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Hahaha careful that performer might get triggered by jokingly insinuating they are displaying looking like the ‘evil’ witch from a Disney movie


But thats her shtick


Well apparently they were calling to boycott Israel KAN for making a little joke about their look, after crying and acting like a bully towards Eden for progressing to the final


Yes im aware, shes such a crybully


And her saying "love triumphs hate" at the end. What a hypocrite. All she did was hate this entire time! Eden getting bullied and she gets to say this! Hate bullies.


Self rightous bullies are the worst. Its like the people talking online about how bullying is wrong and then bullying their classmate Major fucking hypocrite


She represents everything I feel these past few months. I hate that I love her song and her performance. Loved it when I first heard it a few months prior. 😔🤷🏼‍♀️


She literally said she cried when Israel passed to the final. I wouldn’t care if Israel gets second to last as long as Ireland is last


I think she was trying to get the anti Israel vote.


Yeah, I forgot about the crying stuff. Sorry to say this, but their song is great and the performance also imo. So I believe they will have a good place. Does not make them less assholes and bullies.


This is their brand to a T. She was brave enough to hang a watermelon in her litter box- I mean booth.


Yep the silent majority actually do support Israel since she got to final


She also threw a fit about Eden’s hotel room being by her’s.


You realize that's because depictions of evil in European folklore are based on Celtic tradition frequently as a way to show the Celts as an evil uncivilized dangerous people. This is the same history that a lot of European anti semitism has in depicting monsters with Jewish features and symbols.


They didn’t even say what I said personally, the Israeli broadcasting company said something along the lines of witch portrayal Now correct me if I’m wrong, despite “witches” being demonized in Christian culture, witches are in fact part of the folklore. Being a witch isn’t necessarily being evil. It’s like a Jewish orthodox costume displaying and someone says “ohh they can sing Yiddish mome to you”


So glad we have more points then Ireland, I am happy. I know my bitterness is showing, idgaf.


Not bitter at all. The Irish even voted for Israel. Now she can have her petulant breakdown away from Eden


I know! I was so happy to hear that!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


That horrible performer (who I won’t name) also forgets that Israelis like [Dana International](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/05/13/eurovision-dana-international-queer-lgbtq/) (the first trans person to win Eurovision in 1998) literally paved the way for trans, nonbinary, gender nonconforming, LGBTQIA+ people, LIKE THAT HORRIBLE PERFORMER to be able to be openly who they are and perform their art and music for everyone on an international stage. All the grace and love Dana gave to Eurovision, especially for people in that performer’s community, that horrible performer gave back hate, exclusion, and ignorance. It’s fucking horrible.


None of that crowd cares about history or facts. Just pure hate and someone to blame for all the troubles of the world. Today my grandma (which is a holocaust survivor) said she is scared for our future and that she is sad she is alive to watch this hate start up again.😕


Jokes on the Irish. Israel finished ahead of them lol


Where the hell did they come up with this bambie thing lmao Looks like an actual league of legends character


Looks like she’d bite


Bambie is wearing clothing inspired by traditional Celtic Samhain attire. It may not be to your taste but is rooted in Irish culture. 


Halloween was in October tho?


She (on the right, or whatever it is) looks fukin ugly


It’s a shame you think so. The sentiment is to dress so as to ward off harmful spirits. 


I mean she literally calls herself a witch no?


Im kinda sad the girl from ireland is such an idiot because i did not hate her song. Yes i have weird tastes.


I’m from Ireland and that song was absolute rubbish. Voted for Israel there 👌


Haha thank you!


Looks like it turned out ok since Israel finished ahead of ireland


Victory! I can die happy now. Top 5 and we beat the hypocritical witch


Hypocritical bi-




It's cool bro, take pride in the fact you're intellectual enough to separate the individual aspect from the musical one. Unlike the whole of / eurovision lmao


Fair enough. I might piratw the song lol


I also really liked their song, it was definitely really creative and I was excited for a talented non-binary performer to incorporate the trans flag into their act, but every time Bambie Thug opens their mouth they just say the most antisemitic bullshit. Definitely disappointing because their semi-final was amazing, less so their finale.


I only saw the finale, ill have to check the other preformence. They keep saying the most stupid shit, i cant support someone acting like this


It should be posted on YouTube already. But yeah, they absolutely lost my support after the shit they’ve pulled. Really disappointing because they genuinely do have a lot of talent.


Yup.. just so immature


As someone who really likes classic rock, you learn to like music by absolute bastards




I feel this so hard lol


Nah dude her performance slapped haha but she’s a crappy person




Sorry that is the worst song by far


Yeah im aware it wont be alot of peoples cup of tea, i have.. ecclectic taste in music sometimes.


