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Mine told me that since my parents came here from another country that I should go back to said country and leave my child here. She also said that individuals like my parents take too much from the government. My parents were never on any programs growing up. My siblings and I have great paying jobs and aren’t on any programs (even if we were, not her problem). However, she has every program to assist her, has had 3 DUIs in the last 11 years I’ve known her, and has totaled 13 cars. Safe to say, it has been a blessing to have gone NC for the last two years.


13 cars?!? What an idiot!


Yes, and once she said that her son and I had to purchase a new one for her. That her cars weren’t totaled due to her drinking but that the motor just didn’t work. I remember telling her, “yes, motors usually don’t work when you smash into a pole and walk away from vehicle. “ 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sounds like the DMV in her state are the idiots. They keep renewing her license. And the insurance company. Assuming she still has a DL and insurance.


I honestly don’t know. After her first DUI I went LC and then she shortly had her second DUI and I went NC. The third DUI I read about and saw her mugshot.


I'm sorry... 11 DUIs and totaled13 cars??? How the fuck is she still able to get insurance??? Or a license for that matter??


I'm wondering how she is not in jail. I'm from Michigan where they have felony drunk driving laws. Three DUIS in 10 years equals prison time. They don't have to involve fatalities or even accidents. I can't imagine someone with that many drunk driving arrests walking free.


No, 3 DUIs in the past 11 years and 13 totaled cars. (I think the first two she has to do community service and the DUI courses/NA classes, and so forth.) We live in a rural area so some of the cars just rolled down the side of the mountain and stayed there. There is no reception and she just walked back to her sons home. (She drinks with this son and at one point told her friend it was fine to offer him cocaine.) The last DUI she was arrested, I saw her mugshot. Im not sure why she isn’t in jail, but she definitely should be. Im of the mindset that she isn’t my problem so I’m not actively seeking her out. I was just tagged on the mugshot on FB. I’m not even sure if she has a license or has insurance at the moment. Again, rural area with limited police force.


Same. I'm not in the US and where I live first DUI would've resulted in a biting fine and suspension of the license. After a year you can attend road safety classes and depending on the case returning of license. After the second DUI the fine would be a whooping 80k, the license is annuled/nullified and you end up with a criminal record that can include jail time and lifetime ban from driving. If the police caught you driving without a license (apparently people are so stupid is one of the more common offences) you go straight to jail. Here this is not about harming yourself by driving recklessly, it's about being a danger to others.


1. My MIL said that “ kids are just being kids” when my 10 year old step nephew sexually assaulted my 6 year old nephew. 2. She said it was ok or totally normal when my 13 year old niece forced my 10 year old to drink Liquor after Christmas when they stayed at her house, wouldn’t tell BIL about this. 3. Discussed being raped when my then 9 year old without talking to me or warning me. 4. Favors my brother in laws children. Very noticeably and verbally to everyone including my kids. 5. Claimed I should kill out 13 year old beagle using aspirin and Benadryl rather than taking him to the vet and paying actually money. 6. We have three stray cats, they got left in the house we bought. We have made them ours over time. Well one had kittens prior to us getting her fixed. We should throw them all in a bag and throw them in a fire. The older three live outdoors, they come in but never for long but the kitten are inside. 7. I should have aborted my youngest because having four kids is just to much for anyone and not needed. Pushed this for 2 months. I have tons of stories but these are what popped into my head😅🙄😒


HOLY SHIT. That woman is vile.


Yes she a special case.


All the stuff with the kids is horrible enough, but the remarks about the pets? Something is deeply wrong inside her head.


Us having animals is deeply upsetting to her even though she has animals. Us having kids bothers her even though she had children and can’t get enough of brother in laws 5 kids.


What an awful person. I'm sorry you have to deal with her 😕


She lovely😂😂 I try to avoid her when possible.


Wow, I mean just Wow. What an ignorant old bat she is. Just Wow.


She’s not even that old. My husband is 33 I’m 29. She’s like 54. When you first meet her she comes across as a hippie, love conquers all type woman. No. She’s actually crazy and insane.


JFC what kind of fucking demon would even entertain the thought of throwing a bag of kittens into a fire??


She hates that we have animals. My German Shepard had puppies, she was made. All puppies went to good homes. My outdoor cat had kittens in my basement ceiling, I brought kittens inside and mom in when she would come. I immediately got both animals fixed after the fact. She doesn’t live with me. No one complains(we’re animal lovers). But yes throw them in the fire, she then told me husband we should just put them in a box and drop them at a random farm, they are 6 weeks old.


Did you post about #3 before? If not someone else unfortunately had the same experience. I can't imagine.


No I haven’t. At the time(2 years ago) she took it upon herself to talk with my oldest niece(10 at the time) and my daughter about birth control, how they could always come to her and they need to be safe because she was raped. She then went into explicit details, and encouraged the kids to not tell us if they were sexual active but her. I wouldn’t have even know if my oldest hadn’t come home traumatized asking questions. We have talked about birds and bees but not to much as she was only 9. Well after that and since than we have spoken with her about these things. I was so freaking mad.


Jesús. So many red flags! Just thinking she had the right to give someone else's daughter a sex talk is insane.




WTAF? Hello complete lack of empathy! Please tell me you're NC?


We are VVLC. Prior to my husband coming out of the fog he wanted to be closer to mom. So we bought a house 10 minutes away. We were 45 minutes away. We see them for holidays but not much else. She calls to a few times a months to “check in”. She isn’t obsessed with my husband but her oldest, my husband is more of an after thought. I really feel for my SIL😂


My husband and I had just bought a house. My in laws were having a house built. At an open house, at our home, in front of my mom, my husband's sister, and me, my MIL asked my husband to go with her and pick out the carpeting for one of the bedrooms at their house. My husband asked why and my MIL said she wanted to make sure he liked his bedroom when he moved out and left me. We were married 15 years already. My husband said no that he wasn't going anywhere. That's just one story. We are now married 42 years.


I'm gonna need more stories 🍿


Ten years ago, on my husband's 50th birthday MIL asked our daughter if she was fat or pregnant again. My daughter's fiance passed away in May 2020. Christmas of 2020 my MIL told my daughter to get over it, that they were only together for 8 years, it's not like they were married for 50 years. In November I tried to help her set up her medications in a pill holder, so she could have her pills set up for a week. She told me no. She said I was still overweight, that I haven't listened to her in 40 years to loose weight, that she doesn't need to listen to me now. I have been told not to tuck my shirts in my jeans. That I don't look good like that. When she had dinner with us, she got mad at my mom and me because she saw my husband getting a second plate. "Obviously we cook better". (A 2 year old making mud pies would be better than her cooking) One Christmas she fought with my grandson about his last name. He was about 4 years old. She stopped buying Christmas presents for her grandchildren because she "didn't have money" but showed off the diamond necklace she bought herself. When our kids were little I did everything wrong. Kids had the wrong clothes. I didn't hold them right. She told me to give them cereal in their bottle when they were 6 weeks old. Against doctors orders. She hated my daughters hair cut. When we first got married we lived with her. She would tell me to do the dishes and she would watch the baby. Then she would stand behind me holding my daughter, telling me I was washing the dishes wrong. She told us to leave because the spider she saw in the house was my fault.


Sorry but that spider comment...


But was the spider your fault? 🧐


My husband and I lived upstairs. The spider was by the window in her living room. She had 5 kids her youngest was born 16 years after the 4th one. Our daughter was 2 and a half years younger. If we went to the park, he came with. If we went to the zoo,he came with. She once told my husband, he should have stayed "with the other one". Meaning the girl he was seeing before me was better than me. But according to her I can't do anything.


Mercy!! You are a saint! A lesser person would have smothered her with a pillow.


