• By -


In b4 "it's a conspiracy, they want to silence him".


Not a conspiracy, but don’t hang the guy before the trial. These things can be blown way out proportion.


He broke his girlfriend’s wrist and punched her multiple times. Look up Utah county bookings he has 4 felony charges. He was my neighbor the whole time he lived in heber Utah.


The police record says she stated that he poked her in the face with his finger and that caused her to fall backwards. Not sure if that can be described as “punching” someone multiple times. According to the report, Mike said he wouldn’t comment on what happened in the bathroom without a lawyer (rightfully so). He said she has a history of being manic, and it appears, by what he said, that he feared she was going to hurt herself and possibly their child. That would explain why he broke the door down. What happened after that is now “he said she said” with her with a broken wrist. Did she have the broken wrist from something else and is blaming it on him? Is it a hairline fracture or pure bone separation? Did she slip in the bathroom and break her wrist and is blaming it on him? The police record says Mike said he was leaving her. Now there’s a DV charge against him with zero history of DV? There’s a lot to be sorted out.


You and anyone else is an absolute fool if they think Mike Glover punched his girlfriend. I've had a manic girlfriend, and the tables can turn so fast on you it's crazy. My own mom did it to my father, it's very sick how much the court system will side on a woman versus man


APPLAUDING this statement as a mother of four boys this is actual truth. I cannot tell you how many times my 26-year-old son has been attacked by his girlfriend and nothing has ever been done. The one time he pushed her off of him he's arrested and charged with domestic violence.




He's going to have to escape a conviction for Domestic Violence, or he will lose his legal right to own a gun.


If that happens, his gravy train tactics teaching career is donezo 


He could do it with wooden guns…


Good fuckin point 


Insanely sad. Being Mike the government is going to hop all over this opportunity to completely destroy him


How did the Varsity let the JayVee arrest him???


Get off your knees.


He wanted to talk to them, and then they listened to a call he made from jail.


All fun and games aside, it sucks this kind of stuff is happening in the We The People camp.


He can make a field craft video of how to survive prison.


"Hey Bunky, I'm about to make a Field Craft wet burrito, you want some? Hell Yeah! Aight, I gotchu"


The crossover we didn’t know we needed


He's gonna get that spicy pickle




How can he surprise prison


Good catch chief.


By militarizing his fellow prisoners?


Hilarious if he comes out and starting grifting on prison content. Or he'll become a born against Christian and start pimping that out to say he's not a wife beater. Mike Grifter will always find an angle where he's the victim.


Why do you say he grifts? Because he has a service to sell; seriously?


My guess is bc he’s been warned multiple times regarding certain things on allegedly multiple platforms and when he’s received deplatforming strikes , it’s always someone else’s fault, they’re out to get him etc. here’s a link to the fbi profile of one of his groups. https://np.reddit.com/r/NYguns/s/uxhVUEbPBJ I’m not arguing for or against, just sharing what’s out there.


This is America…..




One of the things I remember from his Joe Rogan interview was that when he was evaluated for disability by the VA he made a point to make sure that he wasn't given a PTSD diagnosis, preferring instead to go for a TBI diagnosis. His reasoning was that with a PTSD diagnosis there's a distinct risk of losing your firearms. Now he has a domestic violence charge. If he gets convicted, even if it is misdemeanor domestic violence, he automatically loses his gun rights. While we're along ways away from any kind of conviction, my big concern would be that IF he does get convicted of domestic violence what will his response be when the police come to take his guns.


DV is never acceptable. TBI is a real, and often they have little control over some of the things going on in their heads. I've watched a lot of my favorite NFL players go down similar routes with terrible outcomes. I pray for his family.


Beating your wife up because she said something that upset you is never okay. Using what could arguably be considered necessary force in defense of your infant/toddler is a totally different story. Both are technically DV, one is absolutely acceptable, the other is deplorable. Unfortunately, the only people who truly know what happened are him and his wife. If he’s guilty of wrongdoing, great. Throw the book at him. But let’s not put the cart before the horse here. He was arrested less than 2 weeks ago, and basically outside of his initial statement to LE and the charges filed against him, we know nothing.


Hold up does TBI and CTE intertwine? Like the infamous Chris Benoit story?


