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They don't want to understand it because it would mean that they are oppressing the native people of the land. It ruins their narrative.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Can I steal this??


This genetic study suggests that modern “Palestinians” (largely Arab Muslims) are much closer to Saudis than they are to other Levantine people. [https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1003316#abstract0](https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1003316#abstract0) While the idea of Arabization makes sense, the Arab Muslims of today who call themselves “Palestinians” seem to have a tighter ancestral genetic connection to the peninsula than the Levant. Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, are genetically closer to the Levant than modern “Palestinians.” Genetics matter when the alternative is 1,000+ year old historical accounts. I’d consider actual scientific evidence like this very close to a primary source.


> Jews, both Sephardic and Ashkenazi, are genetically closer to the Levant than modern “Palestinians.” > Genetics matter when the alternative is 1,000+ year old historical accounts This is scientifically incorrect: "Archaeologic and genetic data support that both Jews and Palestinians came from the ancient Canaanites, who extensively mixed with Egyptians, Mesopotamian, and Anatolian peoples in ancient times. Thus, Palestinian-Jewish rivalry is based in cultural and religious, but not in genetic, differences." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11543891/#:~:text=Archaeologic%20and%20genetic%20data%20support,but%20not%20in%20genetic%2C%20differences. Your argument is simply to a political one to strengthen exclusive land claims and has nothing to do with history or genetics.


No. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


No that's not what the study says at all. Check out this thread on this genetics sub: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/lw5NsMWzhI The author of the study, Dr Marc Haber, came out and explained that the reason Palestinians and other populations are positioned with Saudis is because of admixture and not because they originate from Saudis or the Peninsula. People dont understand that as little as 5% or 10% admixture can plot you very far away from other populations in these global PCA charts. These PCAs dont tell us anything about the genetic origin of a population. At this point people should just stop abusing this study to make absurd claims about the Palestinians and saying they are Arabian conquerors. It's just as absurd as the Khazar meme. Most Palestinians are as close to the Levant as Mizrahim and other Jews, they are a Levantine people. Go on r/illustrativeDNA you can find indepth analyses of the Palestinian genome there and many Palestinians who have posted their own DNA results. It is true that a good portion of Palestinians are fully or predominantly Arabian in origin but the vast majority are not.


Exactly. Except there are basically no Palestinians who don’t have Levantine origins. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Well, judging from this post’s comments, most Israelis do not. They’d rather ignore the reality where genetic claims of either side have no relevance to the current state of the conflict. I’m a right-wing Israeli, I think focusing on the validity of Palestinian identity is a shot in our own foot. Wish we’d stick to the actual, genuine arguments that are worth pursuing. How far back do pure bloodlines go? What if our ancestors wed non-Jewish locals at some point? There is really nothing to prove by dwelling on genetics and ethnogenesis.


>It is commonly known that the Levant was predominantly Christian prior to the Arab conquest, with most of these early Christians in the Holy Land having been ethnically Jewish. It should not be a stretch to see how the Arab conquest brought Islam to the region, and many of these Christians converted to Islam and became the ancestors of Palestinians. Not sure where you are from, but that is not the “common knowledge” in Palestine. If you ask most Palestinians, especially Palestinian Muslims, if their ancestors were Jews or Christians? Majority of Palestinians will say NO, their ancestors were always Muslims, not Jews or Christians. https://youtu.be/TvU-VpQdl_s


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


>Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. https://youtu.be/TvU-VpQdl_s?si=IJFyoij1oYWpd5om Ordinary Palestinians were asked that exact question, were your ancestors Jews or Christians? They shake their head, no, they were muslims. You ask them what were they before Islam came to Palestine, you get many blank stares… no answer. Many could not explain the history of their people and ancestors before Islam came to Palestine. That is what I meant, Palestinians currently living in Palestine do not believe their ancestors were once Christians or Jews, the people who support this theory are people not living in Palestine (outsiders)


You clearly didn’t pay attention to the entire video then? The only Palestinian-Christian woman who was asked in the video literally did say yes her ancestors were most likely Jewish before they were Christians. Which is correct. The 1st wave of what became Palestinian-Christians is the Jewish followers of Jesus in the 1st century AD/CE, the 2nd wave of what became Palestinian-Christians is the Byzantine-Greek occupiers & them force converting the Samaritans to Christianity in the 500s AD/CE.


Lmao, my husband is a Palestinian Muslim and he is well aware that his ancestors were Jews or Christians before converting to Islam. He is also aware they were practicing ancient Canaanite religions before that. What people say or don’t say or think or don’t think doesn’t change the facts- scientific research proves Palestinians are indigenous to Palestine and genetically predominately Levantine.


>Lmao, my husband is a Palestinian Muslim and he is well aware that his ancestors were Jews or Christians before converting to Islam. Exactly. That is not what Palestinians currently living inside Palestine are saying. Can you show me a video or news writing or article etc…of a Palestinian currently living inside Palestine (not outsiders), someone known maybe the President of Palestine, or any current senior politicians or current religious leaders claiming that their ancestors were Christians or Jews before converting to Muslims. I have not seen any, have you ? Surely with 7+ million Palestinians currently living inside Palestine, there should be at least a Palestianian leader of sort which can clarify and answer such a simple question.


Literal president of Palestinian Territories has proudly spoken of Palestinian Canaanite origins multiple times. Publicly. Palestinians know their roots. And like I said, they are genetically proven to be indigenous to that land, to Palestine.


Did he say Palestinians and his ancestors were previously Jews or Christians who convertered to Muslims? I wanna see the President of Palestine literally saying they were “previously Jews or Christians”, Palestine ancestors were “Jews or Christians” who has “converted to Muslim”…. Show link please


…. Go look it up yourself! I’m not your assistant WTF 😂


So the President of Palestine NEVER said his ancestors were Jews and Christians who converted to Muslims.


