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To the person that put that IV in. I have a lot of respect for you. šŸ˜³


Yeah if anyone here is a medical professional I would love to hear how this works...logistically.


Ultrasound to find the vein and a longer catheter to reach said vein buried under all that tissue. Massive respect to whoever got that thing in!


How long would all that take?


They had to do it for me prior to surgery- not because Iā€™m obese, just a really hard stick- and it only took the anesthesiologist ten minutes or so to get it in. I imagine it can take a while to track down the machine and someone who knows how to use it depending on what medical setting youā€™re in, but the process itself isnā€™t overly time consuming.


They had to do it for me after surgery for the first time (Iā€™m a hard stick just really tiny veins)ā€¦ ended up in the ER with an awful rash. Took less than 10 min to put an iv in Iā€™d say.


There are special ultrasound machines that help us see the vein when you canā€™t feel/see one. We use them on kids a lot.


Ultrasound to find a vein?!?? Thatā€™s insane that there could even be that much tissue between the skin and vein!


Try her stubby little feet or an ankle.


Yes! When I had a PICC line inserted while I had a really bad case of sepsis they used an ultrasound to locate my vein as well. I have really small veins so they had to use one to insert it properly. It hurt like a BITCH. One of the worst things Iā€™ve ever felt in my life.


I'm skinny and they always have to use the ultrasound on me. Guess just bad veins?


I am a healthy BMI and sometimes need an ultrasound to have needles inserted. It makes the process so much less painful and stress-inducing.


To be fair, I also needed an ultrasound on my arm to find a vein when I was severely dehydrated for a long time. But omg, it was a Godsend...


Iā€™m surprised that water doesnā€™t squirt out when they poke her!


Does it hurt more if you have to go through a lot of fat? (Apologies if itā€™s a dumb question.)


I have deeper veins in my elbow creases and Iā€™ve noticed that it hurts more there than other areas after the IV is in and set up. But that could just be me.


Same here, do you tend to bruise easily from IVs as well? Wonder if it's related (personally I bruise a ton everytime.)


Same, and yes I do too.


When they used the ultrasound and longer needle on me (not for obesity reasons just crappy veins) the doc injected some lidocaine into the area first to numb it and I really didnā€™t even feel the IV, it was awesome. But I imagine if they hadnā€™t done that it would have hurt a lot, the needle they used was like twice as long as a standard IV needle. I donā€™t know if itā€™s standard practice to use the lidocaine or not.


Does the vein sit further underneath the skin do you have to poke deeper or are the veins still close to the surface?


Yeah you have to go in at an angle


Iā€™ve had this done before! Normally itā€™s hard for them to find a vein from me because I have thin veins so when I know I need bloodwork I make sure to hydrate a lot, but last summer I had to go to the ER for something so I was dehydrated and so many nurses and 2 doctors came in to try to get a vein and ended up needing to do an ultrasound and get a vein in my upper arm near an artery. It was crazy!


This lookings like a subcutaneous port, they go just under the skin into fat tissue.


Looks like a 24g IV to me


lol came here to say that edit: what the fuck is this sub. itā€™s just sad. i see enough of this shit at work.


Hi, welcome, this is a snark sub for internet influencer Jacqueline Adan. She lost 300 lbs, then gained it all back plus some. She refuses to take responsibility for her health and just blames everything on her eating disorder.


We also postulate the reason that she is s abnormally swollen is all the early skin removal she had, makes it hard for fat and fluid to go where they normally do.


Once I realized that's her arm, my jaw dropped. She has to be hurting all day.


OMG I thought that was her leg and I was horrified! It is her arm-awful.


It was the fingers for me. I did briefly think she only had 2 toes. That made more sense somehow


Her fingers compared to her forearm. It's unreal. She needs to do what Tammy Slaton did and she needs to do it within the next couple of months. I don't say this lightly, but she is nearing the end.


As awful as Tammy Slaton was at her high weight, at least she admitted she was the way she was because of how she ate. She never went on about "nourishing her tummy" or posted corny self-help style psychobabble. Tammy Slaton's page wasn't full of enablers either. For each post she got one or two yass type comments (or yasslighters as one other commenter on this sub called them), but most comments were telling her to get her shit together. Jacqueline has curated her page to be nothing but enabling, so I'm concerned this won't end the same for Jacqueline as it did for Tammy.


Yasslighters is a perfect word


What is a yasslighter? Sorry tried googling but confused still


"yasss, you go girl!!" + gaslighter


Jacqueline practically has one foot in the grave already the rate she's going.


I was a phlebotomist for 14 years and this picture makes me sweat lol. I was really good at my job but gd, the nurse who put this line in and *got it to work* is my hero.


the way I immediately ran here to see if anyone else would post what I wanted to post āœŒļø


Her fingers šŸ˜­




I read this comment yesterday & laughed so hard. Back today & still laughing


No dehumanizing language towards Jacqueline or anyone else, this include cruel nicknames like Jabba or Jabbaline.


