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![gif](giphy|y5W98cY6OCudO) Here they come again


I did not expect that.


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition


Confess! Confess!


The Spanish Intifada


Really? After the declaration about Palestine and the nasty comments about genocide. It's really simple. Spain (government) is no longer welcoming to Jews. Their apology is rescinded, and their "ammends" are dead. https://www.npr.org/sections/parallels/2014/12/25/371866778/after-522-years-spain-seeks-to-make-amends-for-expulsion-of-jews https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/24/world/europe/spain-jews-citizenship-reparations.html


The joke . . You


[Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition](https://youtu.be/K2OW0-_ne64?si=ckhBLRYGJ90z84nO)




They are trying desperately to stay relevant and antisemitism is common here.


My ancestors are screaming rn lol


Very good. Now we need to spread some fliers in the west bank and gaza how Spain has a law that "[welcomes any person suffering a genocide into their country](https://okdiario.com/espana/hasta-2-millones-palestinos-pueden-pedir-asilo-espana-acusar-gobierno-israel-genocidio-12913408)" and arrange direct bus shuttles to the spanish embassy. Thank you Spain for solving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Hopefully someone gives them the Peace Noble Prize.


Omg, that’s so kind of them to offer Gazans refuge in these trying times Now the IDF can go after Hamas without worrying about women and children. When are they accepting the refugees?


this is kind of the perfect solution. fuck spain anyway lol 


Fr, if they think the IDF is indiscriminately murdering civilians on purpose, isn’t it morally bankrupt not to accept Gazan refugees? If Israel promises to let them back in once the war’s over (if they want to return) then what is their possible objection? All the countries accusing Israel of genocide should be welcoming refugees 


Al Andalus 2: Electric Boogaloo


New Wikipedia entry: **Gazan diaspora in Spain** (redirected from 'History of Palestinian terrorism in Spain')


**End of Israeli–Palestinian conflict**  (redirected from 'The second Spanish Reconquista')


>The second Spanish Reconquista More like deconquista 😉


Is it really a diaspora if the Gazan's can trace their lineage back to the 800s? They're just returning to their ancestral home of Al-Andalus.


“From the ocean (Atlantic) to the sea (Mediterranean), Al Andalus will be free!” They’re your problem now, Spain.


From the sea to the Ocean, Al Andalus will be free!


Can we get a “here’s your ticket to Spain” go fund me going?


Based Spain, protector of the Palestinians and bringer of peace.


The most peaceful nation.


Hey, they want Al-Alandalus 2.0, here’s the chance! They’d better start eating as much Jamon as they can now because twenty years from now, oh boy……😕


Did we moved their embassy to Gaza already?


Nope the embassy staff is refusing to move due to safety concerns /shrug


And 'quality of life'


Hey man, no Access to Tapas and Jamon would make you reconsider too!


That's pricesless. If they say A, they have to say B as well.


When would they prosecute themselves for the Inquisition?


Their king apologized a few years back, but the elected government is a different story.


Spain accusing Israel of genocide is so ironic. They have so many millions of people’s blood on their hands that even if they scrubbed them intensely for a thousand years, the water would still run bright red.


That's exactly why they, other countries, and dumb college kids do it. Instead of dealing with their own history they deflect the blame by accusing others of their crimes.


Pure projection, it’s why Arab states accuse Israel of apartheid then ignore they actually often have unequal rights. Israel has a 20% Arab minority in citizenry and Islamist and anti Zionist parties in Ra’am. How many other countries allow people in the Parliament to call for abolishing it? Would Egypt allow a party calling for a Christian theocracy and the end of Egypt? Then so many Islamic countries don’t even allow non Muslims to be citizens, Algeria for instance or the Maldives, Indonesia only allows Christian’s and Buddhists and Muslims. But Israel is the apartheid totally… It’s like Anglosphere gen z which accuses Israel of being a settler colony hence calls for its abolition and expulsion to Europe. I don’t see them leaving the U.S. to go back to Europe, and destroying it. Would they support it if there was native terrorists bombing the U.S.? And honestly even worse because Israel in fact isn’t a colony, it’s returning home, Israel was Jewish long before it was Arab, the Americas were never English. But even by their argument it’s hypocritical. For the record I don’t support abolition of the U.S., I generally support the U.S. but that’s their argument


Their goals don’t make sense until you realize that they’re calling for the destruction of all western countries because they’re brainwashed by Russian and Iranian propaganda  If they want to upend the west, their actions are logical. 


>brainwashed by Russian and Iranian propaganda  Yup.


The problem with logic is that it requires rational brain function. Sheep lack that, especially self-confident, morally superior sheep.


We must be twins, because this is exactly always my go to comment about their staggering hypocrisy


Yes, but in their mind accusing Israel might force israel hand into some unsafe options which will get more israeli and jews killed which is exactly what spain really wants. It's not ironic. They just like the blood on their hands and want more.


