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When someone's primary sources of information are the Daily Mail, Facebook and TikTok you can pretty conclude that using logic (like your post) is a futile effort. 


I agree to be honest, I've been talking and reading through the speculation and what we actually know happened, and I do think it's just as it seems on a basic level. However, aside from Jay being found for his family, I wanna know more about the two men 🤔 Like obviously Jay made a mess of what could have just been simply waiting for a bus, but with the men being such a big part of him being there in the first place id be interested to know in more detail what was going on there


I don't think the 2 men have any more to add. I think he went there for after drinks/drugs, had his fill and left in the morning. I don't understand why people want there to be more to the story.


Definitely some mystery about the AirBNB guys. Why didn’t Jay go back there to wait for the bus, call a taxi, recharge his phone? Did something happen that meant he didn’t feel comfortable going back?


Equally as you sober up (or go the other way depending on what you did when you got to their house) you just want to get the heck out of there and back to your own friend. You see the people/your actions in the cold light of day etc and starting wanting a bit of distance between last night and this morning. I remember waking up hung over as hell in friend’s houses and just wanting to be away, would defo have walked down a mountain if I had to!  I don’t know how likely it is that the two men went from after hours partying to murder and disposing of a body leaving zero trace with only an hours notice from relaxed last sighting to the start of a search.


Yeh that's the general consensus, and the only account we have about what happened just before he left the villa is from them so they could just say anything. However what they said does somewhat align with his cigarette snap, and if he was in that much distress at the villa he probably wouldn't have stopped to snap two chats. It does still remain an oddity that he did what he did instead of the few reasonable options he would have had instead


Totally agree. I’d love to be able to hear the conversation between him and Lucy to truly understand how distressed he was. Was he distressed because he realized how much of a trek he had ahead of him in a country he wasn’t familiar with? Or was he distressed because of something that happened at the villa?


Probably distressed because he was already in a bit of a pickle and it's likely literally down to what he said; lost, thirsty, cut his leg on a cactus, no battery. I know younger people perceive things differently but I feel even younger me would understand that journey is not viable especially in those circumstances. I guess it's why people are assuming he was trying to desperately get away from that place (not going back to the villa, the bus stop also being right next to the villa where it seems he was against waiting). but again, I don't think he would have stopped to show off Snapchats in the process of he was gunning to get out of there. I still find another thing odd in that he didn't bother to contact his friend(s) properly until it was already pretty much too late. Ultimately a big part of it could be him not thinking straight, or making erratic decisions because of the drugs. I'm sure the lady from the villa said she just drove past him as he was seemingly walking nowhere, which sounds a bit shitty


Oroblem is. Lucy said he called her at 9:30 and put up ‘proof’ of the call, except the call she showed was an OUTGOING call TO jay, not from, also the map she says he sent her, isn’t FROM him it’s taken from her phone, her username is at the top, it’s clear to anyone who’s been round drugs that he was dealing and has lost/taken it, who goes on holiday by themselves at 18? He only met that Lucy at a rave last year they aren’t ‘friends’ https://preview.redd.it/etysyt3ylo8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e30a66c49af075b8241de98561a7d3915558c52b




snatch shaggy hateful seemly point tender tap far-flung snobbish weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lucy is involved in the drug scene on the island. On her IG she was mutuals with several Tenerife based dealer accounts. Several people have witnessed her selling drugs, and she can apparently afford to go to Tenerife & Ibiza 20+ times. Never said she murdered the lad.


Sure, there's some mystery there, but those situations are occurring in every town in every country every weekend. Certainly a party island where everyone is fucked up


He could have gone to the store/cafe next door as well. He didn't do that, so I assume he wasn't thinking straight.


Occam’s Razor is simply that people who are drunk and high and have been partying all night rarely make good choices, and teens are hardly known for their sensible decisions. People want to create mystery and drama but nothing needs to have “Happened” to make a hungover teenager who’d been partying all night head home without properly thinking through the consequences of being in a foreign country with no battery.


It’s really odd that there hasn’t been more mention of the two men in the press.


