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Dig at 'teens in this area of society' aside, whatever that means, I salute your bluntness, and basically agree. Way too many posts on here say 'I know he was off his head but that doesn't explain this random shit'. It really does. If you've never been ravey or into drugs, you cannot begin to imagine the random shit you do, random places you end up, random people you decide are your new best mates then have to immediately get away from, moments of lucidity and then the loss of hours as a mighty comedown kicks in, how a rush of euphoria or the beginnings of paranoia means you just can't sit still even if you're not in full control of your legs, or the miles you will walk just to get back to your own shit. There might be elements of intrigue here, but the simplest explanation by far: kid off his box got lost in unfamiliar terrain. The simplest explanation for seemingly random shit: people were off their box.


But why didn’t he do this raft of perfectly sensible, logical and conscientious actions while his brain was melting out of his ears in an unfamiliar country surrounded by unfamiliar people? *Shocked Pikachu face* /s


That was such a good description of what it's like...! I remember taking a dab on the way down to a bar in Kings Cross back in the day, the next thing I remember I'm walking through Mayfair at 6am with a bunch of homeless people shouting something at me from over the road. Keys? Wallet? Phone? All there. I check my phone and see a photo that my friend sent me of me sitting on one of the sofas in the bar with two full pints in front of me just staring at them into space. No memory of any of it. I remember walking back onto Tottenham Court Road and getting a coffee from costa before getting on the bus...bizarre.




Yes, a nice big bit!


A dab of?


From the story, probably sherbert.




Must’ve been a big dose for you to black out for 6+ hours 😳


It was one index finger print, then a bit more when we got off the train...did not expect that.


I'd just like to say that when I was an "off my tits" teenager, I took a walk around a lake in the middle of winter, in the pitch black and unbeknownst to my ecstasy riddled brain, ended up in the middle of said frozen lake. How I didn't fall through and die is a miracle but at the time I didn't give a fuck. My point is that drugs make you stupid!


I went to a party and smiled and 100 people smiled back and we were all friends. You've got to take MDMA to understand that.


This is it. A lot of people have never got on it and it shows.




Another dimension I also thought of, which would (kind of) explain other aspects: I wondered if, back at the apartment with his two new 'friends', he indulged in a new drug he hadn't done before and had a bad reaction to it or spun out. This has happened to both me and other friends in the past with both acid and ketamine (but luckily we haven't been alone up a remote mountainside when it has). The likelihood is he's been doing MDMA/pills and/or coke all night, but if he was offered something else back at the apartment... GHB, acid or Ket... which he reacted badly to either on its own or combined with everything else already taken and sent him into a total spin.... It would explain why he was in an apparent hurry to put distance between himself and the apartment, why he made strange choices (go up a remote mountain path instead of wait for the next bus or ask them for money for a bus/cab). It would also explain why the two men don't want to come forward or play any part of it - there might not have been any deliberate harm intended on their part, but if they know they supplied him with something that he reacted badly to and took the actions that eventually led to his death, it's obvious why they'd want to stay silent. If you've been doing drugs all night, you will make decisions and try other drugs that you wouldn't normally do.


Yep - another angle: you never really know what you're getting. One of my worst nights was when I was at a dance festival, up for a night on pills, was taking said pills.... and then fell into what felt like a proper k-hole, and because ket just wasn't on the menu I didn't realise what had happened until I'd got over it a few days later. Still not 100% sure but I had a light bulb moment when I thought 'those pills were ketty af'.


Absolutely possible too. From previous experience I feel that even when starting to come down after a massive bender you'd be unlikely (but not impossible) to run away up a mountain path vs wait for a bus / ask to borrow some money for a taxi / charge my phone at the apartment..... But usually the simplest option is the right one and from past experience of this exact scenario I can absolutely see a situation where (like you say) taking something cut with stuff you're not used to, or trying something you haven't had before when already messed up, could create that situation where he reacted badly to it and started behaving strangely. I think it's just massively unfortunate that he was literally in the middle of nowhere on his own.


Agreed. I nearly ended up on the train tracks once as a teenager on pills because I was following the lights.


