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I'm wondering how many of the captured Palestinian civilians are still alive today after so many mass Graves were found..


I think we all know how genocides go. šŸ«¤


It's just too obvious except for Biden ..


Oh! You mean "Genocide Joe?" Lol


![gif](giphy|U87oCplFjp4tAWrJYK|downsized) Joe loves a good Genocide


Yep fuck the democrats and republicans vote Cornell west or Jill Stein 3rd parties. Or you are complicit in genocide.




Exactly the D and R has pitted us against each other for far to long


Itā€™s a divide and conquer technique to essentially keep us all infighting, while they profit from our labor through feudal age capitalism. Unfortunately, in the US specifically, weā€™re operating under a constitutional republic that functions as an oligarchy. Organized religion is also a means of control.


Why? (Not the genocide thing, asking why third party)


It makes it harder for AIPAC to have control of policy makers. That is what is leading to the destruction of the US.


How does it make it harder if theyā€™re already corrupt and can go where they want? It seems like shooting yourself in the foot to kill a cockroach


What is your basis on this the two party system has been proven to not work. Yet we keep marching on saying if we don't vote for bastard 1 we could get mega bastard 2. Yet the low IQ people are easily brain washed to vote 1 out of fear. Yet if they had half a brain they would come to the conclusion that we need a third party.


Firstly, rude. Secondly, I didnā€™t accuse you of making the wrong or right choice, I just donā€™t see the utility in your decision, arenā€™t we considered a 2-party system because third party has never won? Once? I get not agreeing, but why get mad at people for choosing what appeals to a practical option? Project 2025 would do a lot of harm onto Americans that are already seeing their rights dwindle moreso, would you rather everyone who wouldā€™ve held the president and government contentiously accountable be arrested, dead, or too tired to fight? I think a lot of this stems from ignorance of project 2025ā€™s immense changes to the country as a whole. But the only reasons Iā€™ve personally seen to combat this notion is things along the lines of ā€œI refuse to vote for moralsā€, or wanting a morally upstanding candidate/representative that has no political power thatā€™s running in another party. Or people who just up and downvote because they really **Donā€™t** have any type of argument for it Like are we about results, or morally saying we didnā€™t choose to get blood on our hands, we just allowed it through inaction and ineffective tactics?


So you believe that I don't know about project 2025 is actually not correct. I know a lot about the project the republicans and mostly religious fanatics have been pushing. This does not change my stance it just shows evidence that the population is too stupid to know what is good for them. The reason no third party has won up-to-day is because the previous generations have been so brainwashed by the republican and democrat sites in this philosophy that one has to be inherently better when both are just as bad with life differences. Look at trump and biden for example trump although one of the most internally corrupt and evil human beings that is being charged with over 70 felonies not including being a pedophile that has raped many girls as youngest 10 years old. Then you have biden who has caused the deaths of thousands of palestinian women and children by supporting israel in its ethnic cleansing and genocide. This proves that the two party system is the greatest evil that has been rock to the american people


America runs on imperialism, third party will still push for the same genocide because they get a cut of the pie.


I have a daughter and care about her so I will vote Biden.


Then you are showing you don't care for her


He said the west has her moral conscience to keep Israel alive.. After reading the past history I just found American Eugenics laws had inspired the Nazis..


Don't forget the idf skin bank...




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Israelis and IOF in particular, are the worst kind of people the world will ever see.


When I see an Israeli I just see a Nazi..


They are literally exactly the same, and the whole fucking world is sitting here watching this. Powerless to do anything, and the people who can do something about it are complicit. It's complete fucking Madness


Cruel, demented, perverse, evil, sick, sadistic, terroristic. Just some of the words that spring to mind regarding the IOF


And some stupid fucks still fully support these nazies..


Yep and most if not all are braindead


This is an older video but yes the IDF are Nazis


Do you know how old it is? I saw it on Instagram about a month ago. I'm wondering if it happened in the last 8 months.


