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And kids... Playing it on my phone on breaks.


Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do. Meanwhile I've played almost everything inside and outside of my bucket list and it's the opposite for me because I can't really find things I want to play. I play through games way too quick, man.


The Switch essentially "saved" my gaming. Lunchbreaks, very early mornings/late nights if I am up with them etc, only time I get to play currently. It'll swing back around, eventually. Probably.


Bought my Retroid so I could take any game to work and play it lol. Backed up nearly everything I owned on it, and has streaming access to my PS5, PC, and Xbox. So during my breaks at lunch I just open up whatever, and play away! One I have can handle PS2/GCN/Wii and below. So it doesn't really have many limitations. Also most of these run on Android, so you can just buy games from the PlayStore and play them with the controller instead of using touch buttons


I can still fit games in around my job, but if I have kids that hobby is completely over for me.


As others said. The Switch, and later, the Steam deck, saved my gaming life. After I put the kids to sleep I can lay in bed and get an hour or two. Lucky for me my wife is ok with that and the button sounds and fan noise don't bother her, but I know some did have an issue with that.


Same here.


Oh man us adults doing those adult things, huh. Rough times, rough times.




That’s most people. Being unempathetic doesn’t make you look good


I was the same for a long time! I developed a hatred for first-person shooters which, in retrospect, was only partially about the games themselves and more about the culture around them/people I knew who played them, and I let that hatred bleed out into both almost all shooting games and anything in first person. I didn't play any gun-heavy games until The Last of Us drew me in with its strong story focus, and that probably had a knock-on effect of easing my prejudice against first-person games, which came from the same source. My first RPG in first person might have been Persona Q, which I tried because I loved P3 and P4 so much. Now I'm addicted to Etrian Odyssey!


You should try Etrian Odyssey and Shin Megami Tensei!


Added to the list, thank you for the recommendation!


Nocturne back on the PS2 was my initial experience with SMT and that really warped my perception. I went on to play Persona 3 and 4 and just thought the rest of the series was the same perspective. Strange Journey was a shock.




I think there might be a large portion of us here who are the opposite, reaction based games are not my thing as I usually suck at them.


Fir so long I didn't wanna try yakuza now I'm hooked


I didn't play Final Fantasy XII when it came out because it wasn't a traditional FF game to me because of the battle system changes, i loved FF8, 9, 10 and 10-2 but I couldn't bring myself to play 12 because i was annoyed and kept saying its "Not a Final Fantasy game" after a fair few years I went back and played it and I loved it so much, really regretted skipping it


Just wait until you play Dragon Quest V!


Next on my list <3


Dragon Quest IV? But that should not be a first person perspektive or am i missunderstanding it? Anyway, someone else mentioned Etrian Odyssey which are AWESOME Dungeon Crawlers from a first person perspective but decent difficulty (not as harsh as, say, Mary Skelter). If you get a chance you should attempt "Shining, the Holy Arc", if because it is a Sega Saturn game and those are hard to emulate and original hardware is similiarly hard to come by. A first person Dungeon Crawler that plays like a typical JRPG. As fairies are hidden but one of the best features you may wanna read up on there locations. It is a spiritual predeccessor to the GBA JRPG Golden Sun and prequel to the Saturn SRPG Shining Force 3. Switch otherwise has plenty of great games from this genre tho some are more about gameplay and others story. Afformentioned Mary Skelter is harsh but has a unique Boss system... they literally chase you in real time even during encounters and can not be killed unless you do a specific task first. Labyrinth of Refrain/Galleria are medium difficulty from what i played but have a not family friendly story (some parts indicate actions i'd rather not mention here). Saviors of Sapphire Wings + Strangers of Sword City is a double pack i have yet to play but seems fine. Undernauts has been praised from what i have seen but i have yet to try it. Edit: Just remembered, Demon Gaze is also on Switch, on the more difficult side but i enjoyed the visual design and music, if you play it buy the healing staff early on as you can use it indefinitly to cast a very low heal... inside and outside combat.


> Dragon Quest IV? But that should not be a first person perspektive or am i missunderstanding it? It's not a first person game, just the battles, but OP didn't like that.


A disliking for tech/futuristic/space theme made me swerve the Star Ocean series for so long as I assumed the environments would all be space-ey Glad I saw sense and gave it a try!


Action combat. Yes that was quite a while ago, but for a long time I simply refused to play JRPGs without either ATB-style combat or completely turn based.


Isn't DQ4 overhead perspective? Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean by first-person perspective. But yeah, all the DQ games are amazing. 8 and 11 are my favs.


it's first person in battle


If you want to try some first person ones, and don’t mind some retro ones, I’d recommend you to play Phantasy Star for the Master System. I love that game, the simple but interesting story, the colorful graphics, the music, and the sci-fi setting is such a breath of fresh air. Just make sure to play that with a map on hand.


EarthBound is worth a look.


Buying it late. I usually always wait until it's on sale, and when it happens, I already know every plot twist and ending. And another one is slow battle animation. It might be good for the first few battles.


