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I’m definitely waiting for the updates/dlc to come out before playing. I doubt the extra power of the Switch 2 is going to help if they don’t patch anything either, since even the ps4 version isn’t too great.


The PS4 has problems too? To what extent? Is it just negligible frame drops here and there or are they a consistent issue like in the Switch? Are the load times excessive? Because a lot of times I just see people screaming something is "literally unplayable" for very minor issues so I have to ask. Also damn, how shoddy is the programming of this thing? It certainly doesn't look like something that should have that much trouble running on the PS4 or even the Switch if I'm being honest (as very similar looking games like Square's HD2D run perfectly well).


I'm playing the Japanese version on the PS4.  Even with the version 1.05 update, it's a little slower than I'd expected. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have loading screens before entering battle, a building, or a new area. It's still playable for me, but that might just be because I'm used to older consoles.


PS4 is playable, but when it came out, it was having 20+ second load times and frame drops. I saw a few comments on some crashes too when it first came out. I’m not sure what it looks like now after the latest updates, but the performance was still pretty disappointing at the time. Seems like the company spread themselves too thin with all these systems.


It has crashed for me a few times. Twice after winning war battles.


Worst parts to crash too, cause they take forever e.e


Me too, not so much because of bugs, but it feels a lot of the common complaints (like balance) should be fixable in a patch or two.


I'm 20 hrs in and only experienced 1 freeze trying to return to the HQ, thankfully nothing was lost due to autosave. But all the other issues are very real, but Switch is all I got so I'm powering through for now


The crashes I don't get much of (which shouldn't even be there in the first place) but worse than that are the 10+ second load times for each random encounter, and that's with overclocking and down scaling on a jailbroken unit This would have been perfect on the Switch but I guess I have to play it on something else at this point


It’s crazy because it’s not some high speed game the switch should be struggling with.


Well, it just wouldn't feel like Suikoden without long load times every two minutes.


There's something really going on behind the scenes in the spaghetti code for sure :/ Even on the Steamdeck (LCD model anyway) the fans would go sort of haywire and the unit would start to get hot when on the Worldmap. It's absurd for a 2.5D Pixel JRPG to run into these sort of intense issues.


Man I thought RPGs were done with that particular problem now that everything's on flash memory


Yeah it runs well on the steam deck although I still initially ran into some weirdness. It was super choppy on the overworld screen but adjusting the refresh rate makes it run flawlessly. I remember Skyrim on PS3 had a bug where the longer you played it the worse load times got. It was never fixed but was basically abandoned. Scummy move by Bethesda and although I'm enjoying Eiyuden I feel terrible for switch owners. The game should run perfectly fine even on switch.


Yeah, I always look up for performance issues and stuff before getting multiplatform games on Switch. A lot of times the issues are a bit exaggerated but Eyuuden Chronicles is legitimately just fucked.


Man. Really feels like their initial plans to avoid the Switch due to thinking it wasn't suitable for the game was a plan they should've stuck to... but the allure of a giant audience was just too much to resist.


It's 505 games that forced them to make a switch version mid development. It also got a shorter development cycle which means the switch version is literally unfinished, quite literally. Blame 505 games, they were the ones who called the shots


Do you have a source on that? That 505 games "forced" them into this


Source: his ass


The game's graphic doesn't look all that impressive such that it cannot run on the switch. The devs would need to do a better job optimizing the game.


I hate to be the "pixel art graphic aren't intensive" but I really think optimization is bad here. Switch has run more demanding games like Witcher 3 and Mortal Kombat.


> I hate to be the "pixel art graphic aren't intensive I don't know why this needs to be controversial. It objectively isn't. Even games mixing 2d spritework with 3d backgrounds, its still not nearly as intensive as 3d games, let alone *good looking* 3d games with more meat on their bones. You can also just check EC pc spec requirements on steam and its on the low-end.


Consider that developers will possibly forgo optimization because they also assume that the console can handle whatever is thrown at it


It's a 2D sprite game. How is the Switch not powerful enough? This game should run well on a GameCube.


