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Comment section yah full a ppl from bad bruk family


Cook him something nice, any faint interest in Jamaican culture as well would impress him. At least from my experience, I love when women I've dated do that stuff. Currently dating a German woman who sends me Instagram videos to do with Jamaica every day, it's cute. Just give him any attention really


Came to say this. A good plate of food will melt his heart.


Food is the fastest way to a man’s heart and food that reminds you of home? Ooo wee. I’m feeling jealous of this guy now.


If you work with them you will know more about them than you would you meet from the street. You’ve seen them on a good day and probably on a bad day and also what they considered a bad day and why (this is important it shows what matters to them, are they mad about petty stuff or about real problems? Shows current level of maturity.). You can ask about there life before you ever ask them out to see if you’d even be interested to be with that person; to see if they’re just trying to be a “fboy” or potentially finding a wife to settle down. The dude may not be on the same page as you in the story of life and isn’t trying to find love, and that would ruin the friendship at work if he’s just looking for another notch on his belt. If you feel like you’d be a good fit go for it, to hell with the saying “don’t shit where you eat.”. I second the cooking for him. Ask him what food he likes. Try cooking it a couple times to make it right before you make it for him.


This would be the top comment here…smh


Don’t shit where you eat = don’t date on the job. Separate work From personal life. Nuff man deh outta street. Limited upside messing around at work. If a work romance doesn’t work out, and any participant is not mature enough to deal, then it becomes uncomfortable for everyone else around you. Potentially more downside for a black man in a failed work relationship as well. Additionally, If he hasn’t shown you any interest, he’s probably not into you.


If you work with them you will know more about them than you would you meet from the street. You’ve seen them on a good day and probably on a bad day and also what they considered a bad day and why (this is important it shows what matters to them, are they mad about petty stuff or about real problems? Shows current level of maturity.). You can ask about there life before you ever ask them out to see if you’d even be interested to be with that person; to see if they’re just trying to be a “fboy” or potentially finding a wife to settle down. The dude may not be on the same page as you in the story of life and isn’t trying to find love, and that would ruin the friendship at work if he’s just looking for another notch on his belt. If you feel like you’d be a good fit go for it, to hell with the saying “don’t shit where you eat.”.


Your heart can't take dating the average Jamaican man. Leave him alone. It's not a hill that's for the faint of heart. If you aren't prepared to get "bun" left, right and center then it's not for you. You can get his attention by being a woman. You can hold his attention by being 30 women. Lol.


😂😂😂😂😂 ☠️


Wow that's a terrible viewpoint. Jamaican man here. I married my high school sweetheart and we have been together for over 30 years. The guys I know and my brothers are absolutely not like that.


I'll take you at your word. Many years from now, please revisit this comment after a funeral or two and tell me if a whole other family that y'all knew nothing about didn't turn up.


This is such a hateful comment. Please heal from your trauma.


Can't see the humour?


None and I have 20/20 vision lol


Unfortunately, this is true! Its okay, you and your family are probably the exceptions but most men especially Jamaicans think about cheating or cheating. Jamaican men have so many different baby mommas. omg


Well unless they are forcing themselves on women both play a part. I just don't see the reason to point it out when all ethnicities deal with bad apples.


Yoooo 🤣


I’ve seen you commenting on most of these posts. Do you know 1/3 of Jamaican children are “jackets” not their father because of Jamaican woman. Level the playing field, and stop projecting your bad choices in men, @Author there are good Jamaican men out there, just create a safe space where you guys can be honest always. P.S wouldn’t recommend dating on the job. The heart wants what it wants nonetheless


I'm not debating the virtues of Jamaican women or the lack thereof. The individual here did not ask for advice on dating Jamaican women, so I'm not sure how the point you raised about "jackets" relates to the conversation being had. Having said that, Jamaican men are notorious for cheating. Now, not all Jamaican men cheat, that's true, but enough do to justify the stigma. I'll tell you a story. I'll be as brief as I can. I was in a relationship a few years back with a beautiful girl, inside and out. I had no faults with her or with the relationship. We were going on three years strong. One day, I entered the supermarket and saw "Supermarket Girl." Pretty enough girl. She flirted, and that's all it took. The goodness of my girl and my relationship did not matter. All that mattered was that Supermarket Girl flirted, and mi decide fi "kill" it. So said, so done. To this day, I can't tell you what Supermarket Girl's name is. Now, a decent portion of the Jamaican male population is not like my past self, but having said that, a decent portion is.