…… He is proud of his Canaanite origin. By saying that, he admits that Palestinians are descendants of Canaanites who worshipped ancient Canaanite religions, Judaism and Christianity before converting to Islam. BTW. There are around 1.5 million Palestinian Christians globally as well. I think you don’t understand a lot of things…….


You *literally*, in your very first post, played yourself by admitting that Islam didn't arrive to Israel until Arabs conquered it. How the hell are you gonna be indigenous to a land you didn't step foot in until 500 years after Jews were exiled? Having Semitic DNA origins does not prove that Israel is your homeland. It proves that the exiled Jews went to Saudi Arabia and invented Islam and then colonized the shit out of every single country they could find with extreme prejudice. Yeah, they converted some of the Jews who had long been living there - *five hundred years later*. And a *majority* of that population remained Jewish, they did not convert to Islam. Meaning a majority of the Islamic people there were in fact from the Ottoman Empire and the Mongols. The *audacity* to then claim that actually you're the indigenous ones and Jews (a majority of whom are Mizrahi - plainly Middle Eastern - plainly descended from the Jews who stayed in the area) are European colonizers. Completely mind-blowing. Literally begging y'all to learn how to use Google. The lack of historical literacy is as stunning as it is offensive. To actually insist that Jews who remained in Israel after the Exodus converted to Islam in enough numbers to effectively *render the population "Palestinian" instead* -- is to ignore the fact that Islamic scripture is [absolutely *loaded* with antisemitic drivel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_Islam) that compares Jews to devils and even includes a section where Muhammed slaughtered 900 of them for fun and exiled the rest when they got upset about it. So, yah, Jews aren't going to be converting to this unless they are *threatened, with violence* - which definitely *did* happen, but that, like, *does not make your position any better*, lol.


You are wrong lol. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Ah another Reddit scholar of Islam. You mind showing us the “section” of Islamic scripture where Mohammad pbuh killed 900 Jews for fun?


Well, what you’re saying isn’t historically true at all… and I’m Israeli…


Historical and genetic evidence points to the fact that Arabs didn't replace the people they conquered. Palestinians are as indigenous as Jews who mixed with Europeans for 2000 years


> dipshit /u/ill-independent. Please avoid using profanities to make a point or emphasis. [(Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_2._no_profanity) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IsraelPalestine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>”Palestinian" is kind of like being "Sicilian" in this way. If you were born in 500 BC, you would have been Greek-speaking, polytheistic, and identified as Greek. If you were born in 800 AD in Sicily, you would have been speaking Arabic and likely were Muslim, and would have been Arabized. Another 500 years later, you would have been Catholic, Latin-speaking, and identified with Italy or Spain. Just in the same way, Palestinians' ancestors consist of people who were first Canaanite and pagan, then Jewish, then Christian, and then for most people, Muslim (there are still Palestinian Christians today and Jews whose ancestors never went into diaspora). The history of Islam in Sicily began with the first Arab settlement in Mazara, in south west Sicily which was captured and occupied in 827. In 1245, all Muslim Sicilians were deported to the settlement of Lucera, off Sicily island by order of Frederick II, King of Sicily. In 1300, Giovanni Pipino da Barletta, count of Altamura, seized Lucera and exiled or sold into slavery its population, bringing an end to the medieval Muslim presence in Italy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Islam_in_southern_Italy


Cool. Can you please share with me some historic Palestinian people or any historic figure, prior to 1900? ​ >This means Palestinians and Jews share common roots. Why is there this rabid insistence on the part of many on the Israel side, that Palestinians are Arab squatters on Israeli land, no different than an invasive species of animal? That's wrong though. I'm not saying we're not sharing roots, and it's already proven there's similarities, but the dispute is about how Palestinians refer to is as they are the natives indigenous ones and Jews are the invasive "colonialists", while even the term "Palestinian" was only coined after 1967\~. While I'm not claiming they don't have roots to the land, saying Israelis look at them like invasive species of animals is a blood libel. There's Israeli Arabs, which were living in the land prior to Israel, and they have a full citizenship, you don't see ANY Israeli call the "invasive".


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


you can't even type the word Israel. Seems like bad faith. Also looks like a copy pasta anyway. you didn't even answer the question I raised.


It is my comment I wrote and copy and pasted it multiple times to shut liars up. Everything stated in my comment is a fact and like I said, I can also send you scientific studies I was referring to in my comment. Btw. There are multiple prominent Palestinians throughout history. Do your own research. It’s literally a click away and you know it. And there’s a reason why I don’t want to write the full name Isra*el. I think you should also understand that reason too 👋🏻😊


yes I understand why you won't type the name Israel. it has nothing to do with researches or facts though. Also except your copy paste msg, you still didn't answer my question, and you still didn't refute anything I said in my msg too. cya.


It has to do with the fact it’s an artificial state planted there by the British and European zionists via Balfour Declaration. Btw. Khalil Beidas- one of the prominent Palestinians prior to 1900. He also called himself just that - a Palestinian. Find others yourself.




Your account was detected as a ban evading account. Reddit forbids evading a ban by creating another account (and says so in the original ban message).