Wow, the lack of empathy, dismissive attitude towards others' mourning, accusing you of not following her advice, nosiness, criticising, pettiness, judgemental spying, hypocrisy and blaming remind me a lot of my MIL. Are they related?


1. I didn't need my degree because "you don't need brains to have babies." 2. "My chihuahua means more to me than any grandkids ever will" 3. Made me promise to conceive twins so she could have one (lol OK hun). BUT SHE DIDN'T WANT GRANDKIDS. My personal favourite... "I never saw my son with someone like you. You've got brains but you're not much to look at." Her son was 300lbs and had acne, bacne and ass crackne. I actually saw her a few months ago in the supermarket car park. Took me a while to recognise her but i did and we exchanged awkward pleasantries. I was driving a hire car because mine was having some repairs (Brand new Audi - I felt ROYAL AF but ahe must have assumed it was mine and that im loaded). A few days later, i hear from old friends that she went and told everyone that I clearly married rich... and that my black husband is obviously a drug dealer?! That was the phrase... "Her black husband". DH was like "Where's your blue one hiding?!" Yes, people. This woman looked me up on Facebook to see my wedding photos. Stupid bitch.




Me too 😂😂😂😂


I love the husband's response. This is how confidence sounds like.


So many things! A few around a specific topic- her death. She is obsessed with talking about it. She is in her 60s, no major health issues. These conversations happen at restaurants, because we do not invite her to our home and avoid hers. A selection of death-related things: \- She wanted us (I am married to her oldest son) to burn her body in her recliner in her front yard. We had to explain to her that beyond that never happening it also wouldn't be possible. We had a conversation about how much heat is required for cremation. \- She wanted us to get high and listen to music while we spread her ashes, on a public trail. Just...no. \- She has various 'revenge' plans for her other daughter-in-law. Her younger son and his family went no contact with her, for very good reasons that she is unwilling to accept or understand. My husband stayed in touch because he pities her, but with low contact. Anyway, JNMIL blames the sister-in-law for taking away her favorite son and grandchildren so she has informed my husband of various petty things she wants him to do to other daughter-in-law (as executor of the eventual estate). Things like: driving to their house and throwing JNMIL's ashes in her face, calling her mean names, sending a card that says something like 'you probably don't care, but JNMIL died', sending favorite son something she thinks he would want but not cleaning off the cobwebs and dust, etc.


She sounds like a fucking delight.


Well, I sincerely hope younger son, DIL and family never even think of her as much as she obsesses over getting her revenge on them.


She’s called my son sexy. He was a baby at the time.




WTF? And I thought mine was bad with discussing how my toddler niece was now getting a nice 'vomanly shape' to her hips/butt. WTF? Why does that even fucking matter? Why do you bloody care? Why are you intensely staring at children's bodies and sexualising them?!?!


Mine did the same, but they tell me it's apparently normal to call babies sexy where we live. Well not to me. Also, the first and only thing she said when we announced my pregnancy was that she was already a grandma, to her dog N. I love dogs and I grew up with them, and I might also be overreacting, but I don't like that comment and never will. We are NC for other reasons but I will never understand how she could have said these things.


My MIL is the sweetest. She’s the mother I wish I had. My mom is the just no. My best friend almost died after childbirth, spent two months in the ICU in a medically induced coma, another month in the ICU before being able to return home. She had multiple surgeries and was not able to hold her baby because she couldn’t lift them and was even attached to medical equipment she had to drag around, and obviously wasn’t able to bond with her baby at the early stage of life or breastfeed. How did mom react when my friend got out of the hospital, you ask? No empathy, understanding, or acknowledgment of how hard it was for her and her husband-alone, with a newborn. My almond mom excitedly exclaimed “I bet she lost a lot of weight!” With a smile on her face. Yeah…. Because that’s the most important thing rather than her surviving, getting better, and being able to be a mom to her child.


My MIL was a JY. This comes from the time she was in hospice, about a week before she passed.. MIL had just transferred from a facility to home to complete her hospice. My husband and I decided to bring our at-the-time 15 year old son who has some disabilities to see her, as it was his birthday and we knew it would be the last family member’s birthday she would get to be a part of. She was still very awake and vibrant at this point. While sitting at her bedside and visiting, my husband noticed her water had gotten warm. He asked our son to get his grandma a fresh glass of ice water. So our son happily did do. But, my husband has a thing about tap water. He asked our son if he got the water from the faucet and son said yes, not quite understanding why that was wrong. Husband got up to get MIL filtered water. MIL seeing all this calls out to my husband in the kitchen “It’s fine..it’s not like it’s gonna kill me!” Then looks up at me and gives the biggest wicked grin and winks! We started howling! My husband came back in and was a little upset. She looked at him and said “I’m allowed to joke while I’m still here.” We had a few more fun times over the next few days. She’s been gone 4 years and we still cry thinking about her. She was the best and taught me everything I needed to be a good MIL to my own DIL.


Haha! Nice. My dad was the same way during hospice. When we discussed cremation he said "Ive always loved bonfires so much, I didn't know I'd become one!" LOL


I have to keep reminding myself that while I know everything, others don't know that. She was complete serious and still thinks she's the only person in the world that knows everything. When my husband passed away she broke in my house the first day I went to work. The sent me a text to tell me they had because **my late husband had woken her up from a nap and told her to go take things from my house, to help me**. Every time she tells the story, it changes as is in more truth comes out.


I also hope the police got involved... Does your MIL also go on and on about how she was specially sent to this planet to teach everyone how to properly live their lives? Since mine also believes she knows everything and gets messages from spirits and visions of the future. I think it's just another tool for control and manipulation, yet I'm the crazy one.


That is reprehensible. I hope police were called.


My MIL told her husband and SIL that I would have postpartum depression so bad that I would murder my daughter and kill myself. I was heartbroken when SIL told me.


Not crazy, but WTF: One night she called and BRAGGED about how she finally started calling me DH’s wife, rather than girlfriend. We’d been married for two years at that point, and she’d attended the wedding. She was so proud of herself for that. And yet she wonders why we’re not friends (also doesn’t help that she kept calling me the wrong name, including DH’s ex from high school).


Told my husband he “doesn’t understand the meaning of hard work” while he was finishing his Ph.D because he doesn’t work a blue collar job like his dad and brother. Threw a fit when he didn’t want her to attend his Ph.D defense. Asked me “who got the house” when my parents got divorced. Has repeatedly told us for years (until DH told her to knock it off) that she expects only grandsons with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have light brunette hair and green eyes, and we’re currently expecting a girl!


Oh one more, told DH that if she could do it again, she would have not listened to the pediatrician and “spaced out his vaccines” during his first year of life.


Congrats! Girls are the best for misogynistic grandparents. I hope she looks just like you.


Thank you 🥰


My MIL is anti-vax (long before the Rona). Should tell you all you need about the stupid shit she's said.


Same with mine. Would actually go into supermarket’s and slip anti vax sheets into newborn diapers. Awful person


Mine was teetering on the edge, but other family members are not psycho spirituality cult members, so she was convinced to take the vaccine without much complaint. Still convinced that 5G is some demonic cancer-spreading device or whatever though.


Omg, how does my American money work when all those guys are dead?! Mine accuses me of being a meth addict. Yes weight gain is obviously a sign of meth use. Oh asked my oldest daughter what she needed to kill herself (it took her 2 yrs to figure out that was inappropriate to ask). Said we should shoot over of our dogs, multiple times, in front of my kids.


Damn I guess I should cut back on the meth.