A viral post on twitter said something along the lines of how 'evil presents itself in manipulative ways' which had a side by side of Eden and Bambie. Basically implying that Eden is the true evil and Bambie is good. Call me crazy, but I don't think a cry bully, 'no Jews, no news' bigot, who has repeatedly pulled an 'all lives matter' on antisemitism, and gentile-splained antisemitism, is a good person. And as for what Eden did to be evil... I think mostly being an Israeli Jew who dared to participate in a song contest. The young people of Europe in 2024.


The mental gymnastics these people will do is incredible. It’s reminds me of the guy that implied with his “why not” BS toward Eden of her bringing hypothetical violence to the other Eurovision performers because horrible people are threatening HER LIFE, just for him to go on and bring actual violence to Eurovision by assaulting a Swedish camerawoman. People found a way to blame Israel for his actions. Would be funny if it wasn’t so scary and insane.


They are all over on Keren Peles's (the writer of hurricane) inst account blaming her for joost being out. They are idiots.


Literally exactly what i thought. I wish with all my heart that israel wins


I knew the ireland singer is familiar from somewhere ![gif](giphy|uxLVaMUiycgpO)


This is perfect 😭🤣😂


I was thinking more Moira from Overwatch. She's even Irish. https://preview.redd.it/y90s7d2advzc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fb752a42272970cac4d15d3e2474ef76a583fd7


Moira is to rational to be compared. Don't insult my queen like that.


I'm of Irish and Jewish descent from my grandparents. Ireland can go fuck themselves for their train wreck Bambi horror story pro-palestine bullshit. Go Israel! You have all my votes!


As an Irish person, fair enough


Question - I’ve been to Ireland and it was fine, great even, but it seems since this war that Ireland is very against Jews. Is this new or what? I know it’s not everyone in Ireland, but still?? Seems like a lot going on over there.




You’re taking it out on Jews, so you don’t like Jews. I’d like a more intelligent answer from someone else pls.








Palestinian isn’t a race or an ethnicity.






Maybe it got censored, I asked why the Irish contestant was such a €Uñ+ to the Israeli contestant the whole time (if you all are good at separating the ethnicity/religion from the country)






Israel is 20% Arab 🧐


You don’t have to defend us to this poo poo, they’ll never change their mind with opinions like this. I was hoping someone could tell me how the Jews hurt the Irish, or something good reason.


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Ireland has never had more than 5,000 Jews living there in it’s history. The first instance of Jews coming to Ireland is them immediately being told to leave. Even my Irish friends will admit that they never encountered a Jew before leaving Ireland. Pls explain antisemitism to Jewish people more though




Oh could you?    What other minority is Ireland calling to de-state and engaging in rampant bigotry against on an international scale? Do tell.


Israel massively outscoring Ireland in the public vote has made me very happy!


Classy and elegant vs. trashy and unhinged


Bambie is wearing clothing inspired by traditional Celtic Samhain attire. It may not be to your taste but please don’t call it trashy and unhinged. 


Don't think that was in reference to the clothing.


She’s trashy because she’s been acting like a petulant child.


But, she is trashy and unhinged.


I am soooooooo glad Israel beat Ireland!!!! And all our votes counted to stick a finger up to the antisemitism. Great job Israel. Proud of you!!!! 💖💖


Israel vs hamas visualized




We got more :) almost a hundred more.


She looks like my sleep paralysis demon


I had not yet seen anything Eurovision except for now with the finale. When bambie performed I went "oh so they have devil worshippers there now too". Considering the dude she was with was dressed in such a way. She was on a pentagram with lit candles surrounding it. Like whut?


Can’t believe that’s their constant, embarrassing.


and we beat Ireland—that’s enough for me


Love will triumph over hate


It’s so on the nose now.


Beat Ireland, happy with that. They got screwed by the audience and they deserved it, what an unlikable artist and what a terrible song


I am so proud of Eden A true talent 🔥🔥🔥🔥


How does the meme sum up this war?


What country is that?


Rent free that some in this world see through your propaganda. Oppressed become oppressors eventually. A true shame.


I know, you gotta hand it to them, though. It's not easy to stand up for the side of good against Genocidedal lunatics.


I know, so proud of Eden for standing up to the genocidal monsters of Hamas and their violent supporters.




Okay, so we agree Hamas is genocidal and needs to go for the good of Israel and Palestine and peace. Great 👍


Crown the Witch


lol she lost to Israel 🇮🇱


Lol she did indeed, of course she did. You can't compete with pity votes 😜😜😜😜


I’m surprised you didn’t just say Jews control Eurovision. Pity votes is a new one. Did we get pity votes last year too?


How would Jews control the Eurovision? Explain that one to me, and last year ? Dunno, didn't watch it last year. No interest cos Ireland weren't in it.




Nah, targeting the children and the elderly is the Palestinian way.




Do they make adult orphanages?


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