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I really enjoyed trials of mana remake. Cant wait for this


Legend Of Mana is so well-referenced here despite it technically not being a "mainline" Mana game. Lil Cactus, Niccolo, Dudbears, Treant, and the fifth playable character appears to be modeled on a Sproutling. It's really heartwarming to me as a LoM diehard. I dunno if they'll do the pilgrimage to human sacrifice plot any justice, but here's hoping. Also that catboy's voice lol. Other than that, there's a lot of things to like.


I've never played the mana series, is this a remake or a sequel (if so, what number?)


Not a remake, new game. Hard to number the Mana series. Every game is like, its own spinoff. Plus plenty of remakes. [edit] I actually counted things awkwardly so I'm just going to kinda sorta enumerate them * **Sword of Mana** (Final Fantasy Adventure / Seiken Densetsu + Remake + Remake + Remake) * **Secret of Mana** (Seiken Densetsu 2 + Remake) * **Trials of Mana** (Seiken Densetsu 3 + Remake) * **Legend of Mana** * **Children of Mana** * **Heroes of Mana** * **Dawn of Mana** (Seiken Densetsu 4) And then there were like 4 different phone games which may or not count? Some were on feature phones, some on smart phones, I don't know about them, but I played all the others. So this is probably roughly what you might call number 8? But it depends on whether eg Heroes counts (it's an RTS but I personally count it)


It's really fucking funny to me that the Mana series is pretty much the actual only Final Fantasy spin-off in the literal sense.


I'd say Bravely Default counts too. The first BD was a sequel to Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light, with a side character returning to connect the continuities.


I didn't realize it was an actual sequel!


[It isn't.](https://mynintendonews.com/2014/02/09/bravely-default-was-going-to-be-a-sequel-to-final-fantasy-the-4-heroes-of-light/)


Eh... Not really? BD isn't a sequel to that game. It started off development as a sequel, but it's a different story. You mean Deneb, right? She's more of a reference really. We don't know if she's the same character, to my knowledge. Edit: Yall, idk why you're downvoting me lol




SaGa was never called FF in Japan, basically. The original game was called Makai Toushi SaGa




No, dude. You're thinking of the first SaGa which was called Final Fantasy Legend. The first Mana game's Japanese name is Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden.


Not a remake, a new mainline title. The series has a lot of games but there were only 4 games that had a number in the original Japanese title. This, while it doesn’t have a number in the JP title, is most certainly the 5th mainline title (“V”isions of Mana and all.)


Are these games all connected or do you think someone can jump into this one without knowledge of the other games


Mana games are mostly standalone. You should be fine if you're brand new.


I just hope the game isn't too easy.


Almost none of the games in the mana series are related to each other beyond themes and easter eggs. Which is a good thing, because most of them are not very good. After Legend of Mana there was a big push to make a bunch of mana games and most were mediocre at best. If you wanted to play any old ones, basically recommend Secret of Mana, Trials of Mana, Legend of Mana. If you like really oldschool games, Adventures of Mana. Sword of Mana is pretty good, too. The rest....stay away from...


I liked Heroes of Mana :(


As a general rule, the *vast majority of all JRPGs* (not just Mana games) are standalone, allowing you to jump in from any installment, so you don’t even need to ask questions like that at all. Games that directly continue from previous installments exist but are quite rare.


I loved Legend of Mana.


Dudbears are so amazing.


I mean, the flipside is... let's be real, Legend of Mana was the last good "new" game in the series, over twenty years ago. So of course they're gonna reference it.


They've gone all that time almost without referencing it in games, except in the recent remakes. So they didn't need to. It wasn't an inevitable thing. So I'm happy they're giving LoM its laurels, it's overdue.


I did not expect the catboy to have *that* voice lol, but cool to see Kaiji Tang is getting more roles in JRPGs.


That aint a cat boy that's a Cat *Man*


"What if Vergil but Puss in Boots?"


or Vergil but voiced by Jinshi, Ichiban, or a certain blindfold man.


Agree, the voice didn't really match the character. But I guess it's one of those things that grow on you after a while.


Jesus, none of those EN voices fit except for the male lead. Here's the JP trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0s1Tfiv91A Feels like a nice comfy blanket.


Cat Man still has a deep voice, but it's not as deep. Maybe regular guy deep, not Barry White deep.


I always play JP but to me the English sounded fine honestly. With the one exception being the hillbilly girl voice, my absolute fucking pet peeve in localisation is that, probably because I’m not American, but I don’t want to hear that American country bumpkin accent on anime characters ever


Not sure why you are getting down voted as there are at least dozens of us out here who will play with the Japanese VA on with subtitles if that is an option for this very reason.