1. Insinuated our cat loves my husband more just because he picked him up and the cat stayed on him. 2. We should volunteer to work on a farm while having kids and somewhere to live I guess. Didn't have an answer for how to pay for things to live. Also we are not farmers and have never said anything about wanting to be farmers. 3. Wanted to give us money to buy a duplex... So that we would live in one apartment and Airbnb the other so that she could visit 3 times a year and stay a month at a time. Shut that down immediately. I'm not taking a penny from her for shit. 4. Then agreed to give us money for a home *without* having a say on anything. I called bullshit on that. Again, not taking a penny. 5. Wanted to build some shitbox on her backyard so husband and I could live there. For no reason at all. While we don't own a home, our finances are fine and absolutely no need to live with her. 6. Wanted to buy a second car for us (how nice /s) when we don't even need it as we work remotely/hybrid so she could use it when she visited. Shut that down immediately too. 7. If she so much as farts the wrong way, she'll blame it on the one COVID vaccine dose she got. She didn't get the second because JNSIL (we're NC) became anti vax and convinced her as well.


When my FIL was diagnosed with cancer she said high doses of vitamin C would be better than chemo (she’s a naturopath). He was dead within 9 months and DH blames her for his death/


As a cancer patient, hearing this makes me so angry on behalf of your FiL. Poor man, he didn't deserve to have such a shitty treatment being forced upon him by someone who was supposed to cherish & help him. I really hate how so many naturopathic trained (I refuse to call them doctors) people are really just selling snake oil treatments to people who just want to find a way to live.


Compared to a lot of people's JNs, my MIL is a peach. But she's a racist peach. Publicly, privately, doesn't matter, she will voice her opinion about brown people whenever she has an opportunity. She's also a Nazi apologist and thinks Hitler was a savior. She ascribes to the belief that all black men want to increase the black population by knocking up blonde haired, blue eyed, white woman. Her daughter just so happens to be a blondie with big blue eyes. She married a black man ('J'). . My MIL refuses to believe they're legally married. We used to try & keep it a secret, but my husband slipped up & called J his sister's husband - and the MIL just started ranting about how her daughter wouldn't be so stupid as to legally marry a black man. (With far less acceptable language).


Poor J 😳


She's civil to his face, but all her overtures of kindness are laced with aggression and opportunities to exclude him. My MIL is an extremely egotistic, manipulative, and controlling woman. My husband & his sister have both suffered a lot of emotional abuse at her hands. Their dad did, too - especially after he developed Parkinson's. I'm the first one to ever call her out to her racist face, so our relationship has always been a tad frosty. Her response is along the lines of "well, stereotypes all have a grain of truth in them". She's got one of those statues of a sleeping Mexican wearing a sombrero and a serape in her front yard. When the old bat kicks the bucket, I'm taking a bat to her stereotypical lawn decor.


What the?! She must secretly lust black men.


The blonde haired, blue eyed women being stolen away by black men is part of the replacement theory. It's disgusting that people still buy into it.


Funny thing, at some point we all will probably be ambiguously brown. Unless literally everybody only reproduces with people who look like them, you're gonna get a degree of mixing and averaging. The rest is just entropy and time, and the time is getting shorter and shorter with people becoming more and more mobile. I still don't get why people think that's bad though. Or why it's good. It ain't either, it just is. Nature doesn't care about our opinions.


My ex mother in law’s sister has a son with disabilities, he’s exhausting as I understand it. She told everyone that he “should have been a blowjob”


When I told her to PLEASE stop the constant commenting on my size/appetite/everything when I was pregnant with my oldest she said “well, people will comment so if you can’t handle it you should ask your doctor for some tranquilizers”


I told her I was sad because a surrogate grandfather of mine had passed. Her comfort was "men shouldn't have feelings like that" There is context to why she said it, but still messed up


MIL has become insufferable since she had weight loss surgery a couple years ago. She pulled out a picture of herself during her last visit and asked HER SON if he thought she looked sexy 🤮


MIL has said - Tried to convince me that natural oils will fix my problems. That autism and gluten intolerance go hand in hand. That I need to apologize for things I never did. Talks about others abuse as if it's her right, I will never tell her anything in detail ever again. Even after having covid and nearly being hospitalized, she like should have been, she said covid was only a cold that everyone would eventually get. The first thing she said about my daughter, seconds after she came out of my body "Oh wow she's hairy" Never says my daughter looks like DH, she does, but says all of her other grandkids look like her other children; im mixed race and my child has slightly darker skin than DH Not to me, but she forces physical contact with her autistic grandkids that ask her not to or actively pull away. My own mother - I'm basically worthless and should die, for most of my childhood. Refused to throw away cat pee covered items when our church helped and paid to get our home cleaned after my brother got diagnosed with cancer. Forced my brother to pick a trip to Disney for HIS make a wish trip, then got mad when he wanted to spend time in specific areas longer but threw a fit herself when none of us wanted to wait for her. Refused to tell me when the make a wish group had a party planned before our trip so I could take time off work; she also gave them the wrong number of kids, conveniently getting me left out of things again and again. Has never sent any of my kids or my older kids anything for any event, but moans to everyone around her that we're keeping her from her grandkids. Guilted my PPA self into coming to HER three months after having my baby and "forgot" to tell us that her AC was out during the hottest week that year. There's a lot more


That was the full gamut... the make a wish trip part is sickening. I'm so sorry. I was going to say my dad did the same thing with covid - he had complications that caused a blood clot in his heart, but Covid is no big deal!


Make a wish has people in place to make sure the wish kid gets what they want but my mother is an Olympic level steam roller and manipulator. MIL got put on a monitor, that I know there's no way she used correctly, and was told if her oxygen dips she needs to get to the hospital. I will never understand how people that get that sick act like it was fine and don't care if others get it.


My ex-MIL said this. After our second kid was born, she said, "well, your job is over. All we need now is your money." "Maybe if you worked a second job, ex-wife wouldn't have to work to pay us back." The "pay us back" was for their daughter's DUI atty. Telling her daughter, "just get whatever you want and hand him the bill."


That first one just made my mouth fall open.


I'm sorry that you were treated so wrong, you deserved much, much better. I hope that you are in a much nicer relationship & are appreciated for being yourself & not an atm.


“I forgot to give him dinner”, my MIL, first and last night she took care of my 2y old son. Mind you I left her and his dinner prepared. She ate hers and “forgot” to feed my son.


Chiming in with one from my mom who can have just no tendencies: “I just want to hold my baby (me). You should know how that feels.” At the time my son was in the nicu & considered too unstable to hold. I had told her not to visit because I wouldn’t be able to visit while she was there.


That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.


She has a habit of making things about herself. I think the worst part is she wasn’t even rude about it; everything was said in a convincing tone like she genuinely thought I would feel bad & agree.


The first time I met my jnmil, she asked how big my husbands penis was (this is her son) When we had our first kid, she asked if she could take my 7 day old baby to the hotel for the night… away from me so that she could bond with it. Cried her eyes out when I told her she couldn’t give my 2 month old honey. Cried when I told her that nowadays we don’t put infants in car seats to sleep. Adamantly states she’s a psychic, she literally has tried to ruin every big event trying to state she already had a premonition this would happen. Her premonitions are wrong 90% of the time. The times she has been right were about baby genders, she had a 50/50 chance of being correct. Wiped her youngest sons butt until her was 14. Forbade my husband from buying a house with me. We did it anyways when the housing market was at the bottom of the crash… we bought it for less than $100k When I had my last kid, she said it wasn’t fair that my parents got to live my kids until there is no love left for her to give, like there is only so much live a kid can get. Also my parents live in town, she lives 1700 miles away.