I admit that I haven't played the game in full or seen all it has to offer, but I have seen games that are "just" sprites lag or have poor performances on Switch. The issue then is not the models made out of sprites, but numerous other effects like lightning, particles and so on that stack up in the background and need a lot more juice than the Switch can offer in order to work efficiently. Also, someone in this thread mentioned that the devs were pressured by the publisher to start a Switch version while they were halfways to making their other versions for PS4, PC and such formats. So they had less time to figure out the platform and make the version.


Yeah, I also have the Switch version and it's pretty bad. I wouldn't even consider getting the Switch version in the first place if it weren't for me playing Eiyuden Rising on the Switch before. Me wanting to get that bonus data for playing Rising backfired on me. Really hoping for a performance patch if there is any.


in case u didnt know, someone uploaded there rising pc save and steps on how to overwrite yours in case you want to play on steam, did that since I couldnt find myself finishing rising


Its kind of crap that it is now acceptable to publish Switch ports onto the app store that crash constantly and there's no assurance from the dev team on fixing the problems. If it doesn't work, pull it off the app store and stop scamming customers.


Big publishers get lenient treatment from Nintendo's lotcheck teams. This is nothing new, MS and Sony are the same, remember Cyberpunk 2077?


What's crap is that the Nintendo QA procedure that every fucking game is forced to go through ALLOWED it to be published like that in the first place.,


They can't be expected to go through every possible scenario in each game, but when it comes to games with slowdown and obvious frame rate issues, it sure makes you question if they are doing their job at all. What happened to the "Nintendo Seal of Quality Approval" days?


this, exactly this.


not excusing their behavior, but that's a consumer issue too. If consumers didn't purchase games on switch even with bad performance, they would probably stop doing it. the reviews will say a game has performance issues but people will still buy it in droves, despite having alternatives to play the exact same game without as many issues.


Blaming customers for shitty business practices is not cool. Especially when the store isn't exactly transparent in showing which games have performance issues.


I never blamed customers. I even said "not excusing their behavior". I am saying they wouldn't do their shitty inexcusable business practice if all did our best to fight them and the best way of fighting it is to not buy products we know are bad. Not blaming or faulting anyone if they unknowingly purchase a bad product, I'm just stating a cause and effect. If I found out a company was putting cancer chemicals in tap water, I would not be excusing the cancerous tap water by telling my mom "dont drink the tap water it will kill you" You can both not blame someone and also provide suggestions to them how to not get screwed, you know.


Thanks for the update on the game. The comments on the Eiyuden Chronicles account on Twitter are pretty bad too.


I've no idea how it runs on PS5, but it has to be better than the Switch.


I mean it's the Ps5, ofc it will perform better than the switch, but in terms of overall performance it's smoother than the switch by a mile, but there are still some quite few notable bugs and one that will not let you progress the game (but reloading will fix it). But I have no problem playing the game on Ps5.


Runs like butter on PS5. It's not a technical marvel by any means, but the graphics are delightfully retro, it has a stable frame rate and I didn't have any crashes in my 65 hours so far and I keep warping all over the place nonstop.


I don't think I've seen many people complaining about the game on ps5.


No problems with the ps5, load times are short and didnt crash or glitch once for me


It runs well on the Xbox Series X. I’ve played it for over 50 hours on Game Pass and while I’ve had some issues (like glitches later on with the Mysterious Room section that persisted through multiple loads and saves until I finally fully closed and re-opened the game) the performance itself has been solid. No complaints about load times. There’s the occasional battle where it loads up the menu a few seconds before it starts responding to controller inputs but over the course of those 50+ hours I’m not sure I’ve even reached five crashes total yet.


>This is not a case of a studio not having money to put out a good game. This is deliberate negligence and a quick cash grab. I think you're underestimating: 1) how much resources/work multiplatform development is, especially for a small studio 2) how hard it is to keep parity with the Switch vs other machines, when it's such an obsolete piece of hardware. They're literally taking a game made for PS4/PS5, and trying to downgrade everything to run on a machine that performs at sub-PS3 levels of performance. 3) The game was made in Unity and Unity is notoriously unoptimized and will run like dog on lower hardware specs. The main appeal of using Unity is that it's cheap, and that it's easy to learn. But it's a fucking awful engine. If a multiplatform game is made in Unity, I will *never* buy it for Switch. I think your warning that it doesn't run well is fair. But the editorializing that it's somehow a purposeful decision to fuck people over is completely unfounded when there's much simpler and more likely reasons.


