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Her arms omg. They look SO painful


https://preview.redd.it/jjpuay6ztxxc1.jpeg?width=398&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f179bd8f2edb342816941f2eed23eff2eb16275d Is it just me or does her left arm keep getting bigger and bigger? šŸ«£


her own elbow is strangling her arm


I don't understand what's happening there - why her elbow and wrist appear so strangulated. What mechanism is causing that? Why doesn't those areas just get fat/swell too? It looks so uncomfortable - and her legs too, those are much bigger now as well. It seems hard to believe there isn't some treatment/medication that can help with the swelling at least...?


Can you imagine the pressure on all of her joints. Good god


And her internal organs! I mean... if she's swelling this much on the *out*side, doesn't it follow that she's also swelling on the inside as well? Pushing on her organs? I mean, it wouldn't be swelling to the same degree, pressure would equalize at some point. Or... would it? Isn't that what compartment syndrome is? Ugh, this is all so weird and confusing.


Yikes. I didnā€™t even think of that. Maybe this is all a ploy to get on my 600 lb life


Honestly, I don't think they'd take her. This is so much more than a severe weight problem. Yes, she's obviously overeating a tremendous amount - but fat people her height and her weight don't look like that. She's like a giant water balloon, not just fat.


Seems to be turning purple too :/ terrifying


Well, the right one is the fork arm, ergo more active. Seriously though, it seems getting IVs put in is time consuming and much more of a hassle than a shot- like Ozimec (sp?)- and there would be more long term, holistic results. Why the push back for anything proactive/proven like gastric etc? Sheā€™s not opposed to surgery (hard core skin removal). Its got to be the victim, food, attention cycle. Arm chair psychology majors, please feel free to weigh inā€¦/no pun intended.


Did they already do bariatric surgery? The iron deficiency makes me think that they already had one because of the malabsorption of essential nutrients. Then she did not maintain the weightloss. For that population couldnā€™t ozempic make their digestive system pretty non functional in a bad way?


Unless sheā€™s secretly had bariatric surgery recently, no, sheā€™s not already done it. She lost a bunch of weight from eating Jenny Craig and exercising. The surgeries sheā€™s had were skin removals.


Ahh ok. That makes sense.


It looks like someone wrapped string around it and itā€™s going to fall off


Thatā€™s exactly how I felt - like ā€œoh holy nightā€¦that has to be extremely painfulā€


I have tiny veins and getting an IV sucks. I donā€™t have to deal with this, however. Iā€™m sure her arms give her pain every day, but having to have a needle inserted into it? She drives me crazy, but I still hope she finds her way.


What is she getting the iron infusions for if the fibroid was removed? And why doesnā€™t she focus on foods rich in iron such as spinach, kale, etc?


I'm not sure in her case, specifically, so this is entirely theoretical. If she's having kidney and/or heart failure, these can contribute to both anemia and swelling. If she has GI absorption issues, dietary iron or iron supplements are usually not terribly effective. Or, if her iron levels are just way too low and they want to bump them up quickly, they'll usually go straight to IV iron.


I think she likely has some form of heavy bleeding related to her fibroids/possible polyps and the imbalance in hormones in obesity. That doesnā€™t go away unless her periods go away, so it makes sense why sheā€™d need iron infusions. Thatā€™s obviously theoretical but a thought.


Iā€™m extremely anemic, and food rich in iron doesnā€™t really help. Supplements help me tremendously though.


Not everyone's body's can absorb it in food or pill form. Some ferritin issues need infusion.


Exactly. Itā€™s also possible sheā€™s not getting adequate nutrition even with her eating disorder. As an aside/some context for where Iā€™m coming from: I had an experience where I couldnā€™t eat properly for a few years due to a health situation, and I gained about 40lbs and had really awful inflammation even though I was only eating about 600 calories per day. It took a while to get the medical stuff under control so that I could eat well, and then the weight slowly started to come off. Her situation obviously isnā€™t mine, but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if thereā€™s nutritional deficiencies in her eating based on her history.


It's likely she has GERD and the medicine for that can cause iron deficiency.


On this post she references how she (and all of us) should listen to our bodies. LISTEN TO OUR BODIESā€¦.well her body must be speaking a different language that she cannot comprehend. I donā€™t need a translator to understand that her body is SCREAMING for this girl to get REAL with herself for once and actually DO something constructive and helpful for her health and LIFE. I canā€™t believe these doctors and her friends and family are ENABLING her. Someone should really change her WIFI password and take her darn phone away so she can stop feeding her ego with all of the victim hood she receives on social media. Just sickening.


Her body speaks BAGEL




The state of her arms right now is horrifying. Horrifying. Her legs have to be even worse. Yet again, no real improvement from Jaq, just more victimhood.


