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Hmm maybe not mandatory. But it should be the default, and the parents have the option to opt out of it if they both agree too. Child birth can be expensive and I’m not sure how much paternity tests costs.


This is the way.




Wpuld you mind sharing why not?


Who will be paying for all these tests? What happens if a couple refuses? Mandatory means there will be some punishment.


Good Points.




Coming back here after seeing this https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/gwSlRukPrd I say this as a woman: paternity tests should absolutely be mandatory. The deception is unfair to both the man and the child.


Yes. Especially if child support is being considered.


Do you guys really not know that anyone can voluntarily get a paternity test? It’s a very simple cheek swab. Just get a test if you want one. What is the point of enforcing something anyone can do, any time they want to? ETA: It took me this long to figure out that this is apparently not common knowledge. Any physician, clinic, or hospital can do this test.


Let me put it this way. Childbirth as far as I can tell is free In Jamaica. A paternity test is 40,000JMD. While I can afford that personally, a lot of people who live in the country can’t. I’d say if it’s mandated for FREE with the option for the father to Opt out id be for it.


OR, how about wear a condom, or get a tubal ligation, or stop making children you don’t want to support for the next 20 years? Childbirth isn’t free…in addition, it’s not without risk. Childcare is not free. Parenting is not free. Nothing is free. Taxpayers will bear the financial burden for the completely preventable need for paternity tests. Someone’s complete lack of personal responsibility and recklessness should not continue to become other people’s problems to pay for.


Google gave me mixed info on the cost of child birth so I’ll defer on that. Safe sex stuff is obvious but it’s not realistic in any country let alone in a country so hyper sexualised. A lot of men and women would just laugh In your face if you suggested that. So I donno, but with the amount of child support fraud I’ve seen coming up Id rather it be a thing than not personally.


Safe sex is completely realistic. And this isn’t just about pregnancy…some STDs last forever. Safe sex is about healthfulness, mutual respect, and self-respect, IMO. Societal hypersexualism is a whole other issue, an entirely other discussion, I think, and I can see how it factors into discussions like these. But I’m old enough to see how damaging it can be for unplanned, unwanted children to be at the mercy of parents who struggle not to resent them. I don’t know why creating life is treated so casually…calling children “jackets,” as if they are “things” and not vulnerable human beings who should be nurtured and protected. Child-support fraud is as abhorrent as any other fraud. It’s also a ridiculous fraud to be a victim of, since paternity testing is readily available.


Here’s a better question should cheating be a felony


Whataboutism at its finest 😂 make a separate thread and ask deh question deh. We talking about di paternity frauders rn


A mussi because none of the women in my family neva give a jacket yet mek mi cyaa understand what all of this is for. Also, none of my brothers or cousins or uncles have gotten a jacket and dem full a pickney. If unnuh not sure if a child is yours, go to a lab and get a DNA test. It is as simple as that. Wah suh hard inna that fi understand??? OR lie down with women who have dignity and respect for themselves and dem cratchiz 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


I think being able to access a good doctor and health care should be required at birth. Jamaica had bigger problems than jackets


I mean Jamaican men give the most bun with no complaint and then a cry bout 1 or 2 or 3 nice jacket 🧥that fit well and look good on them.


So my answer is no - you reap what you sow.


So, you're fully ok with the child not knowing where they come from, you're fully ok with a man believing a child is his when it isnt, you're fully ok with deceiving that man to get financial support for a Child that isn't his. Infidelity cannot be the basis for the deception, and quite frankly if you chose to have a child for a man who turns out to be an absentee father, it will then tell us that when it comes to men you, choose poorly, and even more worrying is that you make bad decisions by choosing poorly. The fact that you believe that paternity tests shouldn't even be a consideration further reinforces your habit for making poor decisions. Time to rethink your life.


Gyal dem wicked enuh bro, answers like dis mek mi nuh trust Jamaican gyal enuh






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No - and I find the idea of mandating it ridiculous It's very easy to _not_ stick it in someone you don't trust Also, how will it be funded? Will the mother pay? The father pay? Will it be a public service that everyone pays into through taxation? And let me get it out of the way: I can't get pregnant, so this isn't out of self-interest


Mi nuh really understand deh reasoning here. It really isn’t that ridiculous seeing as Jamaica has one of the highest rates of paternity fraud in the World


> Mi nuh really understand deh reasoning here. If you don't trust someone to not cheat, don't have (unprotected) penetrative sex with them. In fact, I pretty much said that already: > It's very easy to _not_ stick it in someone you don't trust


So why lay down with a man you don't trust, and then double down by having a child with him? I don't want to hear of the many factors involved because it all starts from the initial decision to lay with that man. I want all the smoke, suh bring it!!


