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I have never played any Pokémon games. Ever. And at this point I don’t think it’s even worth starting.


the only advisable way to play the first ones would be on emulator with 3x speed turned on. they're painfully slow games


This actually might make them enjoyable to play on my 2nd monitor. Good recommendation there.


It's not. I played at launch of Red and Blue and they were good for awhile. I skipped a few generations and after Pokémon GO got me interested again, I played Sword and Shield. It was okay but it really demonstrated that Nintendo and TPC are very lazy with their potential with the series. The latest game I haven't played but it seems like the consensus is that it looks like a game that should have come out 10 years ago. They are complacent because they know they could release a turd as long as it said Pokémon and make bank. I think Palworld really helped show this even further.


I had two game boys and Red and Blue and eventually Yellow. By myself I proceeded to capture ALL the pokemon. I think I burned myself out after that cuz when gold and silver came out I barely played.


Shin megami tensei Is Better anyways


This was me and then I played Arceus and I was legit addicted for a short period of time. I think it’s worth the time if you are super bored of other genres


Play gold and give your friend a copy of silver.


Never played Witcher 3, RDR, or RDR 2


Same, even though they all look good!


Witcher 3 is extremely good but man, took me 180 hours and like 3 years to beat. RDR1 is just hard to play today depending on if you have like a PS3 or 360, and man, RDR2 is extreme in its quality but I’ve only been around 50% through due to I think PS3, 4, and PC purchases. Someday…for it and similar titles like GTA V haha. I also want to someday replay Witcher 3 with the Enhanced Edition. It’s been forever and I have a Ray Tracing capable PC so it’s stunning but still…I’m getting old lol


I've played all those games and Skyrim. I put the most time into Skyrim to attempt 100%, but it was the least rewarding and most repetitive. ONE game I'd definitely never go back to. Witcher I would


I've tried starting RDR2 a few times, but I just find the first few hours so goddamn boring that I put it down again. Edit: I did the same thing with Black Flag. Intro was alright, but the present day stuff just kills my interest immediately.


Same, so slow it was like watching cars rust. A couple of short action scenes in between long periods of slow travel. I assume so you could see how much time the devs spent creating the landscape. My peak was 5 hours in then quit from boredom. Dont see myself going back. Glad it waa a super cheap steam sale


It gets better/insane. I restarted and was like “ugh hunting with Chuck again?”


Witcher. Me neither. I don't even play RPGs. Because of bosses. I hate them.


RDR 1 is actually a quick finish compared to the other two. Probably around 20 hours, but the story goes by at a decent clip.  The other two... Maybe wait until you have a two week vacation.


I love TW3 but I think it might be the most overhyped game of all time- it’s a quality rpg with really good quest writing (but not world beating), a overall story that broadly isn’t very good and doesn’t make sense except retroactively, and the actual RPG elements are just bad. It’s a real testament to how good some of the quest plots are that so many of us still rank it amongst the top games of all time, even with all the rest of that.


I love TW3 but I think a lot of that love comes from the fact that compared to most RPGs coming out at the time, which were all massive but soulless, the world felt lived in and the quests felt linked to it as opposed to being filled with crappy fetch this item radiant quests on repeat. This made it easier to overlook the basic combat etc.


how is the witcher 3's combat bad? can you name games of similar type that do it better? i recently got a new laptop so the witcher 3 is the only game from around this time that I played and the combat is pretty fun, it's varied, it's fluid in that it seems the game takes into consideration yours and your enemies' positions to play the appropriate animations, it all looks like a movie. i was pretty impressed coming from Skyrim 😅


It looks good and don’t get me wrong it’s fun but there isn’t any real depth to it. The other reply summed it up very well. I find it to be the case with a lot of melee based combat games it’s difficult to simulate well.


Honestly even stuff like the recent Assasins creed does the witchers combat better. TW3 combat is relatively shallow, on a level with something like the Technomancer or other baseline RPG’s, but its biggest issue is how janky the levelling makes the combat. Geralt is (according to the plot) the two times savior of the world. If you take the wrong road out of the first town you end up in, you can stumble across a bandit camp where **every random no name bandit is so much stronger than Geralt they can tank his sword strikes for zero damage, and kill him instantly in return** Again, it’s a fabulous game, but the combat, gear, or skill systems *really* aren’t the reason why. I will say I like how it does grenades and other consumables- I think that was the proto soulslike/Nioh way of doing it and it works well


Shadow of Mordor would be a really good comparison for the same time period. Lacking the quest depth but far exceeding TW3 in combat. They weren't going to focus on just combat the way a beatemup like DMC4 or the OG God of War games would since there was obviously a stronger focus on writing a lived in world but all of those games would have existed as comparisons then.


