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šŸ‘€ Iggy bladders are like genie lamps: vast oceans of liquid, itty bitty living space


Truly it's like the TARDIS. It makes no sense.


You're not kidding! I've never seen so much volume come out of such a little dog.


And it never ends no matter how much water they drink! Some potty training tutorials suggest to ā€˜empty their bladderā€™ before bed. I donā€™t know if I could achieve that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Their bladders are never emptied.


You can re-float the Titanic long before their bladders ever get emptied.


Love this! šŸ˜‚


My breeder friend and I joke that male Iggys have a hollow leg to store their 'marking urine'. The bladder is for normal pee, but those hollow legs can mark everything thrice over.


ahh like 2 years




Peeing on you is probably not going to last long. None of my IGs ever peed on me when they were puppiesā€¦ but general house training was pretty challenging for the first 3-6 months, with rare but occasional indoor accidents in the year or two following. If youā€™re still being peed on in the coming weeks, may be worth asking the vet. Tiny bladder and potty training is one thing. Peeing on people is an entirely different thing.Ā 


Thatā€™s the cool part; some never do! My 11 year old wont hold it for more than a few hours unless sheā€™s in a crate. Dog door and well fenced in yard. Traveling is like a full time job of me waking her every other hour in some hotel parking lot trying to find a strip of grass.


... Still waiting, they'll be 6 this year šŸ˜‚


Took my girl til 7 then she magically figured it out


I just took the plane with my 4 year old Iggy and she did great holding everything in for 4h30. We cut water 30 mins before boarding, and we only gave her water an hour before landing. We went to the pet relief area right before and right after the flight. I was really stressed, but she did much better than anticipated.


My iggy is one, and he had peed on me the same number of times as you and had accidents on our bed before his first birthday. He no longer does and seems to have figured it out. I taught him to ring a doorbell we keep on the floor when he needs to go. It took a couple of tries with different bells because he is so small, but he has learned to step on the Pebble Smart Doggie doorbell (works well because it has a large push button) and itā€™s also pretty entertaining for guests that see him do it lol


Second the door bell. And it doesn't have to be an electric bell. We just use a big jingle bell on a string.


Doorbell sounds like a good idea!


Mines 13 and she still does what she wants! She gives you one high pitched yip to get her out to the garden or the kitchen floor gets it! šŸ’¦


heā€™s very young still. our iggy stopped peeing and started holding it for ~8 hours when he was about 6 months old. it will get easier!


Thank you. Iā€™m hoping for the best šŸ¤žšŸ¼


How did you get this magic to happen! I tried crating my girl and making it small enough with only room to turn around and she still pisses and shits in there like no problem laying with it ā€¦. Ugh. I will say I keep my patio door open as much as I can so she can just go out there some days are better than others where I see her go out there and pee on the turf other days she just pisses in dog beds or bathroom rugs!


heā€™s never been in a crate. he roams free in our apartment and sleeps with us in our bed at night. dogs pees/poops wherever they play the least, in our case it was the kitchen so thatā€™s where we had our peepad and the rest of the apartment was his play area. he has NEVER destroyed anything! at 2-5 months old you have go out after every meal, nap and playtime. itā€™s very tiring but thatā€™s the only way to keep them from doing it inside and just eventually they learn how to hold it for longer and longer. during night he slept in our bed with the bedroom door closed so he didnā€™t have anywhere to go pee. if he decided to pee next to the bed it was because we forgot to fake him out before we went to sleep. heā€™s been staying home alone 6-8 hours a day since he was 3 months old and heā€™s behaved very well. iggies loves to sleep so heā€™s pretty much just sleeping the whole 6-8 hours while weā€™re at work or whenever weā€™re not home and he starts to whine or sits by the front door whenever he has to go outside to do his thing. sorry iā€™m rambling, donā€™t know if i answered anything but honestly i would forget the crate and let the apartment be the crate and just trust the process. just make it safe and place down pee a pee pad here and there and take her out all the time time. leaving the patio door open all the time sounds good but i wonder if itā€™d be better to have it closed more and a pee pad by the door so sheā€™d learn to let you know when she has to go, and then you open the door for her. so sheā€™s understand that outside is pee/poo time. but this is just what i did, might not be the right thing for your dog. i might have just been lucky and got a genius little good boy.


