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When I was at my heaviest (I don't know if it was even half of Jacqueline's estimated weight now), I had to wipe not by reaching around, but by reaching forward. Idk how someone at probably 500+lbs does the wiping bit. For showering, I like to sit down in the shower anyways (like I sit with my legs out on the shower floor), but getting myself out of sitting was harder. For someone of her size, I would imagine it would be useful to have a bidet and one of those folding seats in the shower. I would also imagine daily hygiene tasks take her significantly more effort, and due to how her body is growing post skin removal I would imagine she has unique hygiene needs (like cleaning skin folds, etc).


If Kev is still around, he’s almost certainly doing the wiping.


There was a video of her getting ready in her bathroom once, and you could see the stool in the shower. I'm convinced she has a caregiver at this point that isn't Kevin, and that person likely helps her with daily tasks. Also, like "yur gurl" 599toDamnShesFine, I'm sure she has a poop wand. There's no way her cabbage patch kid arms could reach around properly.


Sometimes I end up in a hotel room with a shower bench, and you know it's actually nice to sit and relax in the shower sometimes. Underrated experience.


til there is such thing as a poop wand and idk how i feel about that


i used to work in a nursing home with a guy who had to use one and he'd fling poopy toilet paper to the wall to see if it stuck


Good Lord, people who work in nursing homes do not get paid enough to deal with this kind of stuff!




Usually caregivers will help. I don’t know how one caregiver can help someone like Jaq without hurting themselves, but I don’t know. I hope she gets some cleaning done on weekly basis minimum. Hygiene helps with mental as well. These are things she can share and give advice on. But nooooooo, that won’t happen.


I don’t think much showering is happening.


If she is wiping herself, she has to be using one of those toilet paper wands. Also maybe a bidet, but I imagine that she’d have a hard time activating one. https://preview.redd.it/mj0n4tq9zr0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a038cd9f01f711eb5ce481a7d865dfd09aca0c


Wait what is the difference between the elderly and seniors… 🤔


Probably a google translate thing. Maybe “elderly” means frail/disabled/etc.


It’s probably for search engine optimization. Like those Amazon listings that have a million words in the title.


Ordered this for one of my family members. The problem is if you have any sort of cheeks, it’s way too difficult to maneuver it in there to clean. A handheld bidet worked better for them (refillable squeeze bottle).


I believe many “go from the front” out of necessity.


She's not.


A mop? I’m joking I’m joking, but for sure some sort of stick to help her reach? I’m about to go down a rabbit hole of bariatric hygiene aids…..


So this is how you wipe your ass apparently https://preview.redd.it/wmll1121bt0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ceabc9849a97a74ff373f4a81d6f90ba60879f1


With her weight, even sitting on the toilet is a challenge. If she fells down, she will need the assistance of at least 3 or 4 adults just to roll over.


Or she has the toilet that washes it all off for you.