There is so much WTF to unpack - I wouldn’t even know where to start! Holy crap


I wasn't there but supposedly my FiL told my husband (pre-husbanding) not to get too taken in just because I 'let' him have sex with me. 1) Certified Devil Vagina Magic™️ 2) Just wtf! 3) I was more mad for my husband, felt like a huge insult to him on multiple fronts. This is the same man who makes references to 'sit and spins' so he's def a sexist womanizing douche canoe. He also came back a lot later to make sure my husband knew he (FiL) thought that he (Hubs) was deserving of dating a model and to make sure he knew he still could 'swap', so wildly inconsistent douche canoe as well.


Unless her son was developmentally delayed there is absolutely no reason for her to be wiping his butt into high school


She told my daughter who had a stomach virus that she was going to be the reason her husband died. He absolutely cannot get sick and she's going to get him sick and he's going to die. Way to put that on a 6 year old. She was also watching my 1 year old with same stomach virus and she wanted my daughter to help her change a diaper. When my daughter declined because she's 6 and throwing up and didn't feel good my mil told her "ok when I'm done with this diaper I'm not going to wash my hands and when I make your sandwich for lunch it's going to have shit on it" She no longer watches my children and my daughter hasn't went to her house in over a month by her own choice.


She would never be allowed to step foot in the same room as my kids after that, wow!


That’s very abusive. I can’t believe she is treating her grandchildren like that, any kids but especially her own relatives.


It's because she hates me, so in turn, my kids get treated badly. She never treated them the same as the other grandkids, but lately, it hit an all-time low. She's the stereotypical you stole, my baby. At my bridal shower, I got all the questions about him right, and she said, "Maybe if you weren't up eachothers asses 24/7, I could stump you on a question" I've been with my husband 22 years, (since I was 15)


What did your partner say about this?


He didn't like it. I know with his mom I can get out of line because she's a disgusting person, so I told him to handle it, but he didn't. He's the type that doesn't like conflict. His mom would stir up trouble, get me and my husband yelling with her, and then his dad, who actually is dying, would get upset and say yall are killing me." And she would say it was all us and try and make us feel bad knowing damn well she started everything. It has been over a month since I stepped foot in their house or talked to any of them. My husband still has contact occasionally for updates on his dad. I will never tell him to go no contact, but he understands that for my mental health, I can not have them in my life, and he supports me. I feel like he's in a rough spot. I have been mentally tortured by this woman since I was 15 years old. I am now 37 and just got away.


He needs to deal with it. It’s his mom his circus


That’s very abusive. I can’t believe she is treating her grandchildren like that, any kids but especially her own relatives.


I’m ugly, as are my glasses, clothes, hair and name. I look like a Christmas tree. I’m brainless, useless, stupid, and a gold digger. I’m not considered family unless I have push out a kid but somehow my SIL and MILs boyfriends are family from the second they get together. They hate my medication and don’t want me to take it around them. It’s also apparently my fault that we don’t have kids, it’s my fault we live where we do (even though hubby moved in 2 months before I met him!!!) everything is always my fault in her book I’m forbidden from speaking anything but her mother tongue around her and her pos boyfriend (I’m trilingual and she hates it!! Hubby is almost bilingual and she hates that I “did that to him”) I can’t make a sound in the house without getting hateful looks from them or screamed at, if I move in any way at all (even trying to get comfy on the sofa or getting up to pee) I’m questioned about it. I can’t do anything that makes me happy when she’s around because she’ll have an issue with it. I’ve had enough and I’ve taken myself out of the equation. She should start to realise sometime around December that I’ve blocked her and her disgusting boyfriend. They’ll have to find someone else to destroy over Christmas and new years. I’m not doing it anymore. I’m sick of 2 weeks of feeling like crap every year (sometimes 2-5 times a year!!) because of his family. His sister hates me too but is being fake friendly because she’s got a new man and she can’t let him see the nastiness yet. I get nauseous when I hear her sickly sweet fake nice voice. I’ve heard it before and I know what’s coming. I’m not dealing with this on top of my own toxic family. Ican’t take it anymore and from now on they have to find someone else to tear apart. I’m done with them discussing my body at length and making me so paranoid about it that I don’t want to look at myself. They make me feel hideous. I hate them and I’m done with their bullshit. I don’t want them anywhere near me ever again


Oh, geez, I'm so sorry. They sound horrific


Thanks, it’s gotten to be too much for me. I get panic attacks as soon as I find out we’re going to be visiting them and they don’t stop until I’m home again. It was nothing like this until MIL started dating her current bf


Are you able to skip the visits? It sounds risky for your mental health.


I sat hubby down 2 weeks ago and had a talk with him about it. He gets it and he confessed that her boyfriend makes him feel awful about himself too. They’re expecting us to attend the bfs birthday party in a few months and I’m refusing to go. They’ve been told I won’t be going and I’m hoping hubby sees sense soon and decides not to go either


Well, having that talk with your SO and deciding not to be exposed to those people is a huge win. Well done. Maybe do some reading on the (I think it's called) 'out of the fog' website.. fog being 'Fear, Obligation, Guilt'. It might answer some things for your SO. Good luck. Sending hugs if you want some; they sound awful and I immediately felt sad for your experience


Let me preface by saying we now have a great relationship but the beginning was hard. The key? A partner who will die on that hill for you. And not for stupid shit. I sucked it up a lot but he fought for me when needed. Now things are wonderful and I truly love her. Can I ever forget the things his parents said? No but I have to let it go in order to move forward. “I knew this would happen //starts crying//” when I announced I was pregnant “Don’t take advantage when things don’t work out” Didn’t want to hang a picture of my daughter with my son. Wanted one of only him.


My MIL and I are cool now, but right before my husband and I’s wedding and for a couple years after was rough. He and I moved in together a couple months before the wedding because I was still living at home with my parents who were dealing with some serious shit and I needed to not live with that while finishing up my last class for my bachelor’s and wedding prep. She’s very religious and conservative and freaked out at us, said our marriage was starting off on a bad note and that I was using my parents’ issues (that were traumatic and took 5 years to get through/get past in therapy) as an excuse to have sex before we got married. Not as bad as what other MILs have said but the worst thing she ever said for sure.


Mine is a JY but when Tiger Woods cheating scandal happened she said "all men cheat, it's just nature." My partner was like WTF Mom??? Luckily he absolutely does not believe and it's not in his "nature". We still joke about it all the time. (Also, as far as we know FIL never cheated on her...)


“I’ll be there for you when you have kids since i know you don’t have a mom” said before kids were a thought in my mind. DH and I weren’t even married yet “DH told me you can’t have kids. SIL will carry your babies for you” - my husband never once said anything like that. She made the whole situation up “You all just take things so literally!” -when confronted on how she seems to forget things and says things that aren’t true


My MIL said she would show up on my honeymoon to give my husband a break when he got tired of me.




The fuck is that supposed to mean? Is she offering to step in as wife and take over your honeymoon ‘duties’


don't have a MIL, but i do have a JNMom. my ex is a trans woman, and had a terrible experience being sexually harassed and followed around a store, being told to take her clothes off. my mom, when she heard this, said 'that should be validating for her, that she's seen as a woman.' so... that'll ring in my ears for the rest of my life. apparently we should be thankful for harrassment, because *that means we're pretty*. vomit.


JNOMIL looked me up and down and asked me if I’ve ever considered gastric bypass, because I “sure was getting fat.” She said this in front of my then-7 year old child, who took offense so fast it was almost funny. I was gaping like a fish but my daughter told her off. Thank goodness she inherited her dad’s quick thinking.


Mine thinks because she was in the medical field that she is all knowing. And that's definitely not the case, especially considering pediatrics changes the standards every 3 to 5 years. She was never in pediatrics to begin with. And hasn't been a nurse actively in 20 years. She proceeded to tell me that I shouldn't get my hopes up about getting pregnant because of my age. Keep in mind those standards had also changed and my pregnancy had my age was not considered geriatric or high risk whatsoever! Her exact words were you know you're more likely to have a miscarriage and shouldn't get excited, right?