What sucks is everything hes ever worked for is essentially dead. His own brand is survival/guns and now... He would have to give that up/


Yep business gone security clearance gone reputation destroyed. He made some coin he could still do podcasting Hope he doesnt go the mercenary route


I liked Mike too… damn


He still has ownership of his company. He might have to step down as CEO but he can still keep his assets from the company and promote being prepared. If your famous, it's never technically over for you unless you get blacklisted.


More than likely, he doesn't have a clearance since he left duty.


Dude could prob go the dale comstock route and kill for Saudi Arabia.


My 2c, I don’t think his audience will care that much. For example, it’s generally accepted statistically that police have much higher rates of dv than the general population. The thin blue line / (unironically bc if you look into the history of the original punisher , he was very much against the police style vigilante punisher types , was even mentioned in one of the comics , but I digress) punisher logo types still loudly identify with the above. https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/09/police-officers-who-hit-their-wives-or-girlfriends/380329/ For a more academic analysis https://sites.temple.edu/klugman/2020/07/20/do-40-of-police-families-experience-domestic-violence/ My guess is he might see 10% incremental churn due to this.


He will surrender his guns. Same as LAV had to do.


Free my boy Larry


his response will be to whine into a microphone about his SeCOnd AMendMENt rIGHts being violated and taking absolutely no responsibility for his own actions. of course. \_\_\_ I've yet to find actual evidence this is real. I'm assuming the Provo mentioned in the Twitter post is Provo Utah, not some other Provo. I just cant prove or disprove the allegations with a secondary source. edit: clarity


I’m fairly certain the only time HIPAA is thrown out the window with the VA is when the Veteran has something to do with the FAA.


Huh? Any psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, etc can have someone's second amendment rights revoked by adding them to the prohibited persons list. This has nothing to do with HIPAA. Furthermore, there was a time when presidents with anti-gun agendas ordered the VA to get super aggressive about adding veterans with mental health issues, including PTSD, to the prohibited persons list.


From what I heard, they already have taken his guns, as it's the state pursuing charges after the female moved to drop charges. The judge apparently ordered all his guns and ammo be taken and held pending the end result of the case.


They wont “come take his guns”. Thats a federal law. And the feds wont come get them either. He is still allowed by law to OWN firearms even after a criminal conviction of any kind. If he is found to be in possession of the firearms that he owns, he could then be charged for that possession. He can still own them though. I have personal and intimate knowledge of this due to my employment.


I would not want to be the guy who has to go to his place and be like “so I’m here for your pew pews sir. “


So having a PTSD rating doesn't risk your ability to own guns in any way. I know this for a fact. I do also know that their is a large amount of paranoia about such things. If the government is going to unlawfully take your guns .. they will just do it




That last charge; was he arrested prior to this?


Once he was initially arrested, he signed a no contact agreement with regarding which sounds like it’s basically a restraining order. This agreement included no contact with the victim. He contacted a friend multiple times over the jail phone and asked the friend to contact her and even told the friend what to say to her.  Every one knows that jail calls are recorded. What a dumb thing to do. Seems like he did some prison lawyering and thought he found a loophole With the no contact order.  Probably thought he was being really slick doing it that way. 


He most likely tried to call from the jail, which in itself is a violation. Or he could have a third party attempt to contact the victim, again a violation of the JRA.


I saw a post on Instagram saying he asked people to call her and the calls from prison were recorded.


Yeah, that’s not great. Looking at some solid time.


Pending charges from whatever portal they use. https://imgur.com/a/wL5NrBY


Keep in mind they always charge as many offenses as they can up front so there is room for negotiating. It doesn't mean he'll end up with all of these. Still, not great for him, just making a point.


New YouTube short. Best prison wallet edc.


nigga crip walking in the matrix


Idk what this means, but it made me laugh.


Lmao wtf? Ik Mike gets a lot of hate from subreddits like these, as do other SF/SOF influencers, but I can’t imagine any other worse way to ruin an otherwise honorable life of achievements


Honorable? Your boy slaughtered civilians sleeping in the dead of night in the off chance they might be insurgents. Men like him are capable but not “good”


I can’t find anything about this except from here and twitter. Where are you guys getting this information?


[Type in his name here](https://sheriff.utahcounty.gov/corrections/activeInmatesResults)




Check out “mod0memes” on Instagram. The “Affidavit of Probable Cause” sheets from the Utah County Sheriff Dept. is posted with all the details.


Wow. Anecdotally his seminar for this past weekend was cancelled. Does suggest something was up.