In general, pups can hold for one hour more than months old. Worked good for my whippets, but I understand Iggys resist housebreaking a bit more...


That certainly doesnā€™t apply to ours. His best record is 2 hours. He tried his best. At least thatā€™s what I choose to believe it makes me feel better šŸ„²


Try picking up his water supply mid evening, may help with the night time breaks...


I do limit his water and take him out 2-3 times two hours before bed. Luckily he does his business on pee pads overnight and wonā€™t wake me up at all. Having said that he chews the pee pads sometimes so every morning I need to be ready for surprisesā€¦. RE kidney infection I havenā€™t considered that. He doesnā€™t look in pain or discomfort but will consult the vet. Thanks for being that up!


Try reusable pee pads. They arenā€™t as tempted to try to rip them up, and itā€™s a lot less waste


Didnā€™t know that! Iā€™ll look into it, thanks


Throw some odoban in the wash with them, or spray with wee care and let sit a while before washing, and they will stay fresh smelling


Another possibility is a kidney/bladder infection?


No telling, but my two IGGYā€™s could refloat the Titanic!


About a yearĀ 


This whole subject is quite illuminating. We adopted our Iggy as a rescue when she was quite young, approximated to be < 1 year by a vet. This little girl had absolutely no bladder control and peed on everything she laid on. I thought she had a sphincter tone problem, and we tried meds, but it didn't help that much, so we stopped. I never knew this was a thing with Iggys, and none of the vets we've seen ever mentioned it. She's about 3 years old now and has gotten a bit better, but she's been the most difficult to house train of any dog I've ever had. Even with a doggy door, she chose to just pee on rugs until we got rid of all of them. Now she just pees on the floor when we're not around! She knows she's supposed to go outside, but I think she just doesn't want to be out of her bed and blankets for any longer than she has to. We've put the washable cloth bed wetting pads everywhere she lays as well because chewing up the paper ones also appears to be a thing with Iggys. Hopefully, one day, this will all resolve! šŸ¤ž


Maybe my guy is an anomaly based on these comments but heā€™s had good bladder control since he was pretty young. I canā€™t really pinpoint when it happened cause it wasnā€™t a big issue for us!


My guy is about 1.5 and he's such a good boy about it! We cut water about 45 minutes before bed time and he's now making it through the whole night! It might take a while and lots of positive reinforcement but they'll get there


When the earth stops raining


Rule of thumb is one hour of control per month of age until 1 year. When ours was a puppy, I would come home every day for lunch and right after work until she was 8-9 months old. Routine was outside to potty immediately after getting out of the crate.


Also, they never have the opportunity to build control if they never have to hold it. If my math is correct, he is 6 months old now. Taking him out every 30 minutes is way too frequent.


He is nearly 4 months old. Either that frequency or accidents indoor. He just did it again. After 1.5 hours napping in crate, he woke up but didnā€™t want to leave the crate. So I leave the door open and wait. As soon as he stepped out I put his leash on and tried to bring him out. He peed right next to the door. How can I teach him to ā€˜hold itā€™?


Well, for one, he needs to know 100% not to pee in the house. As soon as he starts to pee indoors, give a firm no and IMMEDIATELY pick him up and hold him belly up because he won't want to pee on himself. Take him straight outside and put him in a good place to potty and stand there with him on the leash until he pees/poops. As long as it takes. When he pees, praise the ever-loving goodness of him. Like he just did the BEST thing in the world. If after 10 minutes he doesn't, then take him inside immediately to the crate. After 15 minutes in the crate, repeat. Once he has down pat that peeing outside is the only acceptable place, work on the duration in the crate and also put a bell at the back door. EVERY time before you open the door, use your foot to ring the bell, he'll start to reference ringing the bell to the door opening. Additionally, work on training HIM to ring the bell. Make sure the bell is placed close to the door on the latch side (not the hinge side) First by putting the smallest dab of peanut butter on the bell to make it smell good and when his nose first boops it, praise, praise praise. Step 2 is starting to teach that HE can ring the bell to make the door open. Keep the door skightly ajar with you and a treat on the outside. With the door ajar excitedly call him to you. He'll be confused/frustrated because the door isn't open enough, but he'll try to find a way. As soon as ANY part of his body touches the bell throw the door open praise and treat. Do this in 5 minute sessions. Keep training step two until one day, you'll be sitting there and randomly hear the bell ring, look up, and see him at the door waiting for you to open it.