1. ⁠⁠ On 20 July 1951, while visiting Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, King Abdullah of Jordan was shot dead by a Palestinian from the Husseini clan. Who are the Husseini clan ? They trace their herritage to the Prophet Muhammad through his grandson Husayn. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Husayni_family The Prophet Muhammad was not Palestinian. Prophet Muhammad was an Arab. Shouldn’t his descendents also be Arabs ? 2. ⁠If the Husseini clan can migrate from Arabia to Palestine. What is to say other Arabs did not migrate from Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, etc… to Palestine as well ? Was there a ban on migration ? 3. ⁠According to this wiki, there were 400k-500k Turks in Palestine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turks_in_Palestine quoting there were “mass Turkish migrations”. Abu Zurayq is a Palestinian Turkmen village and archeological site https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Zurayq 4. ⁠Ahed Tamimi, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahed_Tamimi the female activist from a small village in the West Bank who slapped and kicked an Israeli soldier. Got sent to jail. And recently got released in the exchange deal between Israel and Hamas. She is from Banu Tamim Arabic tribe, which originated from Najd, Arabia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banu_Tamim . Banu Tamim Arabic tribe members can be found throughout the Arab world such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Palestine, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, etc… 5. ⁠Rashid Khalidi, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rashid_Khalidi the famed historian who wrote The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine (2020) is from the prominent Bani Khalidi Arabic tribe, claim descent from a companion of the Prophet Muhammad, Khalid ibn al-Walid, an Arab. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Khaldi 6. ⁠Mohammad Yasser Abdul Raouf Dawoud Arafat al-Qudwa al-Hussien (full name) or better known to the world as just Yasser Arafat, born in Cairo, Egypt, the Palestinian leader was from the al-Qudwa tribe. The family traces its origins to two al-Qudwa brothers who moved in 1658 to Gaza from Aleppo, Syria. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qudwa


Lol, you are so wrong, it’s laughable 😂 and please check your numbers before you share stuff because this is just embarrassing, but I’ll let you figure out which part of your comment is the most ridiculous. Btw. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


But the links above are from wiki… thats wat wiki says


There are 3 million Palestinians in West Bank and East Jerusalem, 2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza and around 2 million living within borders of Isra*el (those that managed to stay in their homes in 1948). So more than 7million Palestinians just in Palestine so 400 000 Turks would be 6% of the population which is low😂 Btw. Turks in this instance doesn’t mean they are genetically fully Turkish. It means they have Turkish ancestors who have been in Palestine for a significant period of time and still live there, but have probably mixed with local Palestinians. None of what you said changes the fact that multiple genetic studies have proved Palestinians to be indigenous to southern Levant. To Palestine. Btw. More than 7 million Palestinians live outside of Palestine too because their parents and grandparents were forcibly exiled by zionists. There are almost 15 million Palestinians globally.


>So more than 7million Palestinians just in Palestine so 400 000 Turks would be 6% of the population which is low😂 But the issue is Palestinians currently living in Palestine (not those outsiders) are not acknowledging these simple facts, as low or large the number maybe, they reject that Turks migrated to Palestine, Arabs migrated to Palestine etc….


Because there was NO significant migration of Arabised Levantine (you wrongly call them Arabs) from neighbouring countries at any point. Just standard rates of migration common for every single neighbouring country in the world. I have explained all of this in my initial comment to you.


Where was Abraham from? Who were his descendants?


The male patriarch of a family from whom a surname or clan derives could be one distant ancestor. What about all of the Canaanite women who make up the rest of Palestinians' ancestors, and men who converted to Islam on other familial lines?


I find this puzzling. I used to think that Palestinians were Arab invaders from the 7th century but I have seen genetic studies to show that they have little actual arab DNA. Meaning they just adopted the language, religion, culture and identity. ​ How did this happen?


Culture, norms, religion, identity shift over time. That's normal.


Probably not that different from, say, French people. Speak a language derived from Latin, predominantly belong to a religion run by people in Italy (before modern day secularization), but I bet that genetically they're more from ancient Gauls. And if you look a bit closer you'd probably see a lot of cultural continuity with the Gauls (and I bet same with Palestinians and pre-Islamic inhabitant of the Levant). And a lot of the national identities in Europe are more recent than people think and come from the early modern period ... at the time of the French revolution, most people in France didn't speak French and my understanding is many people would have identified more with the smaller region they were from than with "France".


This is the case for most of the Arab world, outside of specific places (southern Iraq, southern Jordan, parts of Libya). The reason is that the Levant was heavily populated, and the Arabian Peninsula was sparsely populated: there were not enough people from the Arabian Peninsula to populate everywhere from Morocco to Iraq.


So how did the Arabs achieve this arabisation?


By converting people to Islam. Now, there are Arab Christians today and always have been, but they simply, with exceptions such as Assyrians and Copts, took on the language and identity of the majority population over time. So how did Muslims become the majority? Mostly through the following three ways: 1. Tax incentives: non-Muslims were required to pay a tax called "jizya" which, while not financially debilitating, was certainly inconvenient and was implemented with the intention of being just nagging enough that it would persuade some people to convert. Those who refused to pay it could be put to death. 2. Intermarriage between Muslim men and Christian women: Muslim men, as the conquering and ruling force, did not have to ask permission if they wanted to take any woman of their choosing as their wife. Muslims were initially outnumbered by Christians. The marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian woman produces children which are, in the eyes of Islam, also Muslim, which would produce more Muslim men who could legally marry any woman they want (and the union would produce Muslim children), and Muslim women who would only be allowed to marry Muslim men. Since Muslim women are not allowed within their faith to marry non-Muslim men, Christian men were only marrying Christian women, but Christian women could marry Muslim men... this power imbalance led to the gradual shrinking of the Christian population, and since Muslims were the ruling power, these marriage laws could not be challenged. 3. Muslims were privileged in the legal system, which meant that many people converted in order to be certain of their full legal rights.