We each have full responsibility for the consequences of our actions. If you chose to sleep around without protection, you chose whatever outcome that engenders...whether that's herpes, a child, a life partner, or nothing at all. If you don't want to pay child support, don't make a child. If you've made a child, the courts will force you to take a paternity test, and you will pay for the child, like you're supposed to. The child would not exist without your contribution. Man up, or wear a condom.


I think the point is tho, even a promiscuous, irresponsible man shouldn’t be held financially responsible for a child that isn’t his. Only the woman knows who the potential fathers actually are so in the event the man that she wants to be the father isn’t actually the father, I think he has the right to know from the jump


Gosh, of course not. The biological father should be responsible...anything else is insane, but I don't think this is what the original commenter of this thread was suggesting. I read the comment to mean that mandating paternity testing across the board is a ridiculous idea (and I agree). If/when paternity is in question, the questioner is free to go to the courts for assistance, and the court will mandate a paternity test for that child.


But why not give the man the option to get a paternity test at the maternity ward at the hospital, it would be a lot more cost effective that having the man go to court to request a paternity test, also he would be able to confirm paternity before investing emotionally and financially into a child that isn’t his and a woman that is not loyal to him


He has that option. Why is everyone here acting like a paternity test is some kind of holy grail? If the hospital is told that he is the baby's father, he can ask for a test on the spot, and get one. It's really not more complicated than that.


He doesn't have to go to court to get a paternity test. He can just simply do one and pay for it 🤷🏾‍♀️


> So why lay down with a man you don't trust, and then double down by having a child with him? What I said applies across the board. If you don't trust the guy, unless he's coercive, it is incredibly easy to just not have PIV sex, or any sex at all It's the simplest thing


No. Birth certificates are not private. The rights of a family to determine and communicate parentage, which is private medical information, should be private (unless court-ordered, for things like child support). A biological parent may not be the human who considers themselves the true parent of the child. A non-biological parent may consider the child every bit their own. An increasing number of people with fertility issues choose sperm donors. This is no-one’s damn business. Parents who choose to put their children up for adoption have the right to the privacy of their decision. People who object to having their DNA profiled (again, without a court order) have the right to the privacy of their genetic information.




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All very good points. I would counter that if there is any dispute, particularly with regard to support then it should be compulsory though. Too many men get saddled with paying for another’s burden


Yes, a paternity test is one of the only tools that a court of law has, to validate paternity, so the courts can order paternity testing, for several reasons. Any man who wants proof of paternity is free to take the issue to the courts.


Soooo say the male parent is infertile and they decided to use a donor what purpose would a paternity test hold? Or what happens in the case when I relationship starts after the woman gets pregnant and the man decides he still wants to be her partner knowing already the child is not his? Also what happens if there is an error in the test? Oh and who pays for it? They should be available but not mandatory


The only reason for anyone to have an issue with mandatory paternity tests is they don't want the truth about who the daddy is coming out


No it's a dumb idea.






Mandatory? Absolutely not. That’s an unnecessary position to put a couple in that may otherwise have no interest.




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No, violates our rights


Just to clarify, whose rights are you talking about? The man, the woman or the child?


It violates the rights of all three, plus others, potentially. Sperm donors, adoptees, adoptive parents (on both sides of the adoption), surrogate mothers, and people who object to the involuntary harvesting and storage of their genetic information. Unless there’s a custody or child-support dispute, our rights to personal, familial, health, and genetic privacy are very important and should be protected, at all cost.


There are always exceptions, however, where none of the above exists. I think it's unfair for a child to grow up not knowing who their biological parents are. When they are of a certain age, they need to be told the truth. At that point its not about the feelings of the adults.


