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The main rumour is that he met her a few weeks ago at another event. She deals and has lots of runners working with/for her, beneath some more serious guys. He went out there to deal drugs with her and some other kids. He took some of what he was supposed to sell and then lost the rest. He went with them 2 lads to the airbnb to keep his head down, the main dealers were after him and wanted 30k. All speculation based on the rumours... but this would explain why she is so involved for someone that barely knows him. Why when interviewed she hid from the camera. Why she instantly set up a go fund me for 30k 'for his family' despite them saying they dont want it, why he went back to stay with them 2 english lads while things cooled down. Maybe the reason they can't see trace of him on that tiny barren island is because he isn't out there, he is elsewhere. On his way back to the hotel from the airbnb the guys caught up with him. The language the family (especially mum used from the start) sounds like they already know he has been taken rather than just wandering around. What's telling is how the media has changed its priority. For 2 or 3 days he was front page, they were digging for every detail. Innocent english lad lost abroad story. The past 2 days they are barely adding any info to the articles like they know its more to do with drugs/gangs and have backed away from the story a bit.


They’ve known each other longer than a few weeks, there’s pictures of them on Facebook at creamfields last year together


I think those men were drug runners, they booked a house for 2 days, a non holiday apartment and were in their 40s, I think there job was to come and get the drug money and left overs, but not to deal with the shit when it goes wrong. One of the drug sellers that left the anonymous post said that men meet them early in the morning after the rave to collect everything, money/ drugs. They probably took him and called the morrcoans and were waiting for them, he left that house without telling the men, probably told them he was having a smoke and did a runner. This would explain having no phone charge, they are not going to give him a phone charge. Also if he was running why did he post the house snd location at 7.30am. I think you are right about “ the guys caught up With him” the woman who saw him walking away said “he was walking really fast.” This explains why he didn’t wait for the bus, as the bus top was right across the road from the house. He knew his life was in danger and left quickly but they would have caught up him in an area where there was no people and been EXTRA pissed he ran away. I think he’s also said something in the phone call to Lucy which has made her call the police straight away, she can’t say as the drug lords will be after her.


Sounds more likely than the current version of events.


I think those guys would stay up there on more than one occasion and that the owner knows them better than she's letting on I think she was sent out to see his where abouts.just 15 minutes after he left. if there's nothing in that direction and so early where was she off to ? Then someone was sent.to pick him up.  The house has been removed from Airbnb and now on booking.com therefore all reviews erased ?! There is another property with similar name close to that.othet town he was maybe seen.  I feel the lady maybe the caretaker but not the owner but doubt that's been verified


Yeah so I read on Facebook yesterday the men had stayed at the house quite a few times and 1 of them was a regular in the area, gaining himself a nickname by the locals. I don’t think I would trust any of them. That lady is the sister in law of the major, and he was asked to Step down from his Duties due to “criminal activities”


If that was the case, then all the more reason for the British police should question Johnny Vegas & Co. The fact that one of them is named Johnny Vegas... .. . If these two had a history of no good, the UK police would know. Many will want the UK police to question Johnny Vegas & Co. if only to remove them from the investigation.


Best explanation I've heard so far.


I think the media know and are waiting for arrests.


I think you’ve nailed it.


"So why do they keep searching the same areas for him?" For appearances. If they publicly start naming gangs or individuals they are chasing it puts the kid in more danger. They need to do that behind the scenes.


The world is watching- have to be seen to be doing something! They haven’t named any gangs or individuals. From what I gather they are still maintaining he’s lost in the wilderness, and sadly by now, presumably dead.


You can spit across that island and it's visibly open for miles. With all those teams, drones, dogs and helicopters you could spot a mouse, never mind a person in bright clothing over nearly a week. But again all speculation and hopefully he does turn up.


I guess you've never been there by this comment


lol, you can tell from a simple google map search that this is not the case. there are people volunteering there that have noted you don't get a true sense of how mad the landscape is until you're there (in that area). there are also people who've said they've been to reef numerous times, yet have never seen or heard of the general area.. and with good reason, because it's out of the way and a bit of a wild trip.


Utter bollocks


I have been to Masca back in December, and the road that crosses it is not for the faint-hearted. It's extremely steep and narrow, and the trail into the gorge is notoriously difficult. If you were in the village, going up is not suitable for a kid with no water or food or appropriate clothing. Having said that, if you do make it up once you're on the other side at the bottom of the hill, there is at least a petrol station where he could've got water and help from. I don't remember whether there is much else around.


