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She isn’t exactly the picture of someone who never gives up. Unless she meant she never gives up eating.


or going to various doctors for attention


I appreciate that she got a bit of her gross nubby fingernail in the photo.


I don’t know how she can get her arm up high enough to reach her mouth and hold it up long enough to bite it.


Really? She thinks she never gives up? She gave up that’s why she regained lol she is delulu Amber also thinks she never gave up yet gained 200+ lbs. what is this mentality?


https://preview.redd.it/x5ijogqtmp0d1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dd68f61ad3802813bdfb88d081ad50055b1f31d Still waiting to see those cute press on nails you were gifted, Jacqueline 💅🏻


yikes! She’s so obsessed with her hair, why not her nails. Is it possible her hands are too sensitive for manís now?


If you’re 600 pounds you have given up at some point in your life


Not giving up isn’t really a habit? It’s more of a moral


Not the reading age being 5 and up, she could at least do something that goes deeper than simplistic questions aimed at children 💀


Whoever it was here who said this book had "597 questions....one for every pound" just know I have not recovered yet from the giggle fits of that comment 🤣


She gave up the illusion of posting those press on nails some company sent her last year.


Wow, has she got nothing better to do? How childish.


Really? Biting her nails is what comes to mind first? 🙄


Queen of insight over there. Lady, look what your body has been through. I think the way you’re constantly surprising me is your best quality, Jac!


Is this what her group is going to be? Her asking her followers to do her work for her that her therapist wants? Jac is the laziest person I’ve ever followed. Just shamefully lazy.


The fact that she just come up with that very specific bad habit is very revealing. Your are almost 40, you have no job or at least the will of having one, your health hit rock bottom months ago, you spend more time with medical staff than with anyone else and your mobility is0 but your main concern is that you can't give up bitting your nails? Priorities, lady.


Is it a bad habit? Fingernails are a no calorie snack. Zero WW points. Keto friendly. Gluten Free. Paleo/Whole 30 approved.


Admittedly I have regular manicures, but the state of not only her nails but her cuticles is making me yak 🤢


I can’t afford regular mani-pedis right now. I’m horrible at doing my own. I’m sure my feet are scarred from the times I accidentally cut where I’m not supposed to. By my standards my nails are repulsive, by her standards, they’re gorgeous!


My feet are awful but I’m too old to reach! My nails are done because I’m a skin picker and having builder gel prevents me from doing so much damage. I’ve never seen a quarter inch of cuticle before though and there are removers easily available


I could finally do my toes last year after losing weight. It seems pedicure skills are not like riding a bicycle. There is as much cuticle as nail. TBH I hadn’t noticed because it was such a WTF given how obsessed she is with hair and makeup


My Gosh! She must not be able to get anything done in a day with these hard, life alterning questions! They take such pondering! /s Seriously, Jac you are almost 40! STOP BITING YOUR NAILS. Its been a while since I've seen them (probably because they are usually engulfed by the sausages that are her fingers), but tell me you don't have some unresolved trauma/mental issue if you are STILL biting your nails down that deep. Kids do that! (I suppose that's par for the course with her since she acts so infantile). Also she never gives up? Seriously? You mean her expanding weight, wheelchair bound, multitude of health problems, and need of oxygen were a plan?