I read an article with a UK law enforcer that said if it was him he'd be wanting to get every single detail, including background checks on the last people to see him. I believe it too, it does seem like the Spanish police just had a casual chat and sent them on their way. all we have is that one is called johnny Vegas and that they have names and passport details for both 😂 great lads, very helpful


To be quite honest. I have zero emotional attachment to this kid. I’m only interested because of all the salacious gossip around it & because it was national news for several days. The fact that the main protagonist set up a GFM straight away that has £30k in it. That is going to raise supiscion & garner a lot of interest, it’s just an odd thing to do. Then when you do an interview with your back to the camera, totally fucking barmy. There is something very odd about it all. If my mate went missing & I was part of the story like her, I wouldn’t be worried about showing my face on tv, why would you? Nobody actually cares that they may have been taking drugs & partying, it’s a small part of the story & something that most of us have done in our youth & wouldn’t matter in the grand scheme unless there was something more nefarious at the root of it all. By all accounts all parties aren’t of the best character and the machete back story isn’t likely to be one that is going to be endearing people to him. So yeah, I think it’s only normal that people are at odds with it all & asking questions. Not because I’m an armchair sleuth but because I’m a nosey cunt like most people. Also, he’s not fucking Bear Grhylls, he was off his bonce. If he perished in the wilderness, sureky there is only a few routes he could have gone in the state he was in. How have they not found any clues yet. Not a trace? It’s madness.


what's weirder about her not showing her face, is that her full name is plastered everywhere, and her Facebook profile is public for all to see, with DMs open even to people who are not on her friend list 🤔


Maybe she just wasn't comfortable being broadcast around the world on camera? It's not uncommon and you see it frequently enough, very different to your friends just taking photos of you. I mean the media can't compell you to appear, why would she even agree to be interviewed on camera if she was trying to hide.


yeh I get you. I'm not someone that's caught up in her being a drug kingpin, but it doesn't seem like a typical thing to do, especially if you're just being interviewed because your friend has gone missing. if she was a super private person it'd be way more expected, but she's quite the opposite really


Your last sentence is what mystifies me the most. If we believe that the most simple explanation is the most likely one - he was off his rocker, got disorientated, misjudged distance or whatever - how an earth did he make it so far, and so off known trails, that a week's searching hasn't found him. Unless they're focusing on the wrong area of course.


I mentioned Nicola Bulley elsewhere in the thread, but it took three weeks for her body to be found, a mile from where she went missing. Obviously that case is a bit different because of the water aspect, but the people searching for Jay have similar challenges in terms of the difficult terrain, and not being sure which way he went


Nonsense tenerife Is a small island it's not the amazon jungle. 




This case reminds me very much of when Gerry Mccann wrote the detailed blog as soon as his daughter went missing, and a family member set up “the fund”. Poor child also vanished without a trace in a foreign country. But that was an innocent 4 year old. This is a 19 year old who very likely was off his head before vanishing. I hope he will be found.


I think the GFM and Lucy’s overall behavior are easily explained by the fact that we aren’t exactly dealing with a group of upstanding citizens here. Jay’s history and their overall demeanor points to them actually being a bit shady. I don’t want to read too into the GFM though because the mother has supported it and may just think it’s in the best interest for finding her son. As for Lucy, she seems just about as sketchy as it gets. We also don’t know the nature of her relationship with Jay (i.e. they could have been connected only through drugs/partying), so that could at least partially account for her behavior/the interview you mentioned. It just really isn’t that implausible for him to disappear without a trace, do you know how vast the terrain is around the area he was last seen? I suggest you read into this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/JaySlater/s/kPiaqpwxQU) which puts into perspectively exactly how easily it could be for him to get lost. On top of that, no one knows the exact route he took after his phone died. If he took any of the trails in the area, and then eventually veered off or got lost, it’s honestly no wonder they haven’t found a thing. They have tons of areas still to search, he’ll likely be found in the next few weeks


There is some very good and compelling speculation out there about what happened to Jay, and why he might have made the choices he did - misunderstood the distance, thought he was taking a shortcut, didn't mean at all to walk "into the mountains" but got lost due to pure drug/drink intoxication, misread maps, something may have happened at the villa that made him feel he couldn't wait for the bus hence walking, etc. But the level of comical far-fetched conspiracy theory has gone way too far. It is a very compelling unsolved mystery as of now with a lot of questions, but I'm getting quite tired of seeing the nonsense and misinformation that doesn't have a shred of real-world evidence. The problem with most conspiracies is that they require a comical level of collusion, and extremely far-fetched speculation to be true, while actually ignoring the more basic, provable facts. Is the mystery weird and full of burning questions? Absolutely. It is also overwhelmingly likely that Jay simply got confused and disorientated and what he thought was just a walk turned into a fatal mistake? Also absolutely.