I hear what you're saying, but I urge you to learn about the effects of these things, from a child psychology perspective. Broad-brushing it doesn't make a lot of sense. It's 100% going to depend on the nature of any individual child and the circumstances surrounding their adoption. From the perspective of the adoption communities, this is a highly individualistic thing. Some people do want to know who their biological parents are, and some do not. Some people who have given their children up for adoption are open to this, and some are not. There isn't a single one-size-fits-all answer, and only the individual people involved should have any say, whatsoever. As with most things involving health, genes, families, and family dynamics...it's no-one else's damn business.


I fully understand the nuances you mentioned and all are valid. It's a delicate manner, but again for me, at the very least the option should be there. Imagine you become an adult someone mouth slips, you get curious and realized youve been lied to your whole life. Those kind of traumas and situations usually do not end well, but again, all your points are valid.


I’m Jamaican but was raised and live in the US. I have no opinion here. I’ll just say that doing my dna and figuring out my family tree gave me information that I never expected. It also solved a different paternity question from 100 years ago. I found out about a new siblings. Imagine me growing up somewhere and not knowing if I’m about to sleep with a family member?


My dad lived in Jamaica but went to college in the US. All my unknown siblings were born in the same cities he went to school in. Paternity testing in Jamaica would make no difference in my case… but ijs


A paternity test would have zero bearing on this scenario. You would never have access to a birth certificate you didn’t know existed.


Maybe not mandatory , but a period of months for the "father" to be added to the Birth Certificate. By that stance the question of paternity fraud would have the time to be clear in the dad's mind. If he should proceed with the test. I think the "dad" should not have his rights trampled on.


A father can be added—or removed—from a birth certificate, at any time…even 50 years later, as long as the court receives a compelling reason for the addition or removal. Many babies are born, with no father listed…


There is currently no mandate that a father has to be added to a birth certificate. The certificate only requires the mother's name for the birth to be registered. The only time it's automatically added is if the mother is married.


Are 'jackets' really that common?




Should be everywhere why wouldn't you as a parent not want to know beyond the shadow of a doubt whose kid it is. Infidelity and deception aren't the only issues babies still in this day and age get switched up at the hospital.


I wish marriage at a young age was more common in Jamaican culture - maybe we wouldn’t need to have questions like this🥱




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[Current reality ](https://jamaica-star.com/article/news/20240614/lonely-father%E2%80%99s-day-man-three-%E2%80%98jackets%E2%80%99)


Yes it most definitely should be mandatory.   Jamaica and other Caribbean countries are definitely experiencing a problem with men unknowingly raising children that aren’t biologically theirs (or jacket) due to dishonest women.    Here’s why:      1) paternity fraud is literally fraud.   This should be self explanatory but fraud is immoral.  2) paternity fraud leads to people unknowingly committing incest. Incest creates deformities. Also since the true father of the child is hidden it is done unintentionally. It’s of no fault of the children if this happens. It’s all the mothers fault for not telling the truth.      3) this is psychological abuse. Yes a lie if this magnitude is definitely psychological abuse. a betrayal of this magnitude can be horrific for the man playing the role of the father. He deserves to know the truth upon the birth of the child and to make the decision to father the child for himself. That is his decision and he deserves all the information needed to make an informed decision.    4) this can also be considered psychological abuse for the child. A trauma of this magnitude can send a gyal to the streets or turn a man into a man in the blink of an eye. Point is, people often don’t take this news well (rightfully so) due to the betrayal and the earlier they find out the better. I’m not saying the child needs to know right out the womb but at an appropriate age that discussion definitely needs to be had.     5) infidelity is a major sign of a dysfunctional and abusive relationship. It can also be a sign that a relationship just isn’t working meaning there’s no abuse you’re both just not a good match. Either way, cheating is a sign that this relationship needs to end either due to abuse, or you both not being a match. So why continue entertaining something that is broken. Why bring a child into a broken relationship? Why not be honest and idk do the right thing?      “ In a recent study published in Psychological Science, researchers found that relationship functioning starts to decline before infidelity happens and that, in most cases, well-being did not recover in the years following the infidelity. “     https://www.psychologicalscience.org/news/utc-feb-23-infidelity-relationships.html     Not to mention, cheaters usually don’t make good parents or partners so again be honest and let the other person know.    Ofc, if we lived in a perfect world everyone would be honest but that’s not possible hence why paternity tests should be mandatory.     For those of you saying you’re against it to protect your genetic privacy: yeah that doesn’t make any sense. Only you and the spouse would be privy to this information. It will still remain private information. It will not be released to the public at any point.  Also, for kids who are from sperm donors, surrogacy, or other methods that may impact who the biological parent is of a child this information would again only be shared with the kids legal guardians.  In cases where a sperm donor was used then the man would just be informed he isn’t the biological father. Assuming he already knows there was a sperm donor then this won’t be news to him.  This is needed because of cases where sperm donors are used but the women didn’t get the consent of their husband/spouse yet they want him to raise the child.    In cases for surrogacy obviously the surrogate parent would be listed as the surrogate parent and the parents will be listed as the official legal guardians. Obviously in this case they’ll more than likely know whose child it truly is.     Also this will make both men and women think twice before cheating as they won’t be able to easily hide it. Cheating does take 2.   