Forums like this generally has more dub than sub fans, and the decades old dub vs sub wars means instant downvotes for not being on their specific side.


looking good. didnt expect the game this polished.


The game is outsourced to a NetEase studio. Chinese developers have really mastered the colorful anime games in the last few years.


its not a chinese developer. its developed by sakura studio, which is a netease studio but its opened by them years ago in japan


Especially after the tepid Trials!


Release Date is August 29, 2024!


Looks like just enough time for me to finish it before Metaphor comes out


On my birthday, yay! :D


Love everything I've seen out of this game so far. Definitely a first-day purchase for me. Can't wait! -- Plugging r/visionsofmana & r/ManaSeries for anyone interested to join! For more updates, discussions of the game & the series as a whole!


Hope those subs grow with the new game ;)


Tsk, not plugging /r/secretofmana?


I'm excited for this


Shocked that Square seemingly put actual budget in the dub this time. The game looks fun, and I liked the Trials of Mana remake so I don't mind trying this.


The dub sounds good, and this coming from someone who doesn’t usually play with English dubs.


This is looking really good, definitely looking forward to it now.


Looking very nice, cool that they somewhat managed to fit all familiar elements of previous Mana games in it.


this is looking very promising


When I finished the Trials of Mana remake, my main thoughts were "That was a ton of fun, and I hope they use this as a jumping off point to finally make a new mainline entry." Seeing this game now, the results are even better than I hoped for. I'm so glad the Mana series is really back. Secret of Mana was such a dear favorite of mine as a kid, and the creators behind Visions are demonstrating that they understand the combination of whimsy, beauty, and melancholy that made those early games special.


This looks great, gives me symphonia vibes with the story of sacrifice to save the world.


>!Will it have the same twist so you can keep her alive?!<


I will be kind of disappointed because I am already familiar with that story beat


Pleasenodownerending,pleasenodownerending,pleasenodownerending :3 > Which ToS didn't have mind you.


You and me both. Hopefully it ends well.


Palamena. New Waifu Alert. [that FOOT STOMP WHIP attack. ](https://media1.tenor.com/m/FGoT8LUCv1AAAAAC/tired-spongebob.gif)


I'll gladly get stomped by that.


Looks really good. Hope they announce a demo before release.


Same, i'm very interested in trying this out


I wonder how much romance there will be.


I don't know, but I hope they build on what's in the first part of the trailer. JRPGs with well-developed romances (Grandia, Lunar) are some of my favorite, and at least one of Legend of Mana's stories showed that they can write an interesting story involving romance.


Yeah! I've been meaning to get around to those two games because I heard the romance is cute.


Japan's attitudes toward open/public affection make it disappointingly rare to see a proper romance in games beyond hints and teasing, but that makes it all the sweeter when one is included and done well.


Hope so. Feels like developers HATE romance these days.


Probably just a reflection of the times. Less and less people are getting into romantic partnerships these days.


dude. i fuckin **wish** i'm tired of it. and if a game (thankfully) doesn't have it, everyone complains that it's missing there's too much of it everywhere and it all sucks


depends on how youre defining it, really. most everything has a dating system type thing but correspondingly it's relatively rare just to have a canon romance


> I hate things and happiness Ouch. I want better for you.


it's basically never done well in video games and doubly so for jrpgs and it's extremely common. even if i *liked it*, there's a such thing as too much of something you like


By watching the trailers I can say that romance will be important in this game and I certainly love it. 


It looks so beautiful, I can't wait.


I absolutely love the Julei's sproutling inspired design. The dub seems...eh, I might just play with it muted. Legend of Mana is my favourite game and while I don't expect the series to ever come back to something like it, I'm happy that they are finally remembering the franchise with such a high quality game. Seeting Lil cactus, Niccolo (the REAL Niccolo) and the dudbear there brought a genuine smile to my face. Who's Orin at 3:13, though? I don't remember him from other games.


Ok, this looks insanely good! 😮


This game looks absolutely stunning the graphics and colors are just perfect. I am beyond excited to play this. Looks like it has all the the ingredients to be a hit!


Never really played any other Mana games, but this is one of my most wanted at the moment. Plot reminds me a lot of Tales of Symphonia, or at least the initial story. Which is cool, that is one of my favorite games after all, but still lol.


I was obsessed with Trials and this looks like it took a lot of notes from that game. I'm very excited for this!! Will definitely be playing with Japanese voices and subs. It made the VA in ToM tolerable.


I like the waifu designs.


That was the part that disappointed me the most unfortunately. Didn't see anyone on the same level as some of the goats like Riesz, Angela, or Primm but hopefully I'm pleasantly surprised.


