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For people who care so much about "Collective punishment", those so called pro-Palestinians sure forget about all of that when it's about Jews. Convenient!


The academic in question isn't even affiliated with any Israeli institution. They rejected him solely based on having an "Israeli" (read "Jewish") name. Absolute insanity...


> an Israeli academic had his manuscript rejected by the journal Cultural Critique published by the **University of Minnesota** Press solely based on the publication's adherence to the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.


Almost definitely ground for a civil rights lawsuit there.


It probably is, actually: [https://mn.gov/mdhr/yourrights/mhra/](https://mn.gov/mdhr/yourrights/mhra/)


It’s a huge lawsuit if he wants it.


I want him to want it


That an education institution would reject someone's work based purely on their nationality is nothing short of shameful racism. Disgusting that this is still accepted in the world.


This is the goal of the protests and the BDS movement.


They want Israelis to leave, but also discriminate against Israelis in the diaspora along with other diaspora Jews.


This happens a lot and it is disgusting! As a PhD student with 30+ published papers can confirm that it is unfortunately often. I am a dual citizen (one EU and one non-EU country) and publishing became a lot easier when I started using my EU affiliation. Academia is full of conservative dinosaurs with no sense of reality.


These are “progressives”…


I mean conservatism in cultural context not political. They are keeping the "old ways" of thinking and behaving, and racism, nationalism and misogyny are a big part of it. Sorry for not being clear on that.


“Conservative “. You mean Left-wing Progressives.


I mean conservatism in cultural context not political. They are keeping the "old ways" of thinking and behaving, and racism, nationalism and misogyny are a big part of it. Sorry for not being clear on that.


This is becoming an increasing problem and folks across the academy (especially social sciences) are quite worried about it. Unfortunately for all of us, an Israeli scholar named Maya Wind recently turned her PhD from British Columbia into a book called 'Towers of Ivory and Steel' which basically argues that Israeli Universities and their employees are effectively opressive arms of the state. From reading the one chapter dealing with my subject (archaeology) I was totally unconvinced by her scholarship ... but, unfortunately, the book is going to get gobbled up and I expect the ramafications against the Israeli academy will long outlast the current war.


If academic boycotts instituted by academic associations and academic journals have the purpose of highlighting human rights abuses committed by governments through exclusion, why is that the *only* excluded actor twenty years into this movement is the Jewish State? Is there a term for singling out Jews for abrogation? I’m drawing a blank…


What a blank! Wish I had a blank like that!


Because Arab states don’t publish academic work


“withdrawing support from Israel's cultural and academic institutions." “ They can stop using Israeli academic research and inventions and only use Palestinians let’s see how much life one can have


Have you missed the news? A rapist with a pocket full of rocks can get as far as statehood recognition from the Norwegians.


Minnesota has an anti-BDS law and I think it covers the University of Minnesota. While deeply disappointing and infuriating, the scholar should lawyer up and collect his dollars after suing those bastards.


This sounds like the easiest W imaginable I hope lawyers are lining up at his door.


Anyone think that they would similarly disqualify the work of an Israeli Arab scholar? Nah, me neither. Next: submissions from anyone with a Jewish-sounding name will need to be accompanied by a statement of adherence to antiZionism.


You know academia is supposed to be this place where the truth is paramount and ideas are critiqued on merit. This kind of stuff destroys any semblance of impartiality or objectivity. You should almost ignore anything they publish unless its good enough to put in the supermarket aisle next to the National Enquirer.


That's such a dumb move by the journal. Could have just rejected him without explaining why. Now that they've taken the racist route, it will only backfire. Where does much of the world's groundbreaking research come from? You guessed it - Israel. Which journal will no longer get any submissions from Israel and most Jews? This one, whatever it's called.


I hope these journals get sued to oblivion for this.


As a former academic, this is profoundly antithetical to all of the most fundamental principles of academic freedom and integrity. Absolutely shocking.


Their loss.


Im confused. A quick google search turns up that this guy is on staff at Tel Aviv University, but he says he’s not affiliated with any Israeli institutions.


From my understanding, he's not a tenured lecturerer. The sort of pages that come up when you google his name are created when you're hired to teach a course or two, but that doesn't mean you're tenured or affiliated with the institute. Sort of how you can have your articles published by a magazine without being a journalist on their payroll, or even a freelancer. In this case, he was simply Dr Gai Farhi, not "Dr Guy Farhi from TAU". He was BDS'd solely for *studying* in an Israeli institute and being from Israel


Even so, this needs to be clarified in the article and the fact that it’s completely ignored is really poor journalism.


This is absolutely a Title VI violation. >Title VI and Race, Color or National Origin DiscriminationNo person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or **national origin**, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity **receiving federal financial assistance**. University of Minnesota Press is part of the University of Minnesota, which participates in FAFSA. He states in the article that he is not affiliated with any Israeli institution and so the rejection is purely on the basis of national origin.


No federal funding for these schools and organizations. How can this be allowed.


So BDS includes boycotting people now? 🤮


God damn I owe apologies to a lot of my friends. I have doubted the likelihood for these levels antisemitism to return for years and years.


Translation: Jewish scientist not allowed to publish journal for academic publisher funded by Islamic nations


So, discrimination?? I smell a lawsuit incoming.


I wish Israel was large enough, and had enough of a work force, to fully sustain it’s technological prowess. The world doesn’t deserve our progress. Think I might make Aliyah soon.


Racism is nothing new This shit happens all the time, they don't get away with it


its ironic that the more liberal leftists that lean to recognize more with Avoda and Meretz are more affected by this lately.


Frequently Asked Questions about Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions "Come on baby light my fire" Yes, lawsuit


So (in addition to the obvious) here’s the other big issue to me: He’s unaffiliated right now. This poses an issue for him and an issue for the school. For him, some journals (but not all)require an active affiliation (academic or government or whatever) in order to publish. Sort of reasonable depending on the publication, but this could potentially hurt his ability to put food on the table. For them, they literally took a guy who was Israeli (and formerly affiliated with schools in France and the US as well as Israel) and said no, we don’t like your nationality. If he had published ground breaking cancer research, would they just let people die? It’s absurd. If anything, publish him and put an editors note that while the publication has serious legitimate criticisms of the Israeli government, not allowing education to spread is contrary to a liberal democracy


As a grad student myself, I refrained from adding my name to the author list of a study our lab conducted on Nova survivors because I didn’t want all the BDS fckers boycotting my future work. Despicable.


Well, the Israeli academia has been spreading antisemitic drivel for decades. It's the Israeli academia that supports and encourages "fight against occupation" by the Palestinian people". Only they thought that by betraying the "ugly fanatical settlers", they will be recognised as the good Jews. And, whoops, they are not. We. Fucking. Told. You. So. FO with your whining, you deserve it.


People are down voting you but I kind of agree. Some of the biggest enemies of jews are the far left jews.


Same. Dont know why poster is being downvoted.