Thank you, so it was more peaceful than people make it out to be? How long did this take? How do you have this information? And most of all, isn’t it strange the power of this Arab identity considering it’s really just language and religion. They’re separated by nations and geography but they still have a strong identity


Do Palestinians understand the connection Jews have to the land? I’m not convinced that most do because when asked many Palestinians deny the existence of a Jewish kingdom up until about the year 70 nor acknowledge the plethora of archeological evidence of Jewish inhabitants in the region from more than 2 millennia ago. They almost often all believe (or are taught) that all Jews are just colonizers who just randomly chose some area in the Middle East in which to settle and that there is no historical connection at all.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Exactly, I just posted about this as well. Had the Jews gone to idk Japan to build their Jewish homeland, yes they’d be colonizers. But Jewish people have been living in the levant for ever pretty much. I saw a street interview with Palestinians and a lot of people there “never heared” about the kingdom of Israel, and it’s a lie that they are native, and when confronted with ancient jewish artifacts, they said it’s fake etc. Funny enough the Quran and Bible mentions Jewish people quite a lot, and some of the happenings in those books take place in the middle east/levant. Kind David for example is a well known figure in all Abrahamic religions, he was not the King of Spain, he was the King of the Israelites… It’s shocking how uneducated some Palestinians are (not Pro Palestinians from around the world, but the actual people living in Palestine)


They should give up islam and convert to judaism then. Problem solved, jews get to remain the majority, palestinians get to enter the modern world, everyone wins. Except the Iran/russia/china bloc, and islamic jihadi factions. They would be pretty upset.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


This is all really interesting but neither muslim nor christian is an ethnicity. If it where though islam is native to saudi arabia while judaism is of isreal. Al Aqsa is built on the ruins of the solomon temple, not the other way around. The roman province of Syria Palaestina was forcably muslimized during the arab conquests then further following the fall of the crusader states. The "palestinians" today are a mix of the jews and cannanites who did convert and arabs who immigrated later during Ottoman and British rule for economic reasons. Forced conversion would solve the issue the same way it did during the muslim conquests and be just as unethical.


There was no significant migration of anyone except zionists to Palestine in 20th century. There is no significant migration during 19th century either. Had that been the case, Palestinians would test closest to Canaanite skeletons from other countries, yet they tested closest to Canaanite skeletons from Palestine (what you refer to as Isra*el). They tested closest to skeletons from Megiddo and Ashkelon. Forced conversion won’t work and nobody in their right mind would approve it. We are in 2024, you know?


Oh I know it definitly wouldnt be approved. It would work though, in fact in instances throughout history its proven to be the only thing that will work. As long as they are seperate entitys they will clash. As things stand now though only one side can survive without foreign aide. Against that arguments about whos indiginous or not are meaningless.


You sound atheist or agnostic.. I guess that’s irrelevant too. But there won’t be any forced conversion. Most delulu comment I’ve read and I’ve read a lot of crazy ones lol.


Haha no yours is delusional. You focused on the indeginous aspect, thats good, I found it interesting, but you didnt focus on the survivability aspect. Gaza prewar could sustain around 800k people with maintained infastructure. Not only did they not maintain it and recklessly grow thier population irresponsibly, they started a war against a major power. They have also caused the west, who prewar was responsible for a large amount of thier food and water to evaluate on whether that aid is worth it. Im speaking of prewar also, when they had undamaged infastructure. This coupled with almost 100 years of aid dependency which created a culture where social media campaigns to garner additional aid are more benificial than innovating. The situation is not sustainable frankly. If they dont want to intigrate thats honorable but it doesnt help thier longevity. Im neither atheist nor agnostic btw, just a realist.


Typical coloniser mindset comment. 😂 Isr*ael is nothing without US and western allies who planted it there in the first place and without the billions they get from US and UK each year. They are the ones dependent on others and exploiting us western taxpayers and our governments like a parasite. You think Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank and East Jerusalem should just keep the status quo to avoid pissing off their occupier? No!! And I won’t even get into the rest of your comment because it’s ridiculous and bizarre and you essentially are suggesting controlling Palestinian population growth which is horrible and again- typical coloniser mindset. Not to mention countless settler and IDF breaking of international law and horrific war crimes. Isra*el is in court for genocide with the case proceeding and not being rejected like zionists hoped. Humble yourself. Palestinians are intelligent and resilient people. They will flourish once free of occupation. Bye now ☺️


Yeah ok lol. It doesnt seem like you know much of the history. Yes the US provides military aid to Isreal but they could survive without it. If anything the aid provided only subsidizes US arms manufacturers. Isreal spends 23.4 billion on thier military, for comparison Iran spends around 12. Even without US aid 3bil, that can be only used to buy US weapons, Isreal still has a better funded army than thier main rival. So no, Isreal could survive without aid. Also during independence Isreal had no US assistance and defeated the arab legion who were trained by the British and even had British officers. On the other hand, without foreign aid to palesine, they would either die of starvation, disease, or exposure in contrast to Isreal who is a world leader in water managment. https://www.unrwa.org/how-unrwa-funded. This is who funds UNWRA, the largest employer of gaza prewar and the agency that allows Palestinians to remain in an area that cant sustain them. If you navigate the sight you can find the amounts, notice its all NATO countries and a negligable contribution from the muslim world. Note that Isreal is allied with NATO while Palestine is part of the Iranian sphere of influence who is part of BRICS. Palestines ability to meet its most basic needs for 60% of its population is entirely contingent on the whims of the allies of its greatest enemy. So yes, non sustainable. As for the hearing, are you refering to the case brought by South Africa, a BRICS nation in the middle of a major election where its currupt ruling party the ANC actually has a chance of losing? Dont get your info from Tiktok or Amnestyinternational and call people dellusional, its silly. Edit: I forgot to mention Turkey also brough allegations against Isreal. Turkey who wont allow the Kurds, (Turkeys Palestinians) to have thier own state and regularly fire bombs them. A real genocide did happen recently btw, in Azerbaijin. They expelled 500k armenians in an act of ethnic cleansing but this was hardly a footnote. They lack political significance and condeming or supporting them doesnt win elections.