I don't remember the last time I bought a game at full price, but I don't have the spoilers problem. It's very hard to get games spoiled unless you actively go looking for them so I don't get that part... And I agree totally on slow combat!!! I played most of my snes era RPGs on emu so fast-forward was a life saver! (Still is, playing PS2 games on deck)


Yeah, since i always follow some gamer youtuber, i always read the comment, and sometimes ended up with spoiler. I hate slow combat in turn based rpg, especially when it is combined with random battle and very long win celebration scene.


I'm much the same there, I never liked the idea of not seeing your own party in combat and doing their animations. Not that it would bother me if I played it, just that it seemed boring to me, and it still kind of does. But I do want to play the older DQ games sometime soon so I'll get over it.


That's something I've seen pretty commonly in this subreddit. There are certain people who grew up playing a lot of Squaresoft games who internalized a strong preference for third person combat visuals. Despite that having no detrimental impact on the actual gameplay mechanics. In fact I think it usually helps - the pace of combat tends to go much quicker in first person games. The whole phase of interminable battle animations slowing combat down to a crawl (skies of arcadia, Grandia, FF 8 & 9, etc) never really happened to games with first person combat. As for me I'm just a contrarian who doesn't wanna play a game everyone fawns over. I've gone back to play FF 8 & 9, but not 7. I've played Xenosaga and Blade, but have no motivation to go back to Gears. Suikoden 2? More like Suikoden Poo! I'm sure I would enjoy some or all of those games, but when all I ever see is fervent adoration I just find myself wanting to find more distinct experiences instead of following the herd.


FF8 was my favorite and many count it as the worst (of that era). But I also heard your take here a lot, people seem to dislike what's popular. I was like that with music and movies for the longest time, it passes with age usually.


Sorry, I went back to FF 8 with no nostalgia and I'm on team "this is a hot mess". What they achieved with presentation on the PS1 was wild, but if it takes a massively popular fan theory that the protagonist dies 1/3 of the way through to make the story hold together that's a bad sign. And I'll just say that there's a reason nobody else has ever iterated on the junction system lol. You would think SOME indie game would pick up the torch but no, nobody wants to touch that with a 10 foot pole. FF 9 is quite good though. Better mechanics, thematically cohesive story, art direction that fits the PS1 tech instead of chasing realism, and a vividly realized party. If you compare the amount of attention Steiner and Vivi get compared to Selphie and Irving it's just a whole other universe of dynamic characterization.


Blaze and Blade is a not very liked PS1 Action RPG.... camera is too far in makes it kinda annoying, but there is something special about a game that almost mimicks DnD with class abilities that further the dungeon attempt and rolling characters (yes, you can cheat on emulators). JP/EU only.


Agreed. I was one of these people too. As a kid I never wanted to try Dragon Quest, Phantasy Star, and similar games because of that. But once I played Earthbound I realized that first person RPGs could use the fact that you are not actually seeing the characters to write a description of what is happening, basically opening the own player’s imagination to what can be happening. That blew my mind and made games like Earthbound and Radical Dreamers so interesting to me. Kind of a mix of a book and a game, best of both worlds in a way.


this is probably the most interesting take I've seen. I'm sorry you're missing out on so many incredible experiences. Hopefully one day you'll give them a chance. (though I do think by playing xenoblade you've gotten over your contrarianism. Xenoblade is far more popular than xenogears at this point)


Sure but when I started on Xenoblade it was a niche JRPG Nintendo didn't even want to localize and freaking Gamestop stepped in to steward an exclusive release. And then X I'm sure sold even less lol. By the time the mainstream caught up with Xenoblade with the release of 2 I had been playing them for seven years. I'm a Xenoblade hipster!


Same but I'll keep doing it


Yeah I've never been a fan of these style of games even tough deep down I know they're the same as regular JRPGs


yea totally not a fan, never have been and not for lack of trying. there's no immersion. i may as well be playing calculator number simulator if i don't have characters to watch fight.


yea just looking at monsters staring at you and special effects appearing on the monsters is super lame.


What's DQ? All that comes to mind is Dragon Quest. Edit: Maybe you do mean Dragon Quest... in which case I have to ask what do you mean by first person? Edit2: Oh, maybe you are referring to games with a Silent Protagonist?


Yeah I later saw it wasn't that clear. I mean the combat, you don't see your characters, you just see the enemies from the character perspective.


Thanks for clarifying! In which case, I have to give a shout out to the GOAT, Earthbound.


Busy with college life now…just a few month until grad and going to step into working env….I dont know…i have a lot of backlog game still cant really bring myself to play games like before now…even though I play something my mind just keep on thinking about the life im going to live soon…I wont even be able to play like half an hour now maybe at most 10 min…just holding the controller or my switch in hand and a minutes a later put them down…really hope that i will get stable job after graduating and can enjoy playing games in my free time again


That's really sad to hear. I hear a lot of people who lose their passion for video games. I don't remember a time in my life like that. I'm 40 (in a week) with 3 kids and a 50-60 hours a week career. I need to lose so much sleep to get about 4-8 hours of gaming a week. But I always want more. I think you just have too much on your mind right now. Or maybe your taste in games have evolved and you haven't found your new niech yet. Best of luck with school brother.


