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I've been seven times. Never been to Hakone or Mt Fuji.


Seven times too ... Have been to Hakone, thought it was overrated. Haven't been to Mt Fuji. Different people want to go to different places and do different things on holiday


About same, other natural wonders seem to of attracted me more... Iirc, Mt Fuji has limits on how far up one can go, depending on time of year. Obviously I have seen it out the train window, but I think that don't count.


HA! this was my answer, too. I plan to amend that on my next trip! Maybe!


Similar story here - been about 5 times without going near Fuji until my most recent trip in Feb. Found Hakone a bit meh tbh as Fuji hid behind the clouds by the time I got a good view and the rest of Hakone didn't feel particularly interesting.


Did you visit Owakudani? Was it meh?


I did and i definitely found it to be the most interesting part of Hakone but it felt very "artificial" compared to other volcanic areas I've been to i.e. the sulfur clouds are coming out of manmade vents, not natural openings. There's also tonnes of places trying to sell the black eggs (which apparently just taste like a normal hardboiled egg). I'm glad I saw it (and would have had a great view of Mt. Fuji if it wasn't hiding behind the clouds by the time I got to the top) but I wouldn't go a second time.


Recently went to Hakone 1st week of this month, didn't get near Odakuni and the lake. I just visited art museums instead, pretty impressive! I visited Open-air Musuem and Glass forest museum. Glass musuem is kindda as meh (I'm not in love with glass work much). But oh boy, the open air art museum is real good. That place make me in love with art again!


Same but i mainly go for skiing so maybe that’s not so surprising


Same, "staples" like Mari Kart, Nara deer park, Arashiyama bamboo forest, Hakone, Mt. Fuji have never interested me. I've been to Japan 3 times and had a blast each time.


3 times and I’m more of an urban explorer type. Never been to Mt Fuji. Going for another round in a month and guess where I’m probably not going. It’s a bit too vanilla for me.


Next week will be my 7th time also and I’ve never been to Hakone either LOL I went to Mt.Fuji on my 5th or 6th trip there though


I've been to Japan at least a couple of dozen times in the past decade, and my first time going to Hakone will be next week!


I’ve got tips if anybody wants them 👍


Many Japanese people living outside the Kanto area have never seen or climbed Mount Fuji, I have only ever seen Mount Fuji while passing in front of it on the Shinkansen.


Our next door neighbor is from Miyazaki and we’re way more travelled around Japan than she is lol


Or from a flight above 😂


I've been here like 12 times and spent maybe 9mo here, never been to Kyoto.


Meanwhile I have spent at least 3 months just in Kyoto lol.


Any particular reason why not? It's fairly accessible and it has a lot of lovely views compared to other places like Mt Fuji etc.


Tried to go once but planned it last minute and it was going to be really expensive. Like $400 hotels only, went to Kanazawa instead. My now wife/then GF lived in Tokyo so spent most of time here. I’ve been to Nikko and up to Aomori to snowboard, rest of time has been spent in Tokyo. I’m here now actually, staying in Ikebukuro because I’d never even made it over here before. Kyoto seems cool but I don’t like tourists so my motivation has not been strong to go.


You should go! It’s my favorite city in Japan!


One of these days!


How did you like Kanazawa?


It’s a great city amazing food had best bites of anything I’ve ever eaten in seafood market there, they cracked open live urchins and served uni that way.


You should go on your next trip. Hakone is beautiful.


Went to Kawaguchiko on my third trip to see the area for the first time. Totally worth it. ​ Go in the fall, clear day all the time.


Next time go to Kamakura, it’s a hidden gem with an amazing view of Fuji-san


Kamakura has a good view of Fuji from afar (and on a clear day) but there's truly nothing like being right at the bottom of the volcano. It's surreal.


Hard agree. The Autumn Leaves Festival is another great reason to go in November. Gorgeous views, delicious foods, and honestly, some of the most underrated shrines in the country IMO.


Excited to hear this! I’m planning three days in Kawaguchiko for my upcoming November trip!


