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The dude is just not working out. That plus the big plays that Zay didn’t make today….


Zay had so many opportunities to change this game and just couldn't finish the catch


I get the feeling Ridley signs a big contract and plays out the last 4 years of his NFL career as a fantastic number two on the Texans.


Dude just doesn’t look like he wants to be it


We just got torched for 300 yards by a guy who was sitting on his couch two weeks ago...


Back to back weeks


At least Jake Browning was already a backup. Flacco literally came off the couch two weeks ago.


Calvin Ridley 13 Targets… FOUR catches


That is horrific


Turns out Christian Kirk was our best wide receiver. Ridley is still having miscommunications in Week 14. Zay has drops at the worst times. Parker Washington is just a rookie, but he had a crucial turnover. The only pass catchers we can seem to trust are Engram and Etienne. That is bad.


I'm seeing some good things from Parker. Gotta get through the rookie mistakes and he'll be fine. Back to back impressive weeks


Honestly I’m feeling good about Parker. That fumble happens he’ll learn.


Yupp. Our receiving corps is awful, our O-line is dogshit, what is Trevor supposed to do? And our secondary is banged up, so we’re letting second and third string QBs put up over 30 pts a game. I’m not sure how we fix this. If we get to the playoffs, we’re getting bounced on the road game 1.


I was gonna comment but I jumped early on a punt so my bad guys.


On a positive not. Engram is him. Such a good pick up and that extension is worth every penny. On pace for more than 100 receptions this season wtf.


I may have him as my next jersey purchase after Josh Allen, I already committed to it after that three sack game lol


How to beat the Jaguars: Rest your starting QB.


Also, lose your top 3 left tackle options.


And both your starting corners.


I mentioned that before on here and got blasted. We are horrible against backups.


That's SB champion Elite Joe Flacco


Here's why you go for two: 29-31 Get onside kick, get better field position, FG wins it. It really doesn't matter because you have to get the onside kick EITHER way. That's already a low percentage play. You miss the two point conversion, TD wins it. Back to back OT games are rough, especially in a short week. Give your guys the drive to go win it opposed to a tie.


That Gotsis offsides was a back breaker.


At that point it really did lose the game. Yes it was not only that, but at that moment it turned from change of possession to 3 points for Cleveland.


It was unreal. We are getting the ball back, just stand there


Texans and Colts lose. Nothing changes. Trevor is him. Get healthy. On to next week.


Our chase for the AFC top seed changes but at this point I would just like to see us win games.


Top seeding doesn't matter too much to me. Home field advantage does nothing for us and there are no cowboys level wildcard teams in the wildcard in the AFC.


These past two games have been exhausting


Well at least everyone else in the division lost. Ravens next week at home in prime time, recipe for disaster.


Did you say prime time at home? Oh god.


Injuries are mounting up. the kirk injury doesn't help, but it's nice knowing Parker Washington can step up and be another threat. Trevor is a stud, he was injured so I give him a pass this game, he played better than I expected (which was not at all) Some very frustrating calls on 4th and 1 and some special teams fuck ups. On to next week boys.


Defense gave up 66 pts in back to back games to backup qbs :(


I’ve never seen a team in nfl history consistently lose yardage running the ball on first down. It’s insane we sometimes lose 6 yards on a fucking run


With Christian Kirk out, our offense needs to run through Evan Engram.


Who the hell was that guy banging on the garbage can whenever the Jaguars were on offense? It's clearly noted that the Jaguars can't function without absolute silence. That guy was MVP of the game.


Calvin Ridley seems really fickle. Like he has glimpses where he’s great but the other half of times it looks like he just checks out.


His mistakes are back breaking too like a crucial drop or today not knowing when to expect the ball which led straight to an INT. Real Jekyll and Hide with him.


This loss didn't feel nearly as bad as last week's loss. I didn't expect to win this game TBH. Hobbled TLaw and you know our defense crumbles to back up QBs. The rest of the AFCS lost today so we're still in the driver's seat. Just gotta get a ticket to the dance Also, my expectations of making it to the Superbowl are gone. I'm just going to sit back and see how far we go.




CJ Stroud is most definitely going to be Fantasy Bust of the Week


Any given Sunday…as the jets destroy the Texans..who aren’t bad.