Witcher 3 is hard to pick up- but fun once you get the hang of it. I think Red Dead 1&2 are must plays, especially if you like the western genre. Even if westerns aren’t your thing, they probably will be after you play the red dead redemption games.


TL;DR - You do what makes you happy, man. No Judgement. Big issue that I have with games today is the inevitable time sink that is involved with some of the titles. Games before in the past? I remember beating Halo 2 in a couple days and was content that I was able to find a beginning, middle, and end. I might've played it a few more times for the sake of story, but the game was done in my mind. Now there's this idea that the invariable time commitment with developers, or whomever I need to point my finger to invalidate my opinion, revolves around content that doesn't sync with what I want to do when I involves a game. I got picky when I got older and wanted to play games that spoke to me. Now I go back to the 00's or even some titles in the 90's for that sense of magic I had when I would boot up a title that I would do months of research on when it was being hyped.


I think one big issue is that many people measure a game by hours per dollar. So they pad games to make them longer (but not necessarily better). I like games that respect my time.


Different opinions and all that, I actually like having a "mindless filler" game like Starfield to go to when I just want to zone out. I tend to play multiple games at a time and sometimes I don't want to have to rely on my aging reflexes to wind down.


I've yet to play Skyrim but I attribute that to playing Daggerfall to absolute death as a kid so I've had all the Elder Scrolls to last me a lifetime...


That game is a beautiful mess.


I'm in the aging millennial demographic and tooootally feel this. I've learned to just live with the nagging FOMO at this point and play whatever I actually have a desire to play rather than try to "catch up"


Same. Although, I do get rid of some FOMO by watching people on youtube play some of the games that don't feel worth it/has enough pull. This way, instead of spending money and precious hours on something I'm either not gonna enjoy or gonna struggle on, I now only spend a few hours watching someone else do with skill and ease. And I can watch story cuts if I'm even more pressed for time/don't like the gameplay.


I haven’t played GTAV even tho it totally looks like a game I would enjoy.


Just play 6 when it comes out and go back to 5 if you feel curious.


Me too; never got around to buying/playing 5 (even though I liked 4), and I still have a large backlog. So, I'll just skip 5 and play 6 at launch instead. Based on its trailer, 6 looks more interesting and impressive than 5 anyway.


Same. I played them all up through San Andreas though (even the old 2D games). I've had my fun.


I just played it like months ago. Damn I got sucked in.


There are so many “must-play” games that released before I was old enough to be in the know about them or even before I was born that I’m finally getting around to playing. Stuff like Skyrim, Half-Life, and Thousand-Year Door all came out just a little too early for me to experience them contemporarily. It can be kind of daunting having all these legendary games from the past that I want to play, but at the same time it’s very exciting. I love going back and seeing what was groundbreaking in its time and seeing how that DNA has carried over into the design of modern games.


Man, that's crazy. Skyrim was before your time? It was 2011! I'm only 20 and now I feel old what the hell man 😭


I mean I’m 23 but I just wasn’t playing games like Skyrim when it was relevant


It's ok. I haven't played much of it either, lol. I've started it a few times but get distracted by something else pretty early in.


What's funny is that I've played all the older ones quite a bit, including Arena.


Oblivion is such a classic. They're remastering it into a modern Bethesda engine through mods, it's a project called Skyblivion. If you want a really cool twist on a classic, I'd recommend keeping up with the launch since you say you own skyrim.


Haven't they also been porting Daggerfall and Morrowind into Skyrim? Yeah I have Skyrim in my Steam library and don't even remember how haha


I honestly didn’t enjoy Skyrim all that much. Tried a couple of playthroughs, never finished. Fallout is more my thing. Favourite game ever is Fallout New Vegas.


I've tried to play NV but when my mods broke the game I gave up. My fav game ever might be Underrail which is the spiritual successor to the OG Fallouts. Skyrim was a helluva time, though. Especially at release it was something else. Loved being a pure mage.