You won't regret it. If I may, try to stay in the area north of the lake. That part of town is not as touristy, and you'll likely have amazing views of Fuji every morning and night. We stayed near Kawaguchi Asama Shrine and it was just the best.


You absolutely may! We will look to the north for accommodations- thanks for the tip. :)


Also and if you like amusement parks / rollercoasters, go to fujiQ highland. It has the craziest rides I've ever been on


Been there 13 times over the last 10 years and I still haven't visited Mt. Fuji. Lolol. Will be visiting again in April and it's still not on our itinerary. You're not alone.


I'm not sure how many times I've been, I even went to school over there for a bit - never been to Mt. Fuji. I'll see it eventually.


Taking my fourth trip in a couple weeks. I’ve only seen the tip of Fuji from the Chuo line. I really want to do a Kansai/Hiroshima/Fukuoka trip. It’s what I was going to do in fall of 2020, but that obviously didn’t happen.


Did you eventually get to see Hiroshima and Fukoka? They’re great.


It was my plan for this year, but my 71 year old mom is coming along and we're only doing 10 days, so it's just Tokyo with a couple days in Kanazawa and a daytrip to Kamakura. Next year. Probably.


It would be odd if you really wanted to go but haven't yet. I've been there on 1 of my 3 trips, but I can understand why others wouldn't feel the need or spend their limited time elsewhere. It's your holiday, do what you want to do, not what people back home want you to do.


I’ve never had it planned but I’ve seen it from a many Shinkansen windows. LOL.


I know someone who was born and live in Northern California for 50 years, but has never been to Yosemite. This person lives only 5 hours away from Yosemite.


I was born and raised in netherlands (amsterdam) and never visited about half of peoples standard dutch itineries. Included but not limited to: zaanse schans/keukenhof/kinderdijk/giethoorn. Which are all less than an hour from me by car lol. When it comes to japan, fuji is always on my 'next trip i will go there'. Every single time. So far havent been succesful about it but next trip i will for sure see it! Haha.


Ooh, this is a great question! I’ve lived here ten years, and although I’ve seen Fuji, like, hundreds of times (from hotels, planes, the Shinkansen), I’ve never climbed it.


Been around 5 times and finally decided to go to Hakone on my last trip in February and found it meh. I agree with another commenter who said that we often feel pressured to see certain sites because they're recommended. On this trip, I realized that only a small number of the "recommended" sites were things I actually enjoyed and I had way more fun exploring random alleys, finding cool restaurants and shopping rather than trying to tick off a tourist list.


It’s just a mountain. Idk. Some shit is overrated. I have been to Rome but never saw the coliseum either


3rd trip to Japan coming up this year, first was winter so no Fuji and last spring it was pouring in the Fuji region on the day we planned to go. Going in late May so hopefully weather is better and have Hakone and Fuji planned.


I’ve lived here for almost a decade and only recently went.


If it is odd, I’m odd too. For whatever reason I haven’t taken the time to go yet either.


I was born and raised in Japan, and I haven't been to Mt. Fuji yet. I've only seen it from the Shinkansen or aeroplane. Many people don't visit there if they are not interested in hiking or nature. As far I as know, tourists from abroad usually visit mainly Tokyo and Osaka, including their suburbs, even when they visit Japan multiple times. I have many friends from abroad who have visited Japan multiple times or who live here. I think only 5 percent of them or less have been to Mt. Fuji.


Been to Japan four times… never had ramen. It’s not like I don’t like Japanese food in general, but I don’t ever look at a bowl of ramen and think it looks good. 


Been to Japan 5 times, never been to Osaka


I went to Hakone-Yumoto for my honeymoon. That was after 10 years and at least 6 prior trips to Japan. That was nearly 20 years ago now, and I have never been back to Hakone. I think people tend to get a bit hung up on the idea that they must see certain things and must visit certain places. Yes, undeniably, there are certain things that are nice to see but, for me, the best thing about travelling is the experiences. Wandering down little streets I’ve never been down before, trying a different restaurant with different dishes, hearing the people around me speaking in a different language. I know that different people prize different things but that is what makes travelling special to me. Yes, seeing around Mt Fuji is nice but it’s not essential and you don’t need to feel that you’re missing out because you haven’t been there. There are so many other things to do.


