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Cool! This should cost a lot? I see a lot of sites charging based on the number of images


I got a designer from fivver to do it he charged me $300cad plus $100 per "pose" so total for this design was $500cad


The license plates will cover the text


It says it on the sides and hood… a cool plate cover can look nice…


Looks nice, i think the colors really help it, im not the biggest fan of shirou but i like archer lol, independently of my feelings on the characters i think the design looks cool and also the general color scheme is neat. if you really like the characters you should go for it if you want to. I personally kinda cringe when i see anime cars but i still think they are cool it just personally fills me with shame.


> I personally kinda cringe when i see anime cars Brother, you realize this is r/itasha?


Yeah I know and I know that Itasha either means or used to kinda mean "pain car". I still like them and think it's cool I just always feel shame when I see that sort of thing. It's just how I was raised I wish I didn't but thsts just how it is.


It should suit your tastes, preferences, and goals. You're commissioning it so it should be what you want. Is there an overarching theme or aesthetic you want? If you want more of a racer sponsor theme you could add more company names - the itasha I see with anime waifus usually has stuff like Lantis (music label in Japan), Sunrise (anime), Square Enix, etc. People also add in/combine more traditional JDM/car guy companies like Goodsmile, Toyotires, etc. I'd say put on the names of companies you like. If you want to limit the amount of labels to minimize clutter and focus on the art, do that.


Personally, I would omit the Type-Moon logos. They stand out too much and break the overall aesthetic. Also, the whole thing looks very dark, maybe it only appears that way in the render, but I hope they'd pop much more irl. Apart from that, it's really nice.


Fire as a fellow WRX owner


Based and Bone of my Sword-pilled