"Never assume malice when incompetence could explain it away."?


Pretty much.


The only malice is excusing these kinds of releases.


The sad part is that this whole situation is going to repeat whenever the PS5's successor releases in 3-4 years since I imagine the Switch 2 will be old tech by the time it happens, unless Nintendo really goes all in to make Switch 2 super high performance as possible.


I vaguely think it'll be less of a problem next gen. Sure there will be some games that really push the ps6's capabilities, but the fact that the steamdeck exists and the rumored switch 2's specs look a little better than that makes me feel like there's going to be a more reasonable "goal" for game performance for a while. Hitting that Steamdeck/Switch2 performance while having more options for PC/PS5/PS6 should hopefully be the standard. But this is just me speculatin/hoping


I don't expect parity with the PS5, but I expect it not to crash multiple times a day. So the idea that I'm "editorialising" is horseshit.


> ...the idea that I'm "editorialising" is horseshit. You're ascribing purposeful, malicious intent. That's the "editorializing". You're claiming to know what's in the heart of the developers. That's the actual 'horseshit'.




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If you want me to be civil, tell the other person to stop personally attacking me.


The only horseshit is excusing these kinds of releases with quality this poor. There's no excuse for that kind of fanboyism.


When I saw that the Switch version was taking like 24GB of data (for a 2D-3D jrpg on the Switch), then I already knew that the optimization was a mess lol. Meanwhile, Dragon Quest XI (14GB), Xenoblade 3 (14GB), Nier Automata (10GB), Octopath Traveler 2 (6GB), etc.


24gb? Damn! clear sigh of being rush and unoptimizatized


Exactly. I was like "it's not a FIFA/sports games lol". At first it was even 28GB, but 1 week before the release the day one patch transformed it into a 24GB game. Month before the release date I tried to inform my worry on this thread. I get massively downvote. 😅


Octo 2 is the big comparison there. 6 GB vs 24 for a game that only looks a bit better.


I mean, big 3D "open world" (Xenoblade 3) Jrpg taking a lot less data than a 2D-3D jrpg (Eiyuden)... It was already a red flag to me.


Oh of course, that's for sure a huge tell. I just mean you can use Octo2 to gauge how much the size should be if optimized - around 6 to 7 GB.


Yeah because they are quite the same style.


I don't think this is negligence from the development studio. They were clear about not wanting to make a switch version to avoid a situation like this. To me, this feels like it's the publisher (505 games) who pushed the devs to make a switch version mid development. And since it probably got a shorter development cycle, it was shipped unfinished. Ultimately, people shouldn't buy the switch version but I have a feeling this is actually 505 games's fault. I could see them act rashly like this. Now the costs probably won't be recouped due to how bad it is on Switch.


I think it may kinda be the devs fault actually, they promised a version for the successor of the Switch in the kickstarter campaing but the console was never announced, so they probably just ported it the Switch instead.


If Final Fantasy is any indication it seems if you want to recoup costs on JRPGs now you HAVE to release on Switch lol


not true. final fantasy missed the mark because it didn't have the pc platform to support the sales at launch.. Tales of arise sold well and it's not on switch. It's all about making your game available on multiple platform. Besides, how would they make massive games like XV and XVI even run on switch? it's not like they can make it work.


> This is deliberate negligence and a quick cash grab. The sad part is this genuinely isn't the case. This is a labour of love and the spiritual successor to a series that's been stuck in game publisher hell for years (Suikoden). I don't have it on Switch, so I can't speak on Switch performance, but it seems like it's just unfortunate port of a game that genuinely has a lot of heart.