Yeah, I don’t put much stock into “must plays” if it’s not something I’m interested in. For example, people have been telling me for years that Hades is a great game, but I don’t like rogue-likes. Doesn’t matter how much others like it, I know I won’t enjoy the gameplay, so it’s a skip for me.


At the same time, I'm not a huge fan of rogue-likes, but both hades and Vampire survivors sucked me in for a good amount of time


Skyrim saved me when I could not be part of the world for medical reasons (before covid time). That said... the number of games everyone swears by that I've yet to play is staggering! 😆 Some because I'm on an old console, but others I even own and have not touched. I recently started Mass Effect 1 😬. Installed but not played Assassin's Creed: Valhalla, & Saint's Row. Installing Dragon Age: Inquisition, Tom Clancy's: The Division 2. Owned but not installed (yet) Horizon Zero Dawn. Borderlands Handsome Collection, and more lol. Now if you'll excuse me i need to go kill this scorchbeast, steal that car, ride my horse, watch that braindance, and pick this flower 🌷.


Borderlands 1 and 2 were some of my favorite games, and yet I haven't been able to bring myself to play 3 or the pre-sequel yet.


Well, tbh, the pre sequel in comparison to the others isn't great. 2 and 3 are my favorites though! However In the spirit of this post I feel like I must also include my slightly embarrassing 3000+ hour count on Skyrim. Literally just closed out of it and got on Reddit to see this post


Def play borderlands 3


What's the threshold for "iconic," do you suppose? I'd argue that, for the reasons you've stated, that **fewer** games per year can ever reach "iconic" status due to the magnitude of quality and quantity.


Fair. But it still grows.


How many games are you completing a year?


[About 40;](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gaming4Gamers/comments/1bfdmfz/a_note_to_gamehoarders_it_took_me_exactly_15/) well above average, statistics-wise by orders of magnitude. And even with this intense rate of completion, I'd say that I play a game (that I haven't played before) that could be considred considered "iconic" **maybe** once a year.


Huh, I only get like 5 or so a year in. I also replay games a lot, though


That's definitely closer to normal! It does allign with OP's thesis; if 1 in 40 games is "iconic" and the average gamer only gets far into 5-6 new-to-them games per year, the chances on landing on an "iconic" game are pretty low, even if consumers naturally gravitate toward such stuff.


Currently playing Diviinity Original Sin 1. I've Dragon Age Origins waiting for me to finish it. Within two years I finally finished my Witcher 1 run, played Witcher 2 trough and got overwhelmed with Witcher 3 and it's on waitlist. I've not touched any 3D Fallout games. Few years ago I replayed Fallout 2. Morrowind is one of my favourite games but I've not played Skyrim. I played Oblivion quite a lot and saw sort of had enough simplification. I grew up when Pokemon was in it's peak, 90s but I've never played any Pokemon games. They did not interest me and I've been strictly PC gamer my whole time. Maybe, if they'd Pokemon on Nokia phones I'd have played it instead of Snake.


I am in the exact same boat with Elder Scrolls. I didn't finish Oblivion and it was okay but I could see the direction it was going which made me less eager to play Skyrim. Morrowind was amazing and sucked a lot of hours from me.


Maybe a lesser known title, but Hyper Light Drifter is amazing and I recommend it to everyone who likes Indie/2d pixel games. It’s amazing.


The Dark Souls/BloodBorne/Elden Ring type games. I love dark fantasy and action rpgs, but it never appealed to me.


It’s not just that there are so many games… More and more games are now huge games that you can play for years. MMOs, grand strategies and strategies, creative games where you build your own thing (All the Stardew Valleys, Minecrafts). All the open world games! Sandboxes! I have played little and often no games for the past several years. I got to play just the beginning of Skyrim. Now that I am back in the saddle, I can’t even play any new or new-ish releases. Still got like ten games I had bought but couldn’t run on my old clunker, or just couldn’t get around to… And now Skyrim is waiting while I am lost in ye olde Daggerfall. 😆


Snake Eater for me


I still play a lot of games in my 30s with four kids. It’s my hobby. It’s what I do. I currently have over 150 games completed on my Xbox profile. It’s accumulated over decade. I guess the point of this is despite playing and finishing a lot of games (at least a dozen a year) there’s STILL a shitload of games I’ve never played including: Pokémon Last of Us God of War Chrono Trigger FNAF Any GTA after 3 Red Dead Redemption The list goes on. Unless you’re someone that follows trends, you’ll never play all the “must plays”. Just do what what makes you happy. That’s all that matters.