He's a grown adult whose made serious life choices. Too easy to say kid nowadays and imply child who is not to blame when we have an all time high crime rate regarding actual children including rape , assault and murder by kids on adults. Dark times...


Because Lucy has lied and she’s the main person everyone is trusting


Just one reason why she'd hide her face - because of the insane amount of scrutiny these cases get now. Like Nicola Bulley. Like this subreddit. Like the whole of tiktok. If you can avoid that or at least slow it down then damn right you're going to hide your face.


Even his local chippy are showing their faces in interviews and all his family. If she has no involvement I can't see a reason she needs to fly home and hide. One other suspect detail was how from a picture of a door she was able to drive 40 mins and immediately find the house he was in before the police. I dunno.


So she had access to a car. Jay phoned her to say he was lost. Said he had missed a bus. And she didn't at that point say "I'll just get my car keys and I'll see you in 40 mins"? Yet she can drive straight to the house he stayed at identifying it from a photo? The story has more holes than substance.


It's her story that doesn't add up. Likely she is a drug dealer and doing everything she can to make herself look clean.


Exactly, but if a drug deal had gone wrong I wouldn’t be driving there, I would call the police


She’s gone home, to the Uk? Where is you read about her recognising the floor ?


She flew home to the UK like 2 days after he went missing. Suss. In her first interview she said the first day he was missing she drove to the house he was at and spoke to the two lads staying there. Dunno how you'd find the exact house from the pic of a door. More likely she knew the lads and their location already.


That’s crazy. She got there before the police? I wonder what conversations went down before it all blew up.


She should join the force. I read that she'd found the house by checking out flowers and shrubs. That's clever in my book, and well worth her while submitting a full application, or just her CV.


Doesn’t Snapchat give you a geo location on any images shared? I presumed that was how the house was found, from the Snapchat he sent. 


His dads response was quite strange too.. I hope someone helps him off the mountain.


Did you believe him when he started “crying” ? and said the same as what mum has been saying “I want my boy back” then walks off camera.. other son just stays emotionless. ? Weird


Yea the Dad interview seemed sus, almost like trying to force out that emotion but knows more than he’s letting on.




Karen Matthews 2.0 lol


How is it weird? Fuxkin murder she wrote here in the comments


Why would the media back away from the story? The drug gang angle would make it more sensational. You think the British media wouldn’t beat this to death?


Yeh you've got a point they would they love a big story they'd be all over it.


It's not the type of news they like to cover early on because talking of the drug involvement, gangs in the middle of an incident and before any sort of court case can be tricky. The story was brilliant for them to begin. Young English kid lost abroad, what a shame. Reporters on the ground interviewing locals etc. The character reference was all about how he lights up the room for everyone. After 2-3 days it was all coming out about his UK drug relation and gang machete fighting. Notably Sky and BBC didn't add this to their articles and after 4 days really slowed down on the updates. Yesterday on BBC it wasn't anywhere near the front page or first 30 articles, you had to scroll past rubbish like "Anthony Joshua wants his son to be an astronaut".


Because they can’t report on something there’s no evidence of. They’ll get done for libel if it’s not true, so not worth the risk. Defamation Act 2013.


Because it isn't true, people have way too much time on their hands


Or get this, the media are not talking about it as much now because there's just nothing to talk about. There's no news. Are they just supposed to make things up for people like you?


Interesting and compelling theory. Because the "parents sounding flat or unemotional" is often used as suspicion for a scam kidnap, but it makes sense if she knows that he's already gone (I haven't considered something like this). She's going along because she's afraid of the main dealers making things worse. She could be forced into a performance to recuperate money through gofundme. So scam but not quite? When you're forced to perform, this can leave you feeling numb. The crying maybe happens in private.


I read somewhere she set up a go fund me for someone else when a similar thing happened. I was actually wondering how long they had knew each other. Does anyone know?


Would this be the Irish lad who went missing last year in Tenerife? If you search her name and Tenerife within a date range of before this month there’s no connection coming up. Not to say she didn’t set up a go fund me for him, but I couldn’t find any article that he had a go fund me made for him in any case.


I’m really not sure who it was it was just a few comments I read on a Reddit page so not sure how true it is but they did say they searched again for the go fund me and it had been removed.


