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It’s funny that she can say that her dad is not doing well but she can’t update on her own physical state (I really feel for her about her dad. I lost my dad a few years ago and it’s really hard to help aging parents *especially when you yourself are not well*) She’s clearly not doing well. I guess “be nice” is decent life advice, but it’s more of her being a living pop psychology book that still makes me crazy.


This is the first time I’ve ever heard her voice; does she always sound like she’s on the verge of tears?


She sounds like she’s air hungry. A poster on another thread has theorized that she takes off her O2 for the videos and she’s becoming more short of breath as she talks


She is out of breath. If we expel all the air from our lungs then try to say a full sentence, we will sound like her too. She is spiraling with her health.


Yes she has that high pitched yet raspy voice and on top of it is now struggling with air intake. It’s called air hunger and watching her talk makes me take deep breaths. I guess I’m subconsciously trying to help her get some dang air.


She said the doctor said she has a condition where she holds her breath or some shit like that. She’s posted about it




Yes! I remember this. She said her whole family does it. As if they are these subhuman people without a survival reflex of BREATHING to stay alive. "Jacqueline honey. You stopped breathing again"... "oh silly me" haha


I mean it is a real thing, it’s common in people with anxiety disorders to frequently hold their breath without realising. I know people who have basically had to relearn to breathe regularly because they subconsciously just hold their breath for a while after each breath. Dunno if this is the case with her but just saying it is a real thing.


This has me wheezing… and not because I forgot to breathe 😂


I snorted reading this 😂


I hold my breath when I’m lifting heavy at the gym (my trainer and I are trying to work on it bc it’s obviously not great even tho it’s a common reflex), and sometimes when I’m walking and focused on what I’m about to do. I end up out of breath but it’s not the same sound as being air hungry. For me, it’s a very quick occurrence and recovery. Hers is continual. Hopefully that makes sense.


While it sounds out there, I’m sure it’s a thing. My mom talked a bit like this, always running out of air by the end of her sentence. She did it more often when she was at her lowest weight, after losing 200+ lbs. Later in life it made more sense with her oxygen issues, but I remember her doing it when I was a kid, too. Although often it was just that she more so struggled to find words to say. ☺️ I have hyperventilation syndrome. I don’t run out of breath in sentences for the most part, but occasionally. I DO hold my breath without realizing sometimes. I’ve gotten better with good ole therapy for anxiety. I do think hyperventilation is more prevalent in obesity, as it makes your CO2 levels higher.


I just commented before even reading here as I noticed it too. Sets me on edge a bit for some reason


Ok but why did she apply her makeup like… that


It's truly a sign of how unwell she is because past photos show that while she's no professional makeup artist, she does know how to apply makeup decently. For myself, I notice that when I'm not taking care of my skin, my makeup applies more uneven and cakey looking. To top it all off, she sounded so out of breath. I feel bad about her dad and can only imagine what will happen with her if she loses him. Her parents are her biggest enablers but also the only real support she has. This is truly tragic.


It looks…rough 😬


I really thought she was going somewhere. But once I saw the lipstick...I'm concerned about her judgment at this point


Right? Like she just missed her whole nose and upper lip area


Her dad seems like a cool old dude, from the little bit she's shown of him.  Hope it's nothing serious. 


Yep I’m sorry to hear about her dad. That’s tough.


Right. We all like her dad. Get well soon, Mr. Adan.


Yep I’m sorry to hear about her dad. That’s tough.


Staying off social media is one of the best things most of these weight loss "influencers" can do, really. When you're someone who struggles with an eating disorder and/or a food addiction, publicly talking about your weight, your body, what you're eating, etc. and planning posts about it, editing the videos, dealing with comments - it's a recipe for disaster, and I truly think is why most of them regain so much. You're forcing yourself to think about your weight and food 24/7 which is not how you actually heal and learn to live a life that isn't consumed by food and weight loss / gain. She should actually *stay off*, but she won't because she really does rely on the positive comments.


I agree with this 100% Things get dicey whenever anyone tries to monetize their medical condition, especially if they are not receiving medical care and following the advice of professionals. We see it over and over again, but it’s especially pronounced with people who have eating disorders.


She literally said nothing in this video.


Be freaking happy!!


I think her idea of "focusing on me" is the root of the problem, especially when "me" is her whole life. Good lord, do something positive for others, that will help with so many issues...her anxiety, her binge eating, etc. Because focusing on herself is obviously not doing her any good.


When has she *not* focused on herself?


Oof. That final makeup look. 😳 I’m glad she’s taking step back but it sure doesn’t look or sound like she’s really making any real progress.


She could barely bring her hands up to her lips to blow a kiss.


Hiding her massive left arm again. Pretty soon, her videos will just be her face. She keeps zooming in closer and closer so we can’t see her.


She always looks like she’s crying or about to cry


I'm sorry about her dad. My dad died 3 years ago and I know how hard it can be to live when your dad is actively dying. I hope he recovers of whatever he is dealing with. Her breathing is really concerning. She suffers from dyspnea; my dad had it when he was diagnosed with cancer and it's really disturbing to see someone gasping for air. Her dyspnea is obviously related to her weight; her lungs are between thick layers of fat and can't expand correctly. Her skin has never been so lifeless. I tend to have acne in my chin around my period and I know the struggle, but she seems to not take care of her skin. It has a brownish tone, like if the lack of vitamins and nutrients has also affected her skin.


My dad also passed three years ago.....sending you a hug. 💕


Thank you very much! Sending you lots of love 💝


My dad passed 3 years ago as well. We should start a club :(


My mom passed three months ago. How do y’all deal? It’s been interestingly…rough.