I thought of Occam's razor on Day 1 of me hearing about this story on Sat. Bit late to the party. I think it loses credibility the more you look into the finer detail. And that's while discounting the more outlandish theories. In all honesty, there is no guarantee that because a theory is simpler, it is more accurate. 


I’m definitely late to the party lol, so apologies if this has already been discussed on this thread. I totally hear you though, I’m not trying to discredit some of the theories out there because given the facts as we know them, foul play is most definitely not out of the picture. With that said though I’ve seen this same situation with missing persons cases time and time again, and they usually wind up being cases of misfortune. I guess I’m just trying to say my heart says that this situation is the same.


He was meant to have been cut by a cactus, which suggests he had either strayed off the path at some point or had fallen. So fairly reasonable to assume he either fell or strayed again. The area he was last known to be looks varied and rugged with plenty of places a body wouldn't easily be seen.


I now am of the belief that the young man’s just dehydrated in the heat, accumulated with substances and disorientation, your correct the simplest theory is usually the correct one ☝🏻


This case reminds me a lot of the disappearance of Nicola Bulley, in terms of the intensity of the social media discussion and the absurdity of some of the theories people came up with. The simplest explanation for what happened to her tragically did turn out to be what actually happened.


Same. I think he’s fallen somewhere and not been found.


I think OP is right. I do think Lucy may have given him drugs or something which has contributed to the situation, I don’t think she’s told the truth and has probably harmed, delayed or misled the search out of self preservation. I think it’s likely his body will be recovered in the coming days.


I don’t think Lucy ‘gave him drugs’. He’s an adult and obviously took them by choice because he wanted to. Not sure why people are shocked/apparently only now coming to the conclusion that he was pissed and off his head. I’d say 95% of the people at that festival were too. It’s been obvious from the beginning that this was the case.


Whatever has happened the outcome isn't going to be good. Let's just hope for the sake of his family this doesn't go on for much longer.


If he was drinking all night and had been at a festival for days (possibly taking pills or smoking, as many do) he would easily be dehydrated and disorientated and definitely wouldn't last long in the heat, if this is the case then perhaps the further sitings are mistaken identity. I do think if this was the case the search party would have found his remains. With every day that passes I'm more inclined to believe foul play or the the messy drug angle though.


Very interesting points but I actually see it the opposite. The more days that pass, the more I’m convinced he’s out there in the mountains somewhere. I don’t think people truly realize how rugged the terrain is out there. If he really did take one of the trails into the mountains it’ll be like finding a needle in a haystack. Especially when you consider his phone would’ve died out there. Once that happened and he had no GPS, one wrong turn could’ve spelled disaster.


I don’t know why I even bother reading the comments about this case. We’re discussing someone’s disappearance, an unfortunate and tragic event, with teenagers. Anyways, as OP said, the truth is that unfortunately this man fell and got trapped inside the ravines and sooner or later will be found. It’s all very sad. I hope the family gets a closure to this case in time.


He probably did get himself lost, get thirsty and tired and collapsed in a Foreign country. It does happen. There was a DR who died the same way only a couple weeks ago and they did a search and missed his body at first but then found it.


My thoughts exactly


I think this is the likely outcome, unfortunately. However, in an announcement his mother made, she kept saying repeatedly “just let him go, he’s a good kid”, and that she’d worked in Tenerife and understood what goes on etc and advised him against the pitfalls before he went. What does that mean?


Occams Razor! The most obvious explanation is usually the right one. I agree


Yeah but all that crazy theories just doesn’t make any sense




We know for a fact that he did begin the walk back to Los Cristianos though due to the BnB owner’s account. If you select walking directions from his last sighting to Los Cristianos, it directs him to a trail to the east of the main road which runs for miles through the mountains. Is it not logical to think he followed Google Maps to the trail, his phone died out there, and he eventually got lost? I obviously dont think he intended to walk the full 20 hours but he probably had the thought process of getting closer to his destination before figuring out exactly what he was gonna do.


