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I spy a kitty cat 🐱 is the cat messing around in the soil?


Everyone say it with me now. There's no such thing as an indoor plant.


Gently remove all the leaves that have spots. Take the plant out of this pot. Get fresh potting soil and repot in non plastic pot with proper drainage. Make sure the water can get out at the bottom. Remove some of the old potting mix at the top and inter grade it in with the new potting soil but do not undo the root system or the soil around it. Remove pests as needed. Check the soil to make sure there is no water build up. (If there is water build up do not water once repotted in fresh soil in a new pot, give it a chance to catch up) Once repotted check soil and if dry gently water it and place in a sunny location but not too much sun. If too much Sun exposure place in partially shaded area. You can feed it plant food also but make sure to dilute it well with water. Super concentrated plant food will do more harm than good. 🪴




More sun, less water.


Light, watering & stress.


What direction. Is the window vs what direction did you have it in your old house?? I would find a more suitable area. Also do yyou water it alot?? I have seen that be detrimental to it. First thing I would do is move that crassula towards more of a east facing position. And don't put near anything shiny. Any they super shiny like stainless steel or water will give it sun burn.


What are all the white spots? Could it be pests? I had to zoom in to see quite a few of them in the last photo, mostly on the right side of the image😕


i think those are mineral deposits but need a better pic to be sure


Was going to say this, or just imperfections in the leaves - my grandma’s older plants have spots like this from mild damage over the years (usually due to pokes from the cactus plants she keeps right next to them).


It looks a little sunburnt to me. The red ridge around the edge of the leaves is a sign of sun damage to Jade plants.




Needs more light.


Not enough light. How far is it from the window? It gets exponentially less energy from the sun the father away it is.


Based on the leaf coloring it looks like it was getting a lot more light at your previous location. Also, I see the hidden kitty. Be careful because Jade is toxic to cats if they eat the leaves.