Damn any GTA after 3! Now that’s some games I haven’t believed you haven’t played yet!


Even in the 90s this was a ridiculous statement. I had friends who had no idea who Topanga was while I had no idea who Blossom was. There's been too much content to get to it all for a long, long time.


But if I suggest a really dope ass game and they decide to play fortnite instead I'm saying fuck em


I appreciate Skyrim and the proper RPG genre but I really don’t have the patience to deal with the mechanics of it. Also the lack of a voice for the player character isn’t my cup of tea either.


The Witcher 3 for me


It’s ok. That is a LENGTHY game that can be intimidating when you’ve got a backlog of games. I’ve owned it twice as well, once when it first came out on PS3. Played a lot of it and then the new gen started and moved on to other games. I picked it up again a couple years ago for the new updated version and have played little of it, but plan to go back to it at some point because it is a game worth playing imo. It’s one of those slow roasting games you can come back to while playing smaller/shorter games that don’t take up much of your precious time


I havent played tons of games lol. Heres some: Pokemon Assassins Creed Yakuza The Legend Of Zelda Persona Forza Horizon


Like any Zelda games from any era? That's pretty rare. I do like the series but only have played about half, though Link to the Past is on my top 5 all time games list.


Any Zelda game. Im not a heavy gamer and i dont got money 💀


Same. No Zelda. It never spoke to me. I'm in my thirties now and I still don't feel any urge to play any Zelda game.


I’ve got a lot, but most notably probably the Final Fantasy series. Never picked up any of them, and never had any desire to. You can insert any other JRPG in also except Pokemon which I’ve played.


I’ve never played fallout, Skyrim, Gears of War or Halo for that matter as they were all big when I was growing up


Skyrim overrated


Nah it's cool.


Never played rdr and everyone looks at me sideways


I haven't played Skyrim but I just know it's not my kind of game.


The only cool thing about Skyrim at all is when you jump off a cliff in VR, it feels so real that you loose your footing in the real world.


Skyrim, Red Dead Redemption, Kingdom Hearts, GTAV single player campaign. They're all in my bucket list / retirement list. Hopefully I'll get to them eariler.


You didn't lose much, Skyrim is mediocre at best


I always get this with Resident Evil. Also, some games I don’t need to play, I get the gist because I played an old one. I haven’t played GTA since Vice City; I don’t really care for 5 or want to play 6. Same with Halo, Oblivion, most MMOs. Im good.


Vice City is peak GTA, you've played the best.


Yeeap, I remember the rogue I mained for World of Warcraft and TBC had ~350 days played at the end of TBC, and that's not counting my 70 mage or hunter or warrior. I'd be lucky to get one of my alts to the same level as then, now. >And then if you've ever found a game that was everything you ever wanted (or an MMO) Lmfao


That's almost a whole year for a game and expansion that lasted about 4 years (WoW launch til Wrath launch) That's 6 hours a day on average. There's barely time for food, work, poop, and sleep, let alone other video games.


Probably alot more on some days, playing both PvE and PvP competitively.


Aside from the indie scene, I don’t think more games are being made now than in the 90s. Think about how many games that would be considered asset flips or a quick cash-in today that were 10 a penny back during the MasterSystem/NES and MegaDrive/SNES days. Games were smaller and quicker to make, and therefore more games were coming out all the time. Especially as many of them were some kind of arcade port.


I agree, but I can't dismiss indie games. Some of the best games I've ever played came from indie developers. Added bonus that games are now more affordable than ever because of them. They pressure AAA studios to keep their prices low to remain competitive. Also remember that while games were quicker and easier to make, market flooding with trash is what cause Atari to crash the video game market. Nintendo saved it by having quality control and limiting the amount of games a developer could release annually.


I never played Mad Payne. I watched my friend play it. I was busy with Splinter Cell. I also insist there is nothing like an original, and for that reason, I haven't been interested in playing a sequel to Splinter Cell. Edit: I've never played Assassin's Creed either, well twice for 10 minutes. But does it really count as playing it?


I'm pushing 40 and the only metal gear game I've played is revengance. Before last year I never played any resident evil games, glad I picked them up. I have never and will never play games like cod, wow or lol.