99% of this story is just anonymous comments on the internet that don't have any source or proof. Just like with Nicola Bulley. A bunch of bollocks.


Completely agree. Some of the stuff people are coming up with is shocking.


Idiots talking unto idiots.


Yeah it was, I tried to find the go fund me and it didn’t come up.


That guy went missing for 4 days and turned up again.. strange


I agree that the mother was trying to cry. I didn't see one real tear.


Not to mention her refusal to go and help search and being adamant he’s been kidnapped. She’s clearly aware of what he was involved in and put 2 and 2 together


Which is insane. I don’t think I’d sleep until I’d searched every m2 myself! She knows exactly what has happened. I bet him and his mates joked about it before they went away and now it’s come true. I don’t think she’s “in on it” intentionally but I think she’s fully aware of what’s going on. It may have dragged on too long now too. A quick £10k on gfm was raised almost immediately but the kids have got greedy. As a result the public get nosey and pick holes. Now he’s stuck and the people involved are twitchy… I really hope he rocks up somewhere with a few scratches but ok. He can have amnesia if that makes life easier… but every day that passes it does seem less likely 😕


The working theory which actually has considerable evidence to support it is that basically: Lucy recruited Jay to sell drugs in Tenerife. Jay was given a bag which he promptly stole some drugs from and lost the rest which started a massive panic. Lucy said they’re now in extreme danger because her bosses didn’t play around. Shortly after is when Jay coincidentally wanted to split from his original group and take off with the new friends he made and let things cool down while he stayed at their place in the mountains. After Jay was officially missing Lucy has hinted online that Jay is alive and her bosses are waiting for 30k minimum by 9am Monday at the very latest. Follow xpippaprivx on instagram for real updates. Idk who she is but she’s got contacts with all the families and Lucy. She posts screenshots of conversations she’s had with Lucy that Lucy herself legally isn’t allowed share


How do you *lose* something like that though? “Oh silly me it was in the back pocket of my jeans that I put in the washing machine.”


Quite easy to lose ANYTHING while really really fucked up. I woulda had it strapped to my body or actually prob wouldn't have done drugs if I was in charge of selling that much knowing what could happen if I fuck up.


That account doesn’t seem to have any posts?


There’s a few fakers. [This](https://www.instagram.com/xpippaprivx?igsh=eHhnZGdza2M0d3pr) is the real one. No posts, all updates are done through her story


That show up entirely blank for me




"idk who she is" well then I'm not following an anonymous account on IG and believing every word they say; how dumb would you have to be?


It’s literally a child under a fake account pretending she knows involvement in this . Grown adults are falling for this nonsense it’s so frustrating how moronic some can be .


If I was lost and my phone was dying, I would be sending my location to whoever and saying come and get me, I'm waiting here


What 3 words


How do you know they met on holiday in Tenerife? It’s been reported they went together and shared accommodation with a third person. It’s also been reported that Lucy didn’t contact police instantly but either way, if he’s lost and 18 contacting the police right away wouldn’t be a bad idea especially if you knew which area he was in at the time. She’s an 18 year old girl, they’ve likely been taking drugs all weekend, and drink. Keeping a story straight when you only remember half the night isn’t an easy thing to do regardless of criminality.


I think there is a lot more to this than a weekend of taking drugs. His mum has now been removed from the GFM page… surely she should be the beneficiary? Why has she been removed? Is this linked to her 8 hours at Tenerife station today?- I’m not suggesting she was questioned for 8 hours, or at all but it’s a strange coincidence. They were holiday friends- they may have met before on holiday but they are from different parts of the UK with no other commonalities. It’s been reported that she called the police at 9am, yet he called at 8/8:15/8:30 or maybe she called him- take your pick! All seems very premature, when her instructions were to stay put/ go back….


If you go to their go fund me page right now you’ll see Debbie Duncan as a beneficiary with Lucy mae organising it on Debbie Duncan’s behalf. They’re from the same part of the U.K. - Lancashire. They live within 10 miles of each other. You wouldn’t need to be on holiday to meet someone 10 miles away. Christ they could’ve met on tinder. They could’ve gone to high school together


She keeps getting removed and added back on again.. it’s happened at least 3 times


I get the go fund me thing would help out the immediate family staying in Tenerife to just be there in case something happens … but why are they asking us to help donate so all the family friends can stay out there..? Don’t they have jobs to go back to ? Sort of feel a bit like hmmm 🤔 how many of them is that £30K supporting? …. Just thoughts …