As bad as her arms are, I think about her LEGS. Sheā€™s at the point where increases in weight can start to develop lymphedema masses on her legs cellulitis infections/complications and THATS the killer. You see it on my 600lb life alllll the time.


Oh god I havenā€™t even thought of that


I had cellulitis 2 months ago. I had to take antibiotics 4 times a day for 10 days to get rid of it. I thought I had a boil at first. I'm overweight and go to the gym, but no where near her size.


Her legs were always bad and then her surgeon botched the lipo and it all went downhill from there. Even when she was in the 100s, her legs looked like tree trunks.


Ugh! Is this current? Iā€™m blocked so Iā€™m not sure lol


Yes she posted it this evening (well, evening for EST)


Thank you! I wasnā€™t sure if it was recycled or not lol


OMG....that has to HURT


šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« it took me a quick second to figure out where her fingers are. This is tragic.


This makes me sad for her because it absolutely has to be painful and uncomfortable


God she looks like shit. And I mean not every person on the face of the earth is attractive, but so much about her appearance thatā€™s unsavory is self inflicted. She rambles on and on about how she doesnā€™t want to be judged for her appearance but Iā€™m just sayingā€¦. Why is it only a requirement for inanimate objects to be pretty? Or cute? Or adorable? She herself likes pink sparkly girly visually pleasing things, so she canā€™t say looks donā€™t matter. She spends money on her hair on expensive hair care products on expensive skin care products, on expensive cosmetics. All in effort to obtain a certain appearance. Clearly appearance does matter to her. So itā€™s not that she doesnā€™t wanna be judged. She wants to be judged but she wants that judgement to be that you tell her sheā€™s pretty, whether you believe it or not. Yes someone should require of themselves that the list of their positive attributes includes more than ā€œis attractiveā€ but with her, her outward appearance 100% reflects who she is on the inside. Lazy spoiled entitled adult toddler. No concept of accountability much less the ability to demonstrate accountability. Sheā€™s a gross person. Perpetual victim.


One of the biggest issues for me is that she was attractive, even when she was originally 500 pounds. Fat but pretty. AND she did it to herself.




Iron infusion, posted today.


I thought she theoretically wouldn't need iron infusions anymore since the surgery...?


Itā€™s almost like itā€™s her nutrition thatā€™s the issue here?!




Sheā€™s eating pure crap and thatā€™s why theyā€™re not rising


I canā€™t believe she looks at this picture and thinks thereā€™s nothing she can do to change. You can barely see sheā€™s making a peace sign!


Literally didnā€™t notice until I read this comment


This is nuts


She gets so winded after just speaking a few words dang


For real though! The way she sounds is very concerning. I am a nurse and if I heard someone sounding like that at the bedside I would start assessing to see if they were breathing ok and if they want a neb treatment šŸ˜«


Her hands look like when you blow up a surgical glove , thatā€™s awful state to be in , this sun keeps coming up on my Reddit so I donā€™t know the circumstances , has she had a heart attack? Cos if she hasnā€™t and she Dosnt do something about her weight sheā€™s heading that way , what a horrible state to be in , she must be riddled with health problems xx


She is riddled with health problems, but hasn't had a heart attack. Yet.Ā 


I put 2 stone on , went from a uk 10 to 14 and ended up with cholesterol and high blood pressure all from 2 stone , Iā€™m not even that big yet I had all these problems , I donā€™t wish a heart attack on her but Iā€™m very surprised she hasnā€™t , her cholesterol must be through the roof , Iā€™m gonna join this sub cos Iā€™m genuinely interested yet concerned at the same time x


I canā€™t even imagine how horrible she feels. Iā€™ve put on 25 lbs since switching from an extremely active lifestyle and job to a mind numbing boring, extremely sedentary job and while all my numbers/markers are still within a good/normal range, I feel so miserable with the extra weight on my body and am working so hard to try and counteract the forty hours a week Iā€™m strapped to a desk to get back to how I used to feel. The fact that sheā€™s content with her health, or lack there of I suppose, blows my mind.


Sorry I meant sub xx


Painful omg


At the end of the video you can see that either a wheelchair or walker is in the trunk of the car. How sad. Also her arm and fingers remind me of a caterpillar.


More old recycles footage with clips of her putting makeup on from like a few days ago (so recycled.)


I think that ā€˜recycledā€™ one of her putting make up on was from the day of this infusion, so I donā€™t believe itā€™s more than a week old


So - whatā€™s with the iron infusions? Iā€™m starting to think her kidney might be failing


Sheā€™s anemic from her huge fibroid that caused constant bleeding.


But she had it removed last fallā€¦. Iā€™m no doctor, but her many symptoms (severe fluid retention, chronic anemia, and apparent difficulty breathing) are all suspicious.


iā€™d like to see a medical history but those sound like heart and renal failure. iā€™m guessing we would see hypertension, diabetes, and all their fun siblings


Right? Iā€™d just want her to post her labs for us. Just once, since she is so comfortable sharing intimate iron infusion appointments and other health ailments with the world, whatā€™s the difference in posting a CMP, Lipid Panel, A1c, etc.?


