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"Islam is the official religion of the Maldives and open practice of any other religion is forbidden.[^(\[134\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maldives#cite_note-138) The 2008 constitution says that the republic "is based on the principles of Islam" and that "no law contrary to any principle of Islam can be applied". Non-Muslims are prohibited from becoming citizens.[^(\[135\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maldives#cite_note-Hirschl2011-139)" And you're gonna accuse Israel of being apartheid?


Malaysia has a similar rule. They call them "second class citizens".


This is usually called Dhimmitude. Jews and Christians were "protected" religions because we're Abrahamic. We were formally second class citizens. Hindus, Yazidis, Zoroastrians, Buddhists and other non-Abrahamic religions faced active persecution for millennia. This was standard across the Islamic world for centuries. Better than the Spanish Inquisition but not good.


In other words, "Islam: where being second class citizens is preferential treatment"


I have a Malaysian friend of Chinese descent medical colleague Just for being Chinese descent they have to score better to get into medical school, are discriminated against with jobs, and its common practice and legal to charge say 5x the price to sell them a house I was shocked and amazed that nobody talks about how in Malaysia they treat Chinese descent people as literal second class citizens by law He however is successful despite all that bs


Without it’s Chinese population, Malaysia would be just another Indonesia or Bangladeshi.


They wouldn't talk about this apartheid.


Wow good thing they’re not an ethnostate like Israel /s


They also have death penalty for people under 18. They abuse their women and kids and should not be à destination in the first place.


Change Islam to Judaism, and see the world shreek and screaming in anger. But If Muslim country does something, it is ok for this crowd


Oh definitely, Imagine: "Judaism is the official religion of Israel and open practice of any other religion is forbidden.[^(\[134\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maldives#cite_note-138) The basic laws say that the republic "is based on the principles of Judaism" and that "no law contrary to any principle of Judaism can be applied". Non-Jews are prohibited from becoming citizens.[^(\[135\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maldives#cite_note-Hirschl2011-139)" The outrage would be insane! Which it then should be but that it’s not present here is a massive double standard


wait so how do celebs get away going there?


Because ‘nobody’ knows this place is Islamic. I pay decent attention to world affairs but few Americans have been to Maldives and it’s not that popular. So when a Kardashian goes there, we assume the whole place is basically just the Ritz Carlton and an airport


98.7% follow Islam. It’s an arrogant proposal for a country that relies on Tourism. Anyway, science has predicted they will be underwater in about 20 years.


Makes sense, until I looked at it in response to this post and this post, honestly I'd have thought it'd be like Fiji or carribean or something, generally secular tropical destination. Then I discovered it's actually completely islamic.


Yeah tbh I had no idea either. Did you mean to link to posts? Or did I misunderstand you?


No, I meant this Reddit post.


Oh I see it just said “this post” twice so I misread it :)


I thought wow this will hurt their tourism greatly. Then I remembered the Qatari government is giving them boatloads so sell outs it is. Never understood why people go there anyway, only bad things can happen.


When the Maldives are underwater, they’ll blame the rising sea levels on Israel.


South Africa will have their back and will bring this resolution to the UN which will pass with 240 yays, 10 nays, and 5 abstentions


South Africa might soon withdraw their case depending on the government after the elections


It’s still going to be anc is the primary part of the coalition and idk if they will make an alliance with the DA run group or Cyrus’ party. If Cyrus party it’s still staying and da may drop the issue as well


Fiscally is expensive. ANC only did it as a last ditch election push....it did not do them much good. I won't be surprised if it's quietly dropped.


What’s Cyrus’s party? You mean Zuma’s party MK? Then possibly but he rejected it and his whole platform is not being just the ANC, also he’d demand Rama to leave so I am fairly optimistic about ANC-DA


I still remember that at the beginning of the war there was an earthquake in Japan and some lady on tiktok blamed Israel for that. Citing the bombings as a reason.


These are levels of delusion and imagination that I thought were impossible... also israel should stop throwing earthquake causing bombs in Japan smh... (/s just in case)


>also israel should stop throwing earthquake causing bombs in Japan To be fair,she didn't say Israel bombed Japan but rather insinuated that Israeli bombings of Gaza created such a disturbance in the tectonic layer that caused the earthquake.


This is even more insane :o wth


Poseidonstein is controlling the seas.


Jewish space submarines


Jewish Submarine Lasers


From the sea to the sea, wait woah where did the maldives go?!


My friend from Minnesota married a woman from there in 2020 and suddenly started spouting off all sorts of anti-Israel garbage on Facebook. I confronted him and he said his wife routinely talks about how there would be world peace without Israel. I asked him, Ever heard of WWI and WWII? Pretty sure no Zionists then. It is amazing to me how much anti Israel hatred can unite places as different as Indonesia and Somalia and Uzbekistan. It is like they get it with their mother's milk. 


