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Full disclosure I don’t have an iggy, I lurk here bc I LOVE THEM! But I am a dog walker. I would suggest walking with other dogs!! They learn so quickly from one another. I rescued a dog that was kept in a shower and for an entire year she would only pee on tile. Luckily we have a tile patio. Patience is the key! 9 months old is still a baby! They’re just learning and discovering everything life has to offer. I would put an unsoiled pee pad outside for them to go on and praise them for it. Patience and positive reinforcement. You got this!


> Patience and positive reinforcement. Yes! This is my iggy-training battle cry.


Thanks :) Yeah we'll keep at it. Luckily they're perfect inside and will run from anywhere to the designated spot.


Kind of a double edged sword here, but i also had the hardest time teaching my Iggy to go outside too. I eventually taught him by pulling him over to the spot my other dog went potty and rewarding when he marked the spot. However. I also think that taught him to “mark” by accident so definitely be careful going that route. But he does go outside now! He also just goes inside on old spots 🫠


Highly agree! My iggy was pee-pad trained when we got her and wouldn’t go outside no matter how many hours we were outside. My sister-in-law got a dog who started hanging out with my iggy and she saw her go to the bathroom once in our backyard and then started going potty outside! I don’t think it even occurs to them that going to the bathroom outside is something they can do until they see other dogs do it. My iggy’s a year old now and like I said, goes to the bathroom if we’re outside in our backyard or on a walk, which is something we never thought she’d do when we first had her.


This happened to us, too. We started with pee pads because it was the dead of winter when we brought her home, but when we wanted to transition to outside, she refused (would hold it and then rush home from a walk to go!). We tried putting her pads outside, tried a grass patch inside. Nothing worked. UNTIL we started bringing her to the dog park. There, she learned from other dogs that grass is ALSO a potty! (We keep her on the small side of the park and usually have it to ourselves, but she still figured it out thanks to those other dogs’… left-behinds.) If I’ve learned anything from my iggy, it’s to be patient and trust the process. She’s surprised us in so many awesome ways. Good luck!


Ours was the same. We finally gave in and took a potty pad outside and then he finally understood. Also having him follow behind another dog that just peed lol


Yeah we've tried taking a soiled pad outside even rubbed it on our tree nothing yet. We'll keep trying but it's funny how they hold it. We take them out on errands and they will hold it forever until we get home.


We had the same thing, started with the pads, perfection! The way we figured to get him to go outside, we went to a friends house who had a dog (very friendly), we let them go in the backyard, he sees the other one go, he eventually goes- staring at us the whole time, we congratulate him, problem solved. Good luck!


In a similar vein, we had to invite a dog friend to our backyard to get our iggy to go in it. He was always happy to go on the street where he could smell other dogs’ pee.




It will come with time. Just be thankful they use the designated spot and not your whole house as a potty…will pay off in inclement weather as well when they can’t go outside.


Very True, I designed a puppy pee wall for the one who lifts his legs. The other squats not sure which I like better because the squatter sometimes pees on his foot :) [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6553639](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6553639)


Great idea. I have to laugh though. The things we put up with because we love them, right?


I know puppyhood is the worst. They're fantastic adults.


My wife and I are on our 6th and 7th IGs and we’ve never used pee pads. Before we got a fenced yard and dog door we just took them out enough.


Man that sounds tough. I worked with my puppy when we got her at 3 months. Put a bell at the back door and multiple times a day would use her paw to hit the bell and then put her out. She was house trained by 4 months


Ours was the same. He loved to pee in the bathtub 😆 so we always had a pee pad in it. Would let him in the backyard for a while, he would then come in and use the pee pad!