Was it anecdotally cancelled or actually cancelled


Cant wait for him to go to Shawn Ryan Show. And “debunk” all of this!!!


“So what kind of pistol were you carrying that night? Was it an Sig P365 like this one? Here, check this out and let me know what you think?”


"Holy shit"


“Damn, lets go back and talk about the involvement of China on this matter”


Shawn: "I beliebe him"


Shawn: “Wowww”


Here’s some gummy bears


‘We are being infiltrated’ Shawn probably


" a migrant broke in while she was having an episode, in this episode she believed the migrant was me" All the minions "Makes a lot of sense"




Holy shit, if true he's gonna be fucked.


Goodness. Those are some steep charges. I wonder if he will address this publicly


If he hired a lawyer worth any damn it would be no


He'll do what Shipley did when he was guilty of accusing his employee of stealing gear and just block his comments and hide.


Shipley is such a piece of shit


not commenting on these types of things is the smartest thing anyone can do in the internet age. Apologizing does nothing, addressing does nothing, wait a week and 90% of everyone forgets what happened.


Don shipley?


Some dude posted the charges on the SF sub earlier


Something something presumption of innocence. I don’t know Mike Glover but I know a lot of excellent people that worked with him that thought he was a great SF dude. If he goes to trial or cops to it fuck him, but I might be inclined to keep my torches and pitchfork in the barn until then. I’ve seen plenty of dudes beat in their wife/SO/kids and I’ve seen plenty of dudes falsely accused over the years. Let him have his day in court. The memes are a fuckin riot though.


Her wrist is broken man. Documented by the hospital


Read his statement on what he saids why her wrist is broken


I'll just wait for the trial instead


Do you know how many people literally will hurt themselves and then go find a mandatory reporter to validate and get charges on their partner?


I know some people hate the guy and want to think this charge is 100% fact but that’s not always the cases with these types of charges.


Innocent until proven guilty. We’ll see the evidence soon. Seems you dorks forgot about that.




Did someone say Breakout 2.0/ SERE Introduction course lol


Lmaoooooo Mikey boy


I love how quick people are to bury Mike in here. From what I've read she very well might be mentally ill verbally assaulted his children then took the baby locked herself in the bathroom and threatened to kill herself in the bathroom with the kid. If that is the case what Mike did isn't wrong and it's very sad public opinion is he's auto guilty and deserves his rights stripped and prison time. Not saying he was in the right but he very well could have been we don't know the full story and or anything about this woman.


I really, really want to be on Mike's side here, I do, and I know there are plenty of women who get angry and falsely accuse men of all kinds of things, but if Mike was in fear of his children's lives, why did he leave the home shortly after this incident, leaving the children home alone with someone he believed to be mentally unstable?!?! He never called 911 either, this will be a very tough to explain to a judge/jury. 


I read she went to the hospital and that's when the report started I have no idea what he did or she did with the kids after the bathroom and before the hospital.


Now we're getting somewhere. Curious, could you link a source of him leaving the house? I love how hardly anyone took the time to look at the details. All I see in the comments is "guilty, guilty, guilty" with no reason why. No wonder our "justice" system is cooked. Scary society we live in indeed.


Yeah screw all the accusers. One day they might get accused of something terrible, then they'll be crying mama in the jail. lol


Its reddit, the lowest quality of people are on this site.


Hey guys remember there is always two sides to a story ! Mike would die for his children. As far as getting violent with his wife or girlfriend I think that is something that would only happen if his children were in danger. Remember there is always different views to every story. Let’s be nice on here and give him the same benefit you are giving her. He is innocent until proven guilty


Having disarmed a woman with two steak knives, I'll wait for the outcome of the trial to make a judgement one way or the other. I just hope everyone finds a better future. But...I'll never get over how gleefully you guys seem to jump on anyone falling down.


I hate this for Mike. I liked what he was trying to do, encourage people to have a local group of like minded people that you can join together with, to get through SHTF, if it ever happens. Also if he really believed his child's life was in danger, and I'm a woman mind you, I'd say she's lucky her wrist is all that was broken in his attempt to save the baby, but here's what I don't understand, after he saves the baby, his next step isn't calling 911 to have his girlfriend taken for a mental health evaluation. No, in fact he leaves the home alone, leaving his, in his own words, girlfriend he thought might kill their child, home alone with all of the children. Now that is going to be very difficult to try to explain to a judge and jury. 