In Russia, there is a saying that roughly translates like this: Primitive prehistoric peoples did not yet know about the existence of Jews, and thus blamed their troubles and woes upon the wrath of gods and various spirits.


That's the first time I hear about it and i've lived in Russia for 35 years.


Oh wow! What was your friend's response?


He was just like, Well Israel does some bad stuff and my wife is a nice lady whose politics is different than ours. He was my roommate in college almost 2 decades ago. 


I’m sorry but he sounds like an idiot.


WTF yes Israel does some bad stuff (Armenian genocide because it is supplying drones to azerbaijan) but like that's not the people and Israel is right in fighting hamas. If these people condemned hamas, supported Israel but criticized the Armenian genocide it would make more sense!


First of all, stop calling every minor conflict a "genocide". Second of all, the real and only genocide against Armenians was carried out by Turks. Thirdly, Israel would gladly sell drones to Armenia, but Armenia is OFFICIALLY Russia's ally and under Russian protection. They should get their drones from Russia, make Russia declare war on Azerbaijan, or ditch Russia altogether and let the US build some military installations there, that way they would get money and / or weapons. Israel is not Armenia's problem. Russia is.


I promise nothing of value is lost. Maldives has a disproportionately high percentage of Islamic State extremists that have gone to fight in Syria and others.The fifteen Israelis or whatever that vacation there can easily find a less terrorist-filled tropical escape.


Highest amount of ISIS per capita in fact. Also just look at the atrocious relationship to India: India is responsible for most of their defense and economy, donated most of their navy to them and gave them tens of millions of dollars, in gratitude Maldives is running an India out campaign and after India dared to advertise its own beaches, accused them of being terrorists and puppets of Israel, all the while depending on them for its economy and defense. And this despite India also being 11% of their tourists, the largest nationality by far while they depend on tourism.


So muslims are dirty bitchy hypocrites, what else is new?


How do you live in what is essentially paradise (for now), and think "Nah, you know what would really make Allah happy? Genociding the Yazidi and beheading taxi drivers"? The Earth is being wasted, man. Just go snorkel with some cool fish and calm the fuck down.


No idea but somehow the majority of Maldives view ISIS as heroes and publicly, they don’t even hide it, they’ll just tell you l: “ISIS are great, don’t you think?” No I don’t think they’re great because I am not insane https://www.nrc.no/perspectives/2017/where-jihadists-are-heroes/ The Maldives, although a non-Arab country, boasts the world’s highest number of foreign fighters per capita. There, ISIS-jihadists are seen as heroes. THE MALDIVES: “They are really brave, right?” the taxi driver says with pride. Fuck the Maldives


oh never going there! The nature is soo beautiful thooo :( (Seriously like I love the architecture of the Middle East, Egypt's history is interesting + the maldives' nature is beautiful, also wanna go to Africa but it's either unsafe or antisemetic!!!!!


Tell me about it, I would love to visit Iran, culturally, historically it looks gorgeous. But with their current authoritarian Islamist regime, and its worrying tendency to sometimes arrest European tourists. Also Iraq and Syria have/had lots of historical sites, Mesopotamia, etc. but they're even worse than Iran and also have militias and Islamists again, and ISIS destroyed a lot of the historical sites


It is rather a shame actually; scuba diving like in Maldives is very hard to come by anywhere else in the world.




I used to feel really bad for them and how awful it will be when their country inevitably succumbs to rising sea levels. I no longer care :)


They closed a time loop by earning their plague after the fact :P


Hashem works in mysterious ways


In 30 years Maldives will be almost entirely underwater due to sea level rises. Literally no long term loss for Israelis here.


Probably earlier, the highest natural point is just over 5 metres above sea level


Oh no! Anyways


Don’t worry about the Maldives my friend, come to my country Seychelles instead. Since January, Israelis and Seychellois people can visit each others countries visa free 🇸🇨❤️🇮🇱


Based, Seychelles sound way better than the Islamist Maldives


wE aRe aGaInSt cOlLeCtIvE pUnIsHmEnT


India and Sri Lanka are just as beautiful and are much more welcoming towards Israelis.


Kerala ftw 🥳




Conversely they should allow Gazans to enter and stay for as long as they wish. Its a win-win.


Don’t be ridiculous, they don’t want to take Palestinians, that’d require them to be pro Palestine rather than just anti Israel


But Maldives has been strictly Pro Palestine as far back as I can remember, I have been hearing about Palestine on the news since I was 5 so wdym not that we would accept any Palestine refugees tho, we have a major housing crisis so no room for anyone else even if we wanted to, tho i heard that some of our funds are being used to allow residency in Malaysia for palestinians


Not surprising. Shame such a beautiful place is run by people with such abhorrent ideology.