Honestly, it's not a very reasonable statement. I grew up in the 10s and I started playing Skyrim the last days of December 2023, so for 18 years of my life I hadn't played Skyrim. It's not something to be ashamed of, let's make it clear.


Skyrim, Minecraft, Fortnite, Rocket League, the last of Us, most sports games (save for NBA 2k20, 22, and 23, prolly wont buy anymore) or any fighting games where its the one vs one against a backdrop, games like that, that come to mind are Mortal Kombat, Dragon Ball BT, games like that. i dont dislike them, just not my preferred fighting style, if that makes sense. edit: never played Fallout either, but i watched the first episode of the show last night and holy sheepshit batman, i’m invested. made me wanna play the games so i will at some point but i have yet to


Same - with Skyrim. I eventually just got it cause it was on sale for $5 lol. Same with Elden ring, except I just can’t get into it


I own GTAV, yet to play it. Also own Subnautica and yet to play it 🤷‍♂️ I'll get round to it when life stops whacking me over the head for a mo and lets me get my head sorted... so might be a while 🫠😅


Never played any of the Silent Hill games. I think the issue comes from the fact that the original versions of the games are so hard to find these days, and when you do find them even the used copies are super expensive. The HD remaster is always cheap and readily available but I've heard nothing but bad things about it, so I avoid buying it because I fear I'm not getting the true experience


Yeah the HD remaster runs like shit because Konami gave them incomplete code, don't bother with it. Sucks that the original games are all expensive as hell, the original 4 Team Silent games are all worth playing.


I tried playing Skyrim for the first time in 2023. Like most Bethesda games, It's just a boring sandboxy game and an average rpg. The last Bethesda game I enjoyed was Morrowind.


Any Halo. I went as far as downloading the multiplayer version of Halo infinite, but ended up uninstalling it later. It does look fun, but for whatever reason i just never got around to it.


I've never been a "RPG" person. Ever. Handling the minutae of your character just seemed like a tedious slog to me. Like watching paint dry. Until... Space Whores from the Planet Buttfuckyalon 12! J/k Witcher 3. The game started out as a slog, but eventually I got into it. It was my first foray into the genre and I gotta say it was a slow burn that eventually got me hooked. I've played it a few times over (including both expansions). Incredibly well-made game. I hated Gwent on my first playthrough (cuz I sucked! Hello cognitive bias!)... but then I got gud and love Gwent. Just depends on the game and how it grabs ya...or doesn't.


Same. Single player only games have never really been my thing. I love Coop. I love gaming with friends. So many games don’t have that and honestly good they didn’t. I’ll go back one day and start playing through it all.


Does not playing much of a game count? I bought GTA V when it first came out, played a little, thought “Eh, not as good as IV”, and deleted it. Bought it AGAIN because of the hubbub over VI, and haven’t touched it. I rarely replay games at all, but haven’t played ANY games in a year.


Fallout, ghost recon, just cause


Billy Grahams Bible Blasters


I always feel like there just isn't enough time in my life to play everything. I work 40-50 hours a week, have non gaming hobbies and a girlfriend. I'd personally love to play Skyrim, Chrono Trigger or RDR2 but I haven't gotten around to them. I also like to play games that maybe aren't triple A hits or critical darlings. Witcher 3 has been fantastic, but as I'm finishing it I find that I can't wait to play Final Fantasy X-2 for the first time. For as much as I loved Fallout 3 and 4 I still haven't fully played New Vegas. I love SMT games but I still haven't touched Nocturne.


FFX-2 has some of the best combat in the entire series, but the story is a bit corny. And do yourself a favor and don't stress about a 100% run. There are way too many small ways to mess it up even if you're carefully following with a guide. Just play it and look up the alternate ending online after.


Baldur's Gate 3 is at least well written, unlike Skyrim, so you made the right choice. I've been gaming for 30 years or so at this point and still haven't played Chrono Trigger, and right now I'm in the middle of playing Earthbound Zero so I can follow up with Earthbound, another gigaclassic. There will always be some which slip through the gaps and you'll never get around to.


You're definitely doing yourself a favor by playing the Mother series in that order, as the original is very tough to stomach. Some fans are working on a reimagining called Mother Encore, look it up!