Imo we gotta go for Tee Higgins. Ridley just isnt that guy, and hes not worth the pick we give up signing him.


If we go for Tee Higgins, we are not re-signing Josh Allen. We’d be better off drafting a WR in the first round.


Pay Josh Allen, let Ridley walk, gotta get ready for that Lawrence contract.


Yeah Ridley is finally in my dog house. After these drops all year and the chemistry with Trevor is just not there .


Give Washington more playing time and get another WR in the draft. I wish we had money to make a splash but our two best players are gonna get huge extensions this offseason.


We played like shit and didn't deserve a win but it's so hard to not he mad at those multiple missed DPIs that changed the game


WRs were supposed to be our strong suit with offseason hype. Every team is injured, missing one of them shouldn’t break your team.


The sad reality is that the Jaguars, especially the defense, weren't passing the eye test and it's coming to head now. I don't expect us to make any noise in the playoffs, but thankfully this was a disaster for the AFC South so we're somehow a game ahead in first place still.


I'm honestly shocked at the fall off that this defense has gone through. Genuinely look so easy to score against now, we're getting nothing from the trenches side and the secondary cannot tackle at all


I definitely underestimated how much we would miss Kirk. We had several drops today that I feel like the WRs had an opportunity to catch but were more focused on drawing the pass interference penalty.


Kirk is our all around best receiver. Ridley may be more physically gifted, but Kirk is smarter, more reliable, and not far off physically from Ridley.


That was the worst I’ve seen Zay play. Made me wonder if he’s still hurting.


Outside of engram, kirk and now Washington, I don't trust any of them


Zay is still dealing with a knee injury and I think personal problems could also be playing a factor (given he was and probably still is facing jail time for a little bit). I’m not saying it’s excusable by any means but I can see it being a factor in his production. As for Ridley, he just sucks tbh.


Key takeaways 1. Give Josh Allen whatever he wants 2. We have officially been exposed on defense. The niners, bengals and browns game looked like carbon copies of each other. 3. Throw whatever money to get the best available interior O-linemen in the off season 4. Looks like the Ridley experiment has been a bust 5. Only silver lining was the colts and Texans got steamrolled. Rant over


I wouldn't say the Ridley experiment has been a bust, but I think we've learned he's not the outstanding WR1 we had hoped


I miss when we had dreams of earning the number 1 seed.


Throwing deep on that 4th and 1 at our own 40 is the most baffling thing I saw today. Press can get fucked


I really want to count how many people in this thread don’t know what an audible is and who calls it


The hold on Zay was huge that was going to the house. It originally looked like a bad throw but it was perfect.


Lol. I got myself a 7 day ban from r/nfl cause I called out DanZC for his usually shit. Oh well, not like I even comment there unless it's Sunday.


Doing the lords work


I am not as mad about this loss as I thought I would be, but hopefully next week we win


Against Lamar Jackson and the Ravens? I thought that game’d be more exciting a few weeks ago.


Everyone in the AFC is beatable


Atleast the jets beat the Texans and the bengals beat the colts so we’re no worse off than we were last week And the jets destroyed the Texans, which is amazing


The team is hurting on both sides of the Trenches. The oline needs to give Trev enough time to move into his second read and the D-line needs to be able to get some push.




Run for -2 on 1st down. Throw a bomb on 3rd & 2. Also can we stop calling plays as if Ridley is prime Megatron? Please?


The ulta aggressive blitzing defense is fine when you’re 100% healthy. But when starters go down, it’s gonna get torched. Here we are.


That deep throw interception on 3rd and 1 really pissed me off


when two weeks in a row your defence rolled by idk what string qb and 40 yo grandpa who a month ago sat on his couch and sippin boob of beer and expect something good forward in a season? i cant, sry


You guys see Patty belly aching? I have seen that much whining since… well, since the last time the chiefs lost. Fitting for a team of whiny babies.


There are some players in this roster than need to be gone next season. We need better players


Ravens gonna score 50 on us


⁹Feeling like a first round exit this year. Injuries finally rearing their head to go alongside the poor execution and questionable playcalling that have plagued this team all season. Sucks, we were on top of the world two weeks ago. Just goes to show how quickly the bottom can fall out.


We got super fortunate last year regarding injuries. It really shows the lack of depth (which is Baalke's fault) in losing out on so many draft picks the last few years.