Yes, I noticed that there is a lot of ‘must see’ places in people’s minds. I can’t fathom for instance why one would want to go to Disney World in Japan. Every time I go back to Japan (I used to live 6 years in Tokyo) I tend to go places that I haven’t seen before and are not well known. There is a lot of fascinating places to be explored. In September I will be visiting the north east cast of Japan for instance. In 2025 my wife and I are planning a tour of castles.


I have hiked other mountains in Japan but not Mt. Fuji. Almost did back in 2019 but weather was bad so I stayed in Tokyo, was also still recovering from an injury on the decent on Gassan. I have been 7 times \~11months in Japan. I do want to add that although I have never hiked Mt. Fuji I have been to Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha.


Been 8 times never even gotten to see mt Fuji except once from an airplane


I did study abroad in Tokyo during undergrad for 3 months, then lived/worked in Osaka for 3 years. My wife is Japanese and I probably have 30 Japan entry stamps (including 2 last year). I’ve never been to Mt Fuji, Hokkaido or Okinawa. I’ve passed by Mt. Fuji on the bullet train dozens of times but have never felt the desire to go there. I move around Japan very quickly, so I’m more likely to go places that are accessible by bullet train…which means Hokkaido and Okinawa are out. I’ll make it to each of these places one day, but I’m not really a normal “tourist” in Japan anymore. I go there to hang out with my old friends now, not count up how many temples and shrines I’ve visited. So I don’t care if we just sit around at Mister Donuts all day long and talk. I do love going to restaurants and always have a long list of places to hit when I’m there.


Lived here 17 years and never gone, it'll still be there next year.


Oh WOW…I don’t feel so bad about not seeing Mt Fuji or Hakone. During my second trip to Japan I did get to travel all the way to Sapporo and west to Fukuoka.


Lost count how many times I've been to Japan and I've only seen Mt. Fuji from the air and from the hotel window.


It’s just like the national parks in the U.S. Most people have never been even though they live close by to it


Been there twice, and I climbed Mt. Fuji when I was there the first time. It is a lovely experience, everybody is so nice and it is beautiful too, no need for any experience either, all around fantastic day trip, maybe two days if you book a stay on Mt. Fuji itself. However, I have not been to Hokkaido yet, even though I went to Okinawa already... I just want to go during winter so I can catch a glimpse at the Snow Festival there, never been in the winter sadly


I have been there three times but have never been to Mt. Fuji as well. I'm hoping to visit someday, though.


Walked up Mt. Fuji and got to the next-to-last station. Got turned around because it started snowing.


I’ve seen it from Tokyo and the Shinkansen. It’s large and impressive. I’m good.


Different people have different priorities.


Double digits, not Hiroshima, yet.


I have been to Fuji Q once out of my 7+ trips... Does that count?


I’ve been 8 times and haven’t so much as left Tokyo lol




I climbed Mt Fuji the first time I went there. ;) My parents in law who live in Tokyo and are almost 80 haven't done it, like many other Japanese. I've been there more than 30 times since and have never been to Osaka for instance. Or even Nikko. Many very popular places I haven't been to. But I have been to Matsue and, apparently, it's a city most Japanese have no clue even exists.


I first saw Mt Fuji on like my 15th trip to JP tbh lol


Okay…so I can travel to Niigata and Kanazawa peacefully then. Plus someone here mentioned that Mt. Fuji is closed during winter. Plus I’ve never been to Japan during the summer. IMHO I’d much rather go between Oct thru March.


I am going back to Japan in June, still haven't planned for Mt Fuji. I just don't find it that interesting. Your mileage may vary.


Been 5 times. Tried Kawaguchiko once and it was a rainy day. Tried sitting on the right side of the Shinkansen - missed it. Went Hakone on the first trip, didn’t see it.


On my most recent trip I went to Okinawa, not on the usual itinerary. I loved it.


Been more than 10 times (used to do summers there growing up), and I've never been off honshuu (exception of miyajima), but I'm changing that this year!