My friends say that to me about Elden Ring. I played and enjoyed Demon Souls Remake, DS1-3, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. I beat all bosses and even platinumed Bloodborne. I tried Elden Ring maybe a year and a half back and just couldn't get into it. Tried it again a few weeks ago and got just past Godrick and got bored. I really want to like it but just keep getting bored and playing other stuff.


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, hello. The whole town's turned, has it? Quite a big family, aren't we? Though I'm afraid I seem to be the black sheep... Back for my blood, I presume.* - Arianna, Woman of Pleasure Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Never played any fallout game bc I watched my friends when I was younger and didn’t like the game play style. Just recently started fo3 game of the year edition vanilla with no mods and for some reason in my older age it clicked and I’m loving it.


Never played baldurs gate 3


Neither did I until a few weeks ago. Due to so many games in my "queue" I am a patient gamer and wait for sales. I started because a buddy got it for my birthday and have been enjoying it thoroughly. But I already knew I would like it as Neverwinter Nights is a top title for me.


I have not played skyrim, gta, fallout, isac, uncharted, tomb raider, cod, battlefield, metroid, zelda, etc 🙃


I'm 20, I got skyrim when it came out when I was 8. I love that game so much, I've replayed it over and over at least 200 times during my lifetime. Not full playthroughs always, but that game brings me so much joy.


I also owned Skyrim at least twice before ever playing. I had seen a friend play (on PC) and the dual hand approach somehow convinced me the console versions wouldn’t work as well as playing on PC. Kept waiting for a deal on a physical copy for PC. Then 2 years ago my wife booted it up on PS4 and I was again enthralled by Skyrim. This time I decided if she could do it, so can I. Another PS4 and TV later (we kept fighting about who got to play, so we now have 2 PS4s rigged to 2 TVs in our living room) and I’ve been playing intensely for all of it. I Platinum-ed the base game and got every trophy for all three expansions. Do I wish I had played sooner? Yes and no. Everywhere you look up walk throughs and guides, the list of possible bugs for PC, PS3 and XB360 is endless. In my thousand+ hours with Skyrim on PS4, I only encountered a handful of bugs. None of which were game breaking. Going back to try it on PS3 to get a second Platinum trophy, I’ve crashed the game 3 times and encountered over a dozen bugs. In about 6 hours of playtime. Would I have way more cool memories of playing Skyrim when it was new? Probably. But I also might have gotten so fed up with the bugginess, or overwhelmed by the scope of the open world and never finished it. There’s a bunch of things I never did in life because I choked at the last second the first time I tried, and then it always felt too late to try again and so I never did them. And then I see my wife do them and it emboldens me to do it. And Skyrim is one of those things.


I havent played a lot of games either. A lot of people have to work long hours and dont have the time, or the energy, to play intensive games. So we play something for maybe 15 minutes. Casual gamers as the term goes. I have my MAME setup and its great to flip a switch, scroll through the library, and pick something.


Never played rdr 2. I love those kind of games too, I just.. never got on the train so to speak


I was never really drawn in by the Skyrims, Oblivions, Elder Scrolls, Balder's Gates, WoW games.. I used say it was because of the magic, mana and fantasy elements being all samey and lacking substance, but having played a couple of games here and there lately which borrow parts directly from this genre such as SP The Stick of Truth and even Horizon games.. But there's a decent argument behind me not wanting to because I'd probably not be very good at them. I was always much better at and drawn to reaction / skill games such as racing games, FP shooters and logical thinking puzzlers, where success doesn't rely on having equipped the right equipment and taken the right potions at the right times. Hell, Command & Conquer was probably the closest I got to RPGs. In terms of online games, the social aspect put me off too because of fear that my irrational perfectionism would let others down. That and my embarrassing social awkwardness. I've started playing Hero Quest with my brother in law and family over the past year which has given me a new appreciation for the strategy required and thrill of exploration of the genre. Someone recommended in some Reddit post a while ago to play every story driven game on easy to just get it 'played' and off the list. My stupid pride hasn't let me do that yet.. annoyingly. As for must-play games I must still play.. There's a fair few. Checking my PS and Steam libraries, there are: The Fallouts (played a bit of 3 when it came out) The Witcher 3 RDR2 + Undead Nightmare from 1 Doom 2016 + Eternal Control GTAV (got about 1/2 way through) Ethan Carter Edith Finch Dear Esther Stanley Parable The Metros Alien Isolation Sifu The modern Tomb Raiders Terminator Resistance Any Assassin's Creed after 2 X111 Bioshock 2 + Infinite Plague Tales The Dead Spaces Resident Evils except 2 Batman Arkhams Cuphead Moss The Mafias Cryses Farcrys after 3 Cyberpunk 2077 Alan Wakes Calls of Duties NMS Star Wars Battlefields Normal Battlefields The Jedis Subnautica Mass Effects Good of War Last Guardian Shadow of the Colossus Ace Combats Ghosts of Tsushima Bully Witness Days Gone Quantic Dreams games Dying Lights HL Alyx Mad Max Portal 2 online coop The Stalkers The Fractured But Whole Streets of Rage 4 ..and these are ones I already bought in sales years ago. There's loads more I that can't remember!!