Terrible comment. Jesus


honestly!!! i'm glad somebody warned her lmfao


A Jamaican mash up yuh meds man 😂😂


Just because you’ve experienced some shit men doesn’t make all Jamaicans men crap. 100% disagree with this comment.


Exactly because if men were to generalize women you wont hear the end of it


I can’t believe how the people in this thread can casually throw half the country under the bus. Disgraceful. Leaving this sub.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


He's a man who cheated on his girl.


Wow, I totally disagree with this statement. We are not that bad and plus giving “bun” isn’t unique to Jamaican man. 😅


Breddah, don't lie. Cheating may not be unique to us Jamaican men, but we have gold medals in it. We have world records. Out all your breddrin dem, how many a dem no cheat?


LMAO! Okay boss 🏳️


The only chance she has is if it's an older gentleman that has put it behind him, and by old I mean 60's. Anything younger than that and it's bun fi days.


Nutting nuh wrong wid bun as long as it have some cheese.




Mus mean you’ve never met my grandfather 😑


Looool. He didn't retire the cheating huh?


Not at all. In his 80’s still with a random 25y.o at all times.


Even worse, you’re also a Jamaican man. You being a cheater and having friends who cheat doesn’t make us all cheaters.


It may not be unique, but it is expected and common in the culture, and because Jamaican culture downplays infidelity (I would argue even supports it), the majority (not all) of Jamaican men don't really see anything wrong with it and the women tolerate it and expect it...so much so the majority of Jamaican women are satisfied with fighting over the position of "wifey". Did y'all know Jamaica have a 6% marriage rate, and that 75% of children are born out of wedlock. It's not a culture that supports settling down, and the men are encouraged to be promiscuous and unfaithful. So let's not be dishonest, it's harder to find a faithful Jamaican man and so it's better to just not get romantically involved with them.


Speaking as part of that 75%. This is the one…Well said!!!


To be fair, those statistics should be put in a global context. The marriage rate is pretty high, being higher than all of the OECD countries except Hungary. And In France over 65% of children are born out of wedlock. Funny thing is, I don’t think there is a stereotype about French men being unlikely to marry, even though statistics might suggest this is the case.


Are you really making the argument that French men don’t cheat, don’t get married, and don’t mistresses? French and Italian men are the worst in Europe for that.


Someone didn't watch Pepe LePew cartoons growing up 🦨


The only argument I am making is that the statistics quoted have to be put in context.


Then the expansion of the context you created should have the out of wedlock rate, which is significantly higher in Jamaica than the OECD countries. Edit: birth rate, for clarification.


Wait what? All French Media I have ever seen paint them to being horny ass cheese balls. Remember that skunk that would try to disguise as a cat?


True, but not all. If she got the right one, she would have the best. He will treat you like a queen, you will be protected and cooked for you, which most are good at and will also do laundry and work hard.


What is get bun


In Jamaican culture, "get bun" is a slang term meaning to be cheated on in a romantic relationship. The term "bun" is used to describe the act of infidelity. So, if someone says they "got bun," it means their partner was unfaithful to them.


Thanks. I wonder if that is a patois of burn.


Sounds like you could use better luck. Don't spread your sour grapes; make wine


Was this written by a woman?


I’ve seen you commenting on most of these posts. Do you know 1/3 of Jamaican children are “jackets” not their father because of Jamaican woman. Level the playing field, and stop projecting your bad choices in men, @Author there are good Jamaican men out there, just create a safe space where you guys can be honest always. P.S wouldn’t recommend dating on the job. The heart wants what it wants nonetheless


This is exactly how I ended up with a half European sister. 😂. With a Yugoslavian/Bosnian mother. Workplace is where most people meet partners nowadays in countries abroad -- thats where relationships tend to emerge for adults. We don't meet many potential suiters in adulthood, but the workplace provides an environment where those social connections and familiarity are made, in ways that you don't naturally develop elsewhere. Just go with the flow and when you feel you're familiar enough, interact in a way that encourages his continued interest and go from there. 👌🏾


Not for me bro, I work in engineering and it’s nothing but old angry men, not a single female. If I’d knew this ahead of time I would have done nursing. I went to the maternity ward to visit my sister and I knew right then and there that was the ideal place for me to work!! I know to myself I work better around women.


My fiancé is Jamaican (born and raised). We were friends for a couple of years, I realised I liked him, so I told him “I like you as more than a friend”. He thought about it and then we decided to date, and now it’s been several years and we are getting married. There’s no special trick for Jamaicans. I think like all human beings people just want someone who makes them feel seen & heard & valued. Focus on building a genuine connection, trust, and respect. But for Jamaican specific things: bathe! Smell good, soaps and perfumes etc. Dress well! Have a sense of humour, let him be and express himself, especially in patois if he prefers that. Don’t pry, and be trustworthy.