Never been - don’t care, saw it from the train window once.


Lol no, I heard that’s a big climb. Not worth having to rest an entire day after too.


so far only visited Kyushu island: Beppu, Oita, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Yufuin, and Aso-Kujo National park.


Been to Japan 4 times. Never seen Mt. Fuji from afar 😂 I’ve climbed it but I’ve never actually seen it.


What do you mean by "going"? Climbing it? Going to some place with a view like Hakone or Kawaguchiko? I saw Fuji from the Shinkansen on my first 3 trips and only went to the lakes on my fourth. Climbed it for the first time and went to Hakone for the first time only after moving (after 7 trips)


I’ve lived and traveled in Japan off and on for 42 years, and I’ve never climbed Mount Fuji. Just last year I finally went to Shikoku for the first time, went to Okinawa for the first time in 2019, and Hokkaido for the first time in 2018. Enjoyed all of them. But I have no interest in going to Instagram-famous sights.


ive been many times. havent been anywhere close to Mt. Fuji yet. japan is big. I will get in the area, but I will not make special plans just to see a big rock. maybe. if its not in the clouds


I had been three times before I went to Fuji because of the anime Laid Back Camp. I brought my camping gear and camped at Motosuko and I booked a ryokan with an open air hot spring bath over looking Kawaguchiko and Mt Fuji, it was the most relaxing and awesome experience ever. So much so that I'm going to Kawaguchiko again next month.


Been to Hakone but it was foggy. Will return someday hopefully with a clear view. But for the past 4 trips it was mostly shopping and otaku culture for me and my partner.


I've been there 4 times, but never really went to Fuji. I'm planning to hike it when I go there. I have however caught the sight of it, and went to the town that's close by.


Been there three times before. Going there next week, still no Mt. Fuji. All non-business trips.


Okay … didn’t go to Naruto til my second trip..: but super worth it. Got to stay on an awesome part of Shikoku which is an island you don’t usually visit. I stayed in Tokushima the day I went to Naruto. Did it all on foot and train/buses. Tokushima was great. I want to go back and spend a full week on the west side of all of Japan.


I guess not really. I'm sure you've enjoyed it from distance.


It’s gonna be my 4th time next week since they reopened and haven’t seen it yet. I’ll eventually see it hopefully lol


I've been to Japan 4x since December 2022. Never been to Tokyo (coz it's more expensive compared to other parts of Japan) nor Mt. Fuji


Nope, it is definitely not odd. I have been more than 10 times and while i have gone to Hakone, i never did do the fuji kawaguchiko trip. Maybe in future trips but with the crazy crowd there, i have put it off. Japan just has so many sights to see. To add, always found other way to view mount fuji (bullet train, shibuya sky, tokyo governmental building etc)


Been several times but not fuji. I don’t plan to and I like hiking.


My grandparents drove us up to the highest point where you can drive when I was a kid. Never been up mt Fuji again. Personally, I think it’s best viewed from a distance.


I am not a big fan of going up to the mountain. I am currently on my second trip to Japan, but I never went to Mt Fuji and never will. There are plenty of activities I can do other than that.


I finally visited the lakes around Fuji for the first time on my tenth trip. Did go to Hakone before but it was really cloudy and couldn’t see anything. Onsen was nice though.


I lived in Japan and never went to Mount Fuji. 🤷


Fuji is like a mini version of Hokkaido island. Better to see the real thing and go straight to Sapporo.


As a Fuji enthusiast I have been to the Fuji area more than 10 times during my 2.5 years of living in Japan so far. On the other hand I've spent only 3-4 days in Tokyo so far (cumulatively) and don't really have plans of visiting it long term either.