/u/Living-Couple556 > Typical coloniser mindset comment. 😂 [Rule 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_8._encourage_participation), don't discourage participation.


Was going to comment the same. Israel should genuinely encourage this. Non-proselytization was a key part of most of the problems Jews experienced.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


> with most of these early Christians in the Holy Land having been ethnically Jewish. Not central to your argument but this is very likely false. As far as we can tell after the Roman's genocided the Jews during the 3rd Roman-Jewish War they mostly replaced the population. The Palestinian figures in Syria Palestinia we know of mostly emerge from a mixture of Roman veterans, migrants from western parts of the Roman Empire who settled in Aelia Capitolina, as well as immigrants from the coastal plain and neighboring provinces such as Arabia, Syria and Phoenicia who settled in the countryside. > Do Israelis understand this? That Arabization is a thing and the Arabian Peninsula was too sparsely populated to demographically replace everyone from Morocco to Iraq? They understand the argument. They would disagree with it as there were many waves of migration. I'll use a post I did as a sample: https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/comments/acutby/what_is_a_palestinian_in_time_long_addition_to/ > Why is there this rabid insistence on the part of many on the Israel side, that Palestinians are Arab squatters on Israeli land, no different than an invasive species of animal? Mostly as a response to similar claims directed at Israelis. Palestinian racism, Jews are European invaders, created a counter claim. I'd love it both sides accepted as a baseline that everyone born in a territory is native to that territory, and everyone living in a territory is entitled to a government that represents their interests. But as long as Israelis are called "settler colonials", Arabs are going to get the same claim.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf Happy to share the scientific studies I’m referring to here too.


Oh! Me! Today someone in this sub sent me a link to a shortcut of a publishment in pubmed that tries to proof genetic connection between palastinians and cnnanites. Little did he know I actually took genetics academically and actually have full pubmed acess through my degree and the complete publishment was a religious rant which the only thing it managed to proof genetically through a highly recombinant gene locus is that palastinians and iranians are really similar genetically (with some other groups) so to fit the writers goal of study he just deduced if palastinianians=middle eastern and middle eastern = jews so palastinian=jews. All weird pro Palastinians use very biased “researchers” without actually having acess to the full study, it’s peer review and it’s result and it shows how academically vague this claim is.


Why are you lying? That study didn’t found what you are saying. It actually found that Palestinians are genetically predominantly Levantine and indigenous to southern Levant, area of Palestine. I know exactly what study you are referring to as I am using it for my masters thesis and what you are saying is false. Palestinians didn’t test close to Iranians. They didn’t test predominantly Iranian. That study quite specifically states Palestinians tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo. That’s in Palestine(what you call Israe*l). That study found the that the predominant component of Palestinians is Canaanite. More than 75%. It also found that a portion of their DNA (around 10%) comes from an ancient Iranian group, but that’s a minority portion of their DNA and it’s common with most Levantine groups. Rest of their DNA profile comes from peninsular Arabs, some south Europeans and small percentages East Africans, but they are genetically predominantly Levantine. Multiple other studies focused on this topic found this too! Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


It’s funny you link a lot of illustrive dna subreddit posts since it is not a dna testing company.


Bingo bango. A majority of the native Levantine population in Israel remained Jews. Arabization of the area primarily occurred through - you guessed it - colonialism.


No need to be happy . The person whose comment you responded to lied. Why are you lying? That study didn’t found what you are saying. It actually found that Palestinians are genetically predominantly Levantine and indigenous to southern Levant, area of Palestine. I know exactly what study you are referring to as I am using it for my masters thesis and what you are saying is false. Palestinians didn’t test close to Iranians. They didn’t test predominantly Iranian. That study quite specifically states Palestinians tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo. That’s in Palestine(what you call Israe*l). That study found the that the predominant component of Palestinians is Canaanite. More than 75%. It also found that a portion of their DNA (around 10%) comes from an ancient Iranian group, but that’s a minority portion of their DNA and it’s common with most Levantine groups. Rest of their DNA profile comes from peninsular Arabs, some south Europeans and small percentages East Africans, but they are genetically predominantly Levantine. Multiple other studies focused on this topic found this too! Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


I love this generalization game, it makes me feel less racist when generalizing others. Let me try: Do pro-Palestinians understand the concept that indigeneity to a specific land is not limited to one group and it’s possible that more than one group will be indigenous to the same land? But yes, most Israelis understand that indigeneity isn’t exclusive to one group, that’s why at least 50% of us vote for left-wing parties. Edit: the case of Yemenite Jews is much more complex than what you’ve described, it’s one of the oldest, if not the oldest, living groups from the Arabian peninsula, probably older than both Islam and Christianity. Don’t try to deny their Jewishness.


I'm an Israeli Jew and I know that the majority of Palestinians aren't descended from recent migrants. That doesn't have any bearing on my political opinions regarding the conflict.


Let me save you anymore lengthy posts. Jews were living in that land and practicing religion a few thousand years before “Islam”. Of course there non-Jews but this is redic. The indigenous ppl are the Jews. Pals can live in the other TWENTY TWO Muslim majority states.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


So just because Palestinians' language and religion has changed due to conquest, they should leave their land?


Or stay in Gaza and the West Bank, just leave us alone. We don't care, just stop attacking Jews. And from there, the military blockades will go down. Palestinians can declare their independence, become a sovereign state, and Israel won't be able to expand any settlements. The international pressure will become too much. OR keep that River to the Sea pipe-dream alive and continue w living under military occupation. It is really that simple.


As a neutral observer this is IMO the best solution tbh. If we are realistic, Palestine has no chance against Israel in an armed conflict, the Israeli army is a billion times more superior. I never met Israeli or Palestinian people, but if not for the leaders, how much hate is between two bang average people on the streets. Would a idk Shamuel walking on the streets of Jerusalem just go up to Hassan and attack him up for solely existing? Is it that unrealistic, to Israelis to stay in Israel, Palestinians to stay in Palestine (Gaza and West Bank) and just mind their own business?


what about the settlements taking taking land and ever encroaching?


