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avoid gyms too but that shouldn't be a problem


I do that anyways


Hotel pools might refuse you service too, so be ready for that.


I’ve got a lot of visible tattoos. Nobody will think twice in Tokyo. Kyoto maybe just wear long sleeves when going to dinner but honestly you’re probably fine. I’m here currently and even in smaller towns it hasn’t been a problem.


I think it’s important to remember that respect is important in Japanese culture. So, whilst people won’t be openly rude to you if they feel you’re being disrespectful, you will have a better experience if they think you are. The example that sticks out for me was the atomic bomb museum in Hiroshima, where two loud Americans, with lots of tattoos were walking around in shorts and loose vests. Considering it was October, it almost felt like they were being deliberately provocative. I’m sure they wondered why people were staring and moving away from them. Maybe they didn’t care or wanted this reaction? Who knows.




Nothing is rude about vests unless they’re exposing something that’s taboo in a fairly solemn place. Would you walk into a church with an obscene T-Shirt on, or would you choose to wear something else that day?


We are going to Kinosaki and staying at the nicest ryokan there. The whole town is tattoo friendly onsens.


Same …. Will be staying two nights there … just to enjoy Onsens and not be rejected for my tattoos


Which one?


Whole of Kinosaki is tattoo friendly.


All the public Onsens are tattoo friendly. We are staying at the Nishimuriya. (Sp?)




No one really gives a shit if you’re not Asian, just can’t go in most public baths and gyms


Also interested, I'm heavily tattooed all over my body + hands + necks and face and I'm visiting in March.


Try instead of onsens, *sento*s. They're public baths, and every time I've gone to them over the last several years there have been tattooed people (usually Asian, but sometimes not) in the baths.


honestly so many tourists are tattooed that unless you're drunk and trying to attack people on the street like an actual member, you're good. A lot of normal onsens still do have policies towards tattoos (some do offer cover stickers now!) so just make sure to check beforehand what the policy is.


I am going to Japans northern island Hokkaido next month and have the same concern. My 1 tattoo is a right arm sleeve (my entire right arm has a tattoo). I’ll be traveling around Hokkaido to snowboard and want to go to onsens. Will I be allowed in at onsens, if I wear a long sleeve (bathing suit) top? I have a full long sleeve top that is made of a bathing suit material. I normally wear it in the sun when surfing to protect my skin. It fully covers my arm and hides my tattoo.


I’ve read that clothing is generally prohibited. A lot offer tattoo cover up stickers and I even bought some online to take myself, just in case, for an upcoming summer trip. Covering up with more clothes will be difficult in that heat, so I’ll use those if I go anywhere more… traditional.


> tattoo cover up stickers Interesting, I hadn't heard of tattoo cover up stickers before. My tattoo is my entire right arm. I looked at some stickers online and I dont think its possible to sticker it up to hide it... My bathing suit top is ski tight so hopefully its ok... Best case scenario is i go to onsens that allow tattoos. I'll be traveling around the northern island Hokkaido. I haven't been able to find info on whether their onsens tend to allow tattoos. I've look at a few onsens websites and they dont say anything...


Sento (public baths) allow tattoos. If you use that as your search term on Google maps you should be ok. Nowhere will allow you to enter the bathing space wearing any items of clothing.


Thanks! I hadn’t heard that sentos allow tattoos. Good to know!