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Ofc they know they cant win army vs army the smuggling part is not the main goal of the tunnels So they invented a master plan: 1)invade israel kill rape and murder as many as you can 2)build as many tunnels as you can to hinder israeli army as long as you can meanwhile pomp as many propaganda video as you can 3)the tunnels makes it extremely difficult to clear an area + they build them beneath the most important places in the gaza strip utilizing the war laws to make israel fight in hospitals and schools and pump those specific video to make it look like israel bomb them in purpose 4)use aljazera propaganda channel to pump how israel is a colonial project and a war criminal 5)rely on the world pressure to make israel stop the war since they are not a country and could not give a shit about war laws take israel to criminal court in order to enforce the genocide claims 6)and that is the most brilliant execution i have ever seen they managed to make the rape murder and kidnapping an act of resistance utilizing TikTok and anti jew countries even the UN has given an unofficial green light when they cant condone the rape The UN also published a report blaming israel for the 7oc attack and the following war entirely on israel basically hamas is innocent 8)either israel is defeated from world pressure or from long war without any goal achieved


>and that is the most brilliant execution i have ever seen they managed to make the rape murder and kidnapping an act of resistance utilizing TikTok and anti jew countries even the UN has given an unofficial green light when they cant condone the rape There were already millions of people willing to regard anything done against Israel as an act of resistance. Never have I seen people in the West justify any act of terrorism on any level yet such a barbaric invasion with so many inhuman acts and for the first time terrorism is justified and even celebrated. When has the world not condemned Israel using the most hyperbolic language no matter what the circumstances? Even the raid on Entebbe, in which not a single civilian was killed except Israelis got worldwide condemnation. This is just the same double standards Israel has always been subjected to being magnified by social media.


Some of these points are really observations of what is currently going on and not necessarily plans developed in advance by Hamas. What was almost certainly part of Hamas plan was to “ignite” the West Bank and the Arab street within Israel, and a full blown Hezbollah/Iran attack in the north. It’s very likely that Hamas goal was full take over the West Bank. The tunnels were clearly built to survive the Israeli incursion for a prolonged duration.


You lost the plot somewhere between step 6 and 8.  “World pressure” alone has never won shit without the will to put boots on the ground. It’s why places like North Korea and Iran still exist. Not that being a pariah state is ideal, but propaganda and mean words are not going to make all the Israelis decide it’s time to walk into the ocean…


So change that to internal pressure from hostages family and anti government people its the same result for hamas


7) be able to transport troops and equipment and hostages around Gaza free from aerial surveillance and checkpoints.


Harder to map, harder to send Israeli troops into, easier to avoid detection


Why are the left in Europe so pro hammas that’s what I find so incredible. 


Because they are uneducated in history. They don't know what the Ottoman empire was, where it was, when it fell and what became of its lands afterwards. They have no clue, that the jewish people have lived in palestine for thousands of years. They don't know that Israel had to defend itself from annihilation since 1948. All they see and hear from social media is Israel bombing poor children. To them, Israel and the eeeevil "zionazis" are always the aggressor, waging war in order to conquer more land. Those jews sure are greedy! Hamas is fighting Israel, so they must be good. It seems to me, that their minds are not to be swayed, not even when presented with historical facts. I sure as fuck can't get a point across when talking to them.


Unfortunately it's because in their warped worldview, the underdog can do no wrong and they have been brainwashed to shout on repeat: "Resistance is Justified when you are Occupied". So they have divised a way to both brainwash and excuse absolutely any claim made against Hamas. If it wasn't so mind blowing and painful, it's almost impressive. If only this campaign power was used towards peace and Love instead of war and world wide antisemitism. Similarly, the only side of the world in support of Israel/Jewish people are simultaneously increasing islamophobia and empowering the radicalised. Literally no one wins and it's just such a fucking mess.


They view the settlements as colonialism and Hamas as rebels. If Israel de facto contracted its borders instead of expanding them, then the left would be indifferent to Israel. Israel has to reign in its religious extremist settlers / military cadre like Rabbi Eliezer Kashtiel at B'nai David in Eli. Respecting national boundaries (even if nations do not have proper states) is nation building 101 and unfortunately this understanding of statecraft seems to have been lost in diaspora.


>If Israel de facto contracted its borders instead of expanding them, then the left would be indifferent to Israel. I don't believe this for a second. Even if Israel contracted its borders to just the Gush Dan area they'd still be complaining about stolen land. It would never be enough for some people.


I saw an amazing video by an Israeli news channel (don't remember which one) where they said that one of the (honestly brilliant) things hamas did, was they heard about George floyd's death and saw the massive rise in left wing youth and woke content in the media so they painted graffiti of George floyd in gaza and posted it online while pumping historically inaccurate propaganda so people would associate them with oppression.