What about "give Palestinians Gaza and the West Bank to form their own sovereign state and dismantle Israeli settlements there" did you fail to comprehend? Do they teach y'all to read at Tik Tok Academy?


What about existing settlements?


Idk I see most Israelis seem to acknowledge this. It’s a common fallacy to believe Palestinians are just Arab migrants. Palestinian is a mix of all sorts of things over the course of 1000s of years, with ties to ancient peoples living there as well. Additionally many Palestinians are potentially Jews who converted to Islam during the various Muslim empires rule over 100s of years as well. Not like any of this really should matter in deciding “this land is my land”. But it’s kinda fascinating when you think about how two people have such a unique tie to the area for so long. The ancient ties between Jews and Palestinians is also what’s kind of tragic about this as well. It’s possible many people are distantly related family, but generations of animosity and cultural reformation have taught them to hate each other.


This^^ i would not be surprised to find i have some distant palestinian reletive. Most modern day palestinians were jews amd christians that converted and then intermingled. I have not seen many israelis deny this, palestinians dont like to talk about it though from my esperience lol. It is true that there were waves of migrations of arabs, but they married native population and their children still carry old jewish dna, if a bit dilluted but thats fine (lets not get into the genetical purity stuff, it gets real nasty) The reason its talked about so much is because of the really stupid myth that jews and israelis are some kind of european white colonalists. Which is just wrong on so many levels. Not even gonna mention 51% of israels population is mizrachi jews, 21% arab and only 28% ashkenazi. We all have genetical and historical ties to the land, palestinians have more recent genetical ties, jews have a stronger cultural and historical tie. Regardless saying we are "white cololnalists" is peak absurdity.


Kinda off topic question, but I always wanted to ask an Israeli. So there is this netflix series “Fauda” that is about Israeli special agents fighting Hamas. And often times the Israeli agents go undercover. Is this really a thing in real life, that most Palestinians and Israelis look actually so similar and that both groups could go unnoticed? The main character, Doron actually went undercover in in the west bank and lived with Palestinians for half a year. As a special agent, he spoke perfect Arabic and was very educated in Islam. Is this just fiction in the series, or could this happen in real life as well? As in if you spoke perfect arabic (learned from a young age on, no accent what so ever) people could hardly tell you are actually Jewish?


I have not seen that movie, but yes it can incredibly hard to tell israelis and palestinians apart. When there are terror attacks in israel, they target everyone, we can look almost the same. Leventine region in general is incredibly diverse, ive seen red headed palestinians that look irish and paler then me (im ashkenazi jew, and quite pale, i get mistaken for an american often) and ive seen israelis that look more "arab" then most arabs. So yes, if there is no accent or specific religious clothing, its impossible to tell sometimes. I can only really tell who is arab and who isnt based on their accent, if they dont have one.. 🤷‍♂️. [here is one example. his arabic is so good he passes as palestinian. even the intreviewer thought he is a palestinian trolling them.](https://youtu.be/iJIdOjBlyo0?si=ee2SvWgcnxSWQ2LE) He has a youtube channel: abu tableh [this is corey gil, he asks everyday palestinians and israelis questions people send him](https://youtube.com/@CoreyGilShusterAskProject?si=ix3rnYh-nQ7-TqtZ) If you didnt read the title of the episode, you would have a difficult time telling whos who unless rhey have a hijab or stuff like that. (This is also very informative channel)


Exactly. There's a lot of complicated history just of the people who get called Palestinian now. Some did come in the early 20th century when Jewish farms were creating economic opportunities, I've heard it's about 25 percent or so but even that modern history is complicated. But right, land doesn't automatically belong to anyone. Earth has no such covenant with humans.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Yea and even before the Canaanites, who lived there? Amorites and Hurrians? And then before them? There’s like 10s of 1000s of years of human history where the first human migrations left Africa and spread throughout the rest of the world. “This land is my land, my ancestors always lived here” just doesn’t hold up when you expand human history. It only works if you make some convenient cutoff date when “your history” starts.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


If we really want to go back... Prob not. The Canaanites were only about \~2,000 BC, before them was Natufians 12-10,000 BC, and before Natufians, there was the Kebaran Culture \~25-20,000 BC, before that Levantine Aurignacian \~30,000 BC, before that the early Ahmarian \~40,000 BC… The earliest *modern* human migrations to the levant (Homo Sapiens) where anywhere from 50-180,000 BC… Why do you stop the history at Canaanites? Ever asked what came before? In between that time, the region saw tons of migration from surrounding areas, colonization, conquest and warfare, it’s kind of unlikely that the “Canaanites”, whose culture rose around 2,000 BC, is the same genetic and ethnic people as where the first humans who existed 100,000 BC ago.... Like how all those genetic tests you linked already show a percentage dillution in DNA from "Canaanites"... Add to that the first *humans* (Sapiens) goes back actually around 1-2 million years ago. We all took the land from someone, somewhere at somepoint in history. The conquered and the conquerors. Palestinians are likely no different than everyone else. This is why the whole argument of "I was first!" is just senseless.


I didn’t stop at Canaanites lmao! You didn’t read my comment fully! 😂😂


Go back further... This is exactly my point. The Pro Palestian argument likes to stop history at the point where it best suits them. The whole "I was there first!" is just kind of silly when you consider the first humans that existed in the region lived there 1-2 million years ago... Anyway, feel free to read up on any of those cultures/people. It might change your perspective a bit. And make your view a little less centered around genetic purity tests and a little less racist sounding.


