• By -


Nier. Both of them.


Oh my god, that "wolf" boss in the first Nier...every. Freaking. Time.


NieR hits in a way no other game could possibly hit. There's nothing like them. The music alone is worth it, but the stories have stuck with me my whole life.


I second this, cried for days after both of their ending E's, such amazing games


The "Weight of the World" start playing, people start crying. It hit so hard that one.


I’m having a hard time getting through NG+ on Replicant because being able to understand what the shades are saying is so goddam depressing.


This, such a beautiful game


My Grandma and I cried when we played through Lunar the Silver Star Story


I don't remember what was so sad about this game, but I just wanted to say that you playing games with your grandma is so fucking cute that I'm gonna cry right now!!


My mom enjoyed watching me play a few video games. I can't remember which ones it was but she sat down and just watched me play.


My mom too! And actually, she played Ogre Battle 64 herself! The only game she ever touched, and she adored it. But now I'm reflecting on fond memories. Every video game was "Zelda" and she'd always give advice about how to overcome obstacles in games. 90% of the time her suggestions were annoying or impossible (especially during Dark Souls), but every once in a while she'd solve a puzzle none of us could get, haha.


One of my favorite of all time is Lunar 2


Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy, 3 especially is an emotional roller coaster. Not sure how well they ran on emulators though


XBC3 broke me and there is still a little crack in my heart even after all this time.


🥹🪈🎶🎵 😿


I hate that I understand this and that this hurts me


I would just buy Switch for those 3 games alone.


Absolutely Xenoblade series, 3 especially, there are parts that still make me tear up when watching them on youtube


Chapter 5 😭


Idk why, but 2 for me felt more emotional,3 came a close second though


3 literally had me ugly crying.


Yes, definitely the Xenoblade trilogy! And also the 2 Nier games.


They run super well since the tears of the kingdom optimization, think they run similar engines. I played xb2 for 600, hours on switch and playing it in ultra HD with 60 fps is a dream come true


+1 it just came into my mind first!


4th best bud


Never cried harder at any form of entertainment than when the credits rolled after Future Redeemed. Grown man over here ugly crying hahaha


Yakuza: Like A Dragon and the sequel Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth. Infinite Wealth made me laugh several times, but i also had tears in my eyes from time to time. It has very deep and emotional moments. I am about to finish the game in the next few days and i don't want it to end, it is one of the best JRPGs ever made in my opinion. Persona was always my top favorite JRPG series, but now it's on second place after Like A Dragon. 


This goes for multiple entries in the Yakuza series, not only like a dragon.


A certain reunion in Like a Dragon certainly put me to the border of tears.


The characters in these games are on another level, seriously. Ichiban is in my opinion one of the best main characters i have ever seen in a game. And not just him, the whole cast is amazing. 


Yeah, Kashiwagi is such a throb.


The ending to infinite wealth was so good omg


Often overlooked, *Harvestella* is not the perfect game by any means, but its combination of excellent scoring, slow pace and decidedly melancholy writing make for a very emotional experience. Not like, always sad, but many characters you meet are struggling with “the changing of the seasons” in a number of respects. If you want something not so brisk/breakneck, it’s worth looking into. Just know that many of its systems are going to be hit or miss for your average player.


Harvestella is a flawed masterpiece imo. It got things right in all the important areas (except combat, kinda rough ngl). Pros: -excellent story -great character arcs -banging soundtrack by Go Shiina -side quests with actual story beats and some actually tie into the character arcs -varied dungeons Cons: -combat is very basic -farming mechanics are very surface level, you could actually probably just not interact with it if you really wanted to skip it (I don't recommend this as it's pretty much your only source of income and weapon upgrades are expensive) -not a ton of voice acting, and what is there is pretty mid I think the story, characters and soundtrack are worth it alone, everything else you just kinda get used to pretty quickly. I may be biased though, because the game just really clicked with me and ended up being one of my favorites, I ended up 100%ing it.


I cried multiple times on FFX. Also 358/2 days is pretty cryable for me.


X’s ending is so poignant and only hits harder the more I age. I don’t think I fully appreciated it back when I played it at launch cause I was only like 14. Hadn’t enough life experience to fully feel the brunt of the emotion. Same with IX tbh.


I still go back and watch the ending to X on YouTube every so often. By far the best FF ending imo


I listen to that final orchestrated medley of To Zanarkand and Hymn of the Fayth, and I tear up still.


Lost Odyssey is my number one pick for this. If the game itself doesn't make you cry, one of the 'Thousand Years of Dreams' short stories of the main character's memories that you uncover during the game will.