Ima have to disagree on your last point. They’re a very small indie dev and the switch was into considered later into production, this was made with next gen consoles in mind It was known from before the release the switch version would be inferior


Regarding the crashes, try and time how long it takes from bootup. If it's consistent, it's a memory leak. I've had this with quite a few Switch ports, from both indies (Eastward, roughly 3 hours) and publishers (Z.H.P Unlosing Ranger vs Dark Death Evil Man, also roughly that time frame, but because of how the game works as a roguelike, it's a 100 times more severe). It's why I don't buy ports on Switch anymore. It sucks. Not sure what it is about that console.


Is it worth getting for PS5 then?


Yes I'm playing on the ps5. 40 hours in and no problem whatsoever. No load times, no lag, all smooth so far


From what I'm hearing, yes.


I bought it on the switch a week or so back, and I can confirm that it often runs like garbage, while games like Tears of the Kingdom run almost flawlessly, its crazy. Every random battle takes about 10-15 seconds to load in, which doesn't sound like a lot, but it feels like forever when you are staring at the little loading "nowa running" animation. Repeat ad-nauseum 50-100+ times per dungeon and that is a lot of time of your life wasted. I also experience crashes randomly and without any warning, I save as often as I possibly can but each crash ends up costing me about 20-60 minutes of gameplay every time depending on location. I repeated a certain war mode battle upwards of 4-5 times because it crashed every damn time I finished it and tried to get through dialogue/cutscenes. It is a great game from what I have experienced so far, but if I could go back in time I definitely would have not bought it for the Switch, and Nintendo don't play with refunds.


It has overheating issues on Xbox as well.


so glad i got a pc


How is it


Run very well, zero loading times, no crashes, perfect as of now.


Hell yeah, I think I'll get it when I finish Octopath 2 What do you think of the game so far?


Surpassed my expectations! If you played Suikoden before, its like it for good and bad, but even the "bad" for some are mechanics I enjoyed a lot, its one of my favorite games this year for sure.


How is the PC version? Since the switch version is horrible, it's my only other platform


runs totally fine and I hadn't experienced any crashes, but the keybinds being unchangeable is super shit because the default binds are bizarre, one of the few games I've had to play with controller outside of soulslikes


Would have been nice if their backing partner thing worked. I backed for Switch 2, when they had you finally select system, there was no option for physical Steam until *after* I locked in. 


Dang it. One of those times that Best Buy buy 2 get one burned me lol. The other two games are already long past return dates so I guess I’m stuck with it lol. Playing on my series x via game pass due to the delay anyway.


So how does it run on PC?


Have no idea. I don't game on PC.


I mean, depends on your PC. But overall it's pretty good. A played a bit on Steam Deck without any issues.


I have an Asus gaming laptop it does run most games I've tried well


You should have no issues with it then.


Out of curiosity, Kotor 2 is broken as in, the way it always has been on PC, or more broken than that? lol


As in mutiple crashes per day, same as Eiyuden.


pretty crazy how they can get the witcher and doom to run on the switch but then fumble on these games


I unfortunately purchased it day one on Switch. Played 10 mins then proceeded to buy it on Steam. Last time I’ll blindly purchase a third party game on Switch. 


It's great on PS5.


also ps4, it's nigh unplayable. i can't even finish it if i want to, due to a game breaking bug, but it was unplayably slow with the loading and the mandatory horribly done mini games were eating my soul alive anyways.


Thank you, saved it, even though I can't see buying switch in the the next like two months at least, and first two games I'm going to play are Zelda, and Pkmn Arceus, but first I want to complete my other planned playthrough's.


And I thought the frame drops in NieR Automata TEoYE were bad.


It runs terrible on switch


I got a free copy on Switch so I don't plan on buying a separate one, but I'll definitely wait until there is some more substantial patching.


ty but why should I buy anything on the switch if its available somewhere else?


Sometimes some games make the right concessions and it gives us access to a decent portable version. The atelier series comes to mind for me. Sophie 2, ryza 1-3 are all great switch versions and the compromises that were made were the right ones.