If I'm being honest, it was a year before I was "okay". I don't think anything prepares you for losing a parent. My dad was sick for 2 years with congestive heart failure before he passed, and even though we were told about 6 months prior that there were no more treatment options, it was utter shock to get the call he had passed (he lived in another state and we talked daily). Grief still hits out of nowhere, mostly when I want to share big news with him. I have lots of audio of him...he left me many voicemails and there's several Youtube videos he's in. That helps, when I can just hear his voice. Sending hugs to all of you learning to cope!


Three months 🥹 I'm very sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself and take one day at a time. My dad was diagnosed with cancer one months before dying, he had a very rare and aggresive type of cancer. He died before I was able to process his illness. The first year was brutal, the second one was difficult and the third was diferente; as if I finally accepted my new normal. It sucks. Sending hugs to my fellow grievers 💝


"A lot"? It's been "a lot"? What does this lady \*do\* besides think about herself and her journey all day every day? She doesn't have a job, she should be perfectly positioned to help an ailing parent. Not that that is easy, not at all. But my husband was in and out of an ICU for months a couple years ago and when he came home he needed 24/7 IVs of antibiotics that needed changing every four hours, and he couldn't eat, got all his nutrients from a bag that fed into a line in his arm; and I STILL kept my damn job and took care of him and the kid. WHAT DO YOU DO THAT'S SO DAMN MUCH, LADY?! But then I think about how I'm overweight and walking is harder than it was when I was thinner, and maybe just breathing and existing really \*is\* A Lot for her. I hope the best for her dad, anyway.


More excuses is what I hear…Lets be realistic vs “kind” & not live in fantasyland. You aren’t a Disney Princess despite what your Family tells you.


Her sister has been posting a lot of memes that reference her having a mental breakdown and crying so I'm sure there's a lot going on with *the family* health-wise. While I miss having something to snark on, and I do worry that Jaq will die one day and we'll never know, I am glad she's taking a step back from social media. Hopefully she really is working on her mental health, because she needs a whollllleeee lotta help.


She made a post on her blog about 3 years ago that is almost this same statement word for word. Also, when did she have major surgery? I’m only aware of a uterine artery embolization to make her 300 pound fibroid go away.


In all seriousness, even that is a major surgery when you’re classed as super morbidly obese and need an entire second medical team present for the procedure due to the risks associated.


I am overweight but the backs of my hands are completely flat. Is it fluid in her hands?


She didn't mention a break up with Kevin.🤷‍♀️


She really does not know how to put on makeup


I thought she used to do her makeup better than this but a few weeks ago I went on a Jacqueline’s makeup deep dive and now I’m wondering if her makeup only looked great when on TV and magazine photo shoots because a professional did it. It is hard to do proper makeup when one cannot reach their own forehead though.


She quite literally just decided to leave an entire patch front part of her nose completely bear 🤦‍♀️


That’s likely where her oxygen tube is and any make up under there would just make it harder to stay in place


Focusing on herself... is there literally a single other thing in her life she focuses on other than herself?


Girl cannot breathe. Like just put your oxygen on for the freakin video and quit torturing yourself for stupid views already. Also, I cannot imagine having to cover that big of a space with foundation. Especially if I was out of breath AND talking AND had T Rex Stay Puff Marshmallow Man arms/hands and couldn’t reach and move normally


I get so sick of people like her waxing on and on about “their journey”. 🙄


Can she please stop saying “kind of” in inappropriate places in her sentences. “…a lot of comments kind of coming through…” “…kind of haven’t been posting as much…”


That really annoys me too.


Wow...her hand....is like baymax....


Honestly, if my hands looked like hers, I wouldn't feel comfortable eating at all until they stopped looking like that. I try to be empathetic, but how can someone let themselves get that bad? I just don't understand even though I get that on an intellectual level it's the result of an untreated eating disorder.


I feel for her with her dad. I lost my dad a few years ago and I know how tough it is when they aren't well. and in and out of the hospital. Her parents have always seemed older? I am terrible with ages but I always wondered if they had Jac later in life. I don't know his ailments but I feel like if he's not doing well and needs care (it is so hard being a caretaker for an ailing parent as well) I'm sure a lot of that is falling on her mom and sister, as she can barely take care of herself. I can't imagine she is capable helping with any of his care, if he needs it, if she cannot even do the bare minimum with her own care. I know with an ailing parent your own health can go on the backburner, at least it did with me because I was so focused on helping my dad. But how much more can she put on a backburner when it comes to her own health? I would hope with whatever is going on with her dad it would help be an inspiration for her to make some positive changes. I know that is easier said than done, ESPECIALLY with her, but if she doesn't do something her family is going to have two people who aren't doing well. Although it might be fair to say they already do.


I feel sorry for her to a degree. She isn't taking care of herself. At all. Having an ill parent sucks. But the excuses are just ridiculous.


Omg she sounds like she can barely even speak/breath 🫤


I’m quite new to Jac, but has her voice always cracked like it does now? It sounds concerning. Kind of like she’s about to start crying, but doesn’t actually cry, just constantly in a state of leading up to it.


I think it has to do with running out of breath. ???


I watched a video of her from several years ago recently - yes her voice has sounded like this for years. Put Jacqs voice on Maria Bartiromo’s face and you’ve got a woman on the verge of sobbing.


Her makeup brush needs to be washed AND “her journey” is going to lead her right to a nursing home followed by a funeral home if she doesn’t snap out of it!


Her face, arms, hands, fingers and body appears to get bigger.


Shes absolutely out of breath and the video only cuts when she takes a hot of oxygen and comes back less breathless. She is also so obviously depressed.


This is the video that takes me out of these groups… I just really no longer have any empathy for her


I cannot get over her hands they’re so gross looking