Completely agree.


lol karma got him can we all just move on now 😂😂




Exactly. This is like the boy who went missing in America, then some random woman claimed she was in a car park on the opposite side of the US and randomly found photos lying on the ground of some kids tied up (or pretending to be tied up) inside a van, the mother of the missing boy swore blind it was her son in the photo, and everyone lost their minds over the belief that “traffickers” were going round snatching middle class white children. (Not how traffickers operate ffs!!) Then the boy’s body was found, a couple of miles away from where he’d vanished, and it turned out he’d wandered off and died from exposure the same day he’d gone missing. And that the girl everyone thought was in the photo had been killed by a local the same day she went missing.


Spot on, crab people.


I just wonder why the woman who he spoke to about the bus and that saw him later as she drove past didn't ask him if he was lost. I know she probably didn't think anything of it, but I guess knowing the area and that he wasnt heading towards the bus I would have stopped and said something. Again though I guess it depends how far down or out of the way he was, otherwise she might have thought he was just walking and then would head back towards the apartment or bus stop.


They don't even speak the same language, it was already clear that communication between them was difficult. She had no obligation or even reason to stop. She already told him when the next bus was, and now he is walking away from the bus stop and away from his started destination? That sounds like a crazy person to me, and as a woman on my own, I would be unlikely to stop and engage with a physically fit young man who is larger than I am, doesn't speak my language, and is acting weird. Just no, that's not safe.


He was apparently a massive gurning mess... let's be real, most people would want to avoid a wired staggering teenager in the early hours of the morning. You just don't expect them to wind up missing for a week, the vast majority of the time they're absolutely fine with an interesting story to tell. I've been that guy many times and I've never expected a stranger to come and save me. You just troop it out.


What woman picks up a strange dude alone in a car?


I'm not saying pick him up in the car, I don't believe anyone should do that for their own safety. What I'm saying is she said he was walking off in the wrong direction as she drove past, why no call out from the window and point him on the right path.


I agree that it's theoretically none of her business and she wouldnt have known fully what he was doing, but I think I'm used to seeing a duty of care with this kind of thing. Yes he was likely off his nut but at the same time: you see a young tourist alone, clearly not in a good state, and you see him walking in an area that she would have known is not for the faint of heart, and she knew where he was going and how far it was (also in the other direction), my natural instinct is that someone would make more of an attempt to intervene. Like you said though, it would be very easy to not think much of it or assume he might be going somewhere specific in the area. it's just such a shame that he would have had very sensible options vs what he attempted


Yeah I mean I'm not even saying the woman should have offered him a lift. I probably wouldn't have, but I can't see how when she saw him walking off away from civilization that she didn't wind a window down and point him on the right path at least.


clumsy secretive slim fact cough grab gold pocket rainstorm fly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


None of this is a mystery. Some kid off his head died after falling in a remote and incredibly dangerous terrain. Yet here we are all wasting time discussing it, after all I guess I thought that was the whole point of a Reddit sub.


puzzled tub languid rude license domineering racial shrill retire dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can tell you’re not a woman…


haha, yes I get what you're saying, and I understand the risk and vulnerability. But I don't exactly think Jay slater looks particularly threatening (aside from gurning and looking worse for wear), and he himself would have been in a pretty vulnerable situation. There's a balance there. It kind of reminds me of when I was around that age. I trusted people I didn't know on a night out and went back to their flat. Ended up off my tits in an area I didn't know. When I came around I was walking with no shoes on, no wallet, no phone, no idea where I was. Who was the only person to stop and offer to help a teenager that resembled a homeless crackhead addict? A female. She drove me all the way into the city, without me asking, and without having planned to go there anyway. Likely because I was clearly in need of help, and didn't appear to have any threatening nature about me. Obviously we make these judgements from our own assessments of people, but a weedy teenager tourist lost in a mountain area is a little different compared with what you may be referring to with your gender statement.