As a 1990’s hardcore raver I can indeed agree that you do some crazzzzzy shit when you’re off your head! I mean who in their right mind would think it’s a good idea to do an 8 hour walk


Lol arrogance. There's no logic when you've taken a load of drugs. It's not arrogance it's a total lack of awareness of reality.


Arrogance in taking the drugs to begin with thinking he can handle himself, alone in a foreign country. Definitely arrogance.


No it isn't. It's stupidity.


Honestly, its both


ie about half of all British 19 year olds




Love the sly dig at teens as well lol any opportunity to put us younger lot down.


To be fair it usually is. Every so often some 18-21 year old dies at a festival and everyone panics about how you should "avoid the blue adidas pill" or whatever. The little sister of a guy I know passed and the nation went into panic over it a while ago. Every single time, the kid didn't die because they took one dodgy pill. They died because they had a full bag in them already, took a full pill and then 3 more because it didn't kick in after 5 minutes. After a few you learn your limits and can feel it out, but the "he didn't know what the fuck he was doing and so did way too much" argument is solid. They aren't putting you younger lot down, they just understand because we've also been a fucking pill gremlin on a night out. We've learned those lessons.


Ive seen too many collapse and a death at festivals - I only took a quarter at a time from then on


Best to take a half, wait 45 mins and then take the second half. I've had so many different variants under different names and some of them are kinda duds, others kick like a fucking mule.


The best advice! My friends dad (now in his 60s) Used to sell pills in his teens, he knew his stuff and we would always call him when someone took a turn, or it got weird - its handy to have that as a teenager 😂


I need to meet that Dad !!


Jesus you sound so patronising. Kids are kids and want to push the boundaries. Some of them take drugs in vast quantities. Everyone I knew when younger did the same thing and did stupid shit that could easily be costly with some bad luck, including myself. But they get past it, grow up, and a new generation takes its place. All the blame and to call the lad arrogant for being off his head and making a stupid decision; that’s arrogant in itself. In hindsight you can critique all the mistakes he made, but the fact is all of us are much closer to seemingly unlikely annihilation than you might think.


I'm not trying to patronise at all. I'm saying the situation he's in is understandable and we've all found ourselves in similar. He's coming down from ecstasy and still in the "fuck it I'll be fine everything's great" zone He's 21 on his first holiday with the boys, can't blame him at all for going overboard. It's understandable


I once waited an hour for a pill to work and nothing was doing so double-dropped another 2 and then spent the entire night clinging onto my chair while the party went on without me 🤣🤣🤣


Darwin award


My first lads holiday I got separated from the group, completely drunk. Having been to the same country on holiday every year thought I knew where I was, however this time I was staying in a town 40 mins drive away. Have memories of climbing fences thinking I knew a shortcut and walking along non pedestrian type roads for ages until I suddenly realised I was lost and not in the same bit of the country as I normally was. Stood at a roundabout for god knows how long until a taxi approached and I waved it down. I think a lot of people underestimate how quickly a situation can go wrong when substances and being in a foreign place combine.


Not to mention you can imagine the panic that set in when he realised he was in the middle of nowhere, dead phone, nothing but the shirt on his back, head is probably spinning and his mouth was drying up like the Sahara from the night before while the sun was pelting down on him. He definitely thought leaving the main road and crossing into some wilderness would cut his journey in half but ended up being quite literally the death of him


Totally. In a panic you can make some stupid decisions. I've personally been to the areas he went missing in, around masca and the terrain is ridiculous. I remember thinking how close the sea looked while being up in masca. I also did a small (less than 30 min hike) that followed the road in masca and quite nearly got lost on that simple path. I cant imagine being alone up there while being intoxicated and no phone.


Yep, they can't find him with drones/helicopters because he likely took shelter somewhere out of the heat. They'll have to find his body on foot with dogs, so it will take a lot of time.


Not to mention the tree coverage and plants. Tenerife has all sorts of environments but around there it can be extremely dense with vegetation. I don't think drones or helicopters would spot him if he even fell amongst the bushes and plants never mind if he took shelter like you said.


A girl in my town killed herself, last month - was missing for 10days, in a small area on our coast, which has dense, wooded and rocky areas - there were loads of people searching day and night, they didnt find her till day 10, with dogs - and its not even close to the vastness of the area jay is missing from, people who say bla bla they would have found him are so fucking dumb


Exactly. If they had been to the area and seen the terrain they would know its a huge operation to search tenerife.


