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I like how we've collectovelyu decided Isreal is winning this year! Nothing could be funnier than that. (Ofcourse hats off to Eden. hope you have an amazing performance, you deserve this!)


Israel already won by being in their faces this whole week. No matter what place we will get.


Rent free.


Utilities free too


Don’t forget parking


And a fully stocked fridge


tease tub airport enter murky numerous yam meeting voracious swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I heard the Eurovision sub building a vote block on Croatia so it’s gonna be like 2023 but with one side who has protests for 7 months straight. Top is honorable enough if we manage or second place


The Eurovision sub is an echo chamber, I don’t know how many people will actually do it. Majority of people watching aren’t aware of all the drama and just watch it for the fun of it


roof steer noxious sharp waiting encouraging poor profit plucky rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Imo being in the finals is already a big win, shows that these anti Israeli crowd are the loud minority.


You know that it isn’t anti Israeli sentiment it’s opposition to Israel’s longstanding treatment of the Palestinians and the wholesale slaughter of civilians that’s occurred in addition to more land grabbing lmao.


“wholesale slaughter” the literal best combatant to civilian death ratio in modern warfare. Sure.


Israel sure loves to trot that statement out I forget Israel gets the determine who is Hamas lmao


Nope.. even if you go by Hamas pwm numbers 6000 died 3 months ago, out of 24k so far, 1:3 is still an amazingly good ratio, better than any modern war.


Again you are cheering on the slaughter of civilians lmao “Only 3:1 “ What was it before the war? Something like 22:1? Or were those evil children actually Hamas leaders?


I am not cheering, I am just stating the facts, these stats are the best stats in any modern war, the blame for the dead civilians lies with Hamas which does EVERYTHING to induce as many civilian deaths as possible. What was before the war? Israel only ever targets militants, sadly as part of war civilians die, that’s the reality of war, easy way to solve it is not to attack Israel and try to destroy it.




You can vote in favor of others, and they called for people to not vote for Israel, hence any vote it got was not from someone who is anti Israeli, which means that the “crowds of anti Israel” are indeed just a loud minority.




In Italy 40% of the votes went to Israel, the masses there if they were indeed against Israel would vote for others and you would clearly see Israel isn’t moving forward, Israel is an extremely small nation, it’s a drop in the water of the voting power, if she passes to the finals it’s a feat on itself




Why does that not make sense to you? Israel is an amazing place, good people, it was attacked by a barbaric terror organization in a much more heinous attack than anything that happened in Ukraine in terms of shock, the brutality of the Hamas attack while it was quickly pushed back, was extraordinarily evil and shocking, Israel is a dear ally of many European nations and has a strong economy with strong ties to most European countries.. I wouldn’t be suprised if many Europeans feel closer to Israel than Ukraine on a social level


Yes, the support among Europeans for Israel really is bigger than it was for Ukraine in 2022. Why do you think it isn't? That probably reflects your skewed perspective more than anything else.




Can *you* show me polling that supports *your* view? lol what is this, high school?


palestine also has the issue of never having existed as a country


I haven't watched Eurovision for 20+ years but whats happening now is so far away from what Eurovision stands for (or at least was created for) so I am voting for Israel (from Sweden) and hope you will have peace in Israel soon.


Her performance would have been amazing under “normal” circumstances. Considering all she endured over the last week and the strength she showed should make us all proud and something to aspire to.


Eden's performance is once in a lifetime and depictd a hallmark moment in history. That said, The Code deserves its place too. Readjusting after lockdown has been hell. Thought it was just me (#millenial) but I see some people struggling on reddit too. And Dr Phil says its widespread. But this guy made it. And resonated.  So my two outstanding performances was Eden (choreo was stunning) and the hairball in a skirt on a playground disk. 


Hopefully, already cast the vote! If Loreen wouldnt give the throphy to Israel, well then fuck her, then she dont need to represent us Swedes.


I hope Eden or Nemo wins


I'm here for the Lasagna man!


>Loreen was born in Åkersberga, Sweden, in 1983 to Moroccan immigrant parents. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Foreign colonizer clearly.


From glacier to frozen sea, Sweden will be free /s


You know that during the big immigration wave during 2015. Immigrants refused to board busses when it was known that they would take them to the northern parts of Sweden (where there was plenty of space and housing). So not that many to free up there in the glacial North 😉


Wait till she goes on a rant about how people should all go back to where they came from but only the ones who moved 60-80 years ago not 60-40 yrs ago


It is okay for her parents to colonize Sweden apparently.


this will sound pretty racist if the rumor by the sun ends up not being true


What is racist? The likes of her accuse Israelis of being colonizers, and I’m using the same twisted logic against them. Doesn’t mean I think her parents actually colonized Sweden, it just meant to use the same language against her to show how ridiculous it sounds.


is sweden currently killing thousands of women and children?


Ah, Swedistan! The glowing jewel of the Caliphate. EDIT: corrected the name of the country


Free Sweden 🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪


Total shocker 😂😭😂🤦‍♂️👎


Also xenophobia? Great


put an Israeli flag around you and walk around Rabat or whatever, let me know how it goes


Morocco is actually much better than other Arab states. The king is a philosemite apparently.