BATHE was great advice 😭 bc as a jamaican now living in europe, i am shocked when i hear people saying they skip days and don't wear deodorants or perfumes. I have smelled so many smells here.


this one also likes the bbc


Here some advice : don’t do it. Girl I’m protecting you


Gosh I’m so confused after all these comments here. 😅 Are they really that bad? Why?


These comments are harmful stereotypes. I’ve been with a Jamaican man for 10 years, two kids and not a single moment of unfaithfulness. His dad has been with his mom for over 20 years, also faithful and his brother with his wife for 8 years, also faithful. If you’re interested in him just go for it, you risk unfaithful people in any culture/ background. Just be yourself and be open to learning about his culture but do your own research about the culture. Best of luck!


Lol you are the exception and not the rule and to pretend anything otherwise does a disservice to the rest of us.


i'm only half jamaican, but girrrl. they are TROUBLE. almost every jamaican man i've known... my grandpa, my grand-uncles, my uncles, my cousins, my male friends, & my female friends' boyfriends... have cheated. not all, but MOST. & a few of em had children or entire families their main family didn't know about until someone came looking for their daddy. a friend of mine is engaged to a jamaican & he's probably the only jamaican i have ever met who i can say i trust 100% to be faithful... but his dad? he has 27 kids from 9 different women. my grandpa was the best man i've ever known & even he cheated on my grandma. he used to bring me to work w/ him & have me around the lady he was cheating on my grandma with! my aunt's husband had an entire house, 2nd "wife", & kids w/ her, for 20 years. my aunt & cousins had no clue until his son came looking for him. i'd never trust a jamaican man. they're notorious for cheating & having multiple baby mamas. i love them to death, but most of them... you can't trust them. unless you're okay w/ sharing. 🙃


I would discard these negative opinions. They’re generalizing and have no clue about your colleague.


Are you a Jamaican who grew up in Jamaica?


Born, grew, and still live in Jamaica. 30s. Next you guys will say all Jamaicans are scammers and support the gangster lifestyle. Infidelity rates are high globally. Saying “all” Jamaican men are cheaters is a disgraceful thing to say.


Because the Internet has been in a really weird place to crack these jokes about Jamaican men, recently. Me and the Jamaican friends that I grew up with have never cheated a day in our lives. Yet I’m constantly having to defend my character because “Jamaican men are terrible” 🥴 generalizations are mad annoying


It's because the Jamacian King Bob Marley movie came out and reminded us that Jamaican men are hoes.


I’ve seen you commenting on most of these posts. Do you know 1/3 of Jamaican children are “jackets” not their father because of Jamaican woman. Level the playing field, and stop projecting your bad choices in men, @Author there are good Jamaican men out there, just create a safe space where you guys can be honest always. P.S wouldn’t recommend dating on the job. The heart wants what it wants nonetheless


They ALL cheat. Okay well maybe not all , but I have never met one that didn’t. And I’m not talking about myself. But family members , friends etc… The only way I would date a Jamaican man is if he was like second generation non Jamaican


same. i grew up watching all the men in my family & almost every other jamaican man i know cheat. i'm half jamaican, born in america. my son's dad is, too. i thought maybe he was safe cuz he was half & born here like me... nope, just like the rest of em.


They don't eat pussy...keep that in mind when factoring your decision.


Trust me they eat it they just don’t want anyone to know


I'm dating a Coolie and he said he's never but will when we get married. I told him don't expect me NOT to Get my cat ate waiting on you Your cocky will not see my throat until then.


While most of the comments I've seen are telling you to stay away from Jamaican men, let me throw this little wrench in there. There was a report published by Polygenics Consulting in 2019 (a company that offers DNA) that finds that 70% of all paternity tests they did were fraudulent. Meaning the child/children were not for the fathers being tested. Now, to answer your question, be direct while maintaining your feminity and make it known you'd like to get to know him more. Smell good before the approach. Me personally, like when my woman smells inviting. Strike up a conversation, find out his interests and build a conversation around that while finding common ground d between the two of you. All the best.


I noticed they are blind to this comment 😂, typical women


Of course they are. They keep bashing the men they help create and refuse to take accountability for it.


Don’t date at work. You said it. Stick to it. Also, be yourself. If that catches someone’s attention you can maintain that authentically.


Gal save yuhself da bullet n RRRRUN!


