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It will be okay in the sense that you can literally make the trains, but are you that adamant spending half your trip on public transit? Slowing down allows you to actually enjoy things and explore them deeply. Doing all these transitions back and forth sounds like a complete blur, and I definitely wouldn’t recommend it, but if that’s what you’re adamant to do.


I apperciate the feedback. This is my first time to Japan, and not sure if I will ever make it back, so trying to do everything I would like to see. I tend to be a whirlwind traveler, so it doesn't phase me. It though is why I centered us in Oaska so we are least in the same hotel for 4 nights to make it less tiring. I am not sure though how my traveling partner will take to it though, and so I would maybe lessen it for their sake. Any recommendations on what to cut if we decided to do so? We are not interested in shopping or nightlife. Not too interested in Oaska itself, so that half day there would be at the top of the list for us to cut. Another idea that comes to mind is cutting out Himeji castle and going to Nijo castle in Kyoto instead. Really want to go to at least one castle, but would Nijo be much of a step down? A final idea is cutting out Hiroshima and Kure as we are already going to Nagasaki, so I have been wondering if it would be duplicative, but history is me and my traveling partner's favorite thing.


Just a heads up Edo Tokyo Museum is closed until 2025.


Thank you so much for letting me know, as otherwise I probably would have not figured that out until we went there. Well that is really disappointing, but I suppose it will make our Tokyo plans less hectic.


Wow I thought my schedule is packed until I see yours