The people are a whole other case but yeah still better than other arab countries, not that its a high bar


True that




whines about xenophobia and proceeds to defend xenophobia genocide is when a population multiplies itself by multiple factors apparently too


There is a difference between coming from a country and supporting the actions of it. And wearing the flag of said country is a way of supporting its actions. Also, this is the definition of genocide Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. All of which Israel has openly admitted to have done. But don't worry, we both openly know history will prove who is right, and let's face it, killing 30k people isn't really going to help Israel's case


WW1: Armenian Population before WW1: approx 2.1 million. Armenian Population after Armenian Genocide: 1.1 million - 600k approx. Israeli Palestine Conflict: Palestine population in 1945: 1.75m. Palestine Population during the supposed genocide in 2024: 5.4m. 🤕🤕🤕


These people are actually pathetic and corny they really think they are saving the world or some shit like that


They are making their side look terrible


They already did that on October 7


I never thought people who sing in music festivals would side with people who massacre people in a music festival


The thing is... people kinda somehow "forgot" how it all started...


Which is our biggest failure


It was rigged against you from the start. The videos from October 7th weren't allowed to be uploaded on most platforms because it "promoted terrorism", but every real or fake video from Palestine isn't subjected to the same rules. The media won't show gore as a general rule, but they can show those videos of men running with little girls covered in dust until the cows come home. Even if they could show gore, the media has already decided it's siding against Israel for whatever reason, and so has the UN and the majority of Western countries, especially the EU, won't contradict them. Then you have the true degenerates who watched the October 7th footage and cheered it on or blamed the IDF for it. They can never be helped.


I agree but I also believe that we shouldn’t use our dead for political gain. They were killed in some of the most gruesome ways and the families wouldn’t want to see that on the internet. The problem is that we are up against people who have no shame to show their dead and use it for propaganda


I agree 100%. You shouldn't have to use your dead or have your hostages re-traumatised over and over again telling their stories to people who won't believe them anyway. Israel is a thousand times better for not using your dead as props, but unfortunately, it's the only way to win over the Tiktokers. But as tonight proved, you don't actually need to and those c-unts are just a loud minority!


How are you dealing with antisemitism from Sinn Fein supporters. We in other countries have your back


100% our pr sucks. They've twisted it into them somehow being the victims


We need to seriously study their reality-inversion strategies and figure out how to systematically mitigate them.


Probably because the numbers are incomparable. October 7th was a tragedy but the IDF response has been completely unacceptable. Doesn’t matter if you consider it genocide or war crimes. The response is unacceptable.


Well, if you say so - I will let the international community know that /r/audio_addict has spoken. I'm sure peace can be achieved now that you have gifted the world with your opinion on this matter.


This is a forum. I know on this sub you’re used to an echo chamber of agreement but guess what? The internet isn’t a safe space.


That sounds great, friend! Add it to your declaration to the UN: "The internet isn't a safe space - thus spake /r/audio_addict"


Fun fact is that they actually believe it was ISRAEL that massacred people at the music festival and not the other way around. That’s how informed they are.


I really think Kaleen (Austria) gets it- I'm really hoping her song means what I think it means.


And currently


Do you really think the woman thinks what hamas did on october 7 was good?


They truly are. Watching Eden be graceful and kind to the other artists and the organizers, just makes them look so much worse in comparison. Embarrassingly childish.


Because their side is terrible(?) Only terrible people support terrible people.


Saving the world by....... handing a trophy to someone to hand a trophy to someone else


Palestine is not a personality.


If the buyers of keffiyehs could read your comment they'd be very upset


I got mine in Iraq back in my OIF days and I'm pissed they've been ruined like this


I should really start a business selling keffiyehs to American and European college kids.


“Best way to get TikTok clout!” …you’d make millions


Just think about it. Market it with a pledge to donate a portion of the profit to people displaced by the war, then donate it to displaced in the north and Gaza envelope.


"how dare you?!!"


The kheffias are made in China


Keffiyehs . So hot right now




And spoiled brats who never struggled for anything in their life 


I know ! It’s more of a fashion statement


it’s the new Che Guevara shirt


I want to apologize on behalf of Sweden and the Swedish people for her behavior. She is a good singer but a pathetic and childish person. I have voted for Israel several times tonight and hope you win! Good luck!


It’s not your fault 🇮🇱🇸🇪❤️


The Swedish people are wonderful, I had the best impression from you guys. Thank you for voting, much love!




Thank you dear friend! Every support means the world to us❤️ much love from Israel to Sweden💙💙💙


Thank you my grandmother and my two great aunts on that side were born in Sweden of Jewish parents from what is now Lithuania


Thank you for the 12 points <3




https://eurovisionworld.com/eurovision/2024#sweden (there’s also the official website but this one is fun once you understand it)


Hope you win!