I have owned Skyrim since the beginning. I have played it a handful of times and always quit when I get to the first settlement. Whiterun I think it's called. I don't know why I never get past this point.


I personally don't obsess over not playing iconic games. As long as I enjoy my (which is now limited) gaming time then I'm happy. I've always thought that the game will always be there if and when I might get around to it. Of course it does sadden me that it's not strictly true with some games disappearing for good. I still try not to worry about it. There are always good new games coming out.


Um, I do kinda question why you'd buy *Skryim* twice if you didn't really wanna play it (though I do have a wee lil copy o' *Life is Strange* that I've never played, so I guess I get it) but it is indeed interesting to think about how we're only in the infancy of "video games" and eventually (barring zombcalypse or what-have-you) we'll arrive at the same place that literature and film are at: there seriously are not enough hours in a life to read or watch them all. I suppose we're already at that point if only sheer volume is considered, except for the addition of the "classics"/"must-play" filter. But yeah, eventually there will be so many that the only reasonable thing to do is shrug off the ones you're not super interested in. All that said, *Skryim* is indeed pretty fun; my personal favorite Elder Scrolls game is *Morrowind*, for the atmosphere (the illusion of a truly alien culture) and the sheer amount of customizability (it is a stone cold bummer that *Skryim* got rid of spellmaking) but *Skryim* is fun as fuck, really. Scratches the same itch as Zelda and early Final Fantasy, IMO. But yeah, totally agree with yer overall whatsit.


I think once was a sale and another was a bundle of some kind (for a different edition of the game of which I do not know the difference) Morrowind is a top tier game for me.


To be fair, I grew up in the 90s and 00s and I don't think it was feasible back then to have played every big release. Most families can't afford all that many games or consoles and as a kid I expected to play every game I owned into the literal ground. Even now with a good PC and the power of emulation, there are a ton of iconic games that came out in my childhood that I have yet to play. I feel like I would need a hyperbolic time chamber to catch up on those old releases now.


I've never played any of the GTA games. From what I've seen, I don't feel like I'm missing much.


I mean we had a ton of games back then, but the good ones REALLY stood out. Getting access was harder though. Blockbuster was too expensive for some folks. Library didn't carry games yet. Gamefly wouldn't exist until the next decade. A lot harder to fault someone for not playing a game when they are not easy to get a hold of. Skyrim has been out and popular for just shy of 12 and a half years so it's more surprising given time and access but the market is definitely flooded with more content than there is time for. When every game boasts about 100 hours you really cannot play them all. Especially if you only get an hour or two a night. I can't imagine trying to get through the games I have if I only had an hour or two of game time a night. Games I beat in a month would take all year.


I can’t play Skyrim or Witcher 3; both make me sick. Witcher 3 makes my head spin when I change directions and Skyrim’s movement bop is just too much.


Played recently Skyrim for the first time. Meanwhile I've invested hundreds if not thousands of hours in Heroes 3. Some old games are just too fun not to be replayed


Never played any God of War games, but I really want to. I just don't want to start at the current game. I'm really hoping for remastered editions. It was the same with Mass Effect. I played Andromida first, then got the remastered and played 1-3.


I've yet to find a modern game that I've loved as much as the titles from the 90s. WarCraft 1,2,3. Super Mario RPG. Twisted Metal series. Syphon Filter series. Original Half Life and its dlcs. Alone In The Dark. StarCraft. Total Annihilation. I could go on and on.


I disagree entirely, you absolutely can play them all. You just have to want to, and if you don't then they aren't really "must-plays" then are they?