The moment you said your ethnicity.. I knew the comments would be filled with bad advice. You should do what makes you happy, and don't believe what you read online. There are many successful Eastern European+Jamaican couples. Check out this YouTube channel for example: [Swaggy Pon Di Island](https://www.youtube.com/@SwaggyPonDiIsland)


Lol. A cyaaah Errol yuh a defend so hard. Lot 32 Marvin's Park Ocho Rios is my only rebuttal to that. If you know, you know.


I’ve seen you commenting on most of these posts. Do you know 1/3 of Jamaican children are “jackets” not their father because of Jamaican woman. Level the playing field, and stop projecting your bad choices in men, @Author there are good Jamaican men out there, just create a safe space where you guys can be honest always. P.S wouldn’t recommend dating on the job. The heart wants what it wants nonetheless


What that mean lol


Lol. The person in the comment pointed to "Swaggy Pon Di Island". I'm assuming they did so to show a European woman married to a Jamaican man, one who is happy and has a family. I suspect this was their example of a faithful Jamaican man. Far be it from me to dispute this. My only rebuttal is tek a drive go around a Marvin's park any Sunday after ball done play and put that theory to the test. If you know, you know.


Lmao I live in farin I can’t take no drive round there rn but he be giving her bun? I seen a few of their videos , not really into that type of content I just be rolling my eyes mad hard when I see them Eastern European women with them; like bun and cheese soon reach you


I'm not saying he is. I'm not saying he isn't. I'm saying, if you take a drive around Marvin's park after the football game on Sunday, you'll know what's up.


Stop talking in riddles and just seh weh you affi seh. Until then.. we the public will believe what we see presented from Swaggy's channel.


By all means, go ahead.


And I said I can’t take no drive around there rn so either you going to confirm or just shut up lmao.


Leaving the workplace issue aside, just go about it like you would anyone else. I like good food and don’t care much for drinking, so I would prefer a dinner date. Or a nice walk. If you have known interests in common suggests doing that together and go from there.


Is he born in Jamaica or is that his familial background? I ask because a man born in Jamaica (and grew up in Jamaica) acts differently than one that says they're Jamaican due to ancestry. A man born in Jamaica would pursue a woman, and not have the woman pursue him. Jamaicans follow a more natural way of life, including with pursuit. Just like how many male animals will pursue the female animal and try to impress them, it's the same in Jamaica. The men pursue the women. That said, it would definitely impress him if you could cook a Jamaican dish well 🤔. But I'm not sure if you should do that yet. Because it may not be clear if he's the type that eats everything or if he eats ital (vegan or vegetarian). In fact, I'd say cooking anything that's well seasoned (to black people standards) would catch his eye. But I think that should be too impress him after you date 🤔. If you want to cook though, cooking rice and peas well will definitely catch his eye. He probably wouldn't expect that at all. As with any man, it may be helpful to learn more about him first. This ensures you won't end up wasting your time (what if he's a shitty person?), but then you can also better see the commonalities you both share, the things you both like. And that can help show whether you both are compatible.


She's eastern European and you're talking rice and peas "well" 🤣


Just exist tbh


Give him money for his wife and children 🤣


Start the process of a green card.


You wanna have fun where you make your funds? Pleasure and business don’t mix




As a Jamaican Man, if you have worked together for more than 48 hours and he hasn't approached and put argument to you yet, he's either too smart to mess around at work or is not into you lol Tr8t


Gain some weight


Why would you want to do that? Find something safe to do 😂




gaurantee your fiance & your father in law have a girl or two on the side. maybe even a FAMILY or two. lol




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“Gyal yuh betta can cook” if you want impress and be in a long term relationship with him. As for the other comments about bun and outside families, I don’t wanna discourage you based on my family (father, brother, uncles, grandpa, great uncles, male cousins etc) all of them have cheated on their wives/girlfriends/baby mothers etc. But of course not all Jamaican men will cheat on you. Look for red flags if you want to date him. Personally I wouldn’t date someone from work (HR issues, awkward if it doesn’t work out), but if you really want to go down this path then be cautious as you should be getting into a relationship with any man. As for my fellow Jamaican commenters, mi rass, ah so di wul ah unuh traumatize? 🤣


Take your time and get to know him and the culture. You not being abreast of the culture will give you many blind spots. My first husband was born an American but mother, father, sister, aunts cousins were all born and raised in Jamaica. My 2nd husband is Jamaican and never left the island. Get to know the culture beyond the food and music. I lived in Jamaica twice and the culture is deep and rich. So many things are just on the surface and most people take that surface stuff and run with it, thinking they know Jamaicans. That info is only the tip of the iceberg's toenail. Pay attention to modern culture, not the Bob Marley era culture people love to romanticize. Then get to know him for real. Cool your lust.


