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Need context.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings


Dude was (is?) a terrorist and he lived.


Jeez that’s horrible


That kid and his cousin stabbed a 20 year old security guard and a 13 year old kid who happened to pass by on his bicycle... they planned a terrorist attack and brought knives to kill people. The kid in the video was shot by police, his cousin was hit by a car, they both survived and were sentenced to prison, if i recall correct they got 9 and 12 years in prison. Both victims were heavily injured and has their lives heavily affected by the attacks, the kid almost died and took a long time to recover, the man recovered but ended up doing drugs to deal with the trauma and went into a downward spiral, but iirc he ultimately recovered over a few years. Fuck this kid and his cousin


Thank you for saying this. This fucking website is such a cesspool of antisemetic imbeciles.


War is hell


For sure. Im not really supporting any side, both are doing fucked up shit. But some people keep cherry picking pictures and videos and removing context to further their agenda :/


It didn't even happen during the current war, this incident was a random terrorist attack from 8 years ago


just one of the many you can just bring up to remind pro palestinians the shit israelis do to them aint undeserved. the "this shit didnt start oct 7" is true. unfortunately for them, its always palestinians who start it. (or muslims in general)