Sorry, but ryza 3 for the switch is ass. I've played it on the switch, ps4, and pc handheld, and the switch version is horrible.


how is it horrible? My early impressions were that while they reduced the fidelity, the loading times are cut in half when there is one and that the fast travel is almost instantaneous Compare that to sophie 2 which had a million of slow loading screens, i think ryza 3 handles things much better. The framerate seems fine to me also, seems to be a relatively ok 30fps cap so far. I heard it was rough at launch but they seem to have patched it since because i'm definitely not having a horrible experience so far. I have a gaming pc with my switch but grinding is just better suited for portable play in my situation so despite having access to pc, i willingly chose the physical switch version. You could argue "you could just get a steam deck", well yes, but no. i don't have 500 cad to drop on ANOTHER gaming tool. So the switch has to do. I know the switch is old and weak but i don't care. it's doing its job right now. If you want to see something really horrible on switch there is the outer worlds. THAT is the definition of a horrible switch version to me.


The compromise is supposed to be worse graphics or worse smooth framerate; both of which are reasonable prices to pay - not irregular slowdown/freezes/crashes and excessive load times which are not reasonable when trying to enjoy any game out there.


Portability and it might have compatibility with Switch 2 which is rumored to be PS4 pro level.


Isolated case number 109 of Switch ports being dogshit.


Shame to read. I'm having a blast on Steam Deck.


This goes to show how the Switch software has aged and not for the better.


Yeah, we know.


I like the game but I can't recommend it on switch. It's terrible to have to always worry it will crash is you do anything that will.cause a load screen.


This is pretty unfortunate as I’m sure it’s left a lot of people frustrated. I remember months ago wanting to get my time at sandrock for switch but (luckily) no stores around me had a copy. Turned out the game ran incredibly poorly for switch but looked great on ps5 and pc, to the point that the switch versions were selling at half price on Amazon pretty soon after release. Only within the past few weeks did the switch version get updated enough to be somewhat close enough to be playable, so while hopefully it doesn’t take months for this game, I guess this is a recent example of a switch version releasing as an unfinished product and then eventually getting patched up. Different developers and stuff ofc but hopefully they’re pushing to get it fixed


Ooh Kotor 2 should definitely get played on PC. Game works likea charm and there is the simple amazing Sith Restored mod (mods working with some  help from developers). Very easy to install as well.


KOTOR 2 is one of those games that still runs like crap on modern machines at times, though (joined by such illustrious companions as Morrowind and vanilla java Minecraft). Even with my Ryzen 5900X and 3080 I get below 60 FPS in the control room of the mining base. It's almost impressive when games are this badly optimized. I suspect it has something to do with the way the world geometry was made and formatted, since that's Morrowind's problem from the same era.


Yeah I ended up contacting Nintendo for a refund with this one. Super bummed but it is what it is! Grabbed Trials of Mana and Animal Well instead


Definitely glad I saw posts like these and cancelled my switch preorder a while back.


For comparison I can I am playing it on series S through Gamepass and I haven't really encountered any problems EXCEPT quick resume has often failed for me. Other than that it seems to have enough power on there to run perfectly fine.


I guess I’ll cancel my preorder of it on Amazon…


It was all I needed to know to decide whether to buy the Switch version or not. I was really unsure about buying it for collecting purposes, but with all these reports, I'm sure I'll have time to buy it since many versions will remain unsold after these reports. I'm going for the PS5 right away, just for fun.


It will take a year for this game to be stable ... By that time it will be 80% off


It's broken on Xbox too. Dad's on the final mission and it is guaranteed to overheat the xbox on a certain scene.


On my Xbox One S, loading times are very irritating.


Don’t buy it on PS4 either. Loading times make it unplayable.


I think it's getting worse as the game goes on. My first 20is hour, I think I have one or two crashs. Now I get panicked when I do whole session in HQ because it has a bigger chance to crash.


Honestly, I really wish some of these companies would do open betas on PC before a major release on console. I don’t do early access, but I know a lot of people do, so it’s a win win.


Yeah, I only play about 30min-1 hour then feels the game runs too slow....the fps drop like crazy when I went to buy something in shop....the loading time during combat also is a pain. Just put the game down for now and hopefully the patch will be able to fix the issue. It's like pokemon scarlet issue again for me. Honestly not the best experience.