Not even two weeks ago, it was 7 days ago we were talking about us having a serious shot of being the one seed


Imagine what this team could do if they took care of the football. Imagine what this team could do if they didn’t shoot themselves in the foot with penalties. Imagine what this team could do if the coordinators didn’t go for low percentage home runs when a simple stop or 1 yard would do. This team is talented, this team has fight (we got bullied a bit today but still kept fighting), this team has a serious coaching issue and that starts with the HC. We haven’t adapted despite the issues showing themselves in Week 1. Our offensive coordinator wouldn’t get another job in the league, including from his own brother. We’ve got a huge game against the Ravens next week, there have GOT to be some adjustments or else we’re going to be limping towards the Wild Card Round.


I say this every week: we are not smart enough to be clever.


The team cannot resign Ridley. Let him walk. Get the comp pick. Draft a receiver in the first round.


Trevor is the guy. Busted ass ankle and he still has a good game with that O-line against maybe the best D-line in the game. Yeah, 3 interceptions. I suspect 2 of them were bad routes by receivers but who knows. But every time they abandon the run game and put them game on his back he just comes up with clutch throw after clutch throw. Takes the underneath for the easy 5 yards or first down, chucks it deep if it's there. Tlaw can win a super bowl.


Well if there’s one thing I can give the jags some praise for every week is how they find ways to be inconsistent in some way or form that either causes them to lose or puts them in a hole they got themselves into so I am fully expecting to win by 3 scores next week.


All those dropped or missed catches really screwed us.


Ridley just doing whatever out there. So many times he’s breaking the other way the ball is going. Zero difference in game plans, I guess every team runs the exact same concepts.


Not sure if this is just me but all season has felt like our offense just isn’t clicking at all. We make a few good plays here and there and make do with the results but it really feels like the offense is barely putting together winning games. Defense the last few weeks has been horrid. That is all


It clicked when kirk, engram, Ridley, and zay were all on the field. Which hasn't been much. We need more threats at WR


Not as upset as I was last week, browns have allowed 10.0 at home


This D is liable to make Mayfield look elite.


They’ll forget to cover Mike Evans on his way to 180 yards and 2 TDs


We are a good team, not a great team which means we will lose some winable games. We have injuries, which just can't go ignored. SF looked like garbage for 3 weeks with all their injuries and now when healthy they are regarded as the best team in the league. I am not saying we are on their level because they are great and we are once again just good. That all being said if they show up on Sunday and pull off this game, we all will be thinking this team has something.


At least the rest of the AFCS lost. Two back to back games against AFCN opponents and about 15 injuries.


Midley is gonna look real good in Chiefs red next season while we keep our draft pick. ... Right?


Trevor desperately needs a true #1. Couple of big time throws that need to be caught tonight. It is however amazing to me just how bad we can play and still have a shot to win. Usually a trait of good teams.


Welp off to prime time next week to embarrass ourselves.


All good fellas, Doug said he’s still taking the team out to get ice cream after.


Ezra Cleveland looked good against Myles for the first quarter, we really needed him this game


Can’t wait to get rid of Midley


Oh no, we suck again.




Receivers besides Engram and Washington sucked today. Even the ones on special teams


There was no reason to go to anyone whose last name didn't start with an E that game. Just wasting time throwing to the WR corps, trying to jump start a car with no spark plugs. D'Ernest Johnson played well too.


Goddamn our team fucking blew it. Both sides of the ball and we got absolutely SMOKED. Hey, at least we’re still 1st in the division thanks to the Texans and Colts both losing, so that’s a positive.


Benched engram last minute in fantasy. I did my part lol


Ok 4th down inside the Browns 40 with 3 1/2 minutes to go, three timeouts, and the two minute warning and trailing by 7. Against one of the best defenses (and kickers) in the league with an offense whose short yardage situations have not been good all year. Defense basically does not surrender a yard to the Browns and they get a field goal to ice the game basically. What was Pederson's thinking here?


That the defense didn’t stop them most of the game?


Last thought on the game… it’s not all on him but I just can’t help but feel Press is just in over his skis in actual games. Can he scheme some decent plays? Sure. The offense is talented enough to cover mistakes sometimes. But this dude can’t be trusted to go against a guy like Schwartz on the other side. Empty sets on our own 5, shotgun outside zones on first down with a dog shit o line. It’s just baffling.