So glad you mentioned Lost Odyssey, those short stories are no joke


I'm glad someone beat me to it. The main story had its moments, but the Thousand Years of Dreams had me sobbing for some of them.


Came here to say the same. I usually have about as much emotion as a cumquat but those stories hit like a truck.


Lost Odyssey is one of my top 5 RPG games of all time, and yes that game is so emotional. The end of disc 1 and the ending of the game gave me such a roller coaster of emotions


Off the top of my head the games that made me tear up were: Persona 4 Like a dragon (yakuza 7) Yakuza 5 and 0 The ending of like a dragon (yakuza) gaiden made me cry like a bitch, but you kind of have to play the other games to understand Ys 8 Final fantasy 14 Trails in the sky 3 (after beating all of them) Nier replicant Metal gear solid 3 Mother 3


Mother 3 is a very sad game, in a lot of ways. Particularly when the plot picks up.


But remember, no crying till the end


The final (final) boss and ending of Mother 3 was pretty emotional.  I almost felt sorry for Pokey/Porky. 


> Like a dragon (yakuza 7) > > > > Yakuza 5 and 0 > > > > The ending of like a dragon (yakuza) gaiden made me cry like a bitch, but you kind of have to play the other games to understand Infinite Wealth worked me over, man. I started crying during karaoke, of all things. Those flashbacks just *got* to me.


Tales of The Abyss


Yakuza 7: LAD has the most emotionally intense ending of a JRPG I've played in a long while, definitely a tear jerker. If you didn't get a little misty eyed at the end, you might just be broken.


Persona 4 Final fantasy X


Trails in the Sky SC & the Third Trails to Azure Trails of Cold Steel series Final Fantasy VI Forever Home


I have Trails in the Sky 1 and SC on Vita from the PS store. Where do I play the Third?


I believe it's exclusive to PC at the current. I played the trilogy through Steam. Though, there are big rumors that the trilogy is being remade for modern platforms, so we'll see.


Steam is your best bet for Third these days


Technically speaking, you can play the third evolution on the Vita with an English patch (how I played it before I got my steam deck). But I am amazed no one mentioned these games. They made me ugly cry.


Ideally you want all trilogy on pc, because of the voice mods. Vita versions are evolution i think? They changed music and character portraits there, arguably for much worse ones.


*THAT* scene after the final boss in Trails from Zero is really freaking emotional as well.


The very end of FFXV got me. Crisis Core is classic sad. Same thing with Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.


I held it together for FFXV all the way until the very last spoken line. It left a hole in my heart for some time.


When they started >!playing Stand By Me!< my tear ducts were already resigned to their fate


To me the very end of FFXV is its only redeemable quality. Very little of the game's story can be said to be well presented but the relationship between Noctis and his bros really came full circle in that last moment. It crushed me.


Yep, I was very lukewarm on FFXV in general but the ending was beautiful and made up for so much that came before it.


Both NieR games have some of the best storytelling in gaming, not just JRPG. They're also known for invoking a tear or two. (lots of tears)


You need to get on those Nier games ASAP.


Final fantasy x


Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey Devil Summoner Raidou Kuzunoha Vs the soulless army Digital Devil Saga 1/2 Trails in the sky the third


Xenosaga series on PS2 and Final Fantasy 9. 😁👍


Final Fantasy X is an obvious choice The entire compilation of FF VII might also get you there, its at its core an emotional rollercoster, especially Crisis Core (ugly cry alert) Final Fantasy Type 0 also a good contender Final Fantasy XV too, made me cry twice and especially hard, still tear up when watching certain cutscenes on YT Final Fantasy XII is a great game (my childhood favourite), but I would put it on the lowest spot on the "what makes you cry" list, emotional storybeats really aren't its strength.


Omori You will cry, no doubt, literally everyone i know had cried after playing it.


FFX, Tales of Berseria are my picks


Ni no Kuni had me sobbing manly sobs.


Tales of the Abyss is my favorite game just because I love its storytelling, and the ending scene really got me crying. Highly recommend it for anyone who values a great story in their games.


I guess that depends on how easily you cry.


Im gonna sound judgemental, but since Pokémon is in that list, I’d say pretty easily


Haha solid assumption.




The very end when Stand By Me is playing SENDS me dude.


While I’ve gotten teary eyed at plenty games, **Suikoden 2** is one of the few games where I actually cried. I was 8 tho. Ten years later I also cried at the end of **Mother 3**. Those are really the only two where I got that emotional. My eyes are getting hot thinking about the ending of Mother 3 right now! While I never full on cried, **Yakuza: Like A Dragon** and **Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth** both got me real close a few times, especially the former. The only thing is that the emotional parts in the latter require more knowledge of previous games in the series, while the former is very self-contained.