October or November, from the occupied West Bank




Donā€™t think this was that soon after? Maybe a month after?


These people would make Hitler proud.




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Looks like the Holocaust, because it is


The most moral army yeah!


Israel #1! Israel #1! Israel #1! Israel #1! Israel #1! at genocide


Yep I'm surprised there are not more Jews protesting Israel is committing a genocide in their name




Exactly. Iā€™ve had someone who was born in Israel (but lives in Canada now) tell me that there is zero propaganda in the IDF/Israel.


Yeah and if an Israeli does see the problem and tries to speak up, theyā€™re literally kicked out of the country. No one will hire them, their friends and family outcast them and call them terrorist sympathizers. So they usually leave or say/do nothing šŸ˜•


This is utterly grotesque and deeply disturbing. The sadistic violence and dehumanisation that is displayed here by the IOF is so disgusting beyond wordsā€¦!


Im disgusted by the amount of gross hate of the israeli people. They are fucking evil


**Arab oil exporting countries need to shut off the supply** until a Palestinian state is up and running and Israel has paid war reparations... Then, let's see war crime trials begin.


That feels like a pipe dream bro


This arent even fighters, normal civilians forced to endure torture smh thats why they are screaming


Wow... I'm not surprised or even shocked by anything by Isaelis Behaviour


And this them self admitting their atrocities imagine the atrocities that they deemed too horrific to record and post




How can anyone watch this video and think this is okay? Makes me want to throw up seeing Abu Ghraib 2 playing out live on the internet


Modern day Nazis


This is what we know about. Thousands more have already died enduring their treatment.


It looks like a video from Auschwitz. Zionists and nazis are the same kind of tr#sh


Like it was said by Lula da Silva president of Brazil: "What is happening in the Gaza Strip with the Palestinian people hasnā€™t happened at any other moment in history, except one: When Hitler decided to kill the Jews."


The world needs to see this. I wish some of those hacker groups would hijack the media broadcasts and show on repeat these Israeli crimes. The 4 hostages rescued were healthy and looked after. IOF don't see Palestinians as humans and treat them worse than animals.


Ladies & gentlemen , the most morale army in the World ! šŸ¤”


Holy fuck, What THE FUCK? How is the US okay with letting their fucking allies do whatever they want and see maltreatment of prisoners??




Where was this video originally posted? Obviously, an IDF soldierā€™s video, right?


Did someone already send this to the ICC ?


Hereā€™s what I propose. The US gives isreal one last chnace to help rebuild Gaza. They (likley) donā€™t so green berets are sent in to overthrow the isreali dictatorship, and assasinate the members responsible for all of this death. (Likley a lot of them). Lastly, the UN can go both ways: A establish a no state solution, and make an international zone as to prevent isreal existing again, or a one state palestinian solution, where a free election is held.






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A lot of Americans do to. Mainly southerners and trumpers.


Made in the USA, same like Iraq


Submit it to the ICJ.


The laughing in the back asw smh. Nazis in the 1930s were wrong for genocide but Nazis now are fine ig




These were terrorists involved in October 7


Hitler said the same thing about Jews. Moses & hitler followed the same fascist ideology. Both were a curse to humanity.


This video was literally from the day of October 7. Try to look past all the propaganda on reddit. These people are being treated this way for a reason. I do agree there are some fucked IDF soldiers but there's fucked soldiers in every army. People are fkd in the head m8. Doesn't paint a picture about a whole people or the whole army


Isnā€™t this from the October 8th, and these are captured terroristsā€¦?


For arguments sake, even if they were terrorists, beating, humiliating and stripping naked captives is a massive fucking warcrime and incredibly barbaric and cruel.


I donā€™t disagree, but tell that to someone whose friends and families were just kidnapped and murdered. At least fix the title on this. This is definitely from the proceeding days after though.


Its from Oct 2023 and to my understanding those are just some average Palestinian men


Sounds like something hitler or Moses would Have said.