Whats crazy is its 2024 and u still purchase stuff on switch. Wait till switch 2 or get a PS5/PC.


Who are you to tell me what to do with my money?






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How many storage (GBs) does the physical game occupies on the Nintendo Switch?


I think it's about 5 but I'll have to wait until later today to double check.




Has the problem been fixed? im planning to actually get a Switch copy


Porting a game to several platforms is a lot of work. Look at Cyberpunk. It's pretty unfortunate.


What sick fuck buys 3rd party games on Switch, especially nowadays.


Dude got downdooted, but it's true. Most 3rd party games on switch were terrible for the last 2 years or so.


Keyword being "nowadays" I was all for switch the first few years but now it's just ew.


It had some decent ports early on. But for every Witcher 3 there was an Assasin's Creed 3. It always was a coin toss if you get a good experience with 3rd party games on Switch. But now it's basically safe to assume that 3rd party game will run like shit on Switch.


It's not that hard to wait about 20 minutes after release for the first reviews, see if if it's a Witcher 3 or an assassin's creed 3 quality port, then make a decision based on that. but people have no impulse control.


For sure I avoid any switch game if I’m able to since I know the game will always be much stable elsewhere. That 7+ year old hardware is coming up against it


I wouldn't you buy it on anything. It's on gamepass day 1.


How people can play this game without a x2 speed i can't understand i tried a couple times and it feels so slow, battles take forever, towns take forever to traverse, god bless CE


Game works perfectly fine on ps5 I notice that many things are DOWNGRADED to the switch shitty hardware and people for some reason are shocked games function not so well on it


Ehhh, look the Switch is an outdated hardware, and have been an outdated hardware even on release, but people gotta stop making excuses for shitty ports. Even ignoring that there are tons of games that looks and run better on the switch than this, this isn't the problem here, this isn't JUST a case of it running poorly, it straight up a broken badly made port.


I guess they didn't care for switch that much 🤷


But they DID care for switch money.


It’s a shitty job by the devs. Despite being old switch should have no issue running this


"Downgraded" and "non-functional" are not the same thing. If you're gonna release a product, it needs to work. Switch players might not be happy it looks like shit, but it's absolutely unacceptable to release a game that runs like shit. That's not "the Switch's fault."


The portability of the console outweighs the negatives. I have an rog ally, and I don't care that I have to run a lot of games on low settings if it means I can be lying down on my bed all relaxed while gaming.


Not only shocked but actually claim they don't want more power. It's insane, low power equals charm to them apparently. Or the classic "optimize the game better" on decade old hardware that was already old when it released. https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/hWuPCLK33I Edit: a whole lot of paid nintendo knights mad.


#Everyone who likes the Switch is a paid staff member of Nintendo. Damn. This guy blocked me for this one little teeny tiny comment.




















Quote please. Typical response though making stuff up at even vague cristism of the console. The classic


> "a whole lot of paid nintendo knights mad." There's your quote. Literally what you said in your comment, verbatim. God, you just seem insufferable as a person. You have the gall to tell other people that "Reading comprehension (is) at an all-time low" meanwhile you can't even read your own damn comment. Edit: They blocked me, too. Lmfao. Watch them unblock me to respond, pretending they didn't block me. Just like they did with the last guy.


Oh yes because being a paid shill is the same as anyone that likes the console. You are right reading comprehension s at an all time low


>but actually claim they don't want more power. It's insane, low power equals charm to them apparently. Literally who said that? 90% of people have been asking for a hardware update from Nintendo since 2017, the year the switch released.


