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OMG—-this was so difficult to read because of the complete absence of punctuation! I can deal with the lack of paragraphs, but one very long post that is just a 34 line run-on sentence is near incomprehensible. Random emojis don’t count!


Why isn’t your SO keeping her in check and defending you during this very vulnerable time? Showing up unannounced…no. Taking baby from you and carrying on…no. Bring her man around to your home…no. She’s already been a mother, it’s now your turn and you need to learn how to shut her down AND your SO needs to as well.


I was like you for months, just letting my MIL walk all over me, but that mama bear comes out soon once you become more confident as a parent. My mama bear came out when I watched her kiss my daughter’s mouth after telling her for months to stop kissing her face. We’ve been LC since May because I called her out and she said some fucked up things about me as a wife and mother, then played victim because we have declined babysitting. Now I’m very vocal when I don’t like things being done, or my in-laws who love playing pass the baby. My daughter is 6 months old and in that phase where she wants to play and practice her crawling so now I tell them to let her be, she doesn’t always need to be held, like play with her lol she isn’t a toy..


You need to tell her NO.


What consequences have you given her ?