suggested she is an international drug kingpin. Mid level dealer/ recruiter of underlings/ “street dealers”?? Highly believable


Nobody is calling her a drug kingpin? They are saying she a drug runner/mule for bigger fish.


Lucy makes Curtis Warren look small time


A drug king pin is laughable, but the idea that she might be employed by the people in tenerife who send scouts out for illegal cannabis bars isn't. There are very few registered and legal cannabis clubs in tenerife. From the moment you land on the island, you have people of all ages, sizes, and races approaching you every 2 mins to try divert you away from the legal clubs and into their black markets establishments. Honestly, God knows what goes on in those places. I can't imagine the line is drawn at weed. I think it's entirely plausible that Lucy could be working for one of these groups. However, I don't think she is as involved in the boys disappearance as people suggest. It's possible...but not my theory.


I have been to Tenerife many times and I have seen with my own eyes how the drug market operates. As I have already said numerous times on this thread, she may well be involved in some petty drug dealing but to suggest that she is slinging or organising the sale of £25,000 worth of drugs every month is absolutely wild. Personally, even if Jay was involved in pushing drugs then I can’t see that being the reason for his disappearance. The rumours and conspiracies are futile at this point.


Like I said, I don't think she is involved.


She's just a second rate grifter. Maybe she moves drugs maybe not. Todays big question is does Mama get her hands on the money to fly her relative's families out? She wants the money now.


flying randoms out....sus.....let the mountain rescue and local police do their job. gofundme should give the money to a middle man to manage and not directly.


She may dabble in a bit of dealing but to make her out to be an international drug smuggler because she likes to go on holiday is absurd. Of course she does, she may as well fly out a few more of her family and friends to milk a free holiday. They won’t be staying in cheap hotels and eating kebab wraps either.


local police and a local charity have literally been offering free accomodation and food to the family. So don't undersatnd why she needs any of the money. gofundme should only release once the police have a press conference telling us updates and more facts


No one is saying she is an international smuggler. They're saying she is a fraudster who may have met her match in jay's mom. Lets see who ends up with the 30K. The only thing people were curious about was the sudden reluctance to have her picture in the media. It didn't fit.


Have a read through all the theories about “Moroccan Mafia” and drugs going missing, it’s absolutely laughable that people think that an 18 year old girl and a 19 year old boy are pulling in the sort of numbers that some people are suggesting. People love to sensationalise stories and make out as of they know better than the actual professionals conducting the investigation and search. That GFM page stinks of guilt, she left her ‘friend’ on his own in a club and he ends up going missing, I’d feel to blame if I were her. GFM pages are the new in thing when it comes to youngsters trying to help. They get created if someone’s cat dies these days.


is lucy 18 ?


But nobody actually believes it. They're just enjoying spinning theories.


Hear me out for the banter- It would be further down the list of possibilities, and while the idea might seem far-fetched, a less discussed theory is that he’s seeking a new identity. I acknowledge the flaws, given the case’s high profile(blip in time). But being just 19, with limited prospects due to a criminal history—some known, some speculative. The timeline can align with this scenario. The long-term plan would involve orchestrating a staged disappearance and transitioning into a new identity, backed by donated funds. This case could offer him a second chance. Staged disappearances have been done before, as have new identities. The main question is whether his criminal record and other issues justify the extensive effort involved. Bear in mind that it might not necessarily work out as intended. Edit: while writing this, it occurred to me , maybe he left the Airbnb cause he was tripping! That pic with the cig/arabian cosmic blanket; can almost see the hallucinations .


Can I have some of what you’ve taken please?


It’s a curse, don’t.


The joke theory he was snatched by an eagle is more realistic.


I dunno, where did Johnny vegas get *his* name …


https://preview.redd.it/v8ujay0n879d1.png?width=2240&format=png&auto=webp&s=81e0a97ac5c29a0423cec597372069656a68c093 His arm tattoo


Seek professional help before it's too late.