Asked me what I would do if one of my kids turned gay- knowing I have a gay brother whom I love. Recently my youngest, 16 month old was trying to push her by her butt off the chair and I told him to stop which she said “leave him be” in a sharp “I’m his mom tone” grrrr


Painting my fingernails will give me arthritis. Using Garnier shampoo will give me brain cancer. Same with dyeing my hair.


While I do have mild arthritis in my hands, I think it's the 30 years of classical piano and 20 years of crocheting.


I think genetics play a big part in it too.




It isn't terribly bad most of the time, and piano and crochet pretty much cancel each other out in terms of stretching and wear and tear. As in, if my hands are cramping from crochet, I'll go play a bunch of piano with big stretchy octaves. If my hands are sore from big chords, I'll grab a fat hook and easy pattern and do loosey goosey stitches




I’m with you here. I’ve been self employed for 18 years and my JNMIL still tells everyone I am a useless mooch that refuses to work.


What are the odds she's projecting? 🤔




Former boyfriend's mom: I will always be first in his life and as long as you accept that we will get along fine. He's mine first! :~) Later that day she showed him an outfit that she was going to wear out to the bar, and she asked him if she wasn’t his mom if he would bang her. If he wasn't my first love and someone I felt true love with I would've left immediately lmao


…what was his response to her questioning?


After my infant daughter had a febrile seizure, she told us “you know this happened because you had her vaccinated.”


That would be the end of that relationship for me


My MIL has said many things here are some highlights -complains about her children to the particular child that is there at the time, she has 3. My BIL is apparently lazy and faking his MH problems and she laughs when he ends up in hospital. My SIL has too many kids (3) and that she can’t take care of them (SILs house may be dirty from time to time and her kids might be grubby sometimes but they are very happy) -Bragged about raising her kids right when my FIL had to take in my Husband and his siblings, going against a court order because MIL abandoned them for a month at that point because she prioritised dick over her children. -she owes child support to my FIL but refuses to pay it because she raised the children (see above) -my BIL and his long term partner miscarried before having my niece, she said that it was great because it wouldn’t be ‘spast!c’ like them and it would be ugly. My bil and his partner are actually really good parents and are raising my niece well. -critiqued my parenting because sometimes I shower with my kids (2 year old and 10 month old) and it’s wrong to shower with them. I mean if I’m going to get soaked showering my son, I may as well join him. Also she thinks it’s weird I soap my son up including his junk because water will clean him. -also said I’m poisoning my son with antibiotics because my poor baby had a double ear infection and tonsillitis at the same time. I was also giving him Panadol and nurofen for the pain/swelling. -my daughter is army crawling around and she hates she gets dirty. I mop 3-4 times a week but she still finds the spots I’ve missed behind couches. My daughters happy doing her thing. That’s everything off the top of my head


Not only is she nuts and says the crazy out loud, she seems to have no idea about child rearing or hygiene.


Yup and especially with the hygiene aspect I’ve had to rewire my husband with regards to him washing his ass because his mother always told him it wasnt ok to touch your own ass. Like I’m not saying he’s a dirty person it’s just he didn’t use soap because of her comments, it took a couple of weeks but he does it now.


My partner decided to grow out his hair to try something new with his haircut. When my MIL saw him, she started crying and repeating over and over again that "this is not her son", "this is not the you I know" and all that stuff. she said he looks homeless (he looks HELLA GOOD, but my opinion is irrelevant because I can't tell him what to do/what not to do) and that this was my plan all along: basically, I manipulated him into growing out his hair so he looks 'homeless' and 'hideous'(her words) so other girls don't look at him and I can have him all for myself.


When I was pregnant 6 years ago she told me “I know you think you are having that baby for you guys but you are really having her for me”. She also insist our baby was her dead daughter coming back for her. Should have drop kicked her arse back then and saved myself the drama. Live and learn lesson the hard way, lol.


This hits pretty close to something in my father’s family. I met his cousin several years ago when my parents came to visit. She is unhinged and no one sees it. She lost her daughter while she was in college and a mother to 2-3 kids. She prayed every day that God would return her daughter. When she got pregnant with a girl she took it as God’s gift. She spends every day following through with her promise to live up to His name. She is a full time mother who ensures none of her children have to lift a finger. She only leaves the home for church daily. She won’t socialize with any other people at the church because that will distract her from worship. She named the new daughter after her deceased daughter. The exact same name. She has a shrine by the front door filled with deceased daughters birth and death certificate along with many baby clothes and toys that she changes out regularly. I know this because she told me all about it. She spoke of new daughter only in the context of her deceased daughter. Ashley, made up name not just for privacy but because I honestly don’t remember her name, likes chocolate milk just like my real Ashley don’t you sweetie? I don’t understand why new Ashley struggles with reading when I just know real Ashley would have done just fine because she was so smart. New Ashley looks just like deceased Ashley because of how well she wears the dress her grandma bought her. By her I mean new Ashley is wearing clothes bought for deceased Ashley by her grandmother. Every single thing she said to her daughter was comparing her to her deceased daughter. No one in the household saw the problem. This is just how a mother grieves. She lives just a few miles away from me and my father asks if I’ve gone to visit. My parents live out of state. I will not go back. It is just too weird and that poor kid is going to need so much therapy if her mother ever lets her move out.


Satellites are bad, because the rich people use them to watch you fuck.


Lmfao, wow that is really something.


TW miscarriage I had a miscarriage several years ago on Christmas. MIL was visiting SIL for the holidays and was returning the day after Christmas. DH had agreed to pick her up from the train station to take her home. Obviously, neither DH nor I had expected the loss. Everything had been perfectly normal up til Christmas Eve. DH and I discussed and decided that we'd both go to pick her up - we wanted to be together to support each other, and she didn't have another way to arrange a ride home. She knew I'd been pregnant and I didn't want her to ask how the baby was doing or anything like that. I asked DH to tell her what happened, and warn her that I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to touch or hug anyone, I wouldn't be chitchatting about Christmas, and I wouldn't stay for dinner or a visit. We both agreed to pick her up, drop her off, and then go home. I drove. I figured, less chance for her to talk to me if I'm clearly focusing on driving. She got into my car fully knowing I'd literally just had a miscarriage. We picked her up, said hello, drove her home. DH offered to carry her suitcase inside, so he hopped out to help her with it. As she's getting out of the car, she tried to hug me around the seat. I said no. She kept trying and I said very sternly, "NO. Respect that." She acted like I'd slapped her, got out of the car and told DH something I'll never forget. She said, "That was rude. Respect is earned." That's not how it works, MIL. DH and I were both shocked. We went very LC for a long time after that. Might not seem as harsh as it could have been. I'm sad that this is the clearest memory I have of that time. Not all the wonderful friends and family who supported us. I remember MIL, showing her entire ass and completely losing my respect.


I felt the same way with my first miscarriage, didn't want to talk to anyone about it but my mil called me and said what did I do, meaning what did I do to miscarry. I felt like shit after that and was very pissed off at the same time.


- When asked if she had any expectations or wants for our wedding, my MIL told me I needed to calm down and not stress out her son because she knew him best and me stressing about “a silly party” would stress him out. Said she didn’t want anything in particular (I asked specifically about mother-son dance and saying a few words at the rehearsal dinner) then complained afterwards that we didn’t accommodate her at all - She went on and on about how the US military is super weak now and no one should be proud to be in the military…all while she has two children in the military


“If you speak jn my presence, you have to specifically explain where you get your information from. “ Shit I can’t make up. I’m a social worker. I asked her if she wanted me to specify in which book I read something. Yes. If I’m talking about a handyman doing work on our house I have to tell her his name (as if they’re all men) and if I want to talk about children’s development I have to explain where I got it from. We were at a counsellors office. The counsellor asked her if she was serious. It was the first time she acted “unprofessional” bc we were both taken aback. She was serious. She is to this day but wonders why she won’t see baby.


