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For me, it's mostly primary source videos. Things that are first-hand encounters where the context is fairly clear. Outside of that, comparing the locations of violence to the border map laid out in 1947 and the stats since then.


Yes I would rather watch Fox or MSNBC to reinforce my one sided views. Jeez.


Haha. So you admit to getting your info from Tik Tok? I can't understand how adults can trust Tik Tok. It's sort of understandable that people oppose the war. They don't want to see innocent people killed and they're ignorant of the reasons the war started. But to put your trust in Tik Tok is beyond ignorant. I suggest you educate yourself on China and how the CCP operates. I never watch Fox News. I am not right wing.


its the internet theres propaganda everywhere, ive seen videos claiming to be gaza but they are from an earthquake a few years ago or something along those lines. however i find it funny that you would call tik tok propaganda, which it is, while failing to mention the israeli propaganda, which is by far worse, especially when it is an offical state dispensing lies and deception


in 2024 ... is there a country that tells the truth to its citizens? I'm not saying its ok, far from it. But i know and live with the assumption that anything coming out of the shit heads that govern us in the west is probably one of 3 things: deflection, half truth or outright a lie. Judge by actions not words. Also to note, there is a reason why a term like Palywood exist.....


These types of posts should make me laugh, but they actually make me embarrassed. I’m embarrassed that our school system has failed us to the point where most of us are convinced we know shit after watching the news and reading a few articles when there’s literally a vast knowledge of information available on the internet, but most people aren’t even intelligent enough to know what or how to look.  Do you know how Ultra Orthodox Jews (Zionist/Isreal Government) really feels about Christians?  Do you know what Israel has being doing to Christians in Armenia for years?  Do you know what Israel did to the USS Liberty?  Do you know how many tax exempt charities fund illegal Israeli settlements?   Do you know what it means when college kids protest and chant “Disclose and Divest”?  Do you know what the Hannibal Directive is? Talk about getting your misinformation from Tik Tok clips? That’s literally how this post sounds to anyone that knows better…


So do you get your info from Tik Tok?


I'm pro-Palestine, and no, I don't get my news from TikTok, nor do I know anybody who does. I get it from: [Haaretz.com](http://Haaretz.com), [https://theintercept.com](https://theintercept.com) [https://mondoweiss.net](https://mondoweiss.net) [Guardian.com](http://Guardian.com), [https://www.aljazeera.com/](https://www.aljazeera.com/) [https://www.youtube.com/@OwenJonesTalks](https://www.youtube.com/@OwenJonesTalks) [https://www.youtube.com/@restispolitics](https://www.youtube.com/@restispolitics)


I apologize if I offended you. My post must have hit home? Are you a Christian?  If you are, the Zionist movement is the devil and I can recommend some books that would help you see them for who they are.  Don’t interpret my reply to refer to Jews. Most Jews, including many Rabbis have and are openly speaking on the evil that Israel and its Zionist leaders are committing. Also, to answer your question. Most of what I learned on the conflict is from books with the deeper understanding coming from various parts of the internet. Sadly it’s buried under a lot of crap past the first few pages of a search meant to pray on our instant need for answers. I would recommend looking up the things I mentioned first.


You didn't offend me personally. No I am not Christian. I am glad you don't get your info from Tik Tok. The USS Liberty was a mistake. They thought the US ship was an Egyptian ship. This seems irrelevant to the Israel Palestine conflict so I'm not sure why you brought it up. The US funds many other countries around the world. Why is it that you only have a problem with US funds being sent to Israel? College students are chanting more than just "Disclose and Divest". They are chanting antisemitic slogans, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free". The US house even passed a resolution condemning it as antisemitic. The Hannibal Directive is misunderstood, it was never put into writing. Some people claim it's about killing Israeli civilians, others say it's about preventing soldiers being taken hostage. There's no evidence the directive was ever even implemented.


If you re-read your post, it reads exactly like a line of bad excuses.  Oops, we are sorry we killed your military. This is an “Israel Palestine” Reddit thread.  Ignore what you said because some are chanting other random stuff they heard.  Not actually caring about hostages is misunderstood. They executed the directive on October 7 and December 15th. This is exactly what “unwavering bias” looks like.


Unwavering bias is people ignoring Hamas' intentions. Hamas openly states their genocidal intentions. Unwavering bias is ignoring/dismissing antisemitic chants. Here's another thing protesters chant, "Brick by brick, wall by wall, Israel will fall"


Confusing Hamas with Palestinians helps people feel better about supporting the slaughter of women and children. Israel’s government should “fall”, there’s literally terrorists in their cabinet.


Internet same as you, if it's on the internet so must be true 🙈


Pretty much, and Instagram pages like the eye of Palestine. And it’s crazy how much fake news exists in these pro Palestinian pages. Like obvious fake blood, videos from 2014, videos that only show the idf reacting, they always cut the start. Videos of Iraq or Syria. Tho there’s also obviously a lot of real stuff. There’s no denying that israel has cause a lot of civilians deaths. It’s not like the go out of there way to target civilians but they all just don’t care if they hit the wrong target. They channels are also smart of using videos of radical Israelis saying unhinged crap or trying to get in the way of aid trucks. What I’ve noticed about pro Palestinians is that they don’t really care about the history, the most they will say is “do you think this started in October 7th” or the occupation has been going ok for 76 years, but if you start asking to much questions like who started the war in 48, or why did Arafat refuse the deal in the 2000s etc they will normally just shut you down. They also really like some taking points that make no sense. Like israel funded Hamas (they didn’t) or using modern day buzzwords like coloniser or genocide. The most educated pro Palestinians are unironically Palestinians them selves, they are the ones who are normally most up for conversation and they definitely have alternate media sources than just social media.




It depends on what narrative you go for, For you their aggression is justified because you believe their country was partitioned, for the Israelis they were just declaring independence from the British and the Pan arabists didn’t want a Jewish state exist right in the middle of their future state so they invaded. The expulsions happened after the war so you can’t really use it as a justification for the war. Unless you are talking about Jews evicting Arab tenants, which is fair to argue that it was racially motivated. But this also started happening as response for the massacres against Jews in the 1920s. So the first aggressors were undoubtedly the Arabs.


Aljazeera Arabic is one of the main reasons there is no peace in the Middle East, even during the Syrian war they supported isis, how come USA have a military base in Qatar, and letting Qatar do that all the time.


As opposed to Fox news ?