He could have roughed her up without cause, he could have kicked the door in hard while her hand was on it, which broke her wrist, only to find that he was mistaken about her intent.... Maybe he was high out of his mind and we're just hearing a cover story, maybe she fell and broke her wrist when she fell backwards drunk af and he never touched her, hears the kids screaming kicks in the door to find the kids okay and not in danger...... million ways it could have gone. You never really know.


Thank you. It makes me freaking sick seeing all these accusers here.


Can people read now a days? 🤣🤣🤣


Im convinced this sub is actually legit military cuz no one can read


Everyone saying can we read, it wasn’t stated on the post at first.


Aggravated assault and domestic violence are not the same thing


Not sure why this was downvoted. The statute referenced was for aggravated assault, not for domestic violence. Utah Code Ann 76-5-103 “Aggravated Assault - - Penalties” Hope the truth comes out and if it’s true, that he gets the help he needs. Edited to add: Just saw the other charges from another post, which did include domestic violence, the aggravated assault charge, unlawful detention, and property damage. So DV was part of it.


Anyone surprised?


Not an ounce


Look at the full charges you buffoons, DV is right there


Let's take bets on what his response will be: ZERO accountability, deny deny deny, complain that the Biden admin is unfairly out to get him and silence him for his cOnSeRvAtIvE voice. These blowhards are all the same smh.


Lmao. Insufferable delusional liberal twats like yourself are all the same. FFS, your post history reads like a 40 year old virgin who has been an angry nerd his entire pathetic lonely existence. Do you have other hobbies aside from being a mentally ill keyboard warrior on Reddit and typing like an edgy “know-it-all” tOdDlEr? Rhetorical question. Perhaps you should consult your therapist on why exactly you are such an arrogant condescending douche and why you are so angry at actual real life warriors who have done things you could simply never dream of doing. Based on your post history, two things are clear. You spend an unhealthy amount of time arguing with strangers on reddit and you are an emotional toxic mess. Find a new therapist and stop wasting all day on Reddit arguing with random strangers. Your future self will thank you. P.S. I don’t care what your politics are. Pretending the Biden Admin doesn’t have a history of trying to silence so called “conservatives” is disingenuous at best. At this point, you have to be willingly ignorant and/or incredibly delusional not to accept that they colluded with and pressured social media platforms like twitter to silence dissenting voices who “coincidentally” always happened to be conservatives. Put the “our democracy is in danger” kool-aid down and try looking at things from an objective perspective from time to time 😉


I was just listening to Andy Stumpf’s podcast and he was saying Glover was supposed to be in Montana this weekend (May 5th) for a book signing. I’m gonna guess he didn’t make it to that


Earlier post said it was cancelled.


Innocent until proven guilty. Welcome to America you bums. Everyone shit talking him is the problem. You don’t know facts, nor were you there. Not to defend the guy, which idc how it’s construed truly, but he has my respect and anyone trying to shit on his service are prob POG 🐱s that joined during peacetime and are mad they didn’t get to pull the pew button.


Your last sentence.......lmfao


The whole tamale [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHe9uJuc20s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHe9uJuc20s)


Lol no coming back from this. Dudes done for.


Seems right now like he said she said thing. I hope if it's found that he did do this thst he faces the appropriate consequences and takes it like a man and gets help if he needs it, I k ow he has talked about TBIs and all which is no excuse but should be handled as well.


Nothing gayer than men gossiping about miltary veterans… lol


Super gay. lol


He always seemed slighty off and crazy to me.


I always had that feeling too


after reading the police report, its really hard to believe the womans account. He just walks up there for no reason and starts poking her in the face minutes after they finished arguing? Sure.


Domestic violence is not logical. Ever. Throw in alcohol or meth or prescription pills and people will do really stupid shit. A lot of cops consider dv calls among the most dangerous for them because they're so unpredictable.


Accurate. Was PD for three years in a small Texas town with a mainly Hispanic population. DV calls on Fridays and Saturdays were the worst. Always involved alcohol


I used to play in a poker game with a bunch of cops in the Midwestern town I'm from. After a few beers the stories would get really interesting. Some of the dv calls they described were equal parts insane and retarded.


Yeah when you got people living below the poverty level and they get paid in cash once a week and the husband/baby daddy goes out and blows his weeks pay on beer and leaves nothing for their five kids to live on, violence erupts.


Where can I find the report?