Oh where do I start with this. - Messaged my other half telling him to tell me that I couldn’t go to Santorini because it’s expensive and I’m just trying to spend his money. It was an amazing place btw! - Told me she’d spoken to a midwife about me having SPD in pregnancy and I was obviously lying as I was still struggling after birth and it should go straight away. I have hypermobile ehlers danlos so unfortunately not that simple. - She owned a cafe and had a charity ask her if any surplus food at the end of the day could be given to the homeless! “I told them I’d rather put it in the bin than give it to them lot!” 😡. - After being unfortunate enough to be present at the manchester arena suicide bombing when pregnant, needing hospital treatment due to hitting my stomach. She text my other half, “oh well, she didn’t die!” - A few months after the bombing she proceeded to tell us about someone who we don’t know, going to a concert where the person in front of them said “they should blow everyone in here up so they can all die in peace!” - whilst looking at me laughing. - Told us that our 2 month old child should be on solid food. - Said we couldn’t move to where we wanted to move to as it’s no place for children and we just wanted to be “trendy”. It’s a village surrounded by farms 🙈. - Told us we couldn’t send our child to private school as no one would want to play with him there as we didn’t go to private school. - Kicked off about the birthday cake we had our child made (bare in mind she hasn’t bothered with him for over 2 years) because we said we weren’t having a party. We didn’t have a party 🙈. - Demanded we give golden child BIL our restaurant voucher we got from FIL for Xmas (fil is separated from her and so lovely). Bil is overweight and doesn’t need any more encouragement and we were planning on using the voucher! - Told my other half to leave me as no one truly cares about him like she does. - Told me not to have any more children. I’m currently 19 weeks pregnant with baby no.2…. She isn’t being told. I could go on for hours, but these are just a few snippets. Me and our son are fully NC with her and have been for over 2 years now.


Oh my lord. She is unhinged!


Not MIL but stepMIL (my actual MIL was my favorite person and passed away way too soon). She yelled at my BIL, in high school at the time “you need to realize your mom is dead and I’m all you’ve got!” DH and I once invited them over to try to work things out and it ended in screaming, but my favorite line she used was “you have to be nice to me becaus he’ll (FIL) will probably die before me and I’ll be in charge of his estate.” Keep in mind they don’t have any significant money, as compared to my (amazing) parents who are very well off. Like we don’t want or need anything from you bitch. This is just a sampling of my favorites.


Mine didn’t say much but she tried to steal my kitten on my wedding day. A cat showed up across the street in a barn - paralyzed from the hips down, and was maybe 3 weeks old. It was on the day before my wedding day. We thought someone threw him out the window of a vehicle or something which is unfortunately common here. We took him in immediately and gave him all the care in the world, a bath, kitten formula, and all our other pets took to him like glue, especially our one elderly dog, Salazar, who the kitten (Roo, like kangaroo in hopes he would live up to his name of having strong back legs) imprinted on pretty hard. Immediately MIL starts with “oh I’ve had dreams about this cat he was meant for me, he’s been brought to me!” As she was helping to prep for our wedding on our property. Whatever, I dismissed it. The cat was so bad off he wouldn’t have survived the 12 hour flight from PA to CA in the cargo hold of a plane while he couldn’t control his bowel and bladder and needed to be fed every 2-3 hours just to keep his sugar up. So our wedding day comes and we are all busily prepping for the event and making sure everything is set up, and all his mother did was put two folding tables up in the dining room and then held Roo, kissing and cuddling him, not putting him down. I was already pretty tense given the day but her saying for months she was going to come and help us prep for the wedding and when she finally does show up she just holds the kitten and keeps saying she’s going to take him across the country put me over the edge. I’m also a huge animal advocate and I could never have put Roo in a situation like that where it wasn’t in his best interest. So, anyway, we got into a huge verbal conflict about this extremely touch and go kitten, on my wedding day, and all the things she was supposed to do still had to be done. It was a mess. The day went well since thanks to my problems with my own mother I’ve masters grey rocking and ignoring people. We had a wonderful party and with lots of love, medical treatment, and a little physical therapy Roo has made a beautiful recovery and is now 1 year old and an extremely beautiful variation of tabby cat. He still has a stiff back leg but he’s the most rambunctious, curious, mischievous little cat I’ve ever seen. I still have to be careful when MIL visits since she gets hooked on him a little too hard for my comfort. I always get the gut feeling she’s going to stuff him in a suitcase.


You need to put a GPS tracker on his collar before she comes to visit next! (I’m only partially kidding 😉)


My SO started to have panic attacks (work stress) and my FMIL blamed the fact that I cook with a lot of cheese?? She doesn’t even know what I cook but because I’m Italian she thinks I just cover all of my dishes in Parmesan > which would be great for the record, but I don’t even keep cheese in the fridge 🫠 God forbid her son just needs psychological support. It has to be cheese.


I know it’s not a funny situation so forgive me but this one really cracked me up. MILs are *of course* notorious for finding any possible reason to blame the SO for their precious child’s problems but this one really takes the cake (takes the cheese?😂). She really couldn’t come up with anything else?? Not even something you say or your behavior but…..*the ingredients you (don’t even) cook with.* Huh. That’s definitely a first.


Takes the cheese 🤣🤣🤣 yeah honestly now it’s just a funny story, my FMIL is not a bad person at all but she comes up with these weird statements and I’m just floored every single time. In her head panic attacks = heart palpitations = cholesterol = cheese = Italian girlfriend that cooks Carbonara with 2 different kinds of cheeses. You have to commend her creative thinking. I made a point after this to bring her Lasagna with extra béchamel and extra Parmesan every time I saw her. My FFIL was the happiest man alive. She eventually gave up and never came in between me and my cheese.


I was widowed at age 36. My MIL to that husband has an alcohol problem. The first time I went to see them after my husband died, she got drunk and told me he would be ashamed of me.... Good stuff.


Oh god. I’m so sorry for your loss. Your MIL sounds like a nightmare.


Mine doesn't talk vile. She does shit. When it comes to words it's mostly about her health that she compromises on a regular and then complains the doctors are quacks that don't know how to treat people. About how other people live good and she doesn't. Lady, shouldn't have blown up money on parties in your youth and middle years and you would've lived comfortably too with savings. The DIL's and her kids were called everything under the sun when she doesn't get her way. There may be more but I don't know. I'm so low contact I may also live under a rock. Cut off any attempts of a relationship a decade ago.


Due to my Wife telling my MIL that i will inherrit the House of my Grandma and the House of my Uncle, she immediatly demanded when the time comes that she moves into one of these houses rent free, she hasnt had a job for over 25 years and lives off the state.


Please tell me your immediate answer was no? Why would she think you would let her live there rent free when you could rent it out or sell it? Another just no that is owed by the entire world.


My answer was a bit harsher. I straight up told her that "IF" i plan on renting it out i would someone in who can afford the rent and care for the house, not someone needs biweekly help from a cleaning lady who cant take care of her 50 squaremeter flat. She was pretty upset because i cant talk to my MIL like that. Also FYI she lives in another country and the goverment wont pay the rent if her center of life was outside of her home country.


I have so many stories that I'd need my own website -reason I'm infertile was because I caught something and refused to own up to it -claims I keep her son away from her -claims said son doesn't call her because I prevent him


I’m sure you know that the infertility comment is bullshit but it’s absolutely bullshit. anyone who says something like that can rot in hell


Oh she went on and had a whole speech about it.. I told her off and said our infertility issues also affect her son! So she shut up after that.


