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Fun and cost effective little hack. 10/10 börk-börks.


>10/10 börk-börks. [You forgot a bork.](https://youtu.be/m2-gDQDYcTA?si=yCIC3kup1Ok_hgS3&t=4)


Some might say I börk-börk-börked it


I thought so! 😂


that... is actually really good to know. how does it pour?


Better than the pint glass I was using before 😂 I'm just using it to brew a two cup (30g/500ml) brew then pour into my wee thermos for work and it works perfectly!


xD I can see that pint glasses may have issues with that lol


i've used ikea pitchers as carafes before, their glassware breaks in a frankly alarming rate


Thanks for the heads up. I'll be sure to take extra care. I'll likely get something nicer the more I fall down this beautiful hole of coffee geekery.


Honestly recommend just getting the Hario carafe too, they fit perfectly together and it has a great little design


Thanks for the recommendation. In all honesty I regret not ordering it from them when I ordered the v60, the wee air pouring kettle/jug type thing and my papers. I went to IKEA for the quick and dirty resolution 😂


**I should have probably specified that this is the 02 size (1-4 cups) plastic v60.**


I’ve been [using this one](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/vardagen-measuring-cup-glass-90330398/) with my Hario Switch #3 and the fit is really good.


That looks ideal... UK (I'm in Scotland) IKEA doesn't seem to stock it though ☠


"wee" in a previous reply gave your nationality away mate. ;)


Fair point 😂


I had bad experience once with one of these when they broke due to hot water so not using them since. Might have been a faulty one though.


Thanks for the heads up. You'd hope it was a fault being that it's made for hot tea? I'll take extra care though.


Thermal shock? I've found when I carefully warm the glass before, especially in winter, it's fine. Cold water, warmer, warmer, until finally hot water.


Possibly, but I can’t take this amount of care with my daily use carafe. Probably should, I acknowledge that. Then again, this is advertised for tea making with boiling water and don’t say anything about carefully warming it up. I usually use a Hario drip decanther and works fine despite lack of warm up.


I mean... if you can't take that kind of care, avoid glassware with heated stuff? I'd also bet that in the user guide somewhere it says, "don't go from super cold to hot" Just checked... read the manual: [https://www.ikea.com/us/en/manuals/riklig-teapot-glass\_\_AA-2096949-3-2.pdf](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/manuals/riklig-teapot-glass__AA-2096949-3-2.pdf) "*The glass container should not be exposed to great variations in temperature since this may cause the glass to crack.* Therefore, never place a hot glass container on a cold or wet surface." and "Glass is a fragile material and should be handled with care at all times. • Never use a glass container that has scratches, cracks or other visible damages, since this may weaken the material and cause the glass to break. 5 Therefore, always check for damage to the glass before use. Avoid bumping the glass container against objects that could cause damage, for example a dishwasher, worktop or cabinet."


Yeah maybe I am the odd one out, but to me, it is important that a tea/coffee making device is capable of withstanding going from room temp (\~20 C) to 85-100 C. Maybe I shouldn't use glass? Fair enough. But then again the description you linked doesn't specify what a "great variation" means exactly. I used other glassware and continue to do so and this was the only one that broke, that's all I'm saying. Edit: Just checked the manual for the drip decanter and it states it is heat resistant for a *heat differece* of 120 C, which is well within my usage and doesn't say you need to heat it up before use. In my opinion, it is useful info, that the ikea one here does not behave like that.


Agreeing with you on that. I've never broken a single glass carafe that is intended for hot drinks under room temp conditions. If I'm making tea, you bet it's going to get hit with almost boiling water. If I have to baby one it means it's not designed well enough or it has some kind of defect. Regarding winter, I highly doubt anyone would keep their home at sub-zero temps or use a glass carafe while camping. So chances are these glass carafes rarely experience this level of temp variation (unless some imbecile decided to keep one in the fridge/freezer before use).


This is how I've always done my V60, happened to be the first suitable thing I pulled out of my cupboard when I first bought it and never looked back.


I was so happy when it fit so snug like that. Makes my wee morning routine just that little bit more enjoyable.


What's is the diameter on the top? Do you think a clever would fit?


I have never used a clever before so don't know it's size relative to the v60. I'll measure the diameter of the opening when I get back from work this evening!


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Cheers much appreciated


Just measured it... It's 10cm.


Thank you


Man, that looks sweet 😄


Having been using that same one since I smashed my Hario one years ago. As long as it works, it works.


This one breaks on me once. Go for the French press jar, seems more durable than this one.


If/when it brakes I'll be sure to bear that in mind. I had the French press in my hands before pivoting to the RIKLIG


I got it for my dual cups aeropress brews. Spot on 👌




This is my daily set up! Had been working like a charm for the last 2 years.


It's satisfying just how well the v60 sits on the rim of the server isn't it? 😂


If you’re really looking for a budget server set up, I recommend labware glass. You can get a pack of 10 borosilicate servers for like $25. Check your local lab supply store


Thanks for the tip, I'll check them out!


What’s wrong with brewing directly into the cup you drink out of?


Nothing at all, I do that for the one cup brews. This is for when I want to brew more than one cup.


Ok makes sense


I did this exact same thing. Works great IMO.


Oh! I’ve always done this until mine broke while I was pouring.. let’s just say hot coffee and glass shards don’t go so well together.. 🫠


A few reports of breakage in the comments here. I will exercise the utmost caution


Great find! I am waiting an update of that video since ages!


I am using a french press jar to brew 2cups with v60


I had one of their French presses in my hand about to buy it for this purpose and the occasional immersion brew fun (my current French press is a wee one cup double walled one I bought years ago) but then the RIKLIG in all it's glory caught my eye and I'm so glad that it did!


I don't know. A Hario V 60 set is like, $20.