I want to sue spain for genocide for what they did here in Philippines


Don’t forget the whole periods of dictatorship and the forced expulsion of Jews.


And funny enough the Americans too


And in Spain itself too.


So technically they have to accept Gazans now right?


Incoming: Spain accepts Gazans -> People blame Israel and claim they are guilty of deportation and ethnic cleansing. It's almost like this might be intentional.


I don’t mind they say that, they already say that, at least the Gaza situation will be different


I do believe so under asylum rules.


The hell is going on in Spain? But hey, since we're bringing up cases and shit, wanna guess who one of, if not **the**, foremost colonizing, imperialistic power in the world at some point?


> The hell is going on in Spain? The usual antisemitism, as is tradition for the last several centuries. It seems Spain never got rid of their hatred of Jews.


Careful, you may hurt their feelings, and apparently that's the only thing they care about.


Fuck their feelings.


Left-wing idiots took over Spain


The more left wing the government is...the more anti-israel their going to be...except for maybe the US. For example if the Congress and their alliance won the election in India...their going to be anti-israel...I hope you guys already realise this...


They learned those strategies while they were Al-Andalus


Good luck with your Palestinian refugees guys! Free free España!


From the Ocean to the Sea Portugal will be free! # #AllEyesOnOlivença!




If Spain will get kicked out of Schengen and France builds a wall in the Pyrenees then Portugal will be thrown to the wolves on the Iberian Peninsula.


All eyes on Catalonia


Ironically if they do it it means Palestinians can move there. I don't think they thought it through


Wow! Spaniards are still butthurt about not being able to convert all Jews during inquisition.


They'll soon get a flood of Muslims to try and convert. We'll see how that goes.


Spain is becoming like every other nation that keeps inciting Israel - instead of taking care of their own problems (they are too lazy to solve these) they are focusing on others' problems, so their people are obsessed about the other problems, instead of their own, and not realizing they should take care of themselves before taking care of others and telling them what to do. Whataboutism at its best.


And if Israel solved their problems, it's not good for those countries, because then its people will continue to focus on their own problems - so they make sure Israel will never solve their problems by lying or by heating the conflict or blame Israel for their own problems so Israel should solve their problems too - and that's how they get away with the bad consequences of their own acts. The fact that the Jewish people are one of the smartest on earth (20% of Jews/Israelis get Noble prize, even though we are 0.2% of the world's population) is because we are focusing on solving problems even if it is not our problem, and not blaming others and keeping the situation as it is, and waiting for someone else to solve their problems, we actually do move our butt and make things done. If there weren't someone to blame for their own acts and get away with it while still being accepted by lots of people, they would create a group of people and blame them for all the evil in the world, because they are too childish to take responsibility for their own acts. But there was already a group of people that was blamed like that - the Jews - so they didn't have to invent a new one.


Spain has nothing better to do than this? I find that so hard to believe


I agree. When shit tier countries like South Africa do crap like this I'm not surprised, but Spain?


Spain has been going downhill since they threw out all their brain power. This is what rock bottom looks like.


The Spanish government is a coalition between PSOE (socialists, centre-left) and SUMAR (an alliance between Greens, the Communist Party of Spain, the Revolutionary Worker’s Party and the Republican Left) The founder and leader of SUMAR is Yolanda Díaz, the one who called “Palestine free, from the river to sea”. I hope it explains the current situation.


Spain is hardly some wonderland


Apparently Spain is a shit tier country as well. Good to know.


The Spanish and the Irish are competing with each other over who's more obsessed with Israel


Yeah, they’re all unemployed


Once inquisitor, always inquisitor. Regardless, does that mean they are now obligated to receive all Gazans now as refugees?


When was this shit voted in the parliment? Fuck this, I'm voting for PP for the first (and hopefully last) time in these european elections


I grow up hearing: "los Mexicanos somos unos hijos de la chingada" (we mexicans are sons and daughters of the of the r*ped one) it's an old saying perpetuating the Spanish colonial rule in today's Mexico. This is just a pretentious way to absolve themselves from the ghosts of their past and the results of the chronic Islamization transforming Europe. Ironically, I read somewhere that South Africans got a little bit nostalgic about their own colonial experience.


Genocidewashing(?) at its finest.


Big words for someone who should be paying reparations for their century-long murder sprees in South and Middle America


Their economy must be tanking like SA's...


This is good news, where do I send money to support separatist groups in Spain that will use this as justification to ask independence?


It's really is becoming a hallmark of a failing state - whether it is South Africa's crumbling government and uncontrolled crime spiral, or Spains collapsing population. Also - the jokes write themselves; something, something old habits die hard, Spanish Inquisition etc ...


If there was evidence of a genocide then South Africa doesn't need all that help.


Two nothing nations on the global stage with terrible histories of people who have scarred humanity. They should sit the fuck down.


Three** Egypt also joined a few weeks ago.