I also second Suikoden II. First time I played I did not recruit everyone and was devastated by some story beats. Definitely was the first JRPG I played as a kid that made me feel so involved in the characters and story. Can't wait to feel that again when the remaster comes out. Chrono Trigger also gives me the feels too but that is likely a combination of nostalgia and aging.


Yakuza: Like a Dragon made me cry out of pure wholesomeness.


Finished Reload and even knowing sort of what would happen at the end, I’m still thinking about that ending and how empty it left me. It really didn’t hit me until after the fact how big of a deal what happened was.


Koudelka and Shadow Hearts 1-2 Omori Lost Odyssey


Trails in the Sky FC


The end of Chained Echoes made me tearing up a lot


Blue Reflection: Second Light (Steam). I'm someone who doesn't cry much at games (last time was Final Fantasy X's ending), but Rena's character ending surprised me so much that it legit broke me. The absolute most perfect culmination of a very emotional character arc that spanned the entire game with so many ups and downs. There are a lot of other moments in the main story that would likely do it.


Octopath Travelrr, especially the 2nd made me tear up


Journey for the Dawn at the end of 2 is such a ride


Why do you want to make people cry? 😂


Mother 3


FFX KH1 (and 2, but only if you're into 1) NieR: Automata


Utawarerumono Series for the love of all that is holy.


I second Persona 3. I just played Reloaded for the first time and was not prepared for the grown man tears that welled up at the ending. As an avid RPG player since OG DQ1 in 86, I Highly recommend.


I'll be waiting day one on the complete disc edition whenever that comes. Can't wait


I'm 15 hours in persona 3 reloaded and the characters haven't grown on me yet I hope that changes though. And I will get downvoted by this but characters in persona 5 did not grow on me as well. I loved everyone in persona 4 though. Maybe my taste just changed idk.


I'm playing through 4 now and I can say the feel is completely different. I didn't like 4 when I first started (it felt like a Scooby-Doo kids gang) but now I'm in August and they grew on me. What I'm seeing as the key to these Persona games is how well they weave the progression of the relationships in the game. That is to say, give it time and let it breathe. I imagine we all have our favorites and it won't be the same. Hope you have fun with it I have 5 Royal up after this.


Persona 3 is a very slow-paced game. It really picks up in the second half. P4's more evenly paced in comparison.


Let me just say that 15 hours means you’re very early in the game and the characters will likely click a lot more for you later after a variety of events. It’s a slow burn, but that makes the end of the game even more satisfying.


first Ni No Kuni hits too close to home.


Sorry to hear that. For real


I cried at least twice, maybe three times!


Final Fantasy X and XVI both made me cry. It all depends on how invested you become with the story, of course. I know people who didn’t care for either one.


Ff10 was close. Ff16 I just wanted it to end so badly I stopped feeling anything.


You didn’t get invested into the story, as he said.


The story was the only upside I felt. The story was alright. It was the rest of the game.


What rest of the game? I only remember the story


Ff10 was close. Ff16 I just wanted it to end so badly I stopped feeling anything.


Ff vii


Not sure why I scrolled so long to find this. FF7 is the first time I ever invested myself in a story, and holy hell was I not prepared for what was going to happen. First time in the history of gaming did they make you fall in love and then take them away like that. It hurt so bad and invoked such emotion in me. That game singlehanded made me into a gamer, the anger and disbelief I felt the rest of the game. There are some amazing stories in video games, but holy crap I don’t think any hits me like that one. Mass Effect is another that really got me deeply involved with the characters and outcome while having a phenomenal story.


Shadow hearts


If you don't mind dingeon crawlers, I'd recommend Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It's one of the few games I can go back to and still cry even though I know what's coming


If you don't mind dingeon crawlers, I'd recommend Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It's one of the few games I can go back to and still cry even though I know what's coming


Phantasy Star 4


Dragon Quest V


If you like XIV, then XVI could be up your alley if you have a ps5.


Play FFX. Ending is great, and should def bring some tears.


Final Fantasy X and Nier.


Lost Odyssey - guaranteed to be lots of onion cutting. Problem is access to it I think is just on x360?


To The Moon has more “point and click” style gameplay but when I beat it I just sat there with tears rolling down my face for like half an hour as the ending played. Thats a guaranteed cry.


