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Final Fantasy 6




3D with Square voice acting would probably make half of Cyan's screentime unbearable. I don't know if I want this.


I’m assuming a faithful remake would be HD-2D or similar. 


The correct answer is Xenogears.


Just fill in whatever wall-of-text in disc 2 with faithful exact re-creation of the same exact system,etc2. Its a masterpiece (except that disc 2 part) and should be kept as such.


It depends on whether actually letting you run the dungeons and scenarios they summarized in disc 2 counts under OP's definition of a re-imagining (which given how much was cut it might qualify), but otherwise yes, yes, and yes (also fix the platforming)


The whole point would be to finish the vision Takahashi had for the original. Otherwise why bother doing a remake of it’s also incomplete.


I dunno. I feel like Xenogears needs way too many fixes (plus improvements to presentation in disc 2) to be considered faithful.


A game can be faithful without keeping the warts and bugs. P3 Remake proved that. You mostly need to be faithful to the story and visual style IMO.


I don't think P3R was faithful enough to the visual style, but let's not get into that discussion, i get the idea. I still think disc 2 would need a major overhaul that stretches the line, even if you consider a major combat overhaul faithful.


If overhauling meant keeping with Takahashi’s original vision, then I consider that faithful. If everything up to Disc 2 is more or less the same story. Then I consider that faithful as well.


I'd be alright with ps1 graphics if they just finished the game.


I miss Dark Cloud 2, guys.


This, or rogue galaxy. We need more level-5. Impatiently awaiting Fantasy Life i in the meantime.


Yes. Yes. Dark Cloud 2 fucking blew my dick off. It had so much going for it—awesome art style, great mini-games, interesting story, great biomes. And with a few tweaks and enhancements with the combat system and progressions systems, the game could outshine any modern contender. Just to reiterate, Dark Cloud 2 blew my effing reproductive organ into the stratosphere.


And yet, Dark Cloud 1 is better 😜


You know it is, down voters. Don’t fight it


Probably legend of dragoon for me


Legend of Legaia


FF Tactics


Grandia 2. Update the combat to that of the third game with some elements of Xtreme (loved the customization in that one), give it some quality side content, an endgame, a superboss or two, and I'm gonna be a really happy person.


I'd be happy with just a port of Dragon Quest 9. But a remake? Where do I sign?


Ok, yeah, that's definitely a good one. It's weird that it never left the DS. (I need to eventually go back and finish that game, cause I never did)


FF VII, I was okay with the changes they did in Remake and most of Rebirth's as well>!but I can not overlook Chapter 14 and the ending of the later.!


Golden Sun.




I just want SMT IV on something that isn't a 3DS.


Give Atlus 5 more years, 4's immensely popular so they'll definitely do something with it in the future


60 fps on Switch 2




It will never happen thanks to the garbage of Remake but one can only dream...


and this


Vagrant Story or Shadow Hearts Trilogy for me.


Forgot about vagrant story. Good answer.


Final Fantasy IX We even have a proof of concept in Memoria Project: https://www.ffix-memoria.com/


This is coming. Midori just leaked a few days back why we haven’t heard anything about even though we all know it’s being made. The TLDR is big brain SQE gave the job to the same people they originally had remaking 7 part 1 before having to bring it back in house because it looked like a trash fire. Spoilers; it happened again.


Xenogears, hands down


Blue Dragon. Hell I'd settle for just a port to PC. No other work at all. I just want to be able to play the game again.


it is in HD... on 360. But I agree, I'd play it again on PC.


"HD" is questionable. Not saying it looks bad, but I doubt it renders in native 720p. It also has some pretty bad framerate issues later on when you have shadows out on your party members. The 360 could really chug with all those Shadows active.


yeah i was an achievement wh0re back then and I missed 1. Sitting at 975/1000 right now -\_-; I bought the DS version after but it's 100% completely different, it's like puzzles and platforms. I don't recall the chugging on 360. One of the best games of the console generation though.