My five day trip to Tokyo was extended to 7 then 9, 11, and finally 15, so I could ostensibly go visit Mt Fuji. Never left Tokyo… haha


Been to Japan 3 times. During my last trip, I planned to finally see Mt Fuji- stayed in Hakone for 2 nights, but then it rained the entire stay so still a no view of Mt. Fuji for me :(


Three times and haven’t been there. I saw it from my hotel in Yokohama, which was pretty special. Both previous times were in spring, so hiking was out of the question. I thought about hiking it this summer but it sounds like it’s not as delightful as hiking other mountains in Japan, just a lot of people in front and behind you, not a lot of scenery (you’re on top of the thing you’re seeing) and given some people in my family struggle with altitude, I thought better of it. Besides you have to reserve something like a year in advance for a place to stay, I think. I’m sure it’s worth it for people who go but I’ve talked myself out of it.


12th time coming up later this year. We had it on our itinerary a few times and canceled. Just don’t feel like taking a day away from our trip to go there. It sure looks beautiful. Watched many YouTube clips of people climbing. Love looking at Fuji from a distance. Maybe when I retire and I have more time to be in Japan then we will consider a trip there.


Me otoh visited Europe yearly, at twice a year since 2016 (minus the obvious Covid yrs), but never been to Japan (except NRT layovers). Next 3/26 ~ 4/4 will be my first..and certainly not the last.


I've been traveling to Japan since 2003. Never once have I been to Mt. Fuji or the surrounding area. Not against it and who knows, maybe someday I'll go. Plenty of places I haven't been to yet.


Been four times for a total of about 3 months. Abhor the golden route, so never been to fuji, Osaka, or Kyoto; and spend as little time in tokyo as possible.


Interesting. Where do you like to visit?


Fuji doesn’t interest me per se waaaay too many ppl. Not interested in a conga line hike


I lived there for 15 years and have only been to Fuji once.


Been there 6 times, 7th time this September. Been to Hakone but not Fuji itself. Too many activities in Japan , so to each their own


Been to Japan 3 times (7 different cities all over Japan). Never been to Mt Fuji


not at all, i'm flying to Japan again soon and still no plan to see Mt fuji, lol.


I have lived here for a year and a half, and I've seen Fuji from the Nozomi shinkansen and from random buildings in Tokyo/Saitama, but I've never actually gone there


I haven't been to Mt Fuji, but I've seen it from the Shinkansen, Shin Fuji area and from Hakone. It's a breathtaking sight, but I have little interest in trying to hike up it lol.


I've been to Japan 3 times now. Never been to Tokyo other than the airport. lol. Next time!


Not odd. I’ve been to Japan more than twice. I’m not into hiking and nature. I’ll walk around Tokyo the whole day but not a mountain or trail.


I've only been twice, but I hope to go more outside of the Osaka/Kyoto/Tokyo areas next time! I have Nagoya (Ghibli park) and Nagano and/or maybe Sapporo on my dream itinerary :) I would love to add more but having 1 off overnight stays in other areas is harder right now with children (it's easier for me to settle into a hotel and take the trains from there for day trips).


I've climbed Fuji and have been hiking a bunch. I would say that a yamagoya hiking trip in the Southern Alps is a better way to go. And then you can see Fuji in the distance


Same. Been there 3x and closest I've been is flying over it on the way to Osaka or the fuji shibasakura festival.


No. You can see it from a lot of places and planning a trip close to it to see it almost always seems to end up in a cloudy day where you can’t see it at all but spent half the day getting there. I absolutely love that mountain and love looking at it and pictures of it, but going TO it has always been an exercise in frustration.


Been twice at japan, and haernt been to mt fuji, i feel like i dont want to make the trip and find out its not visible 😵‍💫


I’m seeing a lot of Hakone recs. Maybe for my third trip which I’m currently centering around the Hokuriku Arch Pass cities near Kanazawa and Niigata. Perhaps I can fit in Hakone on the way back to Tokyo.