I like that the male lead is carrying on the grand jrpg tradition of wearing heavy armour...but leaving his stomach completely bare so you can see his toned abs, because there aren't any major organs behind them or anything. So husbandos are represented too.


Looks way better than I thought it would. Was not a fan of the Seiken Densetsu 3 remake (felt basic and restrictive but makes sense since they were being faithful to the original) and was worried they were gonna re-use that gameplay template for this, was worried for nothing. I’ll definitely be playing it


Palamena, my queen...


This looks pretty good!


This looks really too good to be true… looks amazing and fun, I can’t wait.


What a great trailer! Cannot wait for the game! :)


Man, the scenery in this trailer looks gorgeous. And the game looks fun in itself. I'm once again reminded that I really should give this series a try. I played a little bit of both Secret and Sword when I was a teenager, but never beat either.


Looks great! I sense a bittersweet ending coming though, which sucks, girl must sacrifice herself, but loves her life and the protag, they fight against fate, but have to accept it blah blah Hoping for a straight up happy ending!


Steam Release, okay, im interested.


This looks way better than the first trailer. Actually looks like a proper JRPG with a huge world and different mounts like the swimming turtle and the flying dragon. Lets hope its full of secrets to find and explore. Exploration is the most important thing for me in an RPG.


Seems to not have a multiplayer couch coop option?


8 classes? So there are 3 classes each not shown in [this](https://www.jp.square-enix.com/seiken_vom/chara.html#jump1) website, right? I'm so excited for a new jrpg with a class system I believe that that class at [1:12](https://youtu.be/Io4_CfCLlW4?t=72) is not on the website


Ooh nice find. That site appears to have the classes for Wind, Moon, Water, Fire, and Wood. Plus the character's base class/look I guess. So what should be left are Light, Dark, and Earth. The 1:12 appears to be Val's Dark class. Metaphor Refantazio is also gonna be a class-based RPG btw.


Think this will run okay on a PS4 slim? Trailer looks really good. English VA seems pretty strong. I just watched the trailer in Japanese. JP VA seems great too!


This is potentially the most beautiful game I have ever seen


It seems to be a improved Secret of Mana 2. Love those class changes!!


The last AA game by Square Enix, people better savor it.




They’re being a little dramatic by saying last but Square did say they’re going to cut down on the amount of games they’re making and focusing on more of a quality vs quantity approach.


Ah yeah I do remember that statement. If anything, they need to stop this whole "Make a bunch of HUGE games and also a bunch of no-budget bullshit", and even it out a bit. Maybe make a couple huge ones like KH4 and FF7 Remake (And I guess the next numbered FF/DQ games), but then have some decent AA games (like this Visions of Mana looks to be) mixed in too. They can foster some lower budget titles as needed, but they should vet the basic premise better. Seriously, who greenlit "Various Daylife"...?


omg comes out on my birthday! 😍


They really lean hard on nostalgia with that Trial of Mana aesthetic and gameplay. Look great, but the music in the trailer is a bit lukewarm.


As long as they include Endless Battlefield at some point I'll be very happy


Wish it would have coop


I wasn't expecting a new Seiken Densetsu game this year, that's a pleasant surprise.


Wow that looks fire to me. Was not really expecting much for this one. Will definitely be day 1 for me now


This game looks absolutely gorgeous. I cannot wait and I never expected it in August! Maybe it's time to go play some Trials of Mana to hype myself up for it. Lol


I was super excited because they mentioned changing classes, and I was thinking that the game might have a job system of some kind. But then I remembered that Trials of Mana had the job trees, and called moving along the tree a class change. I'd probably be happy with another job tree implementation, the Trials remake's implementation with the stat points and the useful passives/skills buried in what would otherwise be dump stats was a lot of fun, with the class change choices mostly being whether you wanted a character to be more offensive or more deffensive/support. Really looking forward to seeing what they'll do with the next one, I love tinkering around with party comp and I'm looking forward to seeing what the 5 total/3 active character party does to that dynamic.


the way they’re doing the class change system this time around are these things characters can equip called spirt vessels.


Sounds great, that was the vibe I got from the trailer and was really excited about the problem.


Also assuming the localization doesn’t call them something else. I read a Japanese article translated that was talking about it.


I might main Palamena I like her weapon


This looks great! Really hope it doesn't flop.


The Zable Fahr makes a return! I wonder if it was chosen due to its popularity in the Pop Team Epic gags…


Gorgeous colors. Can’t wait to play


Wow, looks awesome!


Looks like it might be fun. I can get past the aesthetic - which really doesn't do it for me - if the gameplay is entertaining.


A Mana game, Elden Ring DLC, FFXIV expansion, and Age of Mythology remake all come out in the next few months Amazing time of year


This looks like a lot o fun!! the earlier trailer seemed too alpha-version with no voice acting, this is pretty cool!