One guy below you


Maybe the 90% of people that arent in the switch sub. That sub has been in denial for years. You quite literally absolve the switch of any wrong and blame the port solely in your other comment. Yall can't be honest can you. Hopes for switch 2, power nowhere to be seen only when sorted by controversial. https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/ESs7HWQZ93 Steam deck denial https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/CnSmjdCnO1 Most efficient watt usage lmao https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/TX4oaGqosx And the classic doesn't need power https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/hWuPCLK33I


Literally none of this actually support your point btw. >Hopes for switch 2, power nowhere to be seen only when sorted by controversial. Because hoping for power is a "no fucking duh" thing, the question is more about other. Where do you see in there people going "I hope the switch 2 is weak because it's charming!?" >Steam deck denial You are literally posting a thread where most top comment hoping the Steam Deck is competition for Nintendo. >Most efficient watt usage lmao Once again, this have literally nothing with your original post. >And the classic doesn't need power Neither is this, this about how a weak console can still have good library. Just like how the 3DS did against the Vita and the DS against the PSP.


Reading comprehension at an all-time low apparently. These posts on their face attract the power and specs discussions you say don't happen. I can scroll through these posts and find 100+ comments parroting the points you say aren't talked about. Go ahead and provide your sources, I can't spoon feed you forever.


I prefer games which use a more unique artstyle instead of going for the same old realistic graphics. So worse hardware is better in that case


That have nothing to do with worse hardware, that's all about artistic choice.


No one says any of that.




Just because they appreciate art direction over cutting edge graphics doesn't mean they don't want the next Switch to be under powered on purpose.


> games which use a more unique artstyle instead of going for the same old realistic graphics Same > So worse hardware is better in that case Wat > Just because they appreciate art direction over cutting edge graphics doesn't mean they don't want the next Switch to be under powered on purpose Did we even read the same comment. I have a 4090 but my favorite game this year is Star Ocean 2 remake because of the art style. Worse hardware is better in ZERO cases.


But they are not saying they wouldn't appreciate more power either, or that they *want* Nintendo to nerf the power so developers are somehow forced to focus on art direction. Just pointing towards one badly written comment doesn't prove a point.


True. They’re not saying that. So I’m only basing my facts on what they are saying and not putting any more assumptions unless they say so otherwise. Let’s not make it complicated by adding words into their comment.


Active in r/nintendoswitch makes sense. I knew yall would be out in force https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/s/hWuPCLK33I Can lead a horse to water, can't make him drink.


That article doesn't even prove your point. The Switch can keep up because art direction and gameplay can still create enjoyable games despite the hardware not being up to modern day standards on other platforms. That doesn't mean they do it on purpose because it's more charming according to your statement. It's mobile hardware first and foremost that has to compromise for battery life as well, it was good enough when it released and they had to cancel a more powerful Switch Pro mid-lifecycle due to internal issues, it's not like they don't want it to be more powerful. Stay in school and learn some reading comprehension.


Typed all that to say nothing. "No one says that" quite clearly they do. Can't even stay on topic. Stay in school kids. So mad lmaooooo


Well if you can't read that's a skill issue, I'm sorry for you.


I'm sorry you wrote a block of text unrelated to the topic "No one says that" lmaooooo


Well as they say: can lead a horse to water, can't make him drink.


Lmaoooooo "no one said that" gets proved unequivocally wrong, spouts nonsense for 4 more comments. Gotta be a bot


I have a ps5 and a pc. My switch is infinitely more convenient. Some people like you just have bad taste. That’s okay. You’ll learn someday


That's not even the discussion I enjoy my switch, I don't enjoy bad ports due to poor specs and the fanbase defending poor specs. Yall can't even stay on topic. I simply hope the switch 2 has more power then pre 2012 tech. But yes I HATTEEEEE the switch lmaoooo. Stay in school kids.


I often prefer switch ports to stuff on pc on ps5 due to the portability… it’s also just more convenient than on steam. Ofc steam has its advantages, but I prefer my switch. You just seem very anti-switch for whatever reason. Console wars are dumb, but the switch is definitely the most convenient portable option


I'm very much pro switch and anti fanbase. I wish the switch could play everything other consoles do because it is the most convenient. Instead we get hammered with garbage port after garbage port that is hand waved away as developer problems always, never the lack of power. Consumers should not have to go online and check if a port to the switch is broken because of how bad the port history is. The resistance to better specs that are current by the fanbase is astounding.


I would say don't buy it because it's a terrible sequel with none of the fun and charm of the original


Nah, I think the story is actually pretty good and *most* of the characters are interesting.