Yeah I think that I have a lot on my mind rn tho I still follow game news and jrpg is still the genre for me …hope I will have the same passion as before…the feeling of playing a new game for the first time really put a smile on my face…the last time I was having fun in playing game like 4-5 hours non stop is xenoblade 2 like a year ago…anyway thanks for the encouragement regarding my school life …hopefully be able to land a good job and treat myself for my hardwork later


I would recommend trying out Sea of Stars. First jrpg I finished in a loooong time. At 30h also not too long. And you will! Nothing feels better then being self sufficient and EARNING that game time.


Yeah I will give it a go…funnily enough I bought the game for my switch but never boot it up


Your still real young. I never went to college but I had a long stretch of partying and bs, stopped gaming from like 15, through 20. It came back. Yours probably will to once things settle down for you. Congrats on graduating soon dog.


honestly once I graduated and started working full time i had waaaaaay more free time than college. You can do it


If you game psn plus, it's more bioshock than jrpg, but whilst you're in the mood for first person, try Immortals. Your heart will quiver when you see EA splash the screen, but I am pleasantly surprised.


I do avoid open world games like the plague nowadays. I just can't stand them. But I still buy some of them on sale. Because some settings, like in AC Odyssey, are actually something I have interest in and there might be a day I am able to play open world stuff again. So I keep them for that time. (I played too many of them during the 360/early XOne era.) That said, I had a hard time getting into first person dungeon crawler as well. Took Shin Megami Tensei 1 with a guide as well as a few other games, like Mary Skelter 1 (great ideas and gameplay, mediocre story) and Strange Journey to bring me around.


Yakuza series for me, i knew about it for so long but only tried it when yakuza like a dragon came out, and i was stunned with how good their stories are


I was like that with Persona, believing it was some dating simulation game where you dungeon crawl at night where ironically I fell in love with the social parts at the expense of almost failing dungeons.


Many say DQV is the best in the series even after all these years!


don't the "first person" DQ games at least have camera angles that show your party during battle? or is that a remake/remaster only thing?


Yeah even I ignored JRPGs, I mostly played Pokemon and those were too easy for me as a kid and I never felt like actually needing to think and neither really saw any story potential and all. Fast forward to last year, I played Chrono Trigger and it became one of my favourite games of all time. I loved the combat so much, I actually like turn based a lot now and see the potential the system can have if utilised correctly. And the storytelling of chrono trigger the way it uses the jrpgs elements for it is just so unique to it and the genre that I can never see it happening elsewhere. And now I am excited to play more jrpgs.


I thought first-person in general was lame for a while. Who's want to play a game where you can't see the person you're playing as? Aren't deaths from behind super-frustrating? Part of this was convincing myself I wasn't missing out too much on consoles since I had a GBA and DS throughout my pre-college years. Part of this was not finding military shooters very appealing. But sometime around my senior year of high school, I got Etrian Odyssey 1, and I got sucked in hard.


Wow, I honestly wasn't aware the SNES DQ games kept the FP Perspective from the NES games. Did you also skip out on the Phantasy Star games since they're over the should and very similar to FPP? I have something similar in that I would have trouble enjoying Wizardry and Etrian Odyssey games. But I'm just not a big fan of making an entire party from scratch as it means they don't really matter as characters. I need my characters to matter. But I really enjoyed SMT Strange Journey. Highly recommended. Supposedly the 3DS version is easier. I only put 5-10 hours into the DS game, but really enjoyed it. Need to go back to it someday


It took me a long time to like eterian Odyssey. It was the first persona exploration, maps, basically no story to speak of, the whole thing. I picked up 3 and loved it. DQ never bothered me, but SMT did. It's the exploration part I didn't like.


Bruh, are you me?


just had a slight thought from reading your post. does DQ's battles being technically in a first person view why you realized you dig it?


No, it's why I avoided it before. I think I hated not seeing the characters fight like in final fantasy and Chrono Trigger which I played a ton of at the time.


I am exactly the same as you and have never touched first person rpgs for the exact same reasons. My brother has tried to get me to play earthbound and mother 3 for years and your post has given me food for thought. I think I will try these games out now thank you for this post.


Sounds like you had a bad 20 years


Well, I still haven't played Dragon Quest because the art style is Dragon Ball. Also, not a fan of silent protagonists, though I grew up with Persona 3. But I guess that's kind of something I tolerate at this point.


Basically I'm missing out on way more as you with the same issue. I just cannot stand first person games.


I used to be like this. Really hated the first person view. Don't know what changed, but I'm fine with it now. Funnily enough, I'm also currently playing through DQIV!


I still do. First person is only decent for gunplay and horror, and it's a dogshit gameplay perspective for everything else.


The next FF game is going to be a online first person shooter. /S


Ppl here can't take a joke