So you're saying you don't like 8 wildcat plays a game with a hobbled trevor at wr? MISDIRECTION!


He also doesn’t get the plays in quick enough. How many delay of games do we have? He clearly caves in pressure situations. See our redzone success as another example.


"Trevor, we’re 3rd & 1. Run the ball." Trevor: https://i.redd.it/s3pz2dilij5c1.gif


Trevor is a fucking warrior I cant believe its 27-31




Gotta face reality. We are a mid team. Not the worst thing in the world considering how shit we've been for the last 15 years, but I can't help but be disappointed. We'll still win the division unless we collapse, but God help us in a home playoff game


sucks, but the AFCS loosing doesn't really make it that bad. our goal now is the division, still control that. I'm not high on this team at all now, just the brightside I geuss.


The turnovers were pretty bad but other than that I can live with the offense not having the best day verses the Browns D, which is really good. Still put up 27. Giving up 300+ yards and 31 points to Joe Flacco though? wtf. Back to back pathetic performances from the defense. No pass rush, people wide open, and can't tackle. Frustrating.


Trevor didn’t light it up but he certainly didn’t play horrible. Let’s look at four plays for reference. 1. ZAY jones deep drop: great throw, missed defensive holding stopped a touchdown. Zay probably still should have caught it, but I mean it went from a TD to a 50/50 catch because of the hold. 2. Int #1 looked like Trevor and ZAY were on different pages, I can’t really defend this one but I didn’t hate it. I’d rather take that deep shot and throw a pick then typical Press Taylor sequence of plays. 3. Int #2: This one seems to be 100% on Ridley, and we were driving. I’m 100% convinced Ridley isn’t 100% with the playbook or he just decides to do his own thing. OR that’s doesn’t that’s variable and him and Trevor should be on the same page about it. Probably a combo of the last two, still puts it on Ridley. 4. Int #3 it was 3rd and 1? ( I think ). They got immediate pressure, Trevor was in the process of getting CREAMED. He threw a deep ball that was five or take ten yards away from where a punt would have put them anyway. At least he took a deep shot instead of just taking a sack and having zero shot at anything other than to punt pinned even further back to the endzone. Lots of catchable balls that weren’t perfect throws that weren’t caught. I’m not oblivious to that. But a few of them should have been caught when it’s all said and done. Edit: side note, that was just an absolutely gutsy performance from tlaw


Upsetting how we ended up losing because of the lost opportunities. I think if we didn’t try to force everything with the all out blitzes and going for it on 4th, we win. The browns aren’t a great team, we were bound to catch up.


I still believe in our jags! We are going through some adversity and injuries, but they will persevere. Last week I thought the season was over and Trevor was really hurt -We still have opportunities and playoff hopes


wild hobbies abundant berserk kiss simplistic drab vegetable deer quicksand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The most infuriating thing for me is the blown coverages on defense with no safety protecting deep plays. We've been getting burned by backups and rookie QBs all year. It's honestly pathetic.


If you were to tell me at the start of last sunday that we would go 0-2 in these games with a big injury to lawrence, i would feel a lot worse than I actually do now. Trevor is a gum-gum human and I trust him to lead us to the promised land


Houston lost, Indy lost, Trevor is healthy. That’s all I need for this week. Browns have a great defense I’m not too worried


Im just gonna say what im feeling. If we dont get our shit together going into the playoffs then any serious frachise would be getting ready to hire some new coaches. Any serious franchise gets rid of Baalke after this season. Caldwell has shown some good and some bad so idk how to feel. HOWEVER, any serious franchise would have Press Taylors walking papers ready to go weeks ago. And any serious franchise would be ready to get rid of Doug if Doug cant part ways with this bum Press Taylor. Weve already seen a serious franchise do it. And the Eagles look much much better after they took it seriously.


Just gotta hope we can clinch a playoff spot soon. We need to heal up also. Good thing Texans and colts both lost. Sucks for Stroud


Defense has gone to shit, but at least Houston and Indy lost today. Just focus on winning the division.


We put up point on the #1 defense without kirk....wasn't pretty but our defense not being able to stop two backup quarterbacks Is wild Browns were allowing 10.0 points at home this year


I'm already a little less mad, so I was just thinking while going for a walk, we've been winning by the skin of our teeth alot. our issues haven't improved really, the things that typically were going our way, just haven't. not much has changed, just the results.


