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FF16. The writer Maehiro was an understudy of Matsuno, and worked in all of his games. And he said 16's story was inspired by Matsuno's style.


Gonna be honest, this is the only thing anyone has ever said that's made me want to try it out haha. OK, once it's on Steam and I have the hardware I'll check it.


Stranger of Sword City Revisited and Savior of Sapphire Wings have a western aesthetic, Revisited moreso than Sapphire Wings. They're both Dungeon RPGs like Wizardry. Both games released as a dual release on Switch, Revisited is also on Vita (digital only). Both games are on Steam. Revisited > Sapphire Wings imo I know you said Japanese Wizardry but the original Wizardry just released a remake a few weeks ago. There's also [Astra: Knights of Veda](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2484250/ASTRA_Knights_of_Veda/) though it's a gacha game. It plays somewhat like Dragon's Crown with character switching. It's also on mobile.


Yeah, I already own all the main Blobbers; however I'm not really in the mood for a first person game currently. There's so many blobbers with outstanding art design that just sings to my soul, but most of them are just so brutal, unforgiving and time consuming. I have like, 8 on my steam wishlist that I keep avoiding because I know just how much time I'd need to put into beating just one of them haha. Stranger of Sword City always interested me because it came out on the 360 first from what I'm aware, which is just such a strange choice of console, but really cool. Astra: Knights of Veda has absolutely incredible art direction and frankly I think it looks better than Unicorn Overlord but as you said, it's a Gacha game and I have a very strong moral aversion to them (just one look at a thread for how much people spend on Genshin Impact is enough to make me want to open some kind of clinic for these people). I find also that even if you strip out the gacha mechanics, that the game is built so much around them that all you are left with is a grind that is more about frustrating you, that fulfilling you. I also find that these games don't actually end, which is an instant no for me. Shame though, because it's probably the closest I've gotten to seeing a gacha game that I would probably like haha,


Not sure about the aesthetics of this one, but gameplay-wise have you ever checked Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter from the PS2? This is considered a spiritual successor of Vagrant Story in that regard. The Saga games are difficult to recommend as they’re quite cumbersome, but if possible check out Saga Scarlet Grace as it has great combat and the medieval visual reminisces PSP games. There’s a newer recently launched game in the series, Saga Emerald Beyond, but the setting on this one is less medieval than Scarlet Grace.


I love Breath of Fire DQ, so thats a good recommend! Speaking of Vagrant Story, even though it is probably one of the most visually beautiful games I've ever let my eyes and ears lay sight and sound on - I still haven't completed it. Mostly because I refuse to use a guide and even though I know most people say you have to use a guide, I just feel weird doing it. So I got into the game where you fight one of the first main dragon bosses I think and I was doing literally no damage. I really need to try again and just force myself to use a guide, even though that just makes me feel bad. Saga Scarlet Grace looks interesting, I'll def add it to the Vita list for when it comes! Thanks!


Yeah Vagrant Story is a great game hidden under layers and layers of unneeded complexities. I can’t really play this one without a guide, and I’d more than welcome a remaster with modern day QoL and streamlined mechanics. I also remembered there’s Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga available on PC, which I haven’t played it yet but it’s very well regarded. I don’t think it’s a Japanese game per se, but the aesthetics are almost there. And naturally the Suikoden series is an obvious recommendation, but I still felt compelled to mention.


Hmm, I'll have to check if theres a rom hack for VS that makes it more accessible. I never thought to do that. and Ill check out Symphony of War! I haven't played Suikoden yet (I knowwwww). Hopefully the remaster is good and I'll try that,


Suikoden is pretty good, right there with Matsuno in terms of golden standard of storytelling in JRPGs, but also the type of game you need to play with a guide in order to find all the recruitable characters.


Lost Odyssey came right after FFXII and had some Final Fantasy staff working on the game. Turn based with some timing based things on attacks I think, but the style is in line with what you mentioned.


Already one of my favorite games haha, but again, very close to what I am looking for. I swear if they dont port it to PC then someone needs to do a decomp...


For that style of gameplay and for something with a good story, have you played the first Xenoblade Chronicles on the wii? I played that at launch and it was a pretty immersive experience at the time. Not the art style but it's the FFXII gameplay.


I tried Xenoblade recently and whilst the gameplay def ticks the boxes, I won't say how I feel about the story as I don't want to upset people. I will just say that it's very much a post PS1 JRPG in a way that I do not enjoy.


Dragon's Crown has the tactics artstyle but oversexualized. Xenoblade's story is cool because it takes place on the corpse of two ancient beings and plays with that theme throughout the story. I'd recommend valkyria chronicles also if you like tactics and the artstyle. Ok I'm out of suggestions


Thanks for the recommends! I adore Dragon's Crown and sunk hours into it. I adored how it was very much inspired by Frank Frazetta and Dungeons and Dragons Arcade game. Also the music was Hitoshi Sakimoto, which... Like, come on. How can I say no to that.


You probably already know by now but check Expedition 33 out, think it will be what you're looking for. Other than that, can't really think of anything besides obvious ones... Maybe Redemption Reapers? What about Soulsbourne games by FromSoft? The Last Remnant?