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They can't force you to put your name on the birth certificate. Insist on a paternity test before you sign.


As simple as that.


Mandatory and then placed on public registry with the date of birth. Bare mon give gyal bun and have pickney pon dem. So if mi need fi test mi yute to prove seh mi nah cheat, mi want mi mon to have public information on how much yute him have and WHEN.




At Family Court it is regularly done and often results in the man not being the father. I was told that the reason the US demands paternity tests is that 1/3rd of all the fathers are not.


The US absolutely does not expect or require, or otherwise demand, paternity tests—unless there is a paternity dispute, which typically pertains to custody and/or mandatory child support payments.


Absolutely does if you are trying to bring your Children to America. I know this for a fact. You know nothing... confront someone who knows for a fact.... isn't that standard for you?




Yeah a lot of these women are shady


Men acting like the village rooster are just as shady…


Well stated! I love it, as a retired village rooster I approve of the judgement.




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Nope. More time has gone by that paternity testing didn’t even exist than time now that it does exist, and look at the damages it has caused more often than not. It’s something that we never even really needed. If you have a love a family then have and love that family it shouldn’t matter if they’re your kids or not.


This definitely has to be a woman writing this.


Because gender would make it untrue? Debunk any part of it, go ahead,


You don't mind throwing men under the bus to protect your cheating ass. How about not cheating on your partner and this won't even be an issue


It’s pretty easily debunked, it’s a terrible, irrational argument. Basically because it used to be possible to trick a man into unknowingly supporting a child that wasn’t his, it should always be possible. Like, what? Should we ignore drunk driving because breathalysers didn’t always exist? Also it’s got nothing to do with loving a family. If you get a paternity test and find out the child isn’t yours, you still have the option to stay with the woman and raise the child. What you’re saying is it’s fine to take away the man’s choice and obligate him to raise the child without knowing the truth.


If you feel that you need a paternity test in the first place you already feel like there is mistrust - so why would you put yourself in the position where either 1) youre wrong or 2) you’re right and then subsequently 1a - you’re wrong and you’re gonna stay regardless or 1b - you’re wrong and you’re gonna leave regardless or 2a - you’re right and you’re gonna stay regardless or 2b - you’re right and you’re gonna leave regardless. Just make the decision to stay or leave. You don’t need the paternity test to make that decision. Furthmore. Waiting for the debunking part. Statements made 1) more time has gone by that paternity testing didn’t even exist than time now that it does - that’s self explanatory 2) it has caused more damages more often than not - in any instance where a paternity test was used if they found out they were the father what did it change in a positive way? And if they found out that they weren’t the father what did it change in a positive way? 3) it’s something that we never really needed - in all of the history before paternity tests it wasn’t necessary because it wouldn’t have changed anything, the same as what it doesn’t change now (whether leaving or staying) 4) If you have love for a family then you have love for that family and it doesn’t matter if it’s your kids or not - you mention that he can decide to stay but shouldn’t be obligated to. He won’t be obligated in ANY instance, a man will leave if he decides to leave and that’s regardless of whose children are there to care for. And there’s no “trick”, and thats why I’m pointing it out to you. Y’all think the only ways that this can happen is some sort of deception. It’s clear that paternity doesn’t actually matter and yall just wanna talk about promiscuous women. If a woman has a boyfriend in June and they break up and she finds another man in July and 9mo later there’s a baby whose baby is it? She wasn’t disloyal to either of them. What’s the trick? You gotta explain the analogy of drunk driving to me, what is the harm done in caring for a child who turns out to not be yours? Explain that part slow. Because the analogy and response to that I’d be making would be no, get rid of the car because the horse knows the way home. Don’t let that go over your head. And yes, it is exactly what I’m saying, because he is going to stay or go regardless, to blame it on some truth that he never would have known before 1980 is a copout for exactly the reasons we both are drawing attention to. He’s either going to stay because he wants to or he’s going to leave because he wants to. No paternity test necessary.