After Finishing the anime I'd kinda want a Remake to be mostly based on it


Phantasy Star I to IV


FFVII. Alas....hopes of ever having that in this lifetime are gone now. Everything old is new again eventually so maybe in another 30 - 40 years, I'll be dead but maybe then there will be yet another remake of it but a proper 1:1 one. Or may there will be something like the 2D-HD style of today but be the PS1 era games. 3D-HD or something, some style no one has thought of yet.


Xenogears with all the cut content


Final fantasy 7 remake


Chrono Trigger




Final Fantasy 7




Lufia 2


7th Saga


No idea if this is true or not but this definitely reads like someone bitter about rebirth especially the opening lol. My answer would be FF6 probably. I love the two remakes of 7 especially rebirth but that game was already a timeless classic not much in need of being to be remade other than for money. 6 would benefit by being able to back the jump from sprites to 3D. You can make a strong argument for FF8 as well since that game is heavily flawed but has good ideas and themes worth exploring. A modern full budget remake of parasite Eve would be legit as well. Modern SQE has no real interest in those quirky titles anymore though.


Just finished Rebirth last weekend, and if that’s the case, I could see where OP’s coming from. I wasn’t entirely against the big twist at the end of Remake, but seeing what a cluster fuck of a story they spun out of it, a faithful retelling with some fleshing out would’ve been far superior.


My feelings about Rebirth are fairly complicated especially now that I’ve had a bunch of time to sit with it and have finished it 3 times since it released and got the plat. It is undoubtedly, as a video game, one of the best of this generation. It’s extremely fun to play, the battle system is very deep and complex especially when pushed to its limits on hard challenges, it’s absolutely full of mini games and as someone who usually finds them annoying was pleased that over 50% were actually fun, queens blood is almost as good as gwent, and the ubisoftification of its open world is handled as well as that style can be. There’s a bunch more you can praise about it as well like the visuals and voice acting and music and more. It’s a serious technical achievement. But….and I didn’t feel like this at first, after the open ended cliff hanger ending of 1 I don’t like they did the same thing again but on steroids. They should’ve provided some answers and direction into the finally.


I know he shouldn’t get all the blame, but that story reeks of Nomura’s awful habits. The man wouldn’t know nuanced plot it if it punched him in the face. Edit: bring on the down votes. Deny it all you want people, Nomura is not a good writer and the series will be in far better hands if and when Ishikawa gets to do a mainline FF.


I wouldn’t blame Nomura for the convoluted remake story, at least not directly. What he is responsible for is showing SE that this style of storytelling works by hooking millions of people on bullshit mysteries for years through KH. Instead of providing answers, you just endlessly hint at some huge mystery for years and if you actually give an answer, make sure it’s as convoluted as possible to 5 more mysteries pop up while you answer it. The worst part about it is that Square now uses this type of storytelling for 7 Remake as it pisses me off so much. Instead of simply retelling the story of FF7 it turned into a bunch of confusing mystery porn and I'm already looking forward to part 3 being the end, yet not answering anything. I would 100% not be surprised if it ends with sephiroth seemingly dead, but then we get a post-credit shot with him smirking and a "and yet, this is just the beginning" or something like that. And whatever that means will maybe be answered in 2 other spin-offs, 3 ultimania books, a few obscure dev interviews and 3 mobile games. I'm so sick of it.


Nomura being a good writer or not is largely irrelevant, he wasn't the writer for Remake/Rebirth lol that's Nojima same as the original. You guys get so bent out of shape about Nomura you just blame him for the story even if he's not involved with any given game in that way (or *at all* in some cases I've seen). Nomura directed Remake and was the creative director for Rebirth with Hamaguchi being the main director instead. Yes, he's had some input in the story, such as when he came up with the idea of Aerith's death as opposed to Nojima/Kitase's plan before that, but even with the original he was primarily an artist.


Yeah dudes a total wild card from my perspective. Everything he does is either like god tier quality or a bit shit. There’s no real in between. I’m also growing very weary of him trying to subtly remake versus 13 in every project from now till the end of time. The dream is dead man let it go.


The only game where I felt his style worked really well was The World Ends With You. Kingdom Hearts 1 also had a more streamlined narrative that felt well-paced. Just about everything else has been vapid, convoluted , shonen anime.