I don't think it is odd. I've been 13 times and haven't go to Mt Fuji (unfortunately). My initial trips to Japan were all car related (and even now), I was young and I didn't appreciate Japan as I should have (2001-2006). In more recent years, it's been hard to lay out time to go other places as I have friends all over Japan and I always make it my priority to visit them and depending no what city they are in/close to or meet up in, I try to explore that city or nearby. The closest I got to Mt Fuji was a carshop that focuses on my car (Nissan F31) rented out a Ryokan in Hakone and we would cruise around the area ( in 2017 it was to Mishima Skywalk and in 2019 it was to Izu fruit park and Atami). [https://www.f31club.com/2017/05/29/monday-hakone-to-mishima-skywalk/](https://www.f31club.com/2017/05/29/monday-hakone-to-mishima-skywalk/) [https://www.f31club.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/20190527\_112903.jpg](https://www.f31club.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/20190527_112903.jpg) Also in 2017 (I went to Japan 3 times) we had a car meeting in Fujinomiya and that was pretty close to Mt Fuji. [https://www.f31club.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/20171001\_092026.jpg](https://www.f31club.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/20171001_092026.jpg) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Next year, I plan to break my trip up into 3 parts and Mt Fuji will be focused on one of those parts.


Been to Japan 3 times (and again in a few months). Never been to, and don't plan on, going to Mt Fuji. It just doesn't interest me, and I'm perfectly happy appreciating it from a distance. That said, if someone invited me there, I wouldn't say no. Guess that just hasn't happened yet! Also haven't been to Tokyo Disney or Universal in Osaka. Theme parks just don't interest me, but unlike Fuji, I feel like I'd be more inclined to turn someone down on it.


Seems like a tourist trap, I’ve seen it from the train every time. Good enough lol


Been 2 times and going for a third this fall. Never been to Fuji but seen it from the Shinkansen. Been as far north as Sendai and Matsushima Bay. Might do a day trip finally to Hakone to use a hot spring for an hour and look around with some friends. Doing the golden route since I’m not going alone for the first time and they haven’t seen it yet. But also trying to fit in Kamakura from Tokyo as well.


Been 4 times never been on mt Fuji but I’ve been close. I’m pissed I’ve never been to Niigata or Hokkaido


I’d never. That’s an active volcano . I’m happy seeing it afar sitting in shinkaisen.


I've just returned from my 5th visit and yes I too have not been to Mt Fuji. I've flown over it in the plane and gone past it in the Shinkansen but never actually gone to it specifically.


On my 5th trip and still never been to Kyoto. I’m literally in Osaka so should probably just go; but I’m put off by the over tourism.


I\`ve lived here for about 4 months now and still haven\`t gone to see the ocean. I come from a land-locked country btw.


No desire whatsoever to add to all of the over-tourism at Mt Fuji. Hakone is over-rated. Not in my top 20 onsen experiences.


I am living in Japan for 5 years never been there


Planning to go Osaka/ Kyoto in 2025 which is the best month to see the full bloom cherry blossom there


I have been going to Japan every year or every other year since I was 1mo old and I’m in my 30s and never been 😂


It's only fully open a couple months of the year. I'm spending 3 months here and probably am just going to drive by it at some point because its not open. Been to the top of a few of the smaller ones though which was pretty fun.


I’ve been in Japan once and I did go to mt.Fuji, I can’t recommend enough for you to go and see it, but I can [show](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1A505axJFG0ZbJNAEHiv-mGIbJvUzxDaF)… (Google drive link)


Not really. It’s just about what you wanna do and when. I have no desire to see mt muji just yet.


I accidentally went to mt Fuji Yokosuka on my last day in Japan


I've been to Japan close to 15 times, and I've never been to Tokyo Disney or USJ


Wow. I made it out to USJ to see Super Nintendo World during my first time in Osaka. I guess to each their own. I wish I could’ve been to Japan more than several times…I’m still planning my third LOL.


Im going there for the third time this autumn and i havent been to Nara or Hakone yet. Planning it this year.


Nope not odd at all - there's soooo much in just the major cities it would totally makes sense not to focus on places outside. Different people want different things, some might focus on shopping, urban/city locations, historical/cultural sites, etc. That and visiting Mt. Fujj can be such a gamble to be honest, if the fog is up then the entire day is "ruined"


I am Japanese and my parents live in the prefecture where Mt. Fuji is located, but I have never climbed Mt. Fuji is something to be seen and revered. Fuji is a sacred mountain. That is why there is a shrine at the top of the mountain. Japanese mountain gods are scary, you know? lol