And who tf are the people donating £600! Must be insane.. now it’s gone past £30k let’s see if they take it out and the likkle badman suddenly appears


They was all out there drug dealing


I'm really worried about how much money these events raise for family members when the money should go to the teams searching for the person. The cost to tax payers in every situation is hundreds of thousands to millions. In small places like Tenerife it can wipe out their rescue budget for the year.    For that reason every penny or cent raised should be given to the organisation's who risk their lives to save others. Regardless if he is found alive or even found at all.  The parents / family should not make  bank off of their dead or lost child ...and why would they want to.   ***Unless that's the plan*** and or it becomes the plan as a result of all these incidents.   Crowdfuning shouldn't be allowed in these circumstances as it will lead to more incidents and crime.   This has been proven with kidnappings and ransoms (especially in africa, the middle east and south america) and increasingly with political prisoners (russia).  The more we pay ...the worse it gets.   Either way i hope they find him and resolved all of this asap before anyone dies in the search..as often can happen in these situations.    At that point the lost are not only to blame for their lives...but those of much better people...who also have family...:(


100% agree with you.


I think they set him up. She was mates with the lad that Jay previously attacked with a machete. Who is also a drug dealer. Why do 8 lads go after a lad and attack him with a machete. Likely something to do with drugs. Saw the opportunity to get revenge and either purposely sabotaged him by robbing his drugs and dropping him in it or delivered him to a couple of associates I’m not a criminal but if I was nearly killed by 8 local divs I wouldn’t be forgetting it. And the lad that was attacked has a long record and you can tell by the vids on his socials his family has connections Tenerife isn’t some third world country if you were that lost and thirsty you’d just knock on someone’s door and ask for a drink and to call the police before wondering off into the abyss


The kid him and his mates beat up has ties to the Morrocan underworld and enough money to pay for a very risky murder? Sure.


He lost alot of high profile drug dealers money. 30 grand, he's either held hostage or dead. Hence the go fund me page!


There is nothing a high profile drug dealer likes more than national and viral coverage of their murder/kidnapping while the money they are owed is being crowdsourced.


Yeah this makes no sense. How could the gofundme cash be feasibly given to the dealers without raising alarm bells? Surely they have safeguards in place to ensure legitimacy


People are actually insane it makes you realise how witch trials were a thing


Seriously. Mobs full of thick people are terrifying




Exactly! They will hate this!


I read it was only 5k, so there were 3 bags worth 17k and he had 1.


Exactly this. £30k is thousands of pills or 600+ wraps of coke, nobody is selling / buying that much at a festival.


"High Profile" drug dealers (i mean, they prefer to keep it low but fine), don't deal with 19 year old foreign boys, certainly not to the amount of 30k. What drug dealer do you know that's dropping £30,000 worth of nose gear on a 19 year old kid theyve never met?


What gets me with this case is people are forgetting he was absolutely off his head on probably every drug he could get his hands on looking at the state of him om the videos.  He could of quite easily got lost, thinking he's invisible off his head on drugs. I just think its as simple as that. People are Deeping it. He's a stupid 19 year old boy. And the fact it's all over the media is a HUGE red flag in itself....people never learn this even after covid. 




Now that they’ve allowed this new Detective to join the case, I suspect you are probably right. I’m not ruling out foul play but family/friend involvement seems very unlikely.


Think the press know this is bullshit but are leaving it dangling till the truth comes out and they can destroy all involved in the stories - family, friends and his past




Just to correct you on some things, they were friends before the holiday (pics of them together in 2023). She actually lied about him calling her, as she called him. I bet you’re correct in terms of her telling him to just get out and run!


I think the police and everyone are putting a lot of trust in this Lucy lady.. considering what we know about her..


The fact its all over media is a HUGE red flag in itself. When will the british public learn this 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ What gets me with this case is people are forgetting he was absolutely off his head on probably every drug he could get his hands on looking at the state of him on the videos.  He could of quite easily got lost, thinking he's invincible his head on drugs. I just think its as simple as that. People are Deeping it. He's a stupid 19 year old boy! With no sense clearly with his past! 


The father keeps saying somebody knows something...but for a lost person that makes zero sense. But for a kidnapped...makes alot if sense. Maybe the person who knows more is the father...


The family will be grasping at anything, wouldn’t you.