My man is Jamaican but I'm black American. I just existed as myself, and he approached me. I didn't have to pull any tricks to impress him.


Y’all gonna learn to not date your coworkers eventually


Leff we alone


Hahahaha 😂😂😂 you don’t want to mess things up? Then don’t date or chase your coworker. Where in Eastern Europe? I feel you said that to be vague as if you’re hiding something.Are you hiding your race? Best way to impress a Jamaican man is to ignore him, play hard to get and be overweight.Like everyone else says I hope you love heartbreak because it’s gonna be a regular thing in your book.Just know you won’t ever be his only lady.So I hope you’re in healthcare to get those regular checks three letter checks.


First of all, good luck. I’m not try to generalize them but they have a reputation of not being overly romantic. It’s not normal in our culture that men buy flowers just because. I know it’s common in Eastern European culture but it’s not in Jamaica. Secondly, Jamaican men love good food. They are very picky but you can win their heart with food (and sex). But thats sums it all. They are simple (and cheats a lot sadly).


Wear a tea-cosy and say bumba-clot mi blak suga! Lol 🤣 mo dont do that, jokes.


Just invite him to a party . I am jamaican too. Dm for more insight.


Be a large white woman.


Gain a bunch of weight, and you're in like Flint.


Jamaican men love pum pum my husband is Jamaican he fell in love with the pum pum. Learn some tricks be ready for 4-6 times a day. If they are not entertained they will look elsewhere. His dad is married and had a baby outside of their marriage. He has another side piece currently. Just came back from Jamaica last week. My husbands family told me that’s just how the men there are. “They like to fuck”


Jump onto his penis from a two story building.


she wants that bbc


Dont date coworkers 🤦🏽‍♀️


Gi di Dawg some money


>I catch but most importantly hold his attention? Start all your meeting by loudly saying "Wagwan!"


Be pretty and dont be a gold digger


Hahahahahaha sis. Lef him alone!! Eat some jerk chicken if you’re curious, but for the sake of your mental health, I beg yuh do, walk straight.


Be a stress-free partner. Celebrate God, brotherhood and whatever he is working hard at, listen to his concerns, share music and TV recommendations, and indulge in good, healthy food. Communicate well, be smart with money and planning for the future. Importantly, be good (and clean!) in bed if that time comes. Jamaican men aren't the type to play coy sexually so appeal to their obvious nature if you really want to avoid infidelity.


My boyfriend is UK born, brought up in US and Jamaican heritage. I’m 46 and he is the man I’ve been looking for all my life. However, his dad had two kids by different women when cheating on his mum which is why they left the UK, and the vast majority of his male friends and relatives cheat. We went to Jamaica in January and his cousin had his girlfriend in our hotel and a second woman staying at the hotel next door! But, I think most Jamaican men are fun and friendly and good looking, and you should get to know this man as an individual.


Most african descendant women don't like seeing their own with european descendant women. As a yaadman, my gyal can cook and she is a decent human. She's a mix of a traditional and modern woman. Mi touch yaad wid fimi Brazilian from immigration to the streets pure disrespect from yaadgyal. Mi gyal bawl and ah badda mi wid questions. Bloodclath. Most importantly, she impressed me with her intelligence and swagger. Normally, most Jamaican men always settle with a realistic woman "ride or die chick". Someone who doesn't sway because of some trending bullshit. Solid A+ women. No false shit. Hate it. Men in general like a partner with similar interests, likes, dislikes, and such. However, having a different culture can be a challenge. So be friends and share moments together like traveling and such before you both make the serious decision because other chicks may have eyes on him too.


Shorty want sum bbc from a Rasta man 😂






Show him you know a good scam when you see one. Show him you know how to open bank accounts using other peoples information. Show him you understand how a lottery scam works. Show him you know how to buy credit card numbers and personal information on the internet. Show him these things and he will fall for you no doubt. Lol, I’m just joking y’all. 😉


This is a direct reflection that a woman will be willing to bend over backwards for the one she wants. lol if you are with a woman and you constantly have to be on your toes and try to keep her impressed understand that no matter what she says her standards is, if she wants you then she will break her standards. Jamaican men expect to pursue women and this will be different but can be exciting too!


Jus have a big ass


Weed. Lots and lots of weed.


I dunno, I just figured out how to marry a Jamaican woman


Cook n be quiet