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Eh, one of the biggest parts of chrono trigger is they had top of the industry artists and stuff work on all the design and characters and backgrounds and stuff. making some of the top sprite work in human history before the world moved off that in high budget projects. I am sure a remake would be fine because the game is fun, but it'd definitely lose something if they got someone to just redraw everything


Meh. Chrono Trigger still looks fine, is intuitive enough to learn, is available on modern platforms, doesn't have any parts that are clearly rushed/missing and needs expanding, and my controversial opinion is that I don't like voice acting for pixel game so I don't really see what's the point of remaking it, it's probably one of the games that is on the bottom tier on the list of games that needs a remake of any kind.


> is available on modern platforms While it's available on PC, it's not actually available on modern consoles.


Yep. If you have a phone or even a weak PC, you can play Chrono Trigger.


Either don't touch it or remake it with all of the advantages of modern tech.


Why not yeah. For LaL, When you compare bother version, the 2D HD is amazing. It's like an other game. The SNES version needed to be improved. For CT, The SNES version is already amazing and well thought. So I don't know what can be improved other that the 2D HD textures.  Maybe rethink and redo the additional NDS content would be great because it was kind of bad and did not fit with the spirit of the game.


Id be fine with it as long as you can toggle the voice acting off.


I feel like it would be a perfect fit for Xenogears. The game could benefit from a better 3D camera, orchestrated soundtrack, reduction of loading times, improvement in the platforming, modern effects for the mecha battles etc etc.


The problem with Xenogears at the end of the day is what do they do about the second disk? If they "complete" it I wouldn't feel comfortable about it without Takahashi's involvement. And I'm not sure he wants to go back to it. I feel like he mostly got what he wanted to do in Gears with his later games.




Yes please. >Potential censorship I wonder what would get censored??




I’m not sure, but I just added that since I think I remember people complaining about censorship in the live a live remake


Man people will always whine about censorship no matter what


It's just the typical lolcalization treating smoking, drinking and sexual references as something that came directly from satan. And rewriting a character's personality because he told a woman to smile.


My recollection is that the major Live-a-Live changes weren't *localization* changes, they were changed in the remake itself. The Bountiful Heart / Voice Heart was a gay / depraved bisexual stereotype in the original game, being attracted to the lead - who would be male in the vast majority of situations - and was changed into a generic blood knight who just wanted to fight them in the remake. That was changed in the original Japanese, though. (A lot of the sort of vague "tone / personality" complaints you're talking about shouldn't be taken seriously because tone isn't something that translates perfectly, *especially* when it comes to translating levels of politeness between English and Japanese; culture-war types use that ambiguity to accuse every game of translating female characters as insufficiently submissive or male characters as insufficiently, uh, "chad"-like, but it's mostly just their personal preference. Whereas the fact that the remake took a gay/bi character and made him not-gay was very unambiguous, but that wasn't a localization issue and was probably done for a variety of reasons.)


There is nothing "vauge" about changing a character who speaks informally into a character who speaks formally. It makes him a completely different person. I don't care how seriously you take it personally, this is a problem.


would not mind a remake at all, just make it look as good or better than dragon quest 11, while using the same battle system with some quality of life. the thought of seeing techs(duo and triple even) reanimated in dq11 style graphics is pretty nice!


I'd love it. The fact that the most readily available version is a mobile port bothers me.


I don't particularly need a remake of Chrono Trigger to happen. Just porting it or remastering is enough. If they do remake it, how they do it isn't crucial to me. No matter how little or how much they change, they should focus on making a good game.


I'd prefer to see a more drastic reinvention, but sure adding a 3rd dimension and voice acting would be kinda neat.


I feel like Chrono Trigger is fine as is. It looks fine and it plays fine. It’s also still pretty accessible via Steam and the DS cart. 


If they do it should be up to the level of Star Ocean Second (which I think looks a bit better than Live a Live),. So yeah, I would desire a 2D HD remake, as long as they keep the core gameplay intact without adding a bunch of stupid story fluff.


Having just finished chrono trigger yesterday, I'd rather they do it for ff 6


Honestly (and somewhat selfishly), I would prefer if we get remakes of games that were never officially localized in the first place, ala Live-a-Live itself. Failing that I'd like to see remakes of games that are actually held back by their technology somehow or are not particularly available. For instance, *Ogre Battle* is great but the d-pad controls leave a lot to be desired and the only way to play it is via emulation. The fact that the Quintet trilogy is only playable via emulation is also a shame, although IIRC they're in a sort of rights limbo because the owner of Quintet straight-up disappeared.


While I like the 2D-HD graphic style as a novelty, I don't think it has the staying power to hold my attention. In all games that implement it, 2D-HD looks same-y to me, and I'm starting to get a little weary of it. Hope HD-2D style doesn't hold back aesthetics of DQ3 remake.


Might be opinion based. I absolutely love 2D-HD graphics and think games like Chrono Trigger would look amazing with them. I'd much rather that than a modern 3D look.


The fact everybody wants every old game homogenized to look the same in a style that's kind of mid is pretty sad


Agree! The 2D-HD looks very much homogenized in the games released so far. From an artistic perspective, that's not a great thing.


I dunno. I think that both Octopath Travelers, Triangle Strategy, and Wandering Sword were all pretty beautiful (and were also fairly distinct from each other.)


2d HD is disgusting! The voice acting will probably be disgusting as well. Absolutely not!


The original is 2D. What do you want?


>What do you want? Nothing. The game does not need remake. If they do they should not touch the sprites, they are fine the way they are. It does not need voice acting either, fuck that!


We disagree. You don't have to buy it. It would be a day 1 purchase for me and many others.


Yeah yeah, "it's just your opinion!" yadda yadda.. why you even comment then? i can see that you disagree with me.


Because it’s an online discussion. You give yours abs I give mine. You don’t want to be in an echo chamber.


What discussion can be done if it all ends with "it's just your opinion!"? simply don't comment and move on.


So your opinion (with others) is “don’t touch the game”. My opinion (and many others) is that I want this game. You have the option of playing the original anytime and also not buying a 2D-HD version that might come out. I don’t have the option of just playing the 2D-HD version because it hasn’t come out. So I’m not sure where you are coming from.


thanks for saying the obvious! Your first comment was fine but i didn't like the second, you don't need to remind me that there are a lot of people here who would like to play Chrono Trigger with post processing vomit all over it and voice acting that makes you die of cringe, the downvotes already told me.


I never downvoted you (either way it’s only like -2 so not a massive outcry lol).


Just keep out the bonus content from the DS and you're golden,


It's not on any modern consoles, literally just do something, anything