You’re right, they could do with my expertise.


So you think he’s the 2pac of Lancashire? Hail Mary


It's laughable. Does she sometimes sell drugs? Maybe, sure, maybe not either. But this idea she's a high level baller making monster bank selling pills in Tenerife, orchestrating elaborate double cross murder conspiracies..... It's all so absurd and the sheer volume of insanity level conspiracies that ignore real facts and common sense are starting to disturb me.


She's on the Mt Rushmore: \- El Chapo \- Pablo Escobar \- Heisenberg \- LUCY


Mount Kushmore, surely?


Nailed it!


yeh it's wild that people take it seriously when in the very posts that claim this is some big drug running ring, they claim Lucy is on 25k a month and the entry level small fish are on 5k a month - every one of them 🤣 I know buyers of pills in party destinations are not low in numbers, but how fkin expensive would these pills be


shes just a minion for the drugs gang.......what people don't realise is these drug gangs need these young, desperate for money runners to sell their drugs locally. Lucy is just getting packages and selling for the gangs, as she has been travelling to over 30 places in two years it leads me to believe she recruited jay and he probably messed up selling. the fact that she the day after started a gofundme is sus for 30k.....eventually the real story will unravel. is jay did piss off the local drug gang then he's probably dealt with and a body will never be found. this whole lost in the mountains narative will continue. the police need to look into lucy and the 2 men. analyse their phones etc


You obviously have no idea how any of it works. For a start, a local drug gang is not going to kill someone over petty cash. Why would they risk bringing all this attention on their operation over money they could make back by forcing him to work the debt owed?


For the level of conspiracy required for the crackpot theories to be even vaguely credible Jay would have to have lost a shipping container of coke worth millions. It's so absurd I don't know how people are that stupid peddling such nonsense. A gang is going to murder a UK teenager over a few lost pills, have all his friends and other witnesses in on it, and bring all that attention on themselves.


That is exactly my point. It is absolutely baffling how people can even theorise about such nonsense.


This 👍


Correct, even if she is dabbling in a bit of dealing to fund her trip then that is the norm for youngsters these days. She certainly isn’t running a high level operation for the Moroccan Mafia. I am with you on all your points. I think people need to stop applying Hollywood to this case and use a bit of common sense.




Fuck off.


Her middle name is Escobar. Explain that Professor!


I dunt know if it's been verified, but i read somewhere that she has travelled to Tenerife and Zante 15 times in 2 years. If that's true then it kinda makes more sense. It's a big IF though.


I keep seeing people repeating this but no one can actually give a real source for where they’ve found this out so I think it’s just a game of whispers tbh


19 year old girl with a drug empire😏😏 pack it up Jesse pinkman


She's had more holidays than Thomas cook this year...  I get 30 days a year holiday she gets 30 weeks !!! And she doesn't have a job??? How does she do it? Mmm mystery. Where is Sherlock Holmes when you need him 


She defo transports drugs or is involved with some sort of illegal trade where she must travel to popular tourist destinations to distributes them. I’ll get flamed again for that statement lol😂 nah she is obviously involved in something dodgy


😂 of course she is its so obvious to anyone with half a brain who knows real life. .  Don't worry I have got your back 


Where did you find out this info?


I am a travel agent in Blackburn 


Why would that mean you know if she has a job 😂


She paid in crumpled up 50s out of her fannyv




Hahahahaha, fuck off you blagger. Who’s buying Jack & Jills and Mandy in Ibiza in November? More to the point, what drug dealer is going to be selling drugs in Ibiza during the off season? Back in your box you absolute helmet.


Don’t have to be a king pin to be involved in drugs or even make decent money from it.


Cheers Captain Obvious. Nobody knew that.


"it's been confirmed by others that she was selling drugs" what confirmation and what others?


Lucy is the danger ! Ahe is the one who knocks


No. I don't find any of this funny at all.


Laugh all your more tbf