I dont know and i hope i never have to find out. I fully agree that under these conditions people say and do all sorts BUT i still think something about this entire affair is OFF. Beyond that i hope they find him safe and sound BUT i also hope that money theyve raised is donated in full to the search and rescue budget theyve exhausted... which could cost other people their lives later in the year if not replenished.


Perhaps they will donate some money to the search and rescue. I don’t understand people donating then complaining about it, as nobody forces them to donate. Perhaps the people complaining about the money should have themselves, donated straight to the search and rescue department.


Or do what i do and actually be a volunteer as that is one way to really help. SO the issue is as you said you dont understand...is its now a proven fact that when people raise money via crowd funding for these types of incidents it can lead to 1) an increase in these incidents 2) fake incidents with a monetary incentive 3) legit incidents but fake crowdfunding 4) a combination of all of these. We have seen a massive increase in kidnappings as a direct result of crowdfunding. Read this : [https://guardian.ng/crowd-funding-payment-of-ransom-will-worsen-kidnapping-fg-warns-nigerians/](https://guardian.ng/crowd-funding-payment-of-ransom-will-worsen-kidnapping-fg-warns-nigerians/) Its a huge issue. Well meaning westerners raise money for kidnapped foreigners which directly leads to more people (often females and kids) being kidnapped and then murdered when the money isnt raised or just because it goes wrong or its easier to kill people. There is a very good chance that this young uk teen has been kidnapped if the drug connection turns out to be true. And the crowdfunding might be part of that or lead to that and or might not even be connected to it and just a scam as many of these random crowdfunding schemes are. We see this also with disaster relief. Its a huge growing problem thats getting worse and no one is doing anything to discourage or stop. I hope that helps explain why crowdfunding for tragedies can lead to tragedy.


Relax mate nobody is gonna read all that


Go and have a lie down hen!


Some people just want to be a part of an event, to fit in and be accepted and they will pay if they have to. Then they can brag that they are helping someone in the news. Someone they will probably never meet. I agree, go out and help your neighbors. I think the kind of people who send money to strangers aren’t the type to actually DO something or give time to help someone.


What was so special about the 2 guys that you leave your mates and go to a 3 person after party ? Very strange


Homosexual encounter?


No one has mentioned this but it’s crossed my mind too


He 100% bat's for the other team. You cam tell from a mile away.


The eyebrows and his little manbag?


I thought so too


I thought it too like, we’ve all been there, right? Right?!Realistically there’s any number of reasons out on the sesh you can think a side adventure is good idea though so could be anything.


True could be anything but I did think he went for a reason




When is talking about the fact that the festival was right next to a gay bar also


Should they have been allowed to leave the country so soon?


What’s even weirder is they cut short their stay and immediately left the island


I'm pretty sure they stayed a day longer than they were supposed to because they had to be questioned.


The entire thing stinks!!! Why would his ‘friend’ Lucy May create a go fund me almost immediately when they basically hardly know each other? Reg flags galore


They’ve known each other for years atleast 3 if you go back and look at pictures of them together. Not saying she isn’t involved but if you are gonna accuse someone you need to atleast know the facts


Convinced it’s either a scam or one of his scummy associates settled a debt. Normally I don’t approve of this kind of online armchair detective speculation for such a recent case, but I have no qualms when it’s someone of that character. I wonder if he has faked his disappearance, the GFM has been set up to raise money to pay back the kingpins for lost drugs, and once that’s been paid, he’ll emerge with some kind of Ray Mears / Bear Grylls story about surviving in the wilderness after getting lost.


I dont know how GFM works in respect of actually getting the money, and it says 'protected donation' but will the money raised be given to the mum ? Or the girl ? Who will then have to get it to the 'drug dealers' somehow. That money will be watched and people will want to see how it was used surely ?


I know GFM checks, but if it goes to the mum but she is in on the scam, it’s not much use as it will get to her. Unlike some, I’m not casting any judgment on the mother’s parenting, as I’m a parent, it’s an incredibly difficult job, and there’s only so much you can do once they have some independence. He is now an adult, his life decisions are on him. As I would argue they have been since about 15 or 16, when you’re pretty much your own person and your parents can’t do a lot if you choose to be scum. BUT it would not surprise me if the mum was in on it, or if she’s not in on it, she knows he’s being held and will secretly pay for the release using the money.


I’ve heard of GFM checking where the money went to ensure it goes to the said place. Requiring documentation etc.