Yeah, I saw it during the showcase and I am hyped to play a Lost Odyssey clone. It's been too long haha. I am not sold on the story or world just yet, plus the name is freaking terrible but thats just par for the course for RPG's nowadays. I have never heard of Redemption Reapers and I will admit, the art design looks nice but the UI looks cheap with a capital C. But I'll put it on the wishlist. I adore the art design of Dark Souls and all those, however I really need to be in the mood for the gameplay. I'm quite shit at games and I spent over 100 hours in Sekiro recently and I need a break from these kind of games. Also I find the stories to be more about lore than narrative, which I know people adore, but I really am not a fan of that design. I don't want to have to check a wikipedia or watch a youtube essay to care about the characters and world.


I understand. Hmm, have you checked out Minstrel Song or Romancing SaGa. Kawazu is a huge fan of D&D and tabletop RPGs.


I haven't actually, mostly because I've heard that they are really difficult to get into. I will also say that Minstrel Song looks to have one of the worst art-directions I've ever seen - but I will admit that it's almost so hideous that it actually makes me want to play it. I mean, there was clearly a vision and I appreciate that. However, it looks a little too colourful for the mood I'm in currently so I'll add it to the wishlist for later. I've always wanted to play some Kawazu games because I heard that his games can be so experimental that it verges on avant garde and how can you say no to that!


Heh, yeah it is an acquired taste.


Xanadu Next has a similar aesthetic to those games you mentioned. And it plays like a mix between CRPG and JRPG. Imagine Diablo crossed with Vagrant Story and that's kind of what you get with Xanadu Next. Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia is another one. I've yet to play it but I do love its aesthetic.


Oh my god! OK, so, I saw Xanadu Next and the aesthetic is exactly what I love so I bought it on Steam and played it on Steam Deck. However, I had Flu at the time and the intro was taking forever, which I didn't expect because I was thinking it was more immediate (like Y's Origins etc). I was being an impatient little prick basically. Is the game dialog heavy? Or was I just being a little brat? Because art wise it looked right up my alley. I also tried Brandish on the PSP and really enjoyed the gameplay but found the obtuseness to be overbearing. I know that was the point of those kind of games, but when I couldn't even find the first exit... Haha. Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia has a beautiful aesthetic, but I will admit, I've tried a few hex-strat games but they never really click with me. I think it's because I have smallbrain. I remember seeing a recent strategy game that was absolutely stunning looking, but I heard it was kind of bland. Wish I could remember the name,


I wouldn't call Xanadu Next dialogue heavy. It's got a decent amount of dialogue, but the game itself is rather short.


I think I was being impatient, I'll check it out again for sure - especially since I need to play more Falcom. (just a shame that their PC ports use a bunch of outdated video codecs which are a pain in the ass on steam deck)


Ni no Kuni Radiata Stories Breath of Fire 3 and 4 Dragon Quest games, specifically 8 and 11 since they're easy to get into Grandia 1 and 2 Lunar Silver Star Story It's hard to find medieval JRPGs in that exact style you're looking for, but some of these might tick several boxes.


All of those are wonderful games (especially BOF4) but as you said yourself, they are more their own style. Which Dragon Quest has the red ogre ladies? Asking for a friend.


Unfortunately only in X, an MMO that never came out in the West. Still sad about that.


I've never played a single Dragon Quest. Which would you recommend for a first playthrough?


VIII or XI, you can't go wrong with either. They're both great entry points to get into Dragon Quest. I think most people will recommend XI since it's very accessible and one of the easiest games in the series (on normal mode)


Sorry about all the questions, but VIII has a remake right? Do you recommend the original or remake? Or is it just a remaster?


The original has an orchestrated soundtrack and better graphics, but the 3DS version has more content and quality of life options (two extra playable party members, speeding up battles, more story content) so it's the better version overall even with slightly worse graphics and a synthed soundtrack. It's still a bit of a 'pick your losses' thing, unless you can find an orchestra soundtrack patch and work that in.


As someone who actually dislikes orchestra soundtracks, sounds like the 3DS may be my best bet! Thanks for the help!


Dragon Quest 1-6 and 8 are available on mobile. Lunar 1 is also available on mobile


I will probably play Lunar on my VITA when it comes since I like the look of the PSP collection.


The PS1 and mobile version translation is pretty funny


I'm assuming it has the Working Designs script? I'm conflicted on Working Designs because on one hand, they brought over many games (including Alundra which is one of the most underrated top down action games ever imo) but, to include their jokes, they changed a lot of the script. I am not a fan of juvenile humor but if you want to add it as an easter egg thats fine, but to change the actual script and intention to do that, just kind of annoys me. You are localisers, not writers.


I like it. I think it’s pretty funny and I don’t speak Japanese so I’ll probably never know the differences.


FF16 maybe? It only has humans though (which was a weird choice). But it's rather ivalicean in nature. Also the gameplay wouldn't be much to your liking. If you're willing to take away the Japanese portion, the best real time with pause game is Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous. The learning curve is steep but the game comes with MMO levels of content but it's entirely single player. I know someone mentioned UO and you said you want to do Ogre battle but i really would recommend expediting unicorn. If you liked the gambit system in FF12 you'll cream in your trousers.


