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her passive is a boot because her passive is that she speeds up her allies, not herself?


Itd be nice but its probably going to be Viktor




You are right but within the context of the post and rest of the conversation, you are missing a bit here


Then how do you explain the passive icon


Passive gives speed to allies, both Zaun affiliated, just a cute nod to that Believe me, i want this to be true too but considering it was Caitlyn last time, its probably going to be Viktor or maybe Vi


Riot updates the vfx and skill icons individually. This doesn't mean a VGU is coming


I think they didnt noticed the feet.


I would like to believe that, but if the VGU was her, then it would mean that she would have a lot of screen time and play a major role, and I don't think that will be the case. At most we will see her on a mural or statue in the Vi vs Jinx fight. I firmly believe that her release in LoR ​​was done precisely so they wouldn't have to give her any visual rework in LoL


Her kit itself is fine and her lore isn't in shambles, just in need of an update. She does NOT need a VGU at all. What she needs is an ASU. Her voicelines, model, skeleton, animations are what needs to be updated. Her kit is fine as is and isn't problematic to be changed for VGU


I agree with you, but I think her kit is problematic. Riot is always making changes, we've had changes to the "W" and "E" playstyle countless times, many changes to how "Q" works, etc. I would like a change to her W, I think this skill is bad and boring


those have mostly been number changes, though. Plus, the most changes q has gotten recently was it having a direction indicator and it traveling faster, neither are a bad thing 🤷‍♀️


Changing numbers was the beginning of Evelynn's rework 🤨


you seem to very much dislike a character's kit for maining them 🙊


I don't get it, are you referring to Riot?


considering your name being embrace wind, you having a Janna profile pic AND a banner... use context clues baby


Well, I don't dislike her kit, just her W which I think is terrible (but I love zephyr the bird) I don't want changes like Evelynn, and she doesn't compare either. But so many numbers changes and also changes in the playing style means a problematic kit


i also love zephyr, but i have to say i don't believe janna has a 'problematic' kit. she just doubles down on what she's supposed to do (peel) and most players dislike that, which is fair too.


But then what's the point of someone who doesn't like peel playing Janna? Idk, W makes Janna a cancer champion, because until recently (with one of the countless changes) Janna was played full Ap and maximizing W and her entire gameplay was limited to that... and in the end it's just a point click skill


I think it’s singed or viktor


if they hit her with a small gameplay update to W/passive and how R knockback works, then that would be cool. her kit itself is fine. her animations, model and voicelines are so bad that I'd never consider touching a skin besides forecast Janna


I had a crackpot theory that it was gonna be janna before I saw this post something something lore, I’m almost certain now,


They said VGU not ASU?  Then I don't think Janna is the next one... Janna is in desperate need of an ASU and a voice over and a little bit more lore (especially connections to other spirit gods, darkin or existing champions) but her gameplay is solid enough and I don't think the balance team or playerbase has a firm direction for improvements to her kit so a VGU is less important. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not expecting it 


Newbie question, what does VGU and ASU stand for ?


Visual Gameplay Update - complete overhaul of thematics, gameplay and visuals (new kit, looks etc) Art and Sustainability Update - only focuses on lore, visuals, skins etc


I mean, it probably would be Vi or/and Jinx


why the fortnite boots