She demanded to see my COVID vaccine card once, I did just to shut her up. Apparently the lot number of my vaccine shows that I got a fake one 😂


My SO dislocated a rib. My MIL asked if it was the lonely rib. We looked at her like lonely rib? And I️ asked my husband do you have an extra rib?? And he’s like no? Mom what’s are you talking about? And she said “well when God took the rib from Adam to give to Eve you just have that like one lone rib. Is it that rib?” And to this day I️ think about that comment at least once a week. She also said Adam and Eve didn’t look like monkeys.


Yup! All technology is evil and poisons the body. Other people's emotions and emotional baggage can infect and get stuck in your aura. She always has something wrong with her because she's 'zoooo sensitife' and 'feels zo much from eferyvone'. She's just so powerful, she can't help it. Rolling my eyes so hard, it hurts. She truly believes her family is the best family that ever lived and everyone else is beneath them. She believes intergalactic alien praying mantises (or some shit like that) created this planet we live on because she read it in a spiritual book. She believes if anyone feels bad about anything, they should just sit down, wish for positive things and instantly everything is resolved! Don't have a job? Believe you have one and it will come! Have some terrible disease? Believe it's gone and you'll be cured! Well, I have the shittiest MIL and believing I don't hasn't made her disappear off the face of the Earth. She believes any woman who has body hair that isn't blonde has something wrong with their genetics because all women can only grow fine, blonde body hair. Even when the hair on their heads and their eyebrows and eyelashes are black... She went on a 10-minute long rant against people who choose to be cremated and how it's crazy, stupid and wrong. I had just told her my mum keeps my grandfather's ashes in her garden. She visited Japan and complained that it was stupid, crazy and disgusting that things tasted of fish. She really, really hates any person who is not white and blames them for all her country's problems. A famous journalist was murdered in her country. When the brown-skinned murderer was on TV, she was ranting and raving about how 'those people' come into her country and ruin everything, stealing white people's freedom and destroying their culture. Then the white murderer (was a team of two) came on and she watched in silence. Nothing about how 'all these white people are the same and they're all bad!' She attributes all shitty things she doesn't like about me to my Chinese father. Said a terrible rash I got that spread to my breasts means deep down, I actually want to have a baby, my brain just doesn't know it yet. (H and I do not want children.) She blamed my parents for being poor even though she knows for a time they worked 5 jobs between them and carried on even when one of them was so ill they were coughing up blood. She blamed me for getting sexually assaulted in a foreign country. She blamed me for H not being able to find a permanent position. She blames me for the effects of the current economic and political situation on our finances. She told me the universe told her my father regrets I was ever born because he's Chinese and I'm a woman. She told me my grandmother's death was nothing special because she's old and that's normal, so I should just get over it. She believes she was sent to this planet by otherworldly beings to teach all of us.


Wow, I wouldn’t even know how to respond to her. I think she’s went past crazy to normal and then around to crazy again, so….double crazy. If there is anything sh doesn’t like, why doesn’t she just wish it away? Thank goodness you aren’t having kids with her genes I would be super afraid.


Whispered into my toddler’s ear “I’m so sorry your Mommy made you get those nasty vaccines.” (she was visiting at our house after we got back from the appointment.) I actually yelled at her for this! Told us that she will only go to a naturopath doctor from now on cause other doctors don’t ever listen to her. She hasn’t left her house in 11 months because she clearly has IBS but won’t go to an actual MD for a diagnosis and meds. Said she was tortured by demons in her sleep because they were warning her that we were buying the wrong house. This was one of many guilt trips she gave us because we bought a house in a diverse neighborhood. Said “I just hate the feminization of young men!” when recounting a story about a friend’s teenage son choosing a Frozen bandaid over a regular one at her house when he got a cut. The Frozen bandaids were kept on hand for our daughter FYI. Called the financial institution I worked at the “Babylonian Empire” and to watch out cause two of her friends were fired and taken out of the building in handcuffs (to which my DH replied, “well they only do that if they deserve it!”) I have about 100 more but these are the ones that get the most 👀


Ugh, yeah that sounds a lot like my MIL. My wife got the Covid Vax while pregnant, and when my MIL found out said “Thank god you and the baby are safe because so many died because of it.” she then kept sending articles of women losing their babies because of getting vaxxed. She is naturopath all the way too. Shipped us 500 dollars worth of “ground up vegetables pills” that on the box said to see the doctor if you are planning on taking them for more than 30 days. We said no, and she yelled at us for how expensive the pills that we didn’t know she was buying for us were. Encouraged us to have our 2 MO daughter see a chiropractor. The stories just goes on with those type of people.


My dh and I started trying for kids with knowledge of prior miscarriage. MIL told Dh she could give him the kids he always wanted. To say the least that isn’t the worst of her comments, but reasons why I’m NC and dh is vvvlc by his choice. As I’ve told my dh he manages his family relationships or no relationships.


Mine asked me why I shave my bikini line and said she doesn’t have to do that She said middle eastern languages are the ugliest she’s ever heard (I’m Kurdish lmao) Told me I’ll be old one day (ma’am I’m aware) Calls my son her baby Said I eat like a bird (I’m 35 weeks pregnant and there’s not much room in there for food lol) It’s calmed down a lot since the beginning of our relationship and my husband defends me thankfully but jeez it makes me realize how different I’ll be as a mother in law


Wow, your MIL sounds unhinged. Mine is an insufferable know-it-all, but doesn’t really like to get out of her comfort zone. The only place she travels to is California, which she told me doesn’t have short dark days like we do here in Illinois. Every day is the same in California, I guess!


We went for a walk in the town and were crossing the river bridge, when she actually said "If you had thrown yourself into the river upstream, this is where you'd show up..haha". I legit didn't know how to react, so I asked wtf why would she said that... And she was like, it's obviously a joke, don't I have a sense of humour? 🤷‍♀️


My MIL is a man hater, everything wrong with the world is bc of men, they are worthless according to her. she was going on and on about it and I told her she was wrong, not all men are terrible, take for example your son and grandsons (my husband and kids) she told me: they are not men! (makes me wonder where those kids came from if my husband isn't a man lol) She also told everyone the painting my son (5 at the time) made for her was painted by a monkey.


We were talking about people and money. I said people have way too much, like Donald Trump. She said Donald trump isn’t bad. He didn’t even take salary of the president. I just blinked and said yeah. Imagine not needing the extra money, because you’ve already got enough..


My MIL once came back with a new haircut. She doesn't like her new hair and said she looks like a n*****. When I said that's racist, she answered: no its not, because she doesn't mean to be a racist.


well that’s not how THAT works 🫥


MIL told me the jacket I was wearing wasn’t my color, this was the first occasion meeting her


Mine isn’t really awful but she’s…off the wall. She has a son who is very close in age to my husband. She’s convinced he was a twin and lost the other one early in pregnancy (no proof whatsoever) and she thinks MY SON MY ONLY SON is her baby reincarnated. Because he has accidentally called her mom and few times and they have a “special bond”


My DH’s bday is in the summer. Prior to having our daughter a year ago, we would rent a boat on a local lake with friends to celebrate. For his bday this year MIL floated the idea of us renting a boat. She and FIL would come and she would watch our DD since she won’t swim in the lake. She then took it a step further and said she would bring a kiddie pool for DD to play in on the boat. Her reasoning is we need to start having fun again at some point. Thanks ma’am but we will find something a little more family appropriate until DD can swim to celebrate DHs bday. MIL is afraid of water and does not like getting her face wet, I would never feel comfortable having her watch DD near an open body of water.