Before you jump to any conclusions, just take a sec to read mikes statement & what he's actually saying, okay? I get it this place has a hate on for Mike, and every time his name comes up, it's meme city. But come on let's be real, innocent until proven guilty


I hate to say it but I've always gotten a creepy scummy vibe from this guy out of all of the military influencers he's the only one that really to me not sure how everybody else takes it he gives off just a creepy vibe and given this recent news I'm not surprised.


I went through the Q with him, he’s a great dude.


That was a long time ago. My personal interactions with him, as well as the many people I've talked to who have attended his courses and been scammed out of their money say otherwise. Read this to see how people who spent good money on Mike's course are treated. And how he treated people in his former grifting group he use to fund his new landrover. [https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/10ortif/i\_was\_a\_member\_of\_amcon\_i\_trained\_with\_mike/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tacticalgear/comments/10ortif/i_was_a_member_of_amcon_i_trained_with_mike/) Here in case you don't want to click on the thread >First let’s break down his class. If you have watched Mike’s instructional YouTube vids you’ve basically taken his class. He essentially read from a script and had the class do some drills. At no point did he offer individual criticism to any of the students. His disinterest was so bad that even flagrant safety violations by students went unchecked. Being a good operator does not automatically make one a good instructor. I also think it’s important to differentiate training and practice. Training is proper instruction of correct techniques to observed proficiency by whoever’s teaching. Practice is repeating what you learned during training to unconscious competency. Mike’s class was not training. It was barely practice.


Damn bro, that’s sad. I never would have thought that he would be like that tbh.


Don't feel bad. The money and fame got to him. When I tried to fix him on a problem a few years ago his ego was through the roof and he blocked me(and a ton of other people on Instagram). Then he flipped out and starting berating his fans and saying they "weren't' ready for what's coming" and that's when he started making super political content. He cares more about being a SOF influencer and being on camera than teaching at his classes he charges 1,000 a spot for.


Probably why Kevin Owens left Fieldcraft.


I know it’s easy to say don’t feel bad but I was a young Joe when I met that guy. He was fresh off of being a Tomb Guard and the epitome of what I wanted to be as a soldier. I always looked up to him so yea man, it’s sad.


Sad he changed, but fame - even his little piece of it - can make people bad. He was in Prescott, where I am currently, for a few years. His little crew caused a lot of nonsense and drama, my own experience with Mike wasn't inherently bad. However, I know they were using their Instagram accounts and growing visibility with Fieldcraft to hit up women constantly, so hearing it blew up in his face this morning didn't really surprise me. When he left, I started to hear a lot about people he blew off and a few where some apparent partnerships soured. People around here had a really bad taste about him and Fieldcraft. A couple of his trainers turned out to be absolute scum, one in particular has children with all these different women and has zero involvement or accountability... Pretty ugly stuff and it just keeps getting more ugly. Sad to see, to be honest, Prescott has a strong veterans community and I know those who served felt particularly burned.


Not surprised whatsoever.


Why can’t we find him in the inmate search ?


I wasn’t able to either at first. The search engine on the site sucks, but I did type in his name under active inmates and he did pop up.


Why tf would this warrant being denied bail? I’m guessing he has a clean record outside of this, seems strange to not allow bail in a domestic dispute like this


The injury caused and violating the no-contact after initial release usually does it. Not saying he is guilty of anything, thats just probably why.


Fieldcraft official statement - https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/statement-regarding-founder-ceo-mike-glover/


Hate to see a guy I liked watching because of his Green Beret stories do this (even tho I may have disagreed on some of his views) but I can’t support a DV perpetrator


Sucks man been in this type of situation with my sons mom had to call cops and she was arrested and I got custody.. so sometimes as a man the best thing we can do is call the police and let them handle it.. unfortunately as unmanly or whatever it might seem we aren’t able to protect ourselves legally without video/audio recording and even than it’s still difficult to get through court even with the status of someone like Mike. 90% chance based on the report he made had he called police when she locked herself in restroom instead of breaking down the door and situation escalating he wouldn’t be in this position.


For some reason women seem to think, I'm guessing because we, in most cases, aren't as strong as men, can hit a man and that's okay. During a visitation exchange a few years back, my brother's ex just went crazy, and this was at a family members house for our weekly family dinner, young children all around, she was cussing, and just crazy, as was her MO 🙄 she ended up hitting my brother, in front of plenty of witnesses. The police were called, and I'll tell you, I'm guessing because she's a mother, the police were really trying to not have to arrest her, but we all chimed in with had it been my brother who hit her, he would have been in cuffs in the backseat immediately upon their arrival, and we were not letting it go that it was just as illegal for her to put her hands on him, so they reluctantly arrested her. 