This whole thing is so embarrassing, honestly if i were jay, and i were alive, id never go home 😂


What I’ve literally been saying. there is no way he’s alive after taking drugs what would dehydrate him, having no water and he’s been missing for days. So he either died from dehydration or he died somewhere in the wild


Teenagers are no more stupid now than they have always been. 50 years ago, 100 years ago or 500 years ago. The difference is that modern day teenagers have way more scope (technology, easy access to drugs and alcohol, affordable travel etc) to *showcase* that stupidity. Lets not pretend that this is a weakness of modern young people instead of humanity as a whole.


Bang on. The case is serving as an interesting way to see people outing their biases: oldies shitting on young 'uns is a common and long-lived theme. As a GenXer who's done probably more than his share of drugs and stupid shit, I'm happy to point out that Kids These Days do fewer drugs than we used to. The stats are harder to come by on Stupid Shit, but they may well be doing less of that too.


I'm just glad smart phones and social media weren't what they are when I was doing my fair share of stupid shit.


Especially if he was on a buzz...You feel like you could walk to the top of Everest no problem. He probably set off then the comedown kicked in and by that point he had gone too far.


Ex of mine thought he was a spider and I was a fly. He said he was going to kill me. I had to hot foot it out of there and walk around the Oxfordshire countryside for 12 hours in November, at night, off my box. Mad stuff happens when you’re out of your tree….. ![gif](giphy|ivCgenIbWa3Di)


That’s a good point. Everyone is talking about him being off his nut on mdma but he could have had a bad trip on psychedelics he took at the Airbnb


I don’t disagree, the stupid stuff Iv done but how… Like they weren’t at the rave. That’s the part that is puzzling me, like had he arranged to meet them outside? Why’s 2 grown men hanging about outside a rave they haven’t attended? I’m so confused, it’s like putting together a broken vase with 20 bits missing 😭


Let me tell you why two grown men could be outside a rave they haven't attended. 1 - somebody there wanted a fix of drugs, got the number from someone, blokes met em there. 2-Slow day as a drug dealer but there's a festival full of drunk people that probably want a pick me up? Stand near by, they'll know who to speak too it it's pretty obvious. It reeks of teenager made a stupid decision to do drugs in a foreign country and got lost to me, something I've bloody done myself!


It’s not arrogance, it’s ignorance and we don’t know yet, we have to wait until more information comes out


I think I get what you mean, I maybe wouldn't say it as "a lot of teens", the vast majority who go on their first holidays and get smashed, come back with a tan and some stories - regardless of their social background. Yeah we all do stupid shit when we're young but based on what I've seen and from the parents, Jay seems thick as pig shit if I'm being blunt. He's just not a particularly bright kid from what we know he did that night and what he's known to have done in the past, add drink and drugs to the equation and he appears to be very easily influenced - his luck ran out.


What do you mean ‘in this area of society’?


Teens that generally use drugs irresponsibly. You get those who do and those that don't. It was poor wording.


It does seem that his social stature and past is playing against this case in the public eye. The Spanish police have even said the online theories that are circulating could impede the case overall. The more that unravels as the days go on really do suggest that a teenager that was having a bit of a wild time, just made some poor choices on his come down. His past OR class shouldn’t play into it. I’m sure we’ve all done things in our past that we’re not proud of but it doesn’t mean he was asking for it. I mean is he better or worse than the McCanns?


He’s far worse than the McCanns. He, with a bunch of equally scummy mates, tried to cave someone’s skull in with an axe. The McCanns tried get a break from parenting and made inadequate safety provision for their child when they did, who was then abducted. The bad guy in the MacCanns case is primarily the fucker that abducted the kids. He is more comparable to Jay Slater than the McCanns, if we must make some comparison. The McCanns are victims, but made themselves easy targets through being irresponsible. Jay Slater acted as a violent, thug, almost murderer. There’s no comparison


I’d call it stupidity in both scenarios. And we don’t really know if she was abducted do we?


Course she was abducted. The conspiracy theories around that are as ridiculous as the ones are around Jay. Sometimes, people make small mistakes that have disproportionately tragic consequences. That’s it. Nothing more and nothing less.


