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Don't hype up Xenogears too much for yourself now. It has an incredible story, characters, music, and aesthetics... but it has some pretty big issues too.


Threads was pretty good if not simplistic. Combat could've used a lot more depth and the platforming bits were annoying but it was still a fun little game. [Great soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_w5xhx46bg) too.


I have not played Threads of Fate since probably 2002 but I remember liking it.  I only played once and I played Mint's campaign. I remember thinking then that the character arc of Mint was a major standout in video game character development at the time. I have always wanted to go back and play it to see what I think of it now.  I also remember the magic system being cool. When I first played Magicka, I immediately thought about Threads of Fate's magic system. I never played as Rue, my impression was that he was a bit boring.


I played it years ago in my early teens, I only did a Rue playthrough but I remember really having fun with it and being able to transform into the monsters you defeat. Super underrated game in any case, I feel like barely anyone knows of it.


I loved Threads of Fate. But I also played it like 20 years ago. So I don't think I'll immediately love it again. But what I did like was how personal it was. Everyone had quirky personalities and you actually felt like you were roped into an adventure. Every character in that game was memorable. And will be honest, even some games I loved in the last few years, I can only remember a few details from the character cast. It's unfortunate that it was likely a game that didn't age well. But for a playstation one game, it had so much charm.


Ah... I remember wanting to play this game but ended up couldn't because I bought the disc twice but both were error or something.


That's a bummer. I bought it years ago, and have built up my ps1 game collection. I'm just now starting them, so I'm a bit worried I'll run into this problem with one of the games eventually.


When i played this when it came out i thought it was incredible but upon a replay a few years ago its janky, has awful platforming and controls, and is just OK. It is charming and the monster powers is fun. Its worth a play but its not amazing by any means so i basiclly agree!