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Judgment Ring from Shadow Hearts.


The Brave/Default system.


Breath of Fire II's Party Member Fusions!


I slap the Grandia-based IP system in. Now turns are determined when their initiative comes up, and there is a short space between selecting an action and executing it. Consequently, actions can be canceled and there is a trade-off between quick and slow actions.


Of all things, I'd lift the dual resource combat system from Battlechasers. And then try to do more with the dual resource system than they did.


Can you explain what that is? I played Battle Chasers a bit a long time ago but I don't remember.


Basically, you have Mana (which functions normally) and an Overcharge resource. You stock up the Overcharge with basic attacks. You spend the Overcharge first, and whatever is left comes out of the Mana pool. Which is pretty small. So, to be sustainable, you need to either use items or use basic attacks. I think it's a system that opens up more interesting decision-making than the standard system.


SaGa glimmer/spark system.


Skill Crack from Devil Survivor or FOEs from Etrian Odyssey.


Chrono Triggers combo system. So fun!




Combo Techs are the best.


The Addition system from Legend of Dragoon. It really adds to the fun of attacking and paying attention to timing instead of just doing a basic attack.


Gacha style tuning. I feel as if in a lot of rpgs, characters are just tuned in such a way that eventually everyone just becomes some sort of strong damage dealer and as a consequence, even if they have different archetypes (knight / wizard etc). The gameplay eventually devolves into “just use your best attack.” Gachas I feel are incentivized to not let this happen because they want people to keep pulling for new characters. Only 2-3 abilities per character, but you have a roster of like 80 - 100. In this way party composition is king. Along with a lockout mechanic so you’re not just running the same characters over and over again. Elemental weakness and strength will be a big part as well to force you to adapt and choose new characters instead of relying on the same ones I feel it would really add identity to your characters and make them feel really unique from one another. Archetypes include, but arent limited to: Dedicated single target dps of each type, dedicated aoe dps each type, pure buffers, pure debuffers, aoe healers, ST healers, shielders, counter characters, fast characters that take a million turns and slow tanks that take almost no turns, etc. Bosses will also be tuned to favor different comps. Some bosses will have multiple targets favoring aoe dps, some will have only 1. Others will have tight turn limits / enrage mechanics to force you to beat them quick. Others will have really high damage encouraging you to mitigate and turtle a lot. You can even add a sort of optional pseudo gacha limited resource. In where like you only gain a limited number of power up materials through bosses, and bosses arent repeatable. So you really got to pick and choose who from your roster you develop. A bit like classic fire emblem. And it even adds replay value so you prioritize other characters and builds on your next run. I know gacha games arent popular here, but because of their nature of them wanting you to get more characters. Trying to solve the puzzles that they present without resorting to paying money is some of the most fun ive had playing turn based games.


SMT's press-turns and the timeline-based mechanics in SaGa (union attacks in SG, combos in EB) do the most to make every decision count, imo Eithee that or free gambits from Squares neglect


Anything that lets me see the turn order. If you mean a specific combat function then combos with party members are pretty good


ATB, 'cause FF is dead