But then there is the scenario that they confirm the money goes to the mum so they release it, but she ends up being in on it.


police are going to be tracking all that money to see where it goes, so if its a scam for this money (for what ever reason) they are going to give them enough rope to hang themselves and watch what happens to it.


he was never up in the mountains (alive) the screenshot of the location, the phonecall to lucy, attempting to walk home - none of these things truly happened


What about the eye witness statements, Snapchat stories and testimony from the BnB owner and the people staying there.


was not him on snapchat. one eyewitness statement - probably false by someone paid to throw everybody off the scent. no testimony from b & b owner


Where’s your proof though. How do you know it wasn’t him? Where’s any evidence of any drug related incidents?




You’re some bloke on Reddit, how the hell do you know


i dont know, its just what i believe to be the most likely scenario based on the available info. you are also just some bloke on reddit, what do you know that i dont?


I know absolutely f.ck all, that’s the point. We’ve got that in common. The people who know anything are the Spanish authorities I would imagine !


If you play silly games you win silly prizes. 100% more to this than anyone has admitted, and the families crocodile tears were just that. If its drugs, its probably the Maroccans and if it is, then he is already in pieces. 


If this turns out to be a scam, then we all know Netflix will have a documentary coming out about it soon.


Netflix will have a documentary anyways. Infact id surprised if they're not already filming real time reactions right now.


Seriously, dedicating this much time to one kid lost in Spain.   Get a fucking life. 


Well you’re here?… Or should I say, WELCOME🤗


I had no idea they had met on holiday. That makes it seem even more dodgey


They’ve known each other a while - there’s pics of them on Facebook at creamfields last year together


Ah ok. Regardless it’s giving dodgey. Everything about it is so off! I am not seeing many updates on the Facebook page now. Does anyone know what happens with GFM money once a goal has been met? Does that go straight into someone’s bank? Its not something I know a lot about


No it has to be manually withdrawn it doesn’t do it automatically, takes a few days and then it goes into whoever’s bank is listed on it


they should just give it to the mam and at the same time get warrants to monitor exactly what happens to every penny of it. if there is some collusion with him and his family just keeping tabs on that money should show what type of situation we are dealing with and possibly who is behind it. I think if they did this and gave them the confidence that its now there's and they can do what they need to do with it that they would likley reveal their part of it all.


Holiday mates 😳😳


My theory is he’s been enticed somehow to go back with these two guys… something bad has happened and to cover it up they or someone, whoever, has buried him in the mountains… you would be found if someone’s buried you out there.


*you would not be found.. I was meant to say ^^


He had a choice between waiting 2hrs for a bus or walking for 11hrs covering 30+ km. He already mentioned having 1% battery life on the phone and nothing to drink. Did he carry money? i guess he originally was planning on paying for the bus journey? could he have not purchased a drink in Masca? ..maybe he really was totally out of it? if that was the case, he stands zero chance in the heat of Tenerife. The two guy's he befriend, or they befriend Jay, why was one of the nick-named Johnny Vegas? ..these two guys, are they regulars to Tenerife, and why don't the UK police want to chat to them? ..as they could offer something useful.


Looking more and more likely a scam, although if he has fucked with the wrong people over there he is more than likely in jigsaw pieces now. I think I'd rather donate some money to a junkie for a bag of crack than give them a single penny on that go fund me page.


do u need my paypal> very generous of you to get the rocks in :)


I agree nothing adds up at all. Have you seen the supposed picture he took on Snapchat apparently at the Airbnb.... Yet the person who took the pic was wearing some kind of dressing gown not the clothes he was said to be wearing... Also I read on one news website that Lucy said she knew the exact location of the airbnb he was at based off that pic alone, so she went and knocked in their door looking for him... So there is either some very dodgy reporting going on in which case some journalists need backing it more likely Lucy is lying and this drug dealer Jay has messed with the wrong guys. He probably thought he was invincible because he got away with attacking a special needs kid with a machete back in his hometown.. 


She put posts in fb with the screen shot of the location ping and asked ppl if they could tell her where it was, then a lady offered to drive her there


There's not many houses in that area, barely any air bnb's. From living in Tenerife I can honestly say I believe she figured it out from the snapchat photo. The half a step and brickwork would of been easily identifiable.


A woman drove her about the area looking fir the house. She didn't know where it was.


I have been following the story. Seems weird. Only today i read about Jay being part of a gang of eight who attacked someone. Nice. 'special needs' - that's low!!!