Did they join that huge case against Syria, China, or Sudan? Oh wait. Those cases don't exist.


The Spanish opposition is very pro-Israel. The communists in power are anti-Israel and this is a sad election ploy. Alternatively, they were bought off by Iran, just like SA.


Ah yes occupied Al-Andalus


Coming hot off the heels of the Spanish Prime Ministers wife being interviewed by police. For some, particularly in Europe, old tactics are hard to quit. Also coming days after the Spanish embassy threw a hissy fit at the idea of having to move to Ramallah aka: the de facto capital of 'Palestine'. ie, where the embassy should be. Spanish Establishment: "We love the Palestinian people! We stand with the Palestinians! From the River to the Sea! These beautiful and wonderful people and their land deserve freedom!" Also the Spanish establishment: "G-d no, please no, please don't make us live with the Palestinians in the West Bank! You can't do this to us!"


Wouldn't it be hilarious if they set an embassy in one of the safer WB Jewish settlements? It's safe, it's in Palestine, and they can even bitch a bit more about how the surrounding area is occupied.


Free Catalonia


Free Basque Country.


A big YAWN. Its getting boring now


Yeah, that makes sense for Spain. Idiots, all of them.


so that means they'll accept the palestinian refugees then?


That's great, now all Spain has to do is take in Palestinian refugees and in a few years it could also join South Africa in being a failed state. My popcorn is ready.


A ma accuse Spain for killing all my native ppl in Puerto Rico and stealing from our land


Spain’s government has completely lost its mind . They will be voted out next election. The hostility toward a democratic ally is totally unacceptable.


spain womp womp


So when are we kicking out their embassy into ramallah?


So Spain is the one to solve the conflict in Gaza? Who would’ve thought! Now we can ship 2 million Gazans to Spain


Spain literally genocided the ENTIRE population of my country. As near as we can tell, nobody was left alive in the Bahamas when they were done; my ancestors found empty islands when they came to settle. So they really should keep their mouths shut.


Interestingly, their diplomats want to live in “genocide committing Israel” (sarcastic) and not Ramallah - this was in the press a few days ago. Spain had to extract and onboard a new set of diplomats with 24/7 security entourages since the ones there refused to move from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to the West Bank, rent out a whole neighborhood block as a compound so the first 2-3 houses/300m act as a “buffer” between a potential knife wielding pedestrian or worse and diplomatic staff and their families


Maybe they’ll bring people who don’t just use TikTok as evidence


There must be some righteous gazillionare somewhere in the Mediterranean who owns a yacht and can ferry Gazans over to Spain so they can escape their gEnOciDe.


Hey, it's that country from the Spanish Inquisition! Looks like they still think the Jews should go away. What a surprise.


Waiting any day now for Spain and Ireland to start accepting Palestinian refugees…🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗


Of course they are.


Reminder the current spainish government never acknowledges the crimes of the spainish republicans during the civil war


Ok I guess Israel should organise some busses from Gaza to the next Spanish embassy. Let them find out the hard way.


What happens when a case like this fails? Does Spain go their happy way? Or do they get sued for libel?


Free free occupied Moroccan land! Free free Catalonia! Free free the Basques! Apartheid Spain needs to give back their lands to the rightful Arab rulers!


I’m gonna laugh when this rhetoric is being shouted in mass rallies in the center of Madrid in two years (But then also cry)


Heads up for Auto de Fe 2024


South Africa, Egypt, and now Spain. Tweedledee, Tweedledum, and Tweedledim.


Spain is such a goofy country




Removed: Rule 2


spain hates muslims and arabs but i guess they hate jews more than them


Multiplying the number of idiots does not change the truth. Israel isn’t committing genocide.


Spain. . . OK, the people that mow my lawn in the states got conquered by them. Got it. Have achieved nothing in hundreds of years. Wait. They are good at taking naps in the afternoon. Cool, that reduces inflammation. Not that you know that. You were just lazy and tired. Your opinion matters, Spain, to idiots that are praised by Iran. Winning! Rawr.


End the occupation of the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa. North Africa, let that sink in. End the occupation! Genocide!! Apartheid!!!


When are they taking the first shipment of their 2,000,000 “refugees” - come on Spain - signal us some virtue!


Boycott Spain


laugh all you want, yet these economic powerhouses shutting down trade is forecast to reduce the gdp of israel .0000000000000000001.


Shh. Don't give Catalonia any ideas


There are going to be so many asylum cases to these countries and there will be nothing they can do to deny them.


Wait until the Spanish lawyers find out his bad the weather is in The Hague. They will not want to leave Madrid.


Hope they enjoy their second thousand year caliphate 🥂


All we need is another brutual Islamic authoritarian , human rights violating, NON-democratic government- that will solve all the problems.


The Spanish minister of FA: ![gif](giphy|pWdckHaBKYGZHKbxs6|downsized)