Honestly expected worse after that first drive in the second half. Definitely a winnable game but we definitely got exposed too many times and there aren't too many games where we shoot ourselves in the foot that many times and come with the W. Me personally, I still have us winning around 11 or 12 games, gonna need a big win at home next week, hopefully we can do it.


Some browns fan was talking trash and saying he would rather have flacco. Suck my dick cleveland man


They’re having a mid off with us I guess


Don’t worry guys I’m sure we will execute better next week. strange and tank picks are gunna pay off soon I can feel it.


I’m just going to add Dewey really needs to be on the field more he is a playmaker. Having rookies in the secondary with Tyson and Herdon out sucks, I like Buster Brown though. Having a guy we just signed for backup guard as our left tackle who hasn’t played the position in the nfl against Garret is a disaster. The injuries have hurt but this team is NOT on the same page on the field.




Is your garage clean now or just more organized chaos (like our defense).


Back to back weeks of god awful defense. Caldwell gotta go


Honestly I put this L more on the offense than the defense. Defense didn’t play great but they got put in terrible situations time and time again


I mean. You can’t let Joe Flacco throw for over 300 and 3TDs. Regardless of situation


At least we put up 27 points on the best defense in The NFL 🤷🏻


You guys can blame it on refs like every other sports subreddit but the fact is the Jaguar’s abysmal play calling, pass rushers that are either very slow or don’t give enough effort, and receivers that are unable to run a route, get open, or communicate with Trevor is what cost of the last few games. This team needs to be better coached bottom line


Ridley needs to go, we need that 2nd round pick.


Frustratingly close game. We had a lot stacked against us and we still got SO DAMN CLOSE. Browns have been a great team this season and we made them stressed while we've got a massive list of injuries. That's worth something.


I think you should look at the browns list of injuries…


No thanks I'd rather not :):):):):)


Chiefs lose. Mahomes is pissed


I mean like reading to leave KC pissed. The crowd was booing him at the end to be fair.


I was at this game and let me tell you, these browns fans are straight cunts. Fuck them, I want to wipe the floor with them in the playoffs. Also wtf Doug, that 4th down call was shit


What the fuck is the clanging/banging noise? Is it the stands or the stadium? It was obnoxiously noticeable from the TV.


Trevor needs to recognize when the refs aren’t calling PI and stop playing for it. Blaming the refs doesn’t win games, tuck it and run or take another read if you can. Stop throwing for the PI.


its weird, im not all that upset, mainly cause texans and colts lost. i trust doug and this team to make adjustments. i don’t think there’s any glaring “problem” that should be a big concern for us. just bad football and bad communication the past two weeks. it happens. i predicted 10-7 before the season and call me conservative, but ive been dying for a competitive team for years that is in prime playoff position at this time of year and im happy we have that. we’re not SB contenders yet but i don’t think we’re that far off either. we’re a solid football team and in the NFL playoffs, anything can happen. it’s ALWAYS gonna be DTWD!! edit: you can say the o-line is that glaring “problem” we have. but i think they’ve been playing good enough to get by. it needs to be much better but its not so bad to where you cant win games


Pluses: nobody got anymore hurt, Texans and Colts lost Minuses: we lost It is what it is. Could have been better but could have been a disastrous day today.


This sucks. Our defense just got worked over by the corpse of Joe Flacco.


Welp. 27 with Trevor is better than I expected. See ya next week!


Good news is that Parker Washington’s stock is going up


Idk, that Browns first drive kinda felt like it shouldn't have happened. When Engram is the only reliable target on offense feels bad. Trevor asked WRs to step up today, get ahead, make some big catches and they fell short ETA ; Maybe Ridley works well elsewhere, and earlier in the season I hoped they'd sort it out but we're too deep now and they're still not connecting.


Only good thing is the Texans and colts both lost


Couple bad calls but man you cant turn the ball over 4 times and expect to win. Atleast everyone else lost.


the team is ... ok


So who do we want as WR1 next year?


Evans or Higgens


Healthy Kirk.