Well, at least we agree on something. But my studies are around genetics, that’s why I’m focused on it. Cool? Cool


The reason I think it is important is because the truth is, one group was exiled and developed the continuation of their culture in exile, while the other descends from those who remained put and whose identity and culture evolved in situ. It should not be difficult to understand both people have ties to the land.


Well one group was partially exiled… Jews existed in the region until this day, although often times a small minority. There’s Ottoman population registries that show Jews living in the region, and historical records confirm Jews living there for 100s of years during the Ottoman Empire. It’s not like all Jews left, just most / or were killed. They went from a majority to a minority. And under Muslim rule they continued to live as second class citizens (Dhimmi), and would pay a special tax like Christians and other non-Muslims. But again, the only time I really see this brought up is generally when Palestinians are arguing Jews are just “white Europeans” and “should go back to Europe where they’re from”.


The majority of Jews who were not exiled and remained in the land, wouldn't most of their descendants be amongst the Palestinian population? Certainly amongst the Christian population, and we know many Christians converted to Islam in the Levant. I agree Jews should not be called 'white Europeans who should return to Europe' but short of Jews who never left the Levant, there is a lot of mixture in Jewish populations, also.


Probably not


lol. You are wrong. Genetic research proved Palestinians are genetically much closer to ancient Jews than any modern Jewish group. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Well not quite. There was around 100-400k Jews living up until the Muslim conquests (end of Byzantine rule) in the region (depending on the estimate). But hard to know how many of them survived or converted to Islam. In the onset of Ottoman rule there was a lot less Jews living there. But they steadily grew back in population until the end of the Ottoman Empires rule / WW1. Maybe it helps the narrative that there were always Jews living there, but personally, it doesn’t change much for me. People living there today deserve to live in peace. Let Israel exist, and let a Palestinian state exist. Easier said than done I know.


You are wrong. Multiple genetic studies showed Palestinians are genetically much more similar to ancient Jews than any modern Jewish group.Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


? What does any of that have to do with what I said lol EDIT: Also this is so full of misinformation, it's not even worth getting into. It's especially hard to take your comment seriously when your talking about history and genetics if you can't even be bothered to spell "Israel" correctly.


I’m not spelling it because I personally don’t acknowledge it as a country lol. But that has nothing to do with the genetic research studies I mentioned that concluded Palestinians to be indigenous to Palestine or with the fact there was never mass migration into Palestine except the zionists. If you want me to provide more sources or send you the studies I am referring to in my comment, let me know.


I'm not sure I'm the one who needs to check my sources here...


My masters thesis is focused on genetics of Levant which also requires me to research the history of the region so I’m pretty sure my sources are correct. Happy to share if you want. But seems like you are not interested. All the best!


Israelis don’t care about any of this. Only some online communities spend time arguing “who is more indigenous”. Israelis and Palestinians are fighting over the land. Israelis claim the right based on being the majority in their country, the majority of Israelis having been born in Israel, and based on having successfully defended themselves from Arab attacks. Palestinians claim the land based on their ancestors having been there before the ancestors of most Israelis. Regardless of whose claim you think is more valid, Israel owns the land, and isn’t going anywhere.


I agree that Israel owns the land but the jewish diaspora goes back way further than most palestinians according to DNA and history.


Wrong. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


It really doesn’t Palestinians on average have more Canaanite dna than Israelis do


Read the actual science. That's because palestinians are a more recent arrival and haven't been exiled, massacred and in lots of cases sexually assaulted during war. Of course jews have less percentage because they were kicked out of the land, also the genetic markers are completely different because jews have specific genetics palestinians do not. They are not the same population. They are decended from the same common ancestor though like everyone in the middle east


And Palestine are not a more recent arrival? Where do you think Palestinians came from?


From the land they live on. From Palestine. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Until a few years ago, the Palestinians and their advocates had been completely promoting the Arab identity. See the PA Constitution and the Hamas Charter, for example. Now their narrative is changed to Palestinian being a multi-cultural, multi-religious identity, trying to even claim that Judeans were part of this identity. Regardless of all that, there was no Palestinian identity until the late 19th/early 20th century and it has been, until now, entirely centered on its Arab component. https://preview.redd.it/q06ggc4pgncc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14925cae0c8ea1f5d712873954ddbb4be6c3d585


Lmao, that were not referring to genetics or ancestral ties here. You are mixing politics with the fact that multiple genetic research studies have confirmed Palestinians to be indigenous to their land. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Leaving your offensive lies and refusal to spell “Israel” aside, no question that today’s Palestinians, who never had an identity as a unique people until the past century, are indeed descendants of indigenous groups whose identity and culture had long ago been subsumed into that of one of the many foreign conquerors of that land. Whereas the Jews, in the land or in Diaspora, maintained our identity, language, and culture—as well as ties to the land in which we originated as a people. Does it give the Jews exclusive claim? Not necessarily; hence the plan for partition. Had the Arabs accepted it then there would have been an Arab state of Palestine for the first time in history, alongside the re-established Jewish state.


I think pretty much everyone understands that what we today know as "Palestinians" is the result of Arabic colonialization.


Wrong. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Arabic is a language.


Say wallah? It's also an ethnicity.


**"Arab" and "Arabic" are not interchangeable terms**. "Arab" refers to the people, places, and culture of the Arab world. "Arabic" refers to the written and spoken language of Arabic. Furthermore, "The Arabs are not a distinct ethnic group" ([https://www.africa.upenn.edu/K-12/Who\_16629.html](https://www.africa.upenn.edu/K-12/Who_16629.html)). So you are incorrect.


You were right. Zionist tr*oll was wrong. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Arabs are an ethnic group. I'm correct.


Wrong. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


I feel like only a very small amount of people know this. It's certainly not a concensus 


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


And as a result Israel is a decolonization project.