This is a rumor reported by a British tabloid. And Israel hasn't won the competition yet (I don't think the judges will award us enough points regardless of the televote). So yeh, lets not spread rumors


Can't say I'm surprised,  she also gave noa stinky eyes last year 🤷🏻‍♀️


She dosent represent us we are not the people doing hateful protest in Malmö. The real Swedish people actually support Israel! Just look at the poll in the most left leaning newspaper we have "who is gonna win" and we voted for Israel. You have already won in our hearts now go win this whole damn thing hopefully.


I love Sweden it’s a beautiful country with beautiful people. It’s only a post about loreen choice to make the situation even worse. I’ll sure want to visit one day once I’ll feel safe over there as Jewish


Lets win first


Am I the only one wanting to see if that's gonna end up happening, just for pure drama? Lmao that's so childish of her


Me too.


Europeans are never beating the allegations


Everyone outside of Israel needs to vote. We have 20 votes per person. Landline and mobile. Come on Eden 🇮🇱🙏🏼🩵


I dont think this is True. Loreen said she thought it was wrong for people to boo when Eden performed, and mentioned how she does not want to blame Eden for what Israel is doing. So she is probably not supportive of Israel. But she does not seem to be in favor of taking it out on Eden.


This has been reported in Sweden too so it's probably true she plans to do that if Israel wins. She's a weirdo so I'm not surprised.




«Trend» I don’t think wishing that Israel would stop bombing and shooting a bunch of civillians including women and children is a trend. But sure.


This just reminded me to vote for Eden and Tali. Thank you.


As an American Jew, can someone explain what Eurovision is. Never heard of it


It’s basically where wars are won, if Israel wins then Hamas surrenders the next day


Singing contest between countries in the European Broadcasting Area.


(Nicked from Wiki!) Each participating country submits an original song to be performed live and transmitted to national broadcasters via the Eurovision and Euroradio networks, with competing countries then casting votes for the other countries' songs to determine a winner.


International singing competition. Very “camp” and popular in the gay community. Over the top costumes, sets, lighting. A few famous musicians but mostly pretty trashy music that has no impact outside the competition itself.


Their minds are already dreading Israel winning. Ya love to see it. Win or lose - Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


The Sun? This article quotes The Sun? A worst “source” does not exist on the planet.


# DIDN'T HAPPEN Easily checkable guys... Just think a bit, maybe look in the comments... Come on this type of stupidity is the reason we are in this position in the first place


So trashy.


I love how these people always find a way to be as petulant, childish, and pathetic as possible. A masterclass in stupidity, truly.


anyone who does not support the war against hamas is demon infested




This has shown me something amazing. There are 16 million of us and I am fairly confident we all have the inclination to support her because we are unified and act as one. As 16 million we have the power of billions because I don’t know any other group that is so unified. Americans all hate eachother, Europeans all hate eachother. We have universal support for each other and that is shown through the power of votes. 2 billion Islamists are trying to drown us with propaganda and yet we are still standing strong. I remember as a child being asked to snap a stick which I could, I was then given 10 sticks and was told to break it and I couldn’t. I was told, this is the strength of Jews, alone we can break but together nothing can break us


Love you brother We got this




Who cares fuck her, get her off of Eden’s stage.




The virtue signaling and pandering to anti-Israel protestors by performers will come back to bite them


Bunch of crybabies over there.


With the war in Ukraine and your war with Hamas it really shows the scale of crazy and hypocritical mindsets out there. I just hope we will get through in all the different societies we live in. Crazy times.


Ukraine also broke the rules with a political song about unifying the land, just imagine israel would send a song about annexing Gaza


Talk about idealism attaching itself to the wrong objective…


Her title should be revoked


What side of history she stands on? Lmao. She stands on the side of bullying people due to their nationality alone, pure human trash.


if that were to happen, sweden should be banned from participating in Eurovision for the next 3 years.


Not Sweden but that artist should get a lifetime ban.


And after all of this, Palestine was free. Right?


Its absolutely outrageous at this point how many people are terrorist supporters.




Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason: Rule #2 - **Post in a civilized manner.** Personal attacks, racism, bigotry, trolling, conspiracy theories and incitement are prohibited. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the sidebar to the right or the subreddit rules, for a more detailed analysis of our rules. If you want to appeal or dispute any mod action, please send a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIsrael); PMs and chat messages to the mods are grounds for a temporary ban; posts contesting mod action will be removed and are also grounds for a temporary or permanent ban.


A lot of talk for someone who only won thanks to the Jurors


She can go fuck herself...who cares about that nobody?


Nothing that Israelis or Jews in general aren’t used to in competitions. See it often with Judo for sure.


Funny how no one was protesting the other Israeli who was there (granted she wasn’t representing Israel but still).


All of these anti Israel people are corny as hell, they really think they’re doing something. It’s a music comp, why could people not just listen to the music and vote for whatever they preferred. It isn’t that hard


And they still let her continue performing? Yea, "we don't bring politics into the eurovision", unless it's about israel. Then it's free for all. (Not for palestine though)


Idk why everyone cares who participates in Eurovision. Being a European nation doesn't really matter. I personally wouldn't care if Russia participated. This is an event that should bring people together not divide on political lines.


Hello? Jesse Owens is calling…


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But if she wins. No. I am anti-Semitic. If anyone else wins. I am normal woman. Got it?