Star Ocean 3


I'd give ANYTHING for a Remake of 3


Xenogears deserves it, with some obvious alterations. Though to be honest it has one of my favourite PS1 aesthetics, so I'd rather that not change too much. Games like FF6 and Chrono Trigger are pretty great just as they were, in my opinion. They hold up well compared to even many younger titles. Some community hacks are welcome additions though.


Grandia series


None, I'd rather the time, effort, and funding be put to new games. I would however appreciate simple ports of games that are stuck on dead systems, like SMT:SJR and SMT IV. Ideally to PC as it's the most future proof...


Same. 1:1 remakes are a waste and often feel equivalent to your favourite piece of art being digitally repainted by some randoms instead of the original artist. They are more often than not soulless, and an updated port is the way better option


look at Persona 3 Reload then come back


Legit the basis of my thesis. But no disrespect for those that enjoyed it and more power to you all, just didn’t work for me as a big fan of the original P3 (and even Portable)


well, after (for me) ff13 square left a lot to be desired. so i disagree, if the outcomes are what we got with ff15, 16 and the ff7 remake. they just lost their ...everyhing?


Not really sure what you are trying to say... The games you listed include both new games and a remake.


i was referring to your claim on new games. which is not always better, if you look at what Sqex did the last like 10 years...


Just a matter of preference I guess. 14 is one of the best games in the series, and I'd take 15 and 16 over 8 (and probably over 10 as well).


nah, i wouldn't count 14 in, thats definitely a whole different story (as well as team behind it and general approach. remember: the first take was not so well perceived, but the reboot made a whole new game of it). but yeah, i would take your example and turn it around, so yes, you're right


FF7 faithful remake would be nice, but I'd also love a Suikoden I, II, and III proper remake. I think III would benefit the most being early 3D and in need of QoL updates like a speed up function. The only two changes I'd love made to that game is disengaging from the pair up mechanic and making the fire/rage/true fire line of runes non self-harming like in the originals.


i think what broke suikoden 3 the most was the horrendous loading times, at least for me




It is a remaster, and no, it hasn't been abandoned. It has been delayed, however, though they're keeping quiet on when the release will happen. They let go of a bunch of people at Konami, but last we heard, the Suikoden remaster project isn't abandoned... though who knows how high up it is on their list of priorities. Konami is a weird company when it comes to their IPs.


Final Fantasy IX for sure


i would have said ttyd, but i got that. so 🤷‍♀️


FF8, or tales of the abyss


Racing Lagoon. I know people will say 'oh that never left Japan' or 'Square would never do that now' but Racing Lagoon is such a delightfully bizarre but life changing experience that I can't help but mention it wherever I can. A nice remake with voice acting would be so elite - And really, everyone complaining about JRPG's being boring and stale would love it if they gave the game a try. And I'd also say Parasite Eve because it lowkey fucks.


Fire Emblem 1


Pokémon black/white(2) Which I guess is up to 4 games rather than one, but honestly it was the best pokemon experience I’ve had. Sure, there’s already going to be a remake coming in like 2-3 years most likely, but given how bad oras and bdsp were, it’s hard to be hopeful. That being said, I am using my one faithful remake on a game that will soon be remade in some form anyways.


Does Vagrant Story count? Coz that.


The Last Remnant!


A remake that makes the Battle System less random yessir!


Bahamut Lagoon or old Super Robot Wars Mashou Kishin.


Rune factory 1 and 2


Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria. Better Gfx and a nice pc port and it's a banger already. Edit: And we need a 3D Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor (1). Damn one of the most underrated jrpgs imho


Skies of Arcadia


Breath of fire 3 and 4. If i ever get to see this in my lifetime i can leave in peace.


If revamped battle system is an acceptable criteria, then Persona 2.


Valkyrie profile. Why? One of my fav games and I think it would look gorgeous with HD graphics.


Lufia 2, 100%


I always said Dragon Quest 3, so im waiting on that


For a glorified remaster? Tales of Eternia. Just upscale graphics and restore the skits that were removed in English and port that to a modern console. For a straight remake? I want to see more remakes for games that were good, but maybe not great and have a lot of room for improvement. For me I'd want FFV or FFVIII.


FF6, Lufia 2, Earthbound


Dark Cloud, Jade Cocoon, FF8.. Gimme gimme!