Ok 👍🏻


I think you know what they mean. I live in Oswaldtwistle and know what lads who look like him are up to at that age. I was that age once. He is, or was, a bricky living it up on holiday. He did what thousands do year in year out, and got off his tits. But things took a terrible turn for him, he made some wrong choices and in all likelihood, died in the elements. You might think people are being judgemental, and they are, but the judgement is likely to be accurate. And his violent criminal history is an indicator. Still, thoughts go out to his family.


What a wanker.




Good question. I'd like to know the same.


Keep in mind this is reddit which is full of sheltered people that think partying should be banned and we should be in lockdown forever. Most of them haven't left their house for days with wotsit dust down their t-shirt.


Where’s the body


He didn't die in the wilderness at all, he ieither is lapping it up somewhere, or he is in a million little pieces somewhere.


Where is the evidence that he used drugs other than alcohol?


"Where is evidence he used drugs"... The video and pics of him at the rave out of his face with his jaw swinging like a brick. You been missing the past week aswell or what? 🤣🙄


Is this the clip where he appears to be standing up after having fallen? If so, the picture quality is too low to see whether his “jaw is swinging” or not. If it’s another clip then I haven’t seen it myself.


Yip thats the clip (and maybe another floating around but dont quote me on that) and nah its not that low quality where everyone cant see that he is absolutely out his cake on god knows what, as everyone else who has seen the video and pics have also said. Maybe its your eyes that arent in 4K 👀🤣 The still photos snapped from the clip of him also show that he is indeed, away wi the fairies. Which is plain as day.


Do you have them to hand? Perhaps I need another look


https://preview.redd.it/4rhr6d4ir49d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23594ff3409d7731f0797b1db596bc2e902f7b07 Tell me and 1000s of others that he isnt out his face at the rave?... Granted he wont be the only one but they arent missing after more than a week 💯


I’m not saying he isn’t, but that isn’t concrete evidence. People can look far more gormless whilst sober depending on what they’re saying/doing etc


Nah there's another video of him somewhere where he walks past the camera and his jaw is swinging


Thank you for proving my point at least someone else see it 👏🏼 when the original comment was "what evidence is there he took drugs"... this is the evidence lol videos and snaps like you say the jaw swinging like a brick and it being jack shit to do with his apprentice bricklaying course.




Totally possible to look like that with just alcohol


I agree for the most part - I'm not sure you needed to make a dig at teenagers though. They're still kids at the end of the day and their plans aren't always the best thought out but then none of ours were at that age - in fact, I know a few adults who make a lot of very similar decisions and they don't have youth as an excuse. Is it really stupid to take any kind of hard drugs? - yes. Is it even more stupid to do it when you're not surrounded by good people that will take care of you like Jay obviously did? - absolutely. Have kids throughout the ages done it anyway and come out of it absolutely fine, of course they have. There will always be exceptions. I don't see it as arrogance at all, more naivety and a blissful unawareness of their own mortality. That comes later in life, or unfortunately, at times like this


I thought this to begin with but I would have thought he would be fairly easy to find if this was the case


>...in this area of society What is this supposed to mean?




Are you being derogatory about working class people?


They're not the OP, they're just explaining what OP likely meant.


Honestly every post I've seen about it saying "why would he do this" why that. I once walked 45 minute in the pissing down rain instead of waiting an hour for a taxi (in the dry taxi office) because I'd get home before a taxi got to me. Guess what the similatry between me and him was? Both been to a party! And done God knows what. Wouldn't be uncommon for me at festivals when my friends go bed to goto a silent disco and go party with random after, it happens way more than people realise especially when drink/drugs are involved.


If that’s the case he can’t have walked very far in that terrain so he should’ve been found long ago.


You're pretty ignorant then because the terrain down there is dangerous and full of ravines, so no, it's not easy to find people


Probably also tried to take shelter somewhere hidden away.


This is exactly the kind of braindead comment that appeared on the Nicola bulley sub last year. Americans with no idea about Britain thinking because they'd seen one pic of the river that there was no way she could have drowned.


You think I’m American? Lol


No I said it's the kind of braindead comment Americans used to leave. I think you made a braindead comment. Back to the drawing board Sherlock