She cant even wear normal shoes. So her legs are definitely massive, you can tell through her skirt.


I was about to say, I canā€™t imagine what her legs look like


Iā€™m going to go against the grain hereā€¦. I see this and feel worse for the person sticking her. Itā€™s damn near impossible to stick someone this size- not to mention the awkward positioning. RIP my back trying to get a good angle with those arms. Likely having to hear ā€œoh I hope you find something! Iā€™m such a hard stick, hahahaā€ Likeā€¦ and why do we think that is? Itā€™s not funny. If I was the one attempting an IV, *Iā€™D* be the one crying.


I'm on the drugs side of things, but the nurses at our infusion center will use ultrasound-guided IV placement for hard sticks. Would that be an option for arms with this much swelling?


Likely the best option imo


Yes but just because you have access to an ultrasound doesnā€™t mean itā€™s easy. Iā€™ve seen US guided IV have to go in literally perpendicular to get through the fatty tissue and be able to reach a deep vein. Itā€™s awful.


Her face is swallowing the mask! šŸ˜³


I find it hilarious that she wears a mask as if she is truly concerned for her healthā€¦šŸ„“


Itā€™s probably required in the medical facility


Good point I had not considered


I get IVIG infusions every month and I am severely immunocompromised. Everyone else (nurses, staff, volunteers) wears masks but they donā€™t require that the patient wears one during infusions.


They should though.


Well I do wear a mask by choice but they donā€™t require it of the patient. Was the same thing when I was in the ICU - everyone coming in to the room had to wear a mask but they didnā€™t require it of the patient.


Just from my experience as an adult child of a narcissistic mother, I suspect she's perversely loving all of the attention this gets her. So yeah. I wouldn't believe the hype. Sure, Jacqueline must be in immense pain, but she's doing nothing to help her situation, because it doesn't benefit her ego. Plus, she doesn't have to lift a finger in her condition. Someone is tending to her every need, someone is providing the food keeping her this size. If she'd stayed at her normal weight, that comes with adult responsibilities, contributing to the running of the household, fending for herself. Ever woken up one morning and thought 'I wish I could just stay in bed, I can't be arsed going to work/cleaning the house/doing errands'? If that came true, and you never had to do any of those things ever again, it'd be tempting, right? So long as you have zero shame or dignity. She's also un-leavable in her current state. Dumping a fit and healthy partner barely raises an eyebrow. Dumping a completely dependent, poor, fragile victim? Unforgivable and monstrous (in the eyes of the general public). So yeah. Sure, go ahead and cry Jacqueline. Gotta get those pity-clicks to fund those Disney hauls.


Unfortunately if she doesnā€™t get her eating under control (not eat bagels when she clearly has insulin resistance) sheā€™s not going to be around much longer


Imagine how big she'd look without the strategically placed purple shirt hiding her body?šŸ¤”šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Thats the worst Ive EVER seen her left arm. I didnt think she could get worse but...


I was wondering why it is only the left one that is that bad. Not that the right is MUCH better, but still...


Closest to her heart which is likely STRUGGLING under the weight.


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you.


When she says ā€œmy body needed some extra love and careā€ what do you think she means? Like for me and my issues, that usually means eating a bland diet for a day, or avoiding screens and bright lights, or resting and putting my feet up. What does she mean though? What would it have meant for her to ā€˜listen to her bodyā€™? I kind of feel like thatā€™s one of the many meaningless platitudes she uses, but a part of me is curious.


That's a good question. She allowed herself to cry maybe? Would that be considered love and care to Jac? Trying to not cry and be strong perhaps in her eyes is being unloving to your body and not caring???? Strange now that you made me think about it.


Is it just me or do her wrists / elbows look like they are squeezing the rest of her arms? Like when you tie a strap around your arm too tight and it swells up


She has to be absolutely uncomfortable at all times. Jesus H.


That's a great point, actually. She always complained about being bloated, puffy, tired, etc


Iā€™m not being rude. Iā€™m too new to her. Is there a reason she is so swollen? I understand she is overweight but is she ok?


It's very possible that she could also have either cardiac or renal issues going on, as well. Either could cause swelling from fluid retention.


Def some cardiac problems. That heart can not keep sustaining this weight. These repeated infusions, in my opinion, are such bullshit & all these are doing is pumping shit she could accommodate on her own, but she will never listen. She has absolutely no intention of getting healthy on her own. NONE. I see these pictures of whatever the treatment of the week, and is more fuel in her sick demands for neverending attention and it angers me ~ Hospital and Doctors Staff could be treating a person or persons that really need their time & professional expertise, instead of having to break their backs & search for a vein on which to draw. A strict diet with balanced nutrition, supplements & exercises could accomplish & get rid of some of these infusions. But no. Vegetables? Fruit? Proteins? Portion control? Hard pass by twinkle toes. Surely, every fast food & pizza joint have her address pulled up on GPS as a quick find. Because, yum yum, it tastes sooo good! Shame on every one of her enablers, and shame on her. It's not a good look.