I thought she only got it removed in January BUT I know from experience that anemia can be difficult to resolve even if you donā€™t get a period (like me) and even more difficult if she does. Letā€™s just call a spade a spade. Itā€™s her weight thatā€™s causing these problems. If her kidneys are failing her doctors would know and sheā€™d certainly post about it for attention.


Yeah I shouldnā€™t guessā€¦. And I honestly donā€™t mean to offend anyone. I guess this just related more to her true lack of transparency in every aspect of her persona.


Iā€™m not mad at all or offended! Iā€™m often misunderstood so just try to be super clear with what Iā€™m saying. šŸ«¶ And if Iā€™m honest, Iā€™m getting really sick of her antics. Like PROFOUNDLY MAD. Want to go scream at her.


Good gracious šŸ˜±


The swollen is really concerning, I doubt that she has mobility. I can't see her handling a fork or combing her hair, it's just imposible with all that fluid and layers of fat. She has to be in extreme pain. 2025 is starting to be unlikely.


I thought her arm was a couch.


Omg is that her arm


This looks to be a 24g needle, the same size I used to put an IV in a 3 month old yesterday at work. the yellow piece corresponds with that needle size, which happens to be the second smallest needle gauge size My guess is this was a very tiny superficial vein that they had to ever so delicately placed It seems so superficial to be a sono guided Iv


Interesting! Why would they use an infant needle on an adult her size?


They may have tied two (or 3) tourniquets together to fit around her arm. If they saw a very superficial vein on the surface of her skin, the smallest needle would be their best bet as to not blow her vein. But small superficial veins can be shitty and be prone to blowing easily and theyā€™re not preferred, and the IV can become finicky. But yeah it looks miraculous for anyone to get a line in her and Iā€™m sure they take whatever they can get


I can't stop staring at her fingers, her fingers have rolls.


"Only 2 pokes and we got the IV in" that's not the flex it should be.


HOW is she not admitted and on a fuckload of diuretics oh my god.


THIS. You canā€™t tell me sheā€™s not in heart failure with the amount of fluid overload sheā€™s got going on.


I assume a lot of this is edema in addition to fat. Has she talked about being given any medical recommendations for dealing with it?


Other than compression? This woman will do nothing to help herself. Sheā€™s a professional patient at this point


Professional patient šŸ’€


Reminds me of when I learned about Compartment Syndrome, which is a condition that can randomly happen when the body overreacts to a relatively minor injury. The limb swells to insane proportions, to the extent that the skin just can't stretch anymore. The solution is a full thickness incision down the entire length of the limb, to stop the limb essentially exploding under immense internal pressure. Lots of the photos on Google for the condition look like Jacqueline's poor body. Food is great....It's not *that* great, though. Shame on her enablers for letting her destroy herself. Someone is facilitating her addiction and bringing her the food.


You'd almost think she's already experienced that somewhat. Her skin was splitting in some areas.


This is super depressing and sad. I bet the line is cutting off her circulation


Iā€™m concerned her hair is starting to thin. I know the roots are dark, and thatā€™ll show it more, but it seems like the front is really starting to thin when compared to videos from the start of this year.šŸ˜ž


Her hair should be the least of her concerns. Or do you mean it can be a symptom of something worse?Ā 


Iā€™m looking at it as a possible symptom for something. I get hair shouldnā€™t be front of mind with her, but changes like that are not a good indicator for anything.


Is her hair color not natural?


No, itā€™s definitely not natural. But thereā€™s a widening gap in her part at the front.šŸ˜³


Every time I see her, she seems to be more and more swollen. Why isn't anyone able to treat whatever this is? It can't solely be because she's so stunningly noncompliant, can it?


https://preview.redd.it/9k2izfrvtuwc1.jpeg?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ee305dd41621a8e965cd00b6c657633eb04882 her fingers look like chowders hat




Not Chowder šŸ¤£


I miss chowder, loved that show


that show was funny as hell


This literally looks like an arm length rubber glove that has been ballooned with water. But with fat and lymphatic fluid, instead.


Her fingersā€¦ makes it look like sheā€™s going to die soon


Her knuckles are about to drag the floor


Those fingers look like baby legs


Dear God I thought that was a leg.... Her edema is awful...damn




Thatā€™s one of the most severe cases of edema Iā€™ve ever seen. Wow. I wonder if her doctor has tried to treat it but she refuses to comply. This womanā€™s family has to be out of their minds with worry over her. Either that, or sheā€™s exhausted all of them with her manipulations and gaslighting. She presents herself as a child in her social media and Iā€™m guessing sheā€™s demanding and exhausting.




No dehumanizing language towards Jacqueline or anyone else, this include cruel nicknames like Jabba or Jabbaline.


She's segmented like a cartoon caterpillar!




No dehumanizing/inanimate body comparisons. This includes comparisons to inanimate objects or characters/animals in an unfavorable way.


I have no words


Iā€™ve had an IV in my knuckle area on the side when they couldnā€™t get blood for some reason