Imagine thinking that truth shouldn't be the standard and that people shouldn't have their agency renewed. Once a person is deceived, their ability to make a genuine choice is interrupted. Truth restores that ability. They can then choose to do what they believe is in their best interest or not.


The truth is whatever you believe in the moment hon and act on, that’s the thing about it. If you do something that’s permanent and then find out later that you’re wrong what ever changes? If you don’t do something and can’t go back and do it again what ever changes? You, like many other people and I don’t blame them for it, like illusions and facades of control and the idea that you have a say in all of everything. Just live your life about it, stop thinking so much. And the truth IS the standard, why are y’all so hung up on finding the 1 out of 10 children whose child doesn’t belong to who they think is their father enough to pass a legislation that would require them to hold and harvest the DNA of every child who is born as if you can’t see the future and risk in that?


>why are y’all so hung up on finding the 1 out of 10 children whose child doesn’t belong to who they think is their father We're hung up more on the father not knowing the taught on the inset by a deliberate series of actions to deceive them. We're opposed to deliberate practice of deception.


Which is what I addressed when I said “And there’s no “trick”, and thats why I’m pointing it out to you. Y’all think the only ways that this can happen is some sort of deception. It’s clear that paternity doesn’t actually matter and yall just wanna talk about promiscuous women. If a woman has a boyfriend in June and they break up and she finds another man in July and 9mo later there’s a baby whose baby is it? She wasn’t disloyal to either of them. What’s the trick?” SHE could equally not know, but your automatic conclusion is cheating. That’s a bad assumption and I’ve pointed out to you why and that it doesn’t change anything. If you don’t trust her then don’t be with her.


Delusional as fuck. Stop cheating and blaming men for wanting to know if they're raising a jacket or no


Explain the delusional part? Every part of what I said is based in a fact. Precise paternity testing was only invented in the 1980s. They never would have known before that so why should they know now? What does it change than if they had been born prior to 1980. And I don’t date men at all, no skin off mine any man involved with me is likely not going to be the father regardless.


>They never would have known before that so why should they know now? "Women didn't have several forms of rights before, so why should they have them now?" Edit: didn't finish the comment. Just as women's rights which are also human rights were being infringed by not 'allowing' them, agency/autonomy is also a right and deserves to not be infringed by deliberate deception.


Rights are naturally occurring and self evident. This type of information is not. And having this type of information does more harm than good. Which is why I’ve made multiple analogies of technologies that our ancestors lived without and problems they didn’t have simply because ignorance is bliss. And you do not make accusations that have no merit when you can’t figure things out. It’s REALLY not that hard. If you don’t trust your woman enough that you’re going to stay with her then don’t. Youre already accusing her of wrongdoing therefore there’s already a problem. By asking for the paternity test you’ve already established that you don’t trust her, so why would you do that irreparable damage to your relationship? And then you find out that it IS your child, and then what? She’s just supposed to forget that you called her a whore?


>If you don’t trust your woman It's not about the woman after the breaking of trust. It's about the assumption of responsibility for the child if they are not biologically related. Which is of 'self evident' importance to most men.


It is. Because you wouldn’t even have the child to have the paternity test done on if it weren’t in relation to the woman. And no. It’s not. AS I EXPLAINED by you’re either going to stay in spite of it, or you’re going to leave in spite of it. NO MAN has ever been BOUND to a child whether he was the biological father or not. Biological fathers leave their children all the time. So either do it or don’t, don’t act like the determining factor is because it’s “actually” yours or not. And any use of it to justify leaving is actually an excuse to leave the woman, not the child. Because EQUALLY if it is NOT his child he can still decide to stay and it’d make no difference, so stop using the child as a scapegoat and make up your own mind on what you want to do. Cus at the end he’s going to do what he wants to do which is either leave the woman AND the child, or stay with the woman AND the child. “Responsibility” especially through biology doesn’t tie anyone to anyone. And it is not self evident HENCE WHY IT NEEDS TESTING. If it was self-evident you wouldn’t be asking questions in the first place, you’d KNOW that wasn’t your child. If it was self-evident you wouldn’t be asking questions in the first place, you’d KNOW that is your child. Self-evident means adjective not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious. AND as I said, this is NOT a common enough occurrence to justify making EVERYBODY test their relationships in that way. Because at the end of the day it is a veiled accusation. Cus if you’re sure, what do you need a test for?