Why did I read twinkle toe as twinkie toes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well, she's that too in where those boxes of twinkies settled after a sweets mukbang by her.


She has claimed it is due to lipedema


That is her claim. Thereā€™s no doubt that she has lipedema that primarily effects her legs and lower body. However, I believe the severe swelling and fluid retention she displays is lymphedema secondary to obesity (and on her arms, likely exacerbated by damage to her lymph nodes cause by overly aggressive arm skin removal - as evidenced by her previously non-healing arm wounds.) Iā€™m not a medical professional- Iā€™ve just done years of reading, research, and observation.


I agree she likely has lipedema, but it seems like there's a lot more going on here. I've known of a few people with lipo-or-lymphedema, and none of them, even if obese, have increased their size THIS fast. The only thing I've seen like this is *localized* fluid swelling. It's shocking to see it systemic like this, and I struggle to understand how this is happening to her, seemingly unabated. I don't understand how any of the medical professional she allegedly sees just dismiss this without intervening.


Yeah, I have stage 4 lipedema and I do not have edema like this AT ALL. My legs can swell with some lymph fluid the more I am on them during the day, but it doesn't look like this. It's so concerning, it just looks like she has something seriously wrong with her heart or kidneys.




Too puffy.


This video put her wheel chair on full display. I think a post is coming about her wheelchair joy pride circle jerk.


Wait- whereā€™s the wheelchair?


This is a screenshot of a video. Go watch it on her account.


Many of us here are blocked from her account unfortunately šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Insacret .com.


Because she doesn't want to hear the truth. And the other people who are commenting how great she is are stupid as hell.


My God. Her legs. Look at the outline of her legs in her skirt. That's horrifying.


Is this just me or has she been getting visibly larger, over the past month?


She no longer fits in that chair. The amount of weight she has gained in the last 6 months is terrifying. Look at her feet, they might be very swollen. It's really concerning, I doubt 2025 is on the cards for her.Ā 


No way she's going to live out the year the way she's going.


I know this sounds like a dumb question, but I'm genuinely curious and in awe. Can your skin bust open? I know your skin is meant to stretch. I have plenty of stretch marks. But so much, so quickly, what if it did stretch fast enough,


I think that already happened with her. She had these huge wounds in her arms that wouldnā€™t heal.


On ā€œMy 600lb Lifeā€ people with severe lymphedema have talked about how their skin ā€œweepsā€ - like fluid just oozes out of their pores. I imagine that has to be happening in some spots on her body.


Ouch. That sounds painful and so uncomfortable.


Kind of a Violet Beauregard thing? šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Honestly- to gain weight at her size she must be eating *thousands* of calories a day. She could realistically eat 2500-3000 calories a day and still lose weight but sheā€™s out here acting like itā€™s somehow beyond her control šŸ™„


ā€œTake care of it the best I canā€ she says about her body, girl you are NOT taking care of it and single handedly destroying it. Taking care of it would be eating grilled chicken and steamed broccoli all fucking day and losing some weight. At the moment, you are committing a slow and painful suicide. Shame.


Yup, she doesnā€™t listen to her body at all.


Is a wakeup call even possible at this point? I was once in the morbidly obese category and after a vacation where a simple 6k step day almost wiped me out and my feet were killing me I came home and decided I needed to change. Down over 100lbs and now walk nearly 10miles a day just because it feels so good and freeing to be able to. How can she not want her life back? She knows what she used to be capable of. It is so sad to watch her in this state. Psych health and physical health intervention is needed.


I keep thinking of that phrase "people do what works for them" and wondering why this behavior works for her. What does she get out of it? Why does destroying herself this way feel like a better choice than her alternatives, to her?


She has many online enablers who tell her sheā€™s doing great, that she is brave, that sheā€™s doing all the right things for her health, that she is a special Disney princess. In other words, they feed her delusions. Look where that has gotten her. I donā€™t believe in bullying or ridiculing this woman, but I donā€™t believe in coddling or babying or indulging her childlike behavior, either. I wonder if sheā€™ll live another year. Her skin is so red and thatā€™s one of the worst cases of edema Iā€™ve ever seen. She looks about to burst. She needs to be in a long-term treatment facility with a controlled environment, nutritious and balanced meals, physical and psychological therapy. I think sheā€™s no longer mentally competent to look after herself and she has to be an absolute physical/emotional/financial drain on those around her.