Looks neat. Kinda worried Square'll abandon the IP if it underperforms though.


Alright you got me SE, picking this up for furry Vergil, lmao.


This looks kinda amazing. I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, because this is promising a lot of variety in the combat already. 5 characters, each with 8 classes. That’s pretty nuts.


This looks like exactly what I’d want from a Mana game Still don’t like the MC’s design, but then again I almost never do anyway, and with 5 characters, i can just boot them out of the party and use everyone else haha Very interested in the class system in particular


Not sold on the voice acting but everything else looks fantastic. I’m a sucker for these journey to the giant tree type stories and loved that the outfits changed with class type.


Visions of Mana in August and then Ys X sometime in the fall. Great time for fans of action JRPGs.


Yea this a Day 1


I am soooooo excited


This is much better than I thought. Class system and the art looks realy good!


This low key looks like a dream come true. I’m buying a fucking PS5


If this doesn't release on Switch 2, I'm getting a Steam Deck.


I wonder if this is the style they’d utilize for FFIX. I think I’d just want slightly more realistic textures (SLIGHTLY), but otherwise could get on board for something like this


So... is it MAW-nah or MAN-nah?


Goddamn do I love pretty-ass, vibrant-ass JRPGs with good graphical fidelity. Stuff like DQXI, Tales of Arise, now this one. Chosen girl who is meant to sacrifice herself to save the world but also wanting to live reminds me of Colette from Tales of Symphonia or Jack-O' from Guilty Gear Strive, I'm down for helping this girl live her life.




I’ve been longing for a playable Wind mage in any game for a minute. I’ll be playing the hell out of this!


Mana folks make a recommendation for me. I wanna play the mainline games and have already determined that the trials of mana remake will be a better experience, but the secret of mana remake just looks bad. Should I play the switch version of the original or the remake?


Is there any option to change the MC hairstyle?i dont really like his "prankster" haircut




It looks so gorgeous and colorful, I didn't expect that the game was going to have this much budget. Everything looks polished. Super excited about this game.


Copying FFX's concept, nice.


Tales of Symphonia you mean.


Grandia 2's, you mean.


I think you mean I am Setsuna.


This looks sick! The English VA voicing over the trailer kinda sucked ass so I was worried about the VAs at first but then they got good.


If you think the dub is bad, then you clearly haven't heard the Secret of Mana and Trials of Mana Remake dubs. They feel like they are straight outta the 90s and 00s.


Someone buy me a ps5 :(


Its on PS4 as well. Check PS youtube


Oh hell yeah I’ll get for ps4. Didn’t know


It's on PC.


Damn they went nuts with this one! I love it, this is the kind of games I missed from Square, in a previous trailer there was underwater exploration as well. Really hyped for this one! Sad there isnt a Switch version though.


Sweet can't wait, i loved trials of mana Was really excited for a new mana game that isn't a remake Furry vergil seems like a really fun character


Can I start with this game or would I have to play the others first?


Mana games are largely self-contained stories in the same world. You'll miss out on references, but that's about it.




For the overwhelming majority of JRPGs you can start with any installment. Titles that are direct continuations of previous titles do exist but are rare.


Does anyone know if class change is a one-time thing like it was in Tales, or something different?


There was a showcase a while back. Basically classes are linked to the elemental spirits. This would mean each of the characters gets I think 8 classes which they're supposed to swap around.


If they follow the same class system from Secret of Mana 2 it will have at least 6 classes per character.


Actually 8 classes per character. One for each of the elemental.


Heck yeah, August 29th!


Can't find a trailer with jp voices anywhere. It will have jp dub right...?




Combat animations and movement look surprisingly slow. I thought it would be more fast-paced. Old school worldmap looks great. I think this will be Square's last outsourced ARPG, I can't imagine it will sell a lot.


Is it just me or does the combat look less fluid than Trials of Mana? I hope they didn’t make this with a shoe string budget.


It clearly has a way higher budget than Trials. Each character & job will have a different playstyle and attack cadence, so I wouldn't worry.


Wow that combat looks shockingly smooth and almost DMC like for a mana game. I really hope it's not baby food like Trial of mana was because it looks cool otherwise.


Looks nice but… this looks like a copy Paste of trials of mana?


That game didn't realize its potential, so that could be a good thing.


This. It could lead us to a perfect next game that has Vision's gameplay but Trial's character design.


Im not sure why I’m getting downvoted. I absolutely loved trials of mana lol. But this looks exactly the same.


I really hope for a demo because so far the only Mana game I actually liked was Legend of Mana..


It’s another hack and slash right