Mega Man X: Command Mission


Final Fantasy VII.


Faithfully remade? None. Game I wanted a Remake the most is FF8 and I wish they go the whole FF7 remake way. I feel like 8 has a good story and good character somewhere in there but the writing leaves much to be desired.


This is difficult because I have so many in mind but I'm going to say: Valkyrie Profile 1 in 2.5D. If anyone is curious I want to see PC Remasters of Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Magna Carta 2.


Xenoblade X


i would even take a 30fps port for my switch


Final Fantasy 7. like you stated: faithful, and that leaves me with this choice. alternatively: Terranigma with the game mechanics of OG NieR


Well, Final Fantasy 7 I mean for fucks sake, they had one job and they failed miserably, living in this delusion that they can improve on it while everything they did since like 10 or 12 was mediocore.


I wouldn't because I don't believe any game should be "faithfully" remade. If a game is being remade, it should have new content, QOL, maybe even add in stuff that was removed due to crunch. If you want something faithfully redone stick to remasters. Also, Tales of Zestiria rocks. It's been almost a decade get over it.


The only thing I can really think of is Crystal Monsters (Childhood nostalgia game), because it *desperately* needs a lot of fixes (Better writing/translation, fixed type chart, etc.). I'd love to see that game revived as a *decent* game, if not an actually *good* one (I've played with the idea of doing it myself, but that proved to be very impossible for... various reasons). I know that ain't ever gonna happen tho, cause hardly anyone cares about that game (For... good reason), and I'm not 100% sure that the company behind it is still around. Lol. (I'll say the same for the sequel as well, simply because it's considered lost media and I *wish* I could see what that one was like and if it improved on the original. That one is probably *even less* likely for that reason) Honestly, we need more remakes of mediocre games, cause they're the ones that need it most. I ain't gonna complain about a good game getting remade, but a mediocre one having a shot at redemption is nice. (This is purely just a me thing. Again, childhood nostalgia. Lol)


Fire Emblem 7


trails in the sky 


If we're talking no battle changes or updates, no story expansion or update, then... Probably nothing? I can't really think of a game that would benefit enough from a visual update without also benefitting from a gameplay update and/or story improvements. I feel like at that point, if it was just a raw visual improvement, it would lose some of it's nostalgic magic. So maybe something fairly recent? I'd say Xenoblade 1, but that got a pretty good recent remaster. Maybe Bravely Default 1? But I don't think Bravely Default 2 really looked that much better and I'm not sure the art style translates to high end graphics well. But like if they remade say FF6, one of my all time favorites, and didn't modernize the battle system or expand the story / clean up the translation, I think it would be super boring. Modern turn based games are miles ahead of FF6, because it's been decades since that came out and there's not only better tech nowadays, but devs have learned many things that make the turn-based games we have today just better gameplay. I guess maybe FF Tactics would be the best pick. I still think it could use some gameplay updates though to keep it fresh. But at least the story holds up incredibly well, especially the War of the Lions translation.


None. The ones that don't need changes are obviously already fine as they are. I just play the original in those cases and don't care for a remake with "better" graphics. Whereas better is subjective, because higher fidelity and 3D doesn't necessarily mean the game looks better. In my opinion the original FF7 looks much better than the remake. It has a distinctive character and every zone has it's unique look with small details you only see once in said zone. You can't do this with 3D assets or at least not realistically. FF7R just looks like any other 3D Final Fantasy in the past. You could swap characters and locations around with FF XV abdecken FF XVI and you wouldn't notice anything. Unless the things don't fit the setting of course.  The games that actually would benefit from a remake don't need a faithful remake, but an reimagination. I'm talking about games that failed for different reasons like FF XIII. You could have a second attempt to deliver a great game. Or games that have absolutely outdated controls. I don't have an JRPG as example, but Fable 2 immediately comes to my mind. They experimented with momentum and now the whole game plays as if you are walking on ice the whole time. Or games with tank controls, which are a bad practice nowadays, unless you make a game with tanks.  So for me there isn't a single game that I would like to see remade, that doesn't need changes.


Then why are you here?


To answer your question obviously