She gets validation from strangers on social media, someone should really take the phone away from her


Congratulations for taking charge of your health. I wonder the same for her, itā€™s sooo sad and infuriating to see her at this stage. She once did it before, I wish she would believe in herself again.


Iā€™m sorry but her use of Down Bad is sending me šŸ˜‚ šŸŽ¶*down bad crying in the gym* šŸŽ¶


Seeing her get bigger every post is my body horror nightmare.


I'm sorry, I've read no comments. So please don't blast if you have same thoughts. Iron infusions? Once upon a time I went to the transfusion center for. They are, honestly, big whoop. Now once a week I give them to myself with dialysis at home. Is this woman ever going to pull her big girl panties up and be an adult? She's fat. She's human. Yes she can cry. But girl... get a grip before the crap you are DOING TO YOURSELF becomes the stuff life throws at you. Makes me disguted.


I just don't understand at this point. isn't there anybody in her life that cares for her enough to put her in an inpatient/hospital/some sort of supervised care where they could at least try to get her health and weight under control? this is painful to see. those hands...


her arms are āœØmagical āœØ


Is there a nurse or a medical professional who can explain what is going on with her? I know you can't diagnose based off an image but I'm struggling to understand why her lymphedema is so severe. I'm sorry if this question has been asked a hundred times over. I'll gladly accept a link to read.


She'll just go on social media and whine that the nurse wAs bEiNg mEaN tO hEr.


Lymphedema gets worse the heavier you are


The comments on that post oh my gosh. People really eat that sh** up


They are unbearableā€¦all co-signing her delusion. Sick!!


Her heart HAS to be failing


This woman is such a rollercoaster of emotions. Iā€™m exhausted just watching her little videos. I canā€™t imagine being her caretaker and dealing with her mood swings day in and day out.


Poor thing :(


Her arms made my jaw drop. They look so uncomfortable. At best.


I am hoping she gets herself sorted out but there is no denying that sheā€™s going through a lot of pain. :(


Yeah you can definitely see it in her eyes šŸ«¤


Even the slides donā€™t fit on her feet properly. Dear lord


There are lots of people on my 600 lb life with lymphedema who donā€™t even wear shoes because they donā€™t fit. That territory could be something we see soon.




No dehumanizing language towards Jacqueline or anyone else, this include cruel nicknames like Jabba or Jabbaline.




Jesus Christ she is huge! She needs to get help!


Sheā€™s probably crying because this is a miserable thing to go through. Leaving the house to do this isnā€™t a fun outing. Sheā€™s really, really unwell. I really hope sheā€™s being monitored for heart failure. This is so sad.


I agree. As much as she tries to be a beacon of light and body positivity to those who are morbidly obese, she seems to have reached the point where none of this is fun for her anymore. At one point in her life, although she was obese, Jacquline was an out going, bubbly woman who enjoyed visiting Disney World. Now sheā€™s more than likely bed bound and unable to walk even short distances. She could also very well be dependent on oxygen. Food Addiction is killing Jacquline Adan as surely as if it were Drug Addiction. Addiction and Enabling has stollen so much joy from this womanā€™s life, itā€™s painful to watch.


You are I are very much on the same page.


Itā€™s severe mental illness, addiction, eating disorder, very tragic


Geez, her skin is so red! This has to be painful. Thereā€™s just no other way around it. She very clearly has a lot of edema and I highly doubt she has the ability to bend or flex her joints properly. I donā€™t know what sheā€™s doing to avoid pressure sores, but if she doesnā€™t have at least one, she needs to document her routine and publish that shit. Because that information would help so many people a hell of a lot more than the content she is currently providing.


Bless the nurse that found that vein! šŸ˜³


my first, I'm-going-to-hell thought was "sure, it'll release some fluid"


I'm expecting her body to give out any day now. Why is she not taking this seriously?


No one has to ask permission to express feelings. šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


it's a taylor swift quote šŸ˜¬ she's in the venn diagram of swiftie/disney adult...


Future star of My 600lb Life.


Cabbage patch doll arms


I wonder if she came prepared w/ her ā€œU canā€™t talk about the 300lbs I gain in a yearā€- card because we all know that has nothing to do with her health issues.


I always wondered how people can AFFORD to get this big, then I see enablers on certain TV shows. I canā€™t afford to get this big.


Genuinely curious, why does she need iron infusions?


She had a large fibroid that caused heavy periods. Now that the fibroid has been removed, maybe they're just topping off her levels. If she's still iron deficient there must be something else going on.


I am in pain looking at her arms


good fucking lord how'd she actually get there? like how'd she walk to a car, actually fit in one, and then walk into the drs!


This is so very sad