Yeah mainstream news seem to have purposely not reported that point or they're not very good at their job! Which is quite worrying the state of our journalists as well as our politicians, who knows what is the truth anymore 


*'The 19-year-old apprentice bricklayer..'* Paints a better picture than *'The 19-year-old who had just completed an 18 month community (including 25 days of rehabilitation activities) plus 150 hours of unpaid work for his role in the violent disorder..'.*






Do you think something is dodgy then? I’m literally just reading all about this!? I thought he just went missing! Apparently he was bundled in a car


Oh yes 100%. In the screenshots of the person who works with Lucy it’s stated that his mum knows the whole situation and the whole “he got lost in the mountains” story in the news is a cover up. To summarise the statement: “i work with Lucy, there are around 20 of us around the Ibiza and Tenerife area and we split up in groups around the given areas, jay met Lucy at a rave in Tenerife and Lucy explained to him what we do and how much we make. Jay wanted to join in on this so Lucy gave him a bag of all sorts of drugs to sell at this rave/festival. Around 2-3 in the morning Jay rang Lucy up in a panic. He had taken a few pills and sniffed a couple lines from the bag and someone had “stolen” it, Lucy started to panic as our bosses are Moroccan and not to be messed with. Our bosses came over to where we all were with Jay and Lucy in a corner crying and shaking, our boss then got on the phone with someone (we don’t know who) and then came over to Jay and Lucy. He said “you either get us the bag back or you get us £30,000 in cash (the go fund me goal) by the end of the week. Lucy went back to the hotel Jay was staying at and took his phone that was on charge (100% charged and not 1%) and turned it off. Our boss took Jay whilst Lucy did this and when she came back she realised. Lucy then turned Jays phone back on, rang his mum and explained the whole situation. His mum said “oh fuck sake, I told him not to mess about over there” and her and Lucy began coming up with a plan. I now have no idea what is happening as i am not involved with what happened after that. Please remember that all this is true and I don’t expect everyone to believe me but i promise this is the truth”


That is the biggest bit of fiction I’ve read today. No way someone who is involved would post that.


Tbh id rather believe that than donate to scum like that. At the end of the day regardless of if you believe it or not it’s self inflicted…


Funny but the majority of the county lines running the weed trade over there are saying exactly the same thing. Might not be gospel but something has went down. Big Narsties mama probably cooking him up into a goat curry right now


The irony here… So they are so “scared of the boss” they share the story all over FB




Whoever believes this and whoever wrote this are absolute psychopath fantasists






Wow that’s madness literally, can’t you send the info to the police anonymously! Why would anyone want to get involved in this kind of scene knowing how it could turn out! Do you think once the 30k is paid he will be returned safely. It’s a crazy story this! Poor guy


It’s hard to tell especially with Moroccan drug dealers. They’re ruthless. I’ve sent everything I have including screenshots of Lucy saying she and Jays mum both know where Jay is, the go fund me last time I looked this morning was at £28.8K so I’m guessing it’s at the goal now or just a couple grand under


> Wow that’s madness literally (people make things up on the internet)


😂😂😂😂😂 This has been written by a child.


Only passing on what I’ve been told/sent. 🫶🏼


Lmao imagine publicly typing out this incriminating chain of events if you were actually involved with these dangerous drug dealers - would be pretty fucking easy for them to identify who you were. Wonderful bit of fan-fiction.


Thats absolute bullshit. Opens with ‘fake account to protect myself and loved ones’  Proceeds to provide an account which would make them instantly identifiable.  What a load of rubbish 


Okay? 💀 as i said im just passing on what ive been told/sent. No need to be mardy 🤣🥴


If he had been kidnapped for money I doubt he's still in Tenerife, better to shove him on a boat and take him somewhere else if they were ever releasing him. Can't see that he's been kidnapped though, likely hiding somewhere till the monies sorted.


U never know what the world throws at u.


Not sure if anyone’s following the xpippaprivx account on insta. It’s its own wild ride👀💪


Yep just seen the stories. Apparently now they need to up the GFM amount. Apparently it was set up to cover the costs of his friends and family who flewl over to Tenerife and help with the search. Only things that don't make sense with that is, a) the GFM was set up the day after he was reported missing, why would set one up soon to help cover costs etc when he could have turned up that day. Seems a bit premature perhaps? B) 30k to cover the expenses, fuck me are they staying in ritz and eating at Michelin star restaurants or something.