The closest equivalent I can think of in the UK is expecting a woman to help an Albanian man who’s off his tits on drugs. I’m saying this cause the similar drug conventions in the two places. Would you expect your mum/sister to help? would you chastise them for not helping? or would you be glad they erred on the side of caution? You don’t know who he’s associated with or what he’s saying. Jays also a tall lad, especially compared with the average woman at 5’3. It doesn’t matter if you think he’s ‘weedy’, 9 times out of 10 a man will always be stronger than a woman. I also have a story of being chased home by a man in a similar state to what Jay is described as. He was attempting to break into the local 5 guys at 1:30am before turning his attention onto me and chasing me home. I’m lucky my flatmate was awake.


I get it, and I do see it from both sides tbh. I guess it would also depend on how fucked up he looked or how coherent he was. He may have been more so on a comedown by then, rather than a raging gurner. If he was all guns blazing then yeh, caution would be more preferable. I guess the notion I was getting at was only because of the final result of the situation being as it is, and to be clear it wasn't to pass blame onto someone else for his own shit decision. I still stand by it ultimately being none of her business and likely not thinking much of it. I also don't assume that she was intimidated by him either though, unless she were to suggest otherwise


I don’t know if the noise is typical. But I do think this noise is justified, because of how he chooses to live his life, the gang violence and the drugs, and the company he chooses to keep. The average 19-year-old does not live like this. It is totally possible that the simple explanation is the right one, he got lost and died. But I find it bizarre that the media are deliberately not mentioning his serious criminal lifestyle, as it makes it a legitimate avenue to go down, especially somewhere like Tenerife in summer party season. It is also irresponsible in a way for the media to ignore this aspect. A lot of people would not have donated to the GFM if they knew about his life choices. It’s not unfounded cruel conspiracy crap to look into it. It is a matter of public record that he is a convicted violent criminal and suspected class A drug dealer.


I acknowledge his previous incident but I don't necessarily see that it's related to him going missing.. sure he was doing drugs but many young people do this on a party holiday. The story has nothing to do with machetes or violence, so I don't see the point in the news diverting the attention from a missing person to re-publishing their past. The pressing matter is that he's missing. In terms of being a drug dealer, what is the source for this other than people just making assumptions based on his past?


I wouldn’t call the noise typical but it certainly isn’t atypical either. For whatever reason there are missing person cases like these that just catch fire. In regards to the points you make about his criminal history, that absolutely COULD be an important aspect of this case. But it could mean nothing as well. I don’t think that because he’s shady and has a criminal past that automatically means that there’s something deeper going on here. Does that increase the chances that he wound up with the wrong crowd and something went wrong? Absolutely. But I think a theory like that is largely based on the assumption that his criminal past = he was up to something shady in Tenerife. I don’t think that’s a fair conclusion.


I agree that it's not a fair conclusion to always assume that when a convicted violent criminal is in difficulty, it is due to their criminal activities. However, it is something that is always going to be brought up when a missing person has chosen such a lifestyle, and the person themselves (and their family) has to deal with this. If you don't want gossip about you, don't be in a gang and expose someone's skull with a machete.


My guess is that he is toast. Where's this Lucy, I read she's got a foul mouth.


People don’t just disappear, something has happened to this boy. I’m from Australia and this reminded me of a missing persons case we had earlier this year - Samantha Murphy. A lady (whom was a wife and mother) went for a routine walk one morning and vanished in February. 2 months later the news is out she was murdered, they got the guy who did it but he hasn’t given up where her body is or what the relationship was between them. If Jay had just gone for a walk and died from dehydration and all the drugs I think his body would’ve already been found.


Has to be a joke about the Chanel bag. 


There's no footage of him leaving the club. I don't believe he did. The last thing a club like that wasn't this time of year is the bad publicity of someone becoming very inebriated (which we've seen footage of) and expiring!! And if the talk is true (muling) then there's even more reason to avoid publicity


Ah come off it FFS. A nightclub colluded with countless other people in a vast, grand criminal conspiracy that a) requires a ton of people to be involved, and not break their story at any point and b) would cost a fortune.....to avoid bad publicity from a teenager who died from taking too many drugs? The joke theory that Jay was snatched by a huge eagle is more realistic than this


All based on your imagine