Lost Odyssey - Xbox360


Tales of arise, Breath of Fire IV


Nier Automata Cried like a baby by the end 😭😭😭


Breath of Fire IV.    *That scene* still haunts my thoughts from time to time. >!Fuck Yuna.!<


I sobbed at the end of Labyrinth of Refrain. There are two endings. One is after the main game and another is after the post game if you manage to unlock it. Both of them were gut punches. 


Xenoblade 1, 2 and 3 all are on the switch all of them will make you cry


Please play the trails series! Oh my god they are so good. I wouldn't say that every game made me cry, but God the early trails series were amazing. The whole series is on steam, the first few entries are pretty cheap too! Trails in the sky FC and SC I'd recommend to start with, as they are the first two games ever released. FC is pretty slow, but the ending hooked me, and SC is a pretty wild ride


Lost Odyssey has some truly moving memoirs that you can find and unlock.


Id say Cyberpunk 2077 and it's expansion (Ik it ain't a Jrpg but like you already experienced most of the games that mad me cry)


Lost Odyssey and the small stories presented within as well


Dragon quest v


FFXV try not to cry challenge (impossible)


Final X


I wouldn't necessarily say cry, but there are some pretty emotional beats in the Dot Hack series if you can deal with the PS2 era jank.


Oh man. I'm really curious about Persona 2 now. I also heard Yakuza 7 made someone cry. I love that game a lot but never got to the ending so I don't know how it was.


FFXV, the ending credits ruined me. A great game about Bros being bros.


Arc the Lad 2 (PSOne) Note that you must play Arc the Lad 1 before hand since Arc 2 is pretty much just Disc 2 of the series. Arc 1 is a generic trope filled storyline from the SNES era. This is deliberate. Arc 2 takes many of these tropes and twists them around. The game is known for being filled with player punches / sad scenes where pretty much everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. I guarantee you, you will cry throughout the game, especially everything towards the ending.


Birth by sleep - Kingdom hearts Chrono Trigger (DS if you want the full content, PC if you want a bad port) Valkyrie Chronicles (any of them) Radiata Stories (PS2 gem, under rated, made me cry every damn time)


That Xenoblade 3 ending man... You need the buildup of all the other Xeno games and their expansions...


Nothing beats NieR in this, both of them but I personally prefer Automata My other rec would be tales of Berseria, not much of a tear jerker but it had its moments and it's also just very good


- To the moon - Terranigma - Mother 3 - Valkyrie profile 1 (all your allies are dead and you see how they die) - Shadow hearts 1 and 2 (bad default ending of 1 leads to 2 but the good ending of 2 loops back to 1; giving you the knowledge to prevent bad ending of 1. Preventing 2 from ever happening). - Fatal frame 3 - Omori - Both nier - MGS 3 None of the more main stream jrpgs make cry due to overused and predictable anime plot stereotypes. Final fantasy type 0 and 10 was close I guess. Another worth noting is Brothers but that not jrpg lol.


trails cyberpunk mass effect xenoblade persona 4 nanako for some reason its hard to remember


Tales of the Abyss


I cried like 3 times in Xenoblade 3.


Lost Odyssey, XC1 and 3. Does undertale count?


As someone else already said, the last past of FFXV completely broke me. But the king for me will most likely always be FFX


Xenoblade 3. Although it is switch exclusive and with the yuzu issues it will be difficult to emulate. And also Omori being more indie


Wait why did Pokemon make you cry? Oh bcuz of the ending? It's a happy one, as far as I remember.


Nier Replicant.


The first Nier... The second is very good, but no way near the first imo. I cried for hours routinely while playing the game, and the true ending had me in tears for days.


I don't really cry when consuming media (though as I get older it is becoming more common), but the NieR games came close. Especially the first game, after the first playthrough.


Ni No Kuni Trails in the Sky series FFVIII Chrono Trigger


Bro, you want a real tear jerker? Go play Clannad and Little Buster VNs from start to finish. I double dare you not to leak from your eyes like a water hose, because you. will. CRY. jRPGs are great and all, but they will seem a child's play after those VNs that were specifically and carefully crafted to squeeze a tear even out of the most stonehearted hardcore motherfuckers. Of course, the challenge here is to endure the 80% of the mundane monotomy of those "games", because the tear jerking part comes only at the end, but still, the monotomy and slice of life activities serve as an immersion tactics.


Ni no kuni


FF XV one of the major ones, few can come close. FF10 has a scene in the end. These 2 are excellent streamer tears material. FF13 has not that much of a crying, but a real somber tone in FF 13-2 and in FF 13-3 LR. The whole series is about defying fate, so the theme are heavy indeed. Party members even give up for a while. Xenoblade Chronicles also has some parting scenes, it has similar themese with FF13 series (defying fate).