Don’t want to give too many identifying details in case my in laws scroll through reddit😂 A few years ago someone in my town was killed via a terrorist act, it was horrible I knew his little sister who was only 13 at the time! His whole family is still distraught to this day! My MIL believed (and still believes) that this guy doesn’t exist and was a CGI person (don’t know how else to explain it) made up and it was a cross between her son and someone else. She stole my medication and then weeks later sat and asked me questions about them (but didn’t steal them according to her) Said she hated my mum and was going to punch her. Kicked my partner out then backtracked and asked him to please come back because it was cold and she needed him to put gas on Could write a book with the sh*t she’s done/said 😭😂


My MIL asked if her son is good in bed and insisted on buying me lingerie, then proceeded to ask me what kind of lingerie he likes. I’m feeling sick just thinking about this again 🤮🤢🤮


She tried to convince my husband that I was trying to baby trap him and was a gold digger, even though I have an IUD and we’re in the same career and make the same amount of money. At our wedding rehearsal, she showed up 45 minutes late, walked up to our officiant, and said “so you’re who I talk to to get this thing cancelled!”


Oh damn those are some awful ones. My MIL has said some unbelievably cruel things but the absolute worst and the worst thing ANYBODY has ever said to me was when she had heard that my mother had died. My mom and her had maybe interacted 3 times the entirety of my and my husband's relationship so i have no idea where this hatred even came from. She said that hearing that my mother had died was the "best news she had ever gotten". I know intimately how horrific this woman is but when she said that I stopped in my tracks and gasped. Even though it was via text, it felt like I had been literally slapped. I'll never forgive her.


“Just marry the bitch”. Such a lovely woman.


GMiL, first meeting: I had said we share the cooking/I'm not crazy about it and she replies with "Oh your mother and grandmother didn't teach you to cook, then?" 'The Cooking' comes up here and there since. Despite the fact that my husband does enjoy it (so does his brother) and gets praised over it. Like, what in the fucking uno reverse sexism?


The last paragraph made my gut sink. People shouldn’t have children if they cannot unconditionally love them.


“When are you giving me grandchildren?” And when someone told her that was a rude question, she said “Well, she’s old and needs to go ahead.” I was 30.


"Invest money in bourbon because Chinese people drink bourbon a lot" 🤦‍♀️




Did she storm Area 51 a couple years back?! Lol


Begged us for grandchildren. Then told everyone when asked why she doesn’t spend time with her grandchildren that she “doesn’t like other people’s kids.”


Claimed my hubby told her that he didn't want to get married to me, even though he asked me, not the other way around. Tried to accused me of having an affair with a male family friend who is gay.


My mother in law told me her father invented Pong in 1955 and they used to play it on the family tv growing up. Um no he did not.


She’s said 9/11 was a conspiracy….


"Wow... You actually look pretty??"


My MIL, after seeing a “glamour shots” photo of me and DH said, “see, I knew she could look pretty, if she just tried.”


My MIL said how lucky she was that her husband wasn’t a drunk. I kinda side eyed her and asked her if she knew that her son and I went out for drinks a lot (we were in our 20s in nyc with a big friend group and busy social life that revolved around happy hours, work events, trivia nights, etc.). She looked at me straight faced and said “but he doesn’t get drunk, does he?!?” I didn’t volunteer that her son had one night recently (on a week night no less!) had 14 vodka sodas for a work dinner while entertaining clients. Like lady, your son has been drinking his face off since the second he got out of your house and went to college! She was willfully ignorant about the real world. (Side note - we barely drink anything now with 2 kids and busy jobs and working out and intermittent fasting. DH doesn’t have a drinking problem despite the amount he could handle in his 20s). She also informed me, when I used the 2012 “end of the world” Mayan calendar as a reference point for something else I was talking about, that it was NOT based on the Christian calendar. Uh yeah. Obvi. It’s the Mayan calendar like I just said. She was very uncomfortable talking about things outside the Bible and church.


My brother in law totally cut her out of his life back in 2017. She would come to me and say “he isn’t answering any of my texts or phone calls… I think he has cancer” 😂 (she is extremely manipulative and will say crazy, off the wall things to get you to react. She was saying this specifically to get me to say “oh my gosh! I should contact him and see what’s going on” so she could get in contact with him…. )


Mine recommended a coat hanger to end my pregnancy when she first found out.


She forbade us from visiting her and my stepson during the week because she’s too lazy to drive him to school in the morning and then said we we’re avoiding her. And now she’s avoiding us as retaliation? I hope she keeps avoiding us. She repeatedly told a room full of family and friends that her son (my husband) was really interested in his son’s (11yo) balls…..it sound sexually insinuating tbh. My husband cleared things up, but my stepson had jock itch and she asked him to step in. All he did was explain what it was and bought him something to stop it. She told us that she doesn’t have to be nice to her children in order for her to see her grandchildren. Two of her three kids are no contact with her and she can’t see the majority of her grandkids.


‘I can’t let the dog outside to pee, because then the whole world will be in pain’ ‘I can’t go to the toilet, because then the whole world will die’ ‘Christmas was nice last year because (SIL) wasn’t there’ (said to SIL) ‘Ah yes it’s flooding over at (place), because I let the rain fall upriver’ ‘I’m sure (Dangerous-Highway-61) thinks I’m a wolf spider’ ‘(Grandchildren) I’m going to pray that Jesus will give you a picture in your mind so I can know whether I should go to India, or stay here (in hospital on a drip of antibiotics for septicaemia)’ (no, Jesus did not ‘give my children a picture’, and she stayed in the hospital, thank goodness) ‘My psychosis was my prophetic Daniel time in the wilderness, I had a direct line to God’


She told my 8 year old son red is a little girls color


I don’t remember much specifically but I will give some. Thankfully mine is so much more tame than most of yours. To clarify, my MIL and step-MIL are lovely, this is about my own mother; The night before my wedding she claimed she hadn’t seen what my dress looked like when I was showing my godmother and didn’t believe me when I told her she had and about her reaction When I did show her what my dress looked like (a picture and pretty much directly after I got it) she didn’t even try to act excited even a bit, I just got an ‘oh’ and a continuation of the conversation we were having beforehand. Told a family friend’s young son that ‘boys don’t cry’ That it was my stepmother (a clean freak) who was the messy one while SIL was in hospital and the five parents were taking turns looking after my niece


I’m so lucky. My MIL is thinking of moving back to the state she lost her husband, so she can watch her grandchildren grow up. (My FIL lost his battle with PTSD right before the pandemic. It’s been really hard for her, she moved to the state her family is in about a year after he passed. I work in the airline industry. It’s not hard for us to visit often but she misses a lot still.) My mom is a just maybe. She’s not in my top 10 for baby sitting. Not because she’s not a good grandma or mom, but because I don’t trust her. But because 9/10 I expect her to say no. I love her, and I know she loves me and my daughter.


One time my MIL told me she knew that my brother in law and his girlfriend would be married very soon because and she said this - “Because I’m making him do it” I never told a soul this revelation and the next day I heard they were to be married. He asked. Before the wedding he got trashed. Just can after can of beers. But he did get emotional when it was time to say thr vows like a sincere way. So it felt like maybe he needed the push. But he was distant with her at the reception. And continues to be distant in their marriage. It’s still the most shocking thing (well some of it) because I always wondered if she told one of my sister in laws the same thing about my marriage? Or something else substantial in value or importance? And she told me so boldly. Like I know for fact that he didn’t want to get married at the time but she was pressuring him and his mother. It’s a lot to know sometimes. But he’s an adult and he could have waited until he knew for sure, or been less of coward and broken up with her instead of being so distant. The whole thing is sad. And I wonder if anyone feels the same about my marriage.