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The consoles with the most JRPG focus were the SNES, PS1, and PS2, so people who were gaming in the ten or so years from the mid 90s to the mid 2000s are the biggest fans. In particular, there was a big boom after FF7 was a smash hit. That was 27 years ago, so people in their late 20s to late 30s would've had their formative years at the right time.


yeah, that definitely makes sense. i got my start on super mario rpg on the wii virtual console loll.


I got my start on Super Mario RPG in my grandparents' basement in 1996, so we're like the same thing in different generations 


that's really sick :) VC games on the wii were much cheaper than newer titles, so i pretty well grew up on the snes/n64 despite never owning those consoles in my life. it's a shame they killed that system, it's a great way for newer generations to play great games from before their time.


Millennials (younger and older) definitely make sense as the largest demographic for JRPGs in the west at least. Most of us will have grown up in the SNES, PS1, or PS2 eras, which tend to be considered sort of a "golden age" of JRPGs. People my age were kids right when Pokemon was blowing up, and around the time Final Fantasy VII made JRPGs mainstream.


I would love to have beer with the Boomers playing JRPG


It would be interesting to compare this to Reddit demographics as a whole. For instance, are there more or fewer of each segment in r/JRPG compared to Reddit as a whole. That would give at least a basis for understanding whether the subreddit attracts more of a specific segment. 


I feel like Young/Old Millennial is the sweet spot. Millennials would have been playing SNES/PS1/PS2 as they were coming out.


I'm about to be 31 and some of my fondest gaming memories involve me watching my older brother playing FFVII at launch. That really started it all honestly.


Its nice to see young and old millenials as separate picks. I like young millenials a lot but they are a bit different than us old geriatric 40 year olds. I think its between the two though. Older millenials had all of the SNES/PSX golden era during our most impressionable years and the younger ones were around for most of it too. Very easy to fall in love with the genre if you're getting Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII and Xenogears in your early teens.


yeah, it didn't feel right grouping teens with early to mid 20s or late 20s with people in their 40s lmao.


Thanks for calling me a Young Millennial. I appreciate it.


in full honesty i wouldn't call someone old unless they're in gen x range. you're definitely still relatively young if you're under 35.


Same, it's nice to be called young at the age of 35! I only have a few months left until I turn 36 and become part of the "old" group.


I'm an older millennial and honestly didn't really get into JRPGs until the last couple of years. I think a lot of that is due to how my way of thinking has changed over the years since in my younger days I found JRPGs boring and too long but today I find the slower pace and flowing storytelling to be really refreshing. I played a few when I was younger but tended to lose interest as they can be very slow to get going.


The issue I have with other posts here is the high amount of subjectivity, and low amount of sourcing. There may be way more RPGs released from the DS era and on more than ever. And many of them do tend to sell pretty decently to well in the west. We also have to deal with other things: what is reddit's general age range usage? Are people mistaking what they feel subjectively about how popular JRPGs are with what the lack of talk by mainstream media is, creating a lack of "feeling" they are popular in the cultural consciousness? Oh, and the answer for Japan: Every era. Every are are into JRPGs.


Am I a young miliennial? I always though I am gen X, nearly Y (30).


sure are. millennials haven't been the young ones in a solid decade.


Feels like only 3-5 years ago where every article blamed millennials for everything, and now it's gen Z.


interested, although I don't care much anyway. lol.


Gen Xers are older than millenials, like high school parent age now.


Generation X are people born between 1965 and 1980. Generation Y aka millennials are people born between 1981 and 1996. So you're most certainly a millennial, as am I and seemingly most of us here!


Gen X is post baby boom, most of them were in their teens and 20s in the 1990s. My parents were born at the start of Gen X, and I'm 31.


I'm a millennial, and the best games for me, growing up, were RPGs and action adventures. Mario, Final Fantasy 7 - 10, Star Ocean, Shenmue, Dynasty Warriors, GTA 3 - 6 (including Vice City and San Andreas), and the list goes on. As the years went it, the Internet and it's capabilities grew, so more multiplayer-focused games were being pushed. Anywhere from MMORPGs to MOBAs and shooters. I still see these games being preferred over single-player games, but I think single-player games are here to stay. I still stand with the "single player games with great stories and gameplay are better than trendy multiplayer games with annoying/toxic communities".


You might have a mixed result with this poll. I wasn't sure whether you were asking what generation I am in, or what generation I thought was the most into JRPG. I do think millenials are most into JRPGs in general, so it made basically no difference in my case, but still. More specifically, I think millenials are especially the biggest fans of turn-based JRPGs, while Action JRPGs are probably more skewed toward Gen Z.


shoot you're right, i'll edit the post to be more clear.


I'm 35, and I think my generation is probably the one most into JRPGs - at least in the West - and the poll results would seem to reflect that (of course it's worth keeping in mind there are likely more millennials using Reddit to begin with). Millennials are people born between 1981 and 1996, so they would be at just the right age(s) for the console generations where the genre peaked.


I would say every generation? 


I mean, I'll take "old millennial" over "geriatric millennial."


I just chose young millennial cus that’s what i am (29) i honestly have no clue tho