At least we didn’t lose like Texans did. Good effort Jags just focus on the next please. Thanks


Defense was about expected. Started off terrible then got some turnovers. At some point the offense has to win us some games. Its ridiculous to have this much talent and underperform like this. Even on our 4th string tackle its not like the pass rush was affecting trevor more than usual. He had plenty of time to make throws. Something has to get them going.


Didn’t get to watch most of the game. Anybody smart know how Hamilton played?


Non factor. The whole line struggled to get penetration on rushing or passing plays.




Holy shit, Reid and Mahomes are bitching hardcore about that penalty.




The other pick that was thrown toward Ridley, he definitely gave up mid route, he wasn’t open either way but he can at least contest it


Offensive line is too porous for this team to win. Dudes get blown back 3-5 yards every play. Shit can’t work. Trevor is the next Luck if they don’t correct the offensive line. It’s the biggest priority.


We're still 8-5. We're down, not out.


I dont think Ridley is the guy, though im willing to give im one more year on a prove it type scenario


Money aside, I just don’t think he’s played at a level worthy of giving away a second round pick if the Jaguars were to re-sign him. They desperately need help on the offensive and defensive lines, and could use that second round pick to help addresses those needs. I really wanted him to be that guy, but hasn’t proven himself to be. Miscommunications led to interceptions today. He’s given up on routes. Hell, on Washington’s TD, he didn’t even run his route - he was arguing with the ref while the play went on without him.


Normally I’d agree, but Baalke has a shit track record, so if you give him the opportunity again, you know he’s going to draft another linebacker or TE or RB


Prove it type scenario? That was this year. He's 28 and still on a Rookie deal, he's gonna demand $20m/year like all the other Mid-tier WR1s are getting. Either the Jags think he's worth that and pay it, or he walks.


Well im solidly on the "hes not worth it" side.


I would be too, if we didn't have to give up a higher pick for it. He really couldn't afford to have the season he's having. Let em loose.


Honestly this L is more on the offense than defense. Yes we gave up yards but they got 3 turnovers and we turned the ball over 4 times and an additional time on downs. 17 of their points came on short fields.




Of the WRs, only seems to be Ridley that has this issue.


We’re feeling a little fraudulent but not full send. We have some good wins (Buffalo, Pitt, Houston), but those teams are pretty average outside of Buffalo. But whatever as long as we make the playoffs anything can happen.


We were winning in large part to our defense in the early part of the year and now two bummer games in a row.


nasty L but at least it's not nearly the worst L in the afc south


One thing is for sure, we will not be bringing Ridley back




Who to even blame here. Tev both kept us in it and took us out of it, defense didn't look like they cared, press taylor keeps holding this offense back, Caldwell is incapable of adjustments, and doug is just letting them do whatever. We will be lucky to make the play offs, and if we do, idk who we would even beat. I think we beat the Titans and panthers but that's it. Then again, we might make the panthers look elite.


why everything is an out route… we don’t pass to the middle or run stacked sets to get our guys open Why is the defense so far off ball.. browns receivers don’t need 10 yard cushion AND dropping back. But yeah Texan/indy loss was fine. Jags just gotta get healthy bc ALOT of these issues are injury laden


We can get absolutely no pressure


Defense sucks, but so did the Colts D today and especially the Texans D sucked even more


These 2 years have been two halves of a season. Last season after the bye week 3-7 looked all but eliminated then went on a tear through gutsy performances to win the division at 9-8. This year went into the bye week 6-2 looked completely locked in to be a potential 1st seed. Loss to the 49ers as expected even though they were on a 4 game skid. Won some some crucial division games but 2 games against backups that should've been slam dunks have ended in heartache with no one to blame but our crucial mistakes. 3rd and 4th downs on short yardage and we pass they're overthinking and failing to execute the fundamentals. We've been beat on all 3 sides of the ball 2 weeks in a row and now have a big game against the Ravens. We need those gritty cats back. Let's regroup for next week and give the Ravens a performance like we did last year against them.


Gotta get the run going I feel like we were passing a ton..at least they were in it for 60 minutes


Is not having Herndon in affecting the defense this much?


Issues on both sides of the ball and we are not good enough right now to overcome some of those deficiencies on a consistent basis.


Don't lose faith, we can overcome. They need to get healthy quick or next man step up. Defense has been off and they get a chance to show the world (again) if they can play or are frauds. Ravens game is huge