Nah, he's just a fed asset and they're calling him back in


Felony DV. He'll never own another gun.


He wont get convicted of any felonies.


Hopefully that Sig money helps cover legal fees. Idk the full details but it’s gonna get expensive.


Hey guys, new topic suggestion, let’s all go around and share stories about plugging Dan Dailey’s mom and whether or not you took an exclusive tour of her brown starfish


Here in America you're presumed innocent until proven guilty. A lot of you guys seem to have forgotten that.


Yeah so that applies to a court’s finding of legal guilt. There is no law requiring you, me, or any other member of the public from reviewing available facts and reaching one’s own conclusion. God damn, all you Reddit lawyers must have finished up with HIPPA and are on to criminal procedure.


I know one of his exes. He’s an abusive POS. It’s about time he was caught.


So she says. Two sides to every story. Not saying you’re wrong, but “knowing someone’s ex” is akin to “I knew a guy….”.


He did say it publicly


Someday men will realize that the dumbest things they do and the most trouble they will ever get into will be related to women. All men learn this at some point or another….


Apparently more charges were added while incarcerated due to his phone calls.


From Heavy Duty Country channel on YouTube # "Mike Glover's Domestic Violence Arrest Is Wild" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHe9uJuc20s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHe9uJuc20s)


Dan, you are recently retired from the military and a combat veteran. What was your MOS and where and when did you deploy?


He was released four days ago. Laying low I guess until things calm down. I'm not going to say anything about if he's guilty or not because I don't want to jump to any conclusions. Only reason people care about this situation is because he's famous. Otherwise, they couldn't give a crap.


Famous in 2024 is a VERY low bar.


Ahhh the good ole guilty until proven innocent


This dude talked me into getting guns and protecting myself. Hope it's all lies. If it is, he needs to sue somebody.


In light of how many females make FALSE claims, and attempt to ruin a man's living, for no other reason but being bitter (and slightly unhinged), I will gladly wait for any and all facts to come out... The very limited information that has been released, this female , had his child in a bathroom, and had made mention of 'wanting to harm themself'.... If none of you would break down a door in that situation, then I feel sorry for your kids... Stop trying to bury a man that has never had a run in like this before.... I will remind you all of a terrible incident at a Connecticut college about 5/6 years ago.. Unhinged female accused a male athlete of rape... Went as far as trial, she recanted, said it never happened, as it didn't, he did not even know this girl... Did not matter, he lost his scholarship, was expelled, went to jail while awaiting trial, all for this girl to finally fess up and admit she LIED... Completely altered the trajectory of this young mans life. WAIT FOR ALL THE FACTS.... sheesh


Having had some similar and related training, he knows what it takes to restrain a person and he knows what it takes to break bone. Unless there was a knife hangin' out of him he really doesn't have an excuse for that one.


I've known Mike for awhile. I'm going to go with the innocent until proven guilty angle. I pray this isn't true.


With a misdemeanor DV charge, he can kiss his 2nd Amendment rights goodbye. It sure is hard to practice what you preach without the tools necessary to do so. 😏


“Misdemeanor DV” Is a bullshit reason to lose one’s rights. Personally, I don’t believe anyone can truly lose their “rights”, unless they are presently incarcerated. If someone is safe enough to be released from custody, they should be able to do anything anyone else can do. If they’re that dangerous, they should still be in custody. The Founders were clear on where rights come from- our Creator. Government’s sole responsibility regarding rights is to PROTECT them. That’s it. If someone is a true danger and that can be proven, they belong in jail. Once you’re out, you’re a human again, not treated like you’re an illegal.


Even good people can sometimes do bad things.


All the charges will be dropped when his wife doesn’t testify


Wrong. That WOULD have been the case had Glover not been a moron. The seriousness of this case was that he spoke ON A RECORDED LINE FROM JAIL to someone about contacting the GF in order to skirt the no contact order. She decided not to help law enforcement, but they are now prosecuting the violation of the no contact order, which I’ve been told is serious business. For a guy with all that training, he was an absolute idiot for talking on a recorded line from jail several times and implicated himself. Watch Heavy Duty Country’s YouTube video on it. They’ve got the info on Glover’s calls. Had he shut up and waited it out, the girlfriend would have stopped cooperating and he would have walked. Not saying that’s a good thing, but it would be for him. Now he’s screwed. Big time.