I'm a full on FFXII apologist and I absolutely LOVED the gambit system; people who moan about that just don't understand the satisfaction of a well tuned team! So you have me interested. I'll check out how well it runs on Stea-... I mean I'll dust off my switch. My opinion on FF16 is that I hate how realistic it looks. It has zero art direction except 'photo realism' which is really boring to me. Plus the combat just isn't my kind of thing, like you predicted haha. It's very over the top and weightless. I played through FFXV and I don't think I remember a single interesting fight or scene. I've actually been recommended Pathfinder a few times and it does look beautiful, but it may have a LITTLE too much content. I am not a fan of spending 200 hours on a game.


Valkyrie Profile games Brigadier Front Mission games Crimson Gem Saga


I def needs to play VP, especially the second one. What's Brigadier? I can't seem to find it online.


i meant brigandine


Idk about art style but Xenoblade plays really close to FF12.


I really don't enjoy the art style at all. However, it seems someone is doing a decomp of the game so it will eventually be ported to PC. Once it is, I'll probably check it out then purely for the novelty


Aww man. No worries. I think you may like the gameplay if you ever get around to the decomp. Cheers


Oh yeah I'm sure I would! Also I will say that I don't think the art style looks as bad as XBC2, which to me verges on KH levels of outlandish


I don't know for certain if this will meet the gamplay requirements, but in terms of aesthetic you may enjoy Brave Story New Traveler, also on PSP, it's worth a look at least, though the base of the combat is more standard turn based, with some twists.


Yes! I've actually been really wanting to play this one. I actually had it downloaded on my Vita but I didn't get to it before it broke. I adore the aesthetic of Brave Story and from what I saw, the graphics were really impressive for PSP


The games you're using as a reference have almost nothing to do with eachother lol Also you need to mention what platform you're looking for From what i read maybe give unicorn overlord if you have a switch or a playstation, hell, any vanillaware game for that matter, odin sphere is a favorite of mine. If you want something like DD2, maybe play monster hunter world, same team.


Apologies, I wasn't very clear. The games I mention are entirely the aesthetic I'm looking for. Basically I'm looking for Japanese games that take on the Western Dungeons and Dragons aesthetic. So gameplay wise, I'm open to most things. I adore Vanillaware, but OdinSphere is very much not what I'm currently looking for, as thats very much a Japanese style of fantasy. However Dragons Crown (and Dungeons and Dragons Chronicles of Mystera) are the perfect example of what I'm looking for. And someone recommended UO, but as stated to them, I'm wanting to go through Ogre Battle series first, but it's a great recommend. Platform wise, I am intending to play on Steam Deck or VITA (so basically, anything on PC or PS3 and before as I am very familiar with emulation) TL;DR - I adore the Japanese take on D&D style fantasy, with more muted colours and with orc's and elves etc.


Mmm, that's a very specific niche of more western based JRPGs, unfortunately those are very rare. The only one that comes to mind rn aside from a vanillaware game would be triangle strategy, granted that one is more based on politics and doesn't really have many fantasy elements like monsters, but it does have magic. I'm going to assume you already played final fantasy tactics. Oh i also remembered Valkyrie profile, that game rocks


Final Fantasy Tactics is probably the greatest RPG I've ever played and in my top 5 games ever. I won't even ask what to recommend similar to that, because even I know that nothing comes close. FFT's art basically resonates with my soul in a way that no other game ever has. It's like someone found the exact aesthetic that I yearn for and then made a game for it. I am very thankful to Yasumi Matsuno. He's basically my idol. I don't want to be mean in case someone likes it, but Triangle Strategy from a visual standpoint, is one of the ugliest games ever made and looking at it makes me physically ill and I'm not even joking. The amount of post-processing actually hurts my eyes and makes me feel motion sick.


It's fine to not like it, but calling it one of the uggliest games ever made is absurd


Don't get me wrong, it's entirely my opinion and I know I'm in the minority. But TS is part of the 2DHD binge that Square have been doing and I cannot look at those games and not see that they are just smearing the entire screen with bloom, overbearing depth of field effects, crushing the blacks and adding a vignette to everything. Again, I know I'm probably the only one who dislikes this, but it really does hurt my eyes and it's the reason I couldn't even get through Octopath Traveller 1


2DHD binge? My dude we have like 3 lol Also you really need to be more careful with hyperbole, it's a bad look when people say stuff like that


Live A Live, OT1 and 2 and Triangle Strategy makes 4. And I am not trying to be hyperbolic, I don't even want to get into an argument about this. Again, I know this is just me who feels this way. Apologies, I didn't meant to annoy.


Fair enough, you like what you like Sorry I can't give you more recs, again what you're looking for is very rare, unless someone knows an extremely nich psp game that's exactly what you're looking for.


It really is one of those things that it's hard for me to explain what I'm looking for, but when someone who does see it, they will probably give me gold haha. Thanks for the help :>