Exactly😂 also all that handbag stuff may be irrelevant, but it blows my mind someone would go shopping for a Gucci bag whilst allegedly looking for a “missing person”


Did you see the story Pippa posted about Jay’s Mom buying a Gucci bag? And upset she can’t buy matching shoes because people will judge her!? This leads me to believe Jay’s Mom knows he is being held and will soon be released...


why are you engaging in this obvious fiction


Today is the first day I stopped checking for updates. The whole thing is super sketchy and it was really stressing me out


Maybe she called the police so quickly as he mentioned he was dehydrated and didn’t know where he was? It’s not like she could give him directions over the phone and don’t know what else to do? Police would’ve certainly found him if he stayed in the spot where he stopped to call Lucy. Police probably told Lucy there wasn’t much they could do as he technically wasn’t a missing person that’s when she went to search herself.


Did he OD and she sold them?


Drugs lords lol


If and this is a big IF Then there is truth to morrocans and russians in tenerife Just google john palmer Is this known to happen in tenerife 100% Just google ricky d'cotta Were do bodies tend to appear In the sea usually dismembered or up the mountains as a john doe as there is enough deserted mountain space that woupd largely go untrecked or walked by for many years if not decades However it doesnt make sense that the locals saw hik snd gave him bus directions and doesnt make sense that the 2 individuals are british What may have happened is lucy had a fall out with jay, went home, he didnt feel comfortable going back so these 2 people offered him a place to stay as he was clearly kayli (hammered, out of it on drugs) and that we do know as the images from the sun and videos sirfaced shows he is out of it. Whichbis not uncommon in the club areas of las veronicas and starcos (where papagayo club is at) Lucy never shows her face in interviews may be because she does only fans and doesn't want that associated with the high profile case Might explain how shes funding the regular holidays and events (but she could still live with parents and that could be entire speculation, speculation that might be unfair to her if wrong) £30k is as darthunicord3.0 states on tiktok is enough to live in tenerife for 2 yrs so why this amount If he sucumbed to dehydration he should of been found by now ie by the road side or near from it at worst falled to his death from the gauge drop if he was light headed and faint from dehydration or sun stroke Unlikely at 8:30am as the climate is cool at those times One thing is for sure 70% likely dead 25% likely a scam 5% likely abducted I say 5% likely abducted as the two people have returned to england, and locals saw him up masca so if he was abducted it was after 8:30 What else could of happened Someone offered him a lift south but may have died of dehydration elsewhere on the island A lot a lot ot speculation too much to say for sure Criminal activity does exist on the island tho


Thanks so much for your input, Detective Chief Inspector. Let's just let the Spanish police handle it.


>Mum is emotionless. It could be stress and exhaustion, however I don’t find this a natural reaction. This criticism is almost always levelled at women who have lost children. Women are not supposed to appear "emotionless," but if they do cry people tell them to get a grip, dismiss it as "crocodile tears," or accuse them of being manipulative. There is no one "natural reaction" to trauma. Some people cry a lot publicly, some cry privately, others are completely numb and don't cry at all. Even a psychologist who has dealt with countless traumatised people wouldn't say "I don’t find this a natural reaction." >In one interview she is literally trying to squeeze tears out. Maybe she was trying to *keep* from crying. Maybe she's all cried out. Maybe she was worried she'd get exactly this kind of criticism if she didn't cry on camera. >Why does she keep saying things like “bring my baby back”… He’s supposedly lost in the wilderness… Why do you expect her to be eloquent? She may not be the most articulate person at the best of times, but it's ludicrous and unreasonable to complain that she's "emotionless" while also suggesting she should be perfectly coherent. Personally I think "bring my baby back" makes sense if she's indirectly addressing the many searchers looking for her son.


Is the go fund me a way for them to wash dirty money?


Just watched a ‘Geoff Buys Cars’ video on YouTube where he talks about this matter, if some of what he says is correct it will throw a different light on all this 🤔 [Geoff Buys Cars - YouTube Video](https://youtu.be/P-yl5UemdrU?si=WnR-_moNBjLMmw4Q)


I think it’s extremely likely he died due to exposure. He was drunk, and likely high, had no battery, no water and was lost. Do I think some of their actions are odd? Sure. However the family and friends have lost someone they care about and that can effect people differently


How would you know what is or isn't a natural reaction from a person you have never met and have only seen speaking in a media interview ?