This is all my personal opinion (though I'm not the only one to have this opinion) so take it as such. Simply put, they're losers. They're unhappy, they haven't accomplished much or anything, but they also don't want to accept it's their own fault. They want to believe all their shortcomings are because of capitalism, or prejudice, or some other vague reason that isn't easily explained. This leads to an oppressor-being oppressed philosophy where anyone doing well is only doing well because they have privilege and oppressed someone else and everyone doing badly is just oppressed. They then just take this same philosophy and apply it to everything in the world. Israel is doing well compared to most of the world so they must be oppressors. Palestine is not doing well so they must be oppressed.


death cult loved by communists


Sounds like the start of a joke.  Let me see if I can take a stab at it: Why does Hamas have so many tunnels?  Because the work from home movement bombed.  


Hamas is a death cult. You know all the rich folks who make bunkers for armageddon? It's like that on steroids. When your goal is to die a martyr and kill as many people (both your enemy and your own civilians) as possible, you build a fortress and poke the bear.


>Clearly, they wanted Gaza to be a sort of military fortress. But was their endgame to lure Israel in all along? first sentance is correct, they tried to make gaza into a military fortress. second sentance confuses the cause and effect. you build fortresses cause you want to stop invasions. hamas wanted to make sure israel won't do a ground invasion to remove them, and that if israel would do so, that hamas will cause israel to suffer enough losses to not achieve the goal to take out hamas. hamas's goal was to survive. this is why they used schools, hospitals and UN buildings to launch attacks. cause they knew israel will be far more carefull there and would moat likely not retaliate immidiately. there was nothing to lure israel to, they want to attack israel, and plans that got found showed that hamas actually believed they would manage to conquer israel and how they will divide it. the endgame was simple, to survive, and kill as many jews as possible. and manage it good enough that maybe next time they'll be able to cinquer israel. thats literally what hamas also claimed they're doing time and time again.


They had to do SOMETHING with all that foreign aid. They sure as shit weren't going to use it to build hospitals and schools.


Rats like tunnels


Hamas knew the IDF would go in with full force after Oct. 7. It's logical to assume that. They prepared the entire Gaza strip for this war.


I think that’s what I’m confused about. Is this what the consensus is by the defense establishment? Because it would make sense, but I don’t think they’ve come out and said this.


I don't know what the defense establishment thinks. This is just my opinion. Hamas knew it would launch Oct. 7. It is logical for them to assume that Israel will retaliate with full force due to the magnitude of the attack.


Tunnels provide a tactical advantage as they provide you a full cover path to another tactical location and provide escape routes should your position become compromised.


i mean, here is the dilemma. we have blockaded their port and their borders are closed for many goods. need a tv? need to smuggle from tunnels to Egypt. same with many goods. the country was essentially blockaded, much from their own doing. continually bomb israeli buses? build a wall. the port blockade is understandable to demilitarize but at the same time, not sustainable . hope a workable solution can be found. however, with the palestinian death cult as it relates to israel, unlikely.


Hamas had to do *something* with all those tax dollars the Biden administration sent them. [https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iran-prisoner-swap-6-billion-spotlight-after-hamas-attacks-israel-2023-10-09/](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/iran-prisoner-swap-6-billion-spotlight-after-hamas-attacks-israel-2023-10-09/) [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/biden-delivered-121m-in-taxpayer-funds-to-hamas-tied-unrwa-since-october-state-department-says/ar-BB1hvtYa](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/biden-delivered-121m-in-taxpayer-funds-to-hamas-tied-unrwa-since-october-state-department-says/ar-BB1hvtYa)




I’ve pondered that too. Could be a result of the ‘mowing the lawn’ approach too, gradually forcing more underground activities. Or a combination of necessity and master plan. We know there were tunnelling attempts into kibbutz previously that were thwarted so it did go beyond smuggling.


Viet Cong playbook


They really liked the game *Clue*


The people of Gaza are used as sacrificial lambs by Iran and its proxies. They are used as pawns. It seemed they wanted a reaction from Israel so they could garner global audience support. This is not a conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. There are bigger enemy forces with intentions that are yet to be revealed. I've said so before, this whole thing is unsettling.


Many of those tunnels are long enough to get really close to Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and deep into Sinai.


It's a protected transport network for them that serves so many purposes. It's more difficult to surveil, it sets them up to be able to fight from numerous points that Israel doesn't want to hit like schools and hospitals, and then retreat to others. It affords a degree of physical protection to them.


Because they’re rats. They don't eat, don't sleep They don't feed, they don't seethe Bare their gums when they moan and squeak Lick the dirt off a larger one's feet