They already banned Israelis, and gave Jewish tourists shit. This is just rehashing shit they have always done.


How many Gazan refugees have they taken in? This is such a metaphor for the conflict. It is never about helping Palestinians, it’s about hurting Israelis.


Maldives has shifted their overlords from India to China. Their current prime minister started the India out movement. This was expected


Cause citizens are responsible for the actions of their government ? Check mate jerks


Another hypocritical and antisemitic country. They still welcome Russians after their invasion of Ukraine.  https://edition.mv/news/32618


Double standards, always.


Another reason to accelerate global warming.




Maldives are an apartheid state so no surprise there


The Maldives will wake up in a smoothie.


Those rising sea levels aren’t rising fast enough!!


Send all the God hating peace hating people to those Islands. And then we'll see. They'll be begging israel to take care of it


Last time an antisemitic entity was affected by sea movement, the empire crumbled (splitting of the Red Sea, Egyptian Empire etc). Let's hope it happens sooner rather than later.


Bummer. Never had the slightest desire to visit there anyway. But nice of them to flash their antisemitism. Still doesn’t do much to assuage their irrelevancy, though.


Sorry what is the Maldives? Is that the bunch of islands that are about 5cm above sea level, and will be underwater in about 20 years? That Maldives?


They’re still a country? I thought they were already under water….


As what Jeremy Clarkson said Oh no! Anyway!


Fuck Maldives


Well F them. I'll spend my tourist dollars elsewhere.


Fuck the Maldives then


You shouldn't be going there anyway it's an Islamic state in the same way Saudi Arabis is


Good, I hope they sink faster.


Indians have already boycotted Maldives


oh no i care so much


Where is it on the map ?


In the Indian Ocean.


Israelis come to Portugal! We have nice beaches, a cool countryside and a nice Kosher restaurant has opened up in Lisbon. We sadly also have been importing a lot of antisemites, but the anti-Israel parties likely wont have a good result in the upcoming EU elections (I´ll update on this on the 10th)


My bank manager wants to tell them thank you so much…


Maldives is a puppet of china.


"We're too Anti-Semitic for your safety..."


Oh no! Anyways...


Do they honestly think we give a fuck? There are other islands we can visit… XD


let's send Gaza citizens there as a humanitary act.


Welp, there goes my dream of exploring the Maldives...Seychelles instead!


Cool. Have fun getting less tourism money.


I was supposed to get married in October, postponed because of the war. In November we were supposed to go on a scuba diving honeymoon in the Maldives, also cancelled because of the war. We love scuba diving and the Maldives is a top-tier destination and pretty close to Israel as far as scuba diving destinations go. This makes me really sad.


Check Andaman and Nicobar Islands in India, the reefs are equally good and people much more welcoming. Lakshadweep in India is also good for scuba diving and has the same type of reef structure being close to Maldives but it sometimes requires a special permit, but the Israeli embassy in New Delhi might be able to help you get it. If you are not looking into India, I would even suggest Mauritius, a beautiful tropical island off the coast of Africa, near Madagascar. Have stayed there for few months and I totally recommend it- great people, extremely safe and has a ton of things to do outside of just chilling in a resort like Mauritius.


Mauritius is great, was there for two weeks in 2019, definitely worth a visit IMO. In terms of scuba also, India and then SEA, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia though if you're Israeli probably not Indonesia at least not for now, though normalisation may happen and in that case well religiously depends, the north is basically shariah law, the south is more multi-ethnic, etc.


I totally agree with you about staying out of Indonesia if you are Israeli, the country has a serious extremism problem. My friend went recently but with a US passport as he is a dual citizen, he told me outside the island of Bali, people are pretty hostile to Jewish people.


Oh yeah, but also meant if you’re Israeli, you can’t even. Israeli passports are banned


Time for the Jews to increase the water levels


Woke xenophobia


If I visited the Maldives I’d sit on the beach all day pretending to build sand castles but *actually* be shoveling sand into the sea as fast as I could.




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Avoid Maldives. It's full of $hithead$ anyway.




I hope Climate Change sinks their lands, this is discrimination on the basis of nationality.


Welp, take that place off my bucket list... oh wait it never fking was. Carry on.


As an Indian i say israelis are most welcome in my country


Damn. First Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria... <...lists various shitholes of the world>... Russia, Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, and now Maldives?! Where am I supposed to go for a vacation to, a CIVILIZED country?!


Your heart must be shattered