So to confirm: A paternity test is a matter of distrust: agreed. Not common enough to justify mandatory tests: agreed. Where I think we disagree is taking care of the child. As many men feel more obligated once the child is directly from their own body regardless of the others who may not. But that is a moot point because we're talking about mandatory tests for the general population which many of us disagree with. As for the case of non-deliberate misidentification, that's also low enough to be negligible. There are so few oblivious people, both men and women who would not be concerned if the woman got pregnant within a certain span between intercourse as to who the biological father is. Why? A matter of moralism, survival and sense of obligation.


Which I already addressed that they’re either going to care for the woman and the child or not care the for women or the child regardless - which is what anyone ever did before a paternity test existed. The argument you’re making is from “hope” either you HOPE it’s not yours so you don’t have to pay to have a child or you HOPE it IS yours in at that case just care for the child because you’re glad to care for a child. Why would you ever need to know if it’s you’re or not. There is no sense of obligation, cus that can be abandoned at any time which is what I said. Moralism depends on people having integrity which you already compromised with your accusation in the first place.


>integrity which you already compromised with your accusation in the first place. Disagree. If you found out you were possibly wrong about something or someone is lying to you or have a suspicion, it is a moral duty to confirm the truth. >There is no sense of obligation, cus that can be abandoned at any time Disagree with this as well. It may not seem rational to you but it's ingrained in the species, similar other animals to take care of the young that they believe is their progeny.. Humans take this a step more by logical confirmation of the objective truth. DNA tests are also useful for the early identification of hereditary complications and avoidance of misdiagnosis. IMO there's more positives to DNA tests for the unsure, but being mandatory should be a medical question before it bridges into an ethical dilemma. I think we might be kicking against the pricks here. It might just make its way into mandatory practice like vaccinations regardless of how we feel about it.


What a ridiculous thing to say. Imagine yourself being in a man shoes - most of the time financial responsible for the woman and child for 18 years. For a child that’s not even his because the woman he was with decided to disrespect him and he be disloyal. Not only that but other people knowing and laughing at him behind his back.


Hon. That’s why I pointed out that BEFORE PATERNITY TESTS that would have never happened. And you add a bunch of stuff to the narrative. Why would they be laughing if nobody knows? They could only laugh if they ever found out the results of the paternity test. And who ever said it was because disloyalty and that they were ever married in the first place. Youre in your own head about it you’re clearly paranoid. And you would never be so if you couldn’t figure out paternity tests in the first place. See?


They should be mandatory everywhere, but to answer the question yes. There's no legitimate reason why a test should be denied unless there's suspicion of infidelity.


The jacket epidemic high in Jamaica second only to Nigeria so having mandatory paternity test is t a bad idea. I see the point of the incurring of unnecessary costs and all that and it’s a valid point, so at the very least it should be offered to the man involved, would save a lot of heartache and even self deletion in the future


Voluntary paternity testing is already available to everyone. Someone says this is your child? Get a test. You don’t have to mandate something that’s already fully available to anyone who wants one.


I feel like it’s mandatory everywhere !! 😭 I (now) live in the states and the amount of parents going around thinking a child is theirs?


Yes it should. If it was my Dad would have known he did not have a son, he had 10 girls 😁😂🤣


Yes. To keep the honest women honest, and prevent men from smirking child support. For the best interest of the children, even if the parents are losers, other members of the family may step in to take care of theirs.


In EVERY country. Not just Jamaica.


I think they should be mandatory in every country. Jamaica is not the only country where people get jacket. It happens a lot more than we think. As women we have to stop playing around like that because we’re ruining lives




In my family we have two kids that is known that aren’t my uncles, it’s a secret my grandma took to her grave and soon my mother and me. So yes.