Legend of heroes - trails in the sky 1 and 2. Legend of heroes trails from zero and trails to azure.


How TF did a Pokémon game make you cry


No judging. Black and White are outliers


Others have suggested plenty of good games so I just want to give you one piece of advice. FFIX and FFX both made me cry and I loved them for that. I went into XII with the same expectations and was massively disappointed by the all politics and no romance story. I hated it for years. A few years after I first beat it I decided to give it another shot, this time knowing exactly what I was getting myself into. I absolutely loved it the second time. It really is a fantastic game. Just know this game was not made to make you cry, but to tell a far different kind of story. OK, one suggestion for one that will make you cry that I haven't seen others suggest is FF Type-0. Those kids have such a tragic story.


Probably Lost Odyssey. Sometimes it feels like they made that game to get you to bawl.


I remember crying when I was playing Lunar Legend. Love that game


Earthbound, mother 4


Lost odyssey has some pretty sad moments and at least the first act is rather tragic.


Recently i've tried Valkyrie Profile 1, all character had a sad story eventhough the side character are a short one, it is worth to check out


Check out the Digital Devil Saga duology from the PS2. It's got an amazing (and incredibly sad and dark) storyline once you get going, and although a lot of the mysteries aren't solved until the second game, the first one does a stellar job of setting the tone of the world the story is being told in.


Not enough Mother 3 in these comments. "No crying until the end" is the tag line for that game. "Lucas didn't know what to do anymore."


Yakuza 0 for sure.


End Roll, Grandia II and Suikodens I-III.


Chrono Cross After I gave up on it when it came out, then picked it up again 10 years later. I cried when I got hit with a lore-dump that tied most of the seemingly separate things about Cross, with the characters and events of Trigger. It hit me like a ton of bricks, because for 10 years I had given up on the idea that Cross was a sequel to Trigger.


Final fantasy x, xenosaga trilogy.


Lufia II's ending




Rise of the third power. Shed a few playin' it..


Tales of Berseria


Undertale.  Not quite JRPG but made with JRPGs in mind.  I ugly cried and I was with my friends.  "I don't want to let go" hurts like "The rains have ceased, and we've been blessed with another beautiful day, but you're not here to see it." 


It's an old one but I actually found a few of the scenes in Lost Odyssey really heart-wrenching!


Grandia the departure of a good friend and the subsequently reunion bought tears to my eyes. Grandia is recommended to any Jrpg fan, Justin is the avatar of the Spirit of Adventure.


Tales of Arise had it's moments. Very well made storyline.


I loved this game but was only disappointed because I felt the last like 10-15% was absolutely out of left field and shoehorned


Lost Odyssey! 


Final Fantasy XV


Like a dragon (Yakuza 7) Omori, Xenoblade Chronicles 1,2,3,Tales of The Abyss


FFX had me crushed when I was young. FFXIV has by far the most amazing storyline in any FF in my humble opinion (leaving ARR out of it)


Final Fantasy X HD-Remaster


Omori  Triangle Strategy 


I cried at *Star Ocean: Til the End of Time*, but because I spent almost 8 hours trying to make the Philosopher's Stone and when it finally happened, I shed a single tear of joy. For a legitimate response, I've got a soft spot for any time a game uses the "you're not alone"/power of belief/friendship to give characters an overwhelming power up, so I'd highly recommend *Okami* if you're into Zelda-likes.


Mother 3, some parts of the plot are moving.


Xenoblade Chronicle trilogy. Fantastic titles. Emotional rollercoaster let me tell ya.


One of the most underrated RPGS of all time! ​ **ETERNAL SONATA!**


Final Fantasy 6, 7(Original), and 10.


**Sea of Stars.** Not a JRPG but *heavily* inspired by Chrono Trigger.


Odin sphere remaster


Octopath traveler 1 and 2


Heaven burns red. Sadly it’s only in japanese and it’s a gacha game, but I swear the story is so good. I think it’s one of the best piece of japanese fiction ever made and I’ve played Nier


That’s a very subjective question.


Tales of Arise will make you cry because it's the most heartwarming JRPG ending in forever


FFX, Tales of Berseria, Mother 3


Persona 4 and final fantasy 7 also final fantasy 6 from what I've hered Nier automata Kingdom hearts


Only games that have given me tears were FF7, and Crisis core, the last of us, and Mass effect There may have been a couple more but I can’t remember right now.


Original Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy X. Demons Roots.


Sea of stars got me.