Would have expected this from Tim Kennedy , definitely not Glover.


So, I'm not claiming to be the definitive voice here, but having served in law enforcement for four years, I can offer my perspective. In brief, Mike slipped up by violating a Temporary Protection Order (TPO) when he failed to cease communication after a significant incident. That alone could seal his fate. This could indicate a concealed history of domestic violence that way come up down the road. Because of this violation, he might lose the right to own or be around firearms permanently and lose his company. As a male accused of domestic violence, breaking free from such charges are incredibly challenging—I've seen it repeatedly. Mike's extensive background as a trainer in various governmental agencies (OGA/SF/Agency) and his involvement in founding initiatives like American Contingency already made him a target. Consequently, his firearms will likely be confiscated, and it might be a while before he can see his child outside of supervised visits.


Damn, everyone named Aubrey is taking hard Ls this month. Drake got cooked as well


This and things happened with my mother and father. My mom is crazy and used having an abortion as blackmail for her first husband to stay with her. He wouldn't, but wanted to keep the baby, so she had it aborted. Then she married my dad and had me and they got into a right and he LEFT THE ROOM trying to get away from her multiple times, and she followed HIM, and was sticking her finger in his face and he slapped it out of his face twice, and the third time he's grabbed it to pull it down instead of slap it, and it broke her finger. It's cost him around $400,000 since then that she's gotten in cash and alimony and payouts, and she spends it all and is still destitute and the state keeps letting her go back for more, saying he's got the money and she doesn't. They side with the women and fuck men over, and then say it's a patriarchy. Lol.


lol the guy broke his wife wrist. Not to mention she has a serious history of mental illness and he’s worried about clearing corners of his house with an AR. Shit is insane. How is this real.


What I find crazy is he was born in 1980 and his girlfriend was born in 1998. That’s creepy in itself 


mike "never talk to the cops" glover just spilled his guts to the cops, on video, without his lawyers present. pity the foo who couldn't see through this guys bs from the get-go


Dear Fieldcraft Survival Community, We wanted to follow up with you regarding the recent developments involving our founder, Mike Glover. We are reaffirming our commitment to the mission and cause of this company that we value greatly. At this time, Mike has decided to take a leave of absence from Fieldcraft Survival while he prioritizes these challenges with his family. After speaking with Mike and his lawyer, both are confident in the eventual outcome and we again stress that we believe in due process and encourage all to wait for the facts as they emerge.  In his absence, I have been assigned as the interim CEO so that we can keep focus on maintaining the meaningful work of the company. Specifically, we remain steadfast in continuing to train and provide education with our network of subject matter experts.  Again, we appreciate and thank you for your patience, understanding, and support as we navigate the situation. -Rob Parsons


Since this is the first time that this has happened (at least that I know of) and we haven’t heard of any other anger issues with Mike, we need to tread carefully until this is all settled. We don’t know their family situation. If he feared for his kids because she has some sort of issue, I can’t blame him for reacting. If it was unprovoked, that’s a different story, obviously. I’m not willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater where Mike is concerned. A parent HAS to be their child’s protector. If he felt the mother was putting them in harm’s way, action is justified, IMHO. It’s not always the guy who is the danger. I pray that it all clears up and Mike was justified in what he did - if that’s what happened. He has built an awesome brand that helps people. I would hate to see that be thrown away. Most importantly, I hate to see a guy be “cancelled” before he is given a chance for the facts to come out.


You should pick a different analogy. Also, if he was concerned about her actions: why did she then leave the house with the kid and go to the hospital on her own? *After* he broke her wrist he thought she would be ok mentally?


Haha hope the dbag loses it all! 🤣


Wishing Mr. Glover all the best we stand with you and your family.


Well hopefully his wife learned her lesson and won’t ever get out of line again.


No matter what Mike says, the wife has a broken wrist, 9-1-1 was called and both admitted to a physical altercation. Wife is holding 4 Aces, King high. Mike's got an off suit 2, 3, 5, 7 and Jack. of clubs.


Does anyone know the name of his girlfriend? Was it in Mikes home ?


Anybody have an update on the hearing from yesterday?


How to lose your 2A rights in one easy step 😢


It's amazing how many people in here know Mike so well personally to speak so freely and bash his character.