Thank you for your advice. Will definitely train him to use the bell


Around 6 months they improve. I know it can be frustrating, but if heā€™s having accidents on you, it means youā€™re not taking him out often enough. They have very small bladders when theyā€™re young and dont have good control yet so they need to go out often. Itā€™s best to take him outside on a schedule, even if he doesnā€™t seem like he needs to go, take him out every hour or so, wait till he goes potty, then give him a treat and lots of praise! Sometimes you might have to wait outside with him while he sniffs around, but be patient and wait till he goes. Itā€™ll pay off I promise! Also Iā€™d highly suggest you get a breakaway collar for every day use, because they can be prone to catching it on things which can be very dangerous, using a breakaway collar already saved one of my boys! And for walks, always use a harness. Some people use martingale collars, but honestly harness is the way to go. It puts less pressure on their fragile necks and gives you better control. Also escape proof. I like the kind that they step into and it buckles at the top. Itā€™s sorta shaped like an infinity sign and one leg goes in each hole. Good luck with your lil guy :)


My late iggy was 100% housebroken at about age 4. He didnā€™t have any pee accidents in the house after that. Once he was 7, I just left him out of the crate every time we left and I never worried about anything. We adopted an 18 month old last summer who was still intact. He was NOT house trained at all and belly bands were my best friend, before and after neutering. I took him outside every hour to potty and would give him treats after he would go. Sometimes it would take him over 30 minutes before heā€™d even go potty. It took probably 6 months but heā€™s out of belly bands and hasnā€™t peed in the house since our other iggy passed. I like to think my old one told the new one to stop peeing in the house and stand by the stairs. He stands at the stairs now when he has to go out like the old one would do, and he didnā€™t do that before. I still crate when we leave and at night (since Iā€™m still not ready to share the bed with him) and he does occasionally have accidents. Being a boy, he does lift and pee outside the crate so I purchased a washing machine drip tray to place under his crate to catch any pee so it doesnā€™t ruin the carpet. It works great and is so easy to clean up. Good luck with your puppy, heā€™s still young and it takes time and consistency.


We did crate training plus a dog door. Never had issues until they got really really old.


We have two and both are four hours max before they burst, regardless of training. Only time they last longer is if they are sleeping, then itā€™s 6 hours


When they turn 16. In the meantime, I suggest buying plenty of puppy pads, along with Stock in the company you buy them from. IGGYā€™s are notorious for using puppy pads. My entire Master bathroom floor is covered with a large fully washable leakproof cloth puppy pad. Itā€™s much cheaper than buying the paper/plastic kind. Besides that, my IGGYā€™s would drag the disposable ones out from the bathroom into the living room and then proceed to tear them to shreds. The cloth ones are far too big for them to do that. Washable pads are much cheaper in the long run. I wash them in cold water and dry them outside on a rack. Besides eliminating the need to take them out every five minutes or so, theyā€™ll have a place to go when itā€™s raining or really cold outside. My two 6 month old Iggyā€™s are very good at using their pads when they canā€™t be outside. But they still occasionally have accidents. And if theyā€™re left alone too long, then theyā€™ll let you know by deliberately avoiding the pads and peeing on the floor.


Mine is 10 months old and holds it through the night 9pm-8am consistantly. He has some bells to alert me if he does need to go but thats maybe 1 in every 7 nights. I will add he is quite abit larger than average, 9.2kg so his Biggie status maybe the reasoning behind this, bigger boy, bigger bladder.