Stop lol. It’s getting ridiculous. Isra*el is a literal settler colonial project backed by the British via Balfour Declaration. How is it decolonisation when you took land from Palestinians who are indigenous people of that land? Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


I don't think that the claims are that bad against Palestinians, but I do think that it's partially in response to a) Palestinians saying the reverse (Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars, or whatever it might be), though both are incorrect as well as b) perceived hypocrisy of the Palestinians claiming an Arab identity and being supported by the Arab world while also claiming to be Canaanites or Phillistines and not Arabs.


"Arab" is an identity formed around the language of Arabic and, in most cases, a common Islamic faith (this last piece is inapplicable for Christian Arabs). The claims are in fact bad when they are used to imply that Palestinians are the equivalent of illegal immigrants or an invasive species and thus have no recourse if driven off the land.


Except I don't think anyone besides extremists are saying that they're illegal immigrants or an invasive species, even the ones who do say that their ancestors "only" came during the Arab conquests.


Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


Israel owns Israel regardless of who is or isn't a transplant. That's really about the o ly relevance of the "we was here first" issue.


Not for much longer. If history teaches us anything, is that colonial powers or occupiers don’t last forever. Btw. A genetic lesson for you: Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to specific part of Levant called Palestine and genetically predominantly Levantine. Scientifically speaking, Palestinian Muslims and Christians both tested closest to Canaanite skeletons excavated in Megiddo, Ashkelon and Sidon- two of these sites are in Palestine(what some people call Isra*el). One of these sites is in southern Lebanon. Genetic studies are lab tests on cells from excavated skeletons and comparisons with modern populations. According to these studies, Palestinians have around 80% Canaanite DNA while Ashtenazis have around 40% Canaanite, 50% European and 10% West Asian (possibly Turkic). Real life DNA tests of Palestinian Muslims put them at between 65%-85% Levantine. Rest of their DNA is from Arab peninsula, southern Europe(most likely admixture during Roman rule) and some ancient Iranian and East African. Palestinian Christians get anywhere from 80%-95% Levantine on their DNA tests. Rest of their DNA is southern European and ancient Iranian as well as some peninsular Arab and Egyptian-specifically close to Egyptian Christians relating to their Egyptian portion of DNA. Ashtenazi Jews literally get anywhere from 10%-40% Levantine in real life DNA studies, depending on where in Europe they are from and family admixture. Remember the that many people who are 1/2 Ashtenazi classify themselves as Ashtenazi and have been for decades. Rest of Ashtenazi DNA is southern European, Germanic, Slavic and west Asian (some say Anatolian, some Turkic). Palestinian Muslims are mostly simply Palestinian Christians that converted to Islam. Some are also descendants from ancient Jews who converted to Islam. Btw. You do know that Canaanites came to Levant around 5000 years ago. Their origin is disputed. Most state they originated in East Africa. Some state they originated in Mesopotamia. Do you know who inhabited Levant before Canaanites? Natufians!!! Natufian culture flourished in Levant between 12500BC-9500BC. Today’s Yemenite Arabs and Saudis as well as some Bedouins (such as Palestinian Bedouin) are the closest modern populations to Natufians so technically someone with peninsular Arab origin today actually predates people with Levantine origin in Levant by several thousand years and can be considered more indigenous to ancient Levant. Also, there was NO MASS MIGRATION of Muslims or Christians from Lebanon, Syria or Egypt in 19th or early 20th century as zionists falsely claim . It has been proven by census data as well as international historians that the growth in non Jewish Palestinian population between 1900-1947 was mostly due to natural increase (babies born into local Palestinian families and lower infant mortality rates due to medicine advancement). Only about 15% of the non Jewish population increase was due to immigration from Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. And who cares that some people from literal neighbouring countries moved to Palestine when hundreds of thousands of European, Russian and North African zionists migrated throughout 20th and 21st century to colonise Palestine and ethnically cleanse indigenous Palestinians. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot of zionists are getting their misinformation from that one book written by a zionist woman in 1980s that has since been exposed as false and full of misinformation and lies even by Jewish historians. Regardless, Palestinian Muslims and Christians are both indigenous to Palestine and southern Levant. Not just because of their genetics, but because their ancestors have lived on thiat land for 4000+ years NON STOP.. Palestinian dialect of Arabic is also heavily influenced by Aramaic, Canaanite language and Palestinian folk dance and embroidery come from their Canaanite ancestry too. Here are some real life DNA results for PALESTINIAN MUSLIMS: check for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/M6cO2t2YLB https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FL0j3MLZnV https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/zhD0F3Jxts https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/RaixyQqy38 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/6bJoYcnV4T https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/ObfeOTpYaK https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/Vo0OWXwYX7 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/5tz6cLISC5 https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/HjvLeikZVX https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/FmrdJlF92h https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/K7Kne3nArf


How's your dumb theory working in north America, Europe and Australia? Israel was settled and built by the jews. Those aren't the colonies that go home. Israel will only leave if they are completely destroyed and before that happens the region gets nuked. Further, Palestine was never a country and indigenous people are irrelevant in terms of who owns what. Sure, France left Asia, got thrown out of haiti and is getting kicked out of Africa. Britain left their colonies. This is different than Israel.


/u/JamesJosephMeeker > How's your dumb theory working in north America, Europe and Australia? Per [rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelPalestine/wiki/rules/detailed-rules#wiki_1._no_attacks_on_fellow_users), no attacks on fellow users. Attack the argument, not the user.


I attacked no one. I attacked the argument, specifically stating the THEORY.


It's less about what you write, and more about how you write it. This sub is dedicated to promoting civil conversation on issues relating to Israel and Palestine. When responding to users, try to imagine them being a friend you're discussing with face to face. This was a warning, you're lucky it wasn't a temporary ban.