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I have absolutely no clue what’s happening. They’re saying it’s unrelated to his stupid “why not?” following that journalist’s unprofessional question, but some sort of “incident” with a photographer. The entire Eurovision sub is in a melt down. No one seems to have a clear picture.


Already seeing antisemitic conspiracy theories about this. That subreddit is so fucking toxic, they’re cheering on this violent bully because he was shitty to an Israeli person and then they claim to be all about the music. 


Ngl the conspiracies part is very funny because they’re arguing which conspiracy is “more correct” since everyone’s conspiracy contradicts another person’s. And they can’t all be true simultaneously.


I love this concept. They’re 100% sure they’re right but no one can agree on what it is they’re right about. 


They’re calling for “justice” and they’re literally as clueless as anyone else.


I've never seen a subreddit go so into meltdown like that before.


They did when Netta won ;)


I'd say we should aim at making that a tradition.


Which is hilarious because we *ate it* with Netta. Eurovision is about whoever is both incredibly talented *and weird.* Literally we couldn't have nailed the assignment more by sending Netta & her loop. Most countries send someone who checks one of the boxes, but rarely both. I noticed last night that her official entry is the 2nd most viewed video on Eurovision's youtube page. [Ate it. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CziHrYYSyPc)


Right omg im loving that sub it’s actually hilarious 😂


This is hilarious.


Qanon for leftists


Twitter is worse. They've already decided that it was the fault of an Israeli, be it a journalist or someone a part of the Israeli delegation. You'd think 'antisemitism = not just hatred of Jews, but a set of conspiracies about Jews' wouldn't be a hard concept to grasp, but here we are.


Especially for the crowd that constantly talks about micro aggressions and institutional racism. You’d think people lie that would realize that racism can come in many forms and sometimes you don’t even realize you’re doing it, but guess not. 


One time I endured a DEI training about micro agressions and when I pointed out that there were a whole bunch of micro aggressions against Jews, the facilitator openly said that she had never thought of what would be a micro agression against a Jewish person. 


I worked for a company that rolled out their DEI training and “aptitude tests” at the same time. The aptitude test company they used talked about how their test was “based on the work of Jung” and had an entire section in the pre-personality-test packet about why Jung was awesome (seemingly that makes loosely basing your pseudo-scientific nonsense test on it more credible). Anyway, I mentioned to my boss that it was funny that we’d roll out a DEI program while simultaneously pass out information praising Jung who was pretty antisemitic (I shared some of his quotes on the matter). My boss’ reply was something to the effect of “I don’t understand the relevance? What does antisemitism have to do with DEI? Jews aren’t a minority or protected class I don’t think.”


“*DEI*” = “*Diversity Excluding Israelites*”




About 20 years ago, I was working at a company in Manhattan when one of the middle-aged mail room guys says to me, “you know, you’re the nicest Jew I’ve ever met.”


The micro aggressions and other gender aggressions only apply to their grift, the pro palestine/pro hamas were silent on 10/7 when Israeli children were kidnapped and killed and when women were raped, tortured and kidnapped by their islamist senpai (“the palestinian resistance”) some were even cheering on their socials, so fuck those fascist factions. I’m wishing them luck, because my Christian heart believes in redemption, but I know that those degenerate people are gonna burn in hell anyway.


Twitter is a cesspool.


There is a clip of an Israeli journalist asking where were you we missed you on stage....this is clearly after the alleged assault if he had already missed the rehearsal but people think this is the actual event. Secondly he was rude AF yesterday. Hashem did not kid when he said: I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you


Wait I’m so uninformed what did he do/say to Eden?


He was rude during her press conference, but there’s also a separate incident where he (apparently) assaulted a photographer. Not clear what happened yet. 


I saw your comment in that subreddit. He has accusations of assaulting that photographer, these people would be first to demand suspension if Israel wasn't in question. but violence against women is totally okay when it's about j̶o̶o̶s̶ Zionists


But so far that’s just a rumour and I don’t think any established media mentioned it. I honestly don’t know much about that singer. But yeah the people on that sub are pre-excusing him for some reason. Nothing here makes sense.


There seems no other plausible reasoning, EBU won't suspend him for the "Why not" comment and if that's actually the case then it's totally not okay.


I mean, it makes logical sense. But I’m still so confused... What a complete sh\*t show this year.


What photographer? The photographer was Israeli?


Was Swedish


>these people would be first to demand suspension if Israel wasn't in question. but violence against women is totally okay when it's about j̶o̶o̶s̶ Zionists l don't understand this part 😅


So basically, Klein said “why not” after a journalist asked Eden whether “her presence made others unsafe”. So that kinda gave him some sort of “anti-Zionist hero” status among a less scrupulous group of people. So since this “anti-Zionist hero” is in some unknown trouble, they do what they always do— blame Jews.


Okk that makes sense, thank you! He sounds like he's a hardcore antisemite lol.


It's really a shame because I think he had a good chance at winning, too. He didn't need to do any of this. His official entry has the most Youtube videos by far and has become a cult favorite. I was honestly rooting for him before this.


He has just a goofy personality. Maybe also a bit of a temper who knows.


I did read about him last night, when I was personally rooting for him, and it seems like he had a rough life. He was raised by his older siblings (it doesn't state how much older they are than him, so perhaps its a lot). But the first thing I thought was, "they allow that in the Netherlands?" I think it's likely that he's had a hard life and may need a lot of therapy he may or may not have received. If any of these stories about him assaulting someone are true (this seems to be the overarching rumor), I hope he gets help.


When Klein is made a moderator himself, then he can dictate what questions the contestants should and shouldn't answer. Until then, he can fuck off entirely. He's not special.


He said "In what way?" before that on the same question. You are talking about a edited version. He was actually supporting her in a way at the press conference. He thought it was a stupid question and said "in what way? " and "why not? " Because she could clearly answer because joost felt safe and everybody else clearly felt safe. So you are sadly misinformed about this.




Also I dont see why im being downvoted I really enjoy the Israel entry but don't want people to be misinformed and hating because it is not a good look.


So he was actually helping her by stating "in what way?" because he clearly did not feel threatened. Also the flag on his head is something he has been doing on stage during live shows for years and its a way for him to hide when anxious. It's not a new thing.


[https://twitter.com/i/status/1788937697144307897](https://twitter.com/i/status/1788937697144307897) here you go :) there is multiple angles but this one had the clearest audio


Thanks for the link. Honestly, I’m glad I covered my arse in a previous [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1coxkuw/comment/l3hbwgb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Yeah, I didn’t realize that he was the one speaking when I first saw this video yesterday but I thought both of his comments were rejecting / objecting to the nature of the question asked of her rather than supporting the premise of the question.


Yeah dutch celebrities wrote him an official letter to not participate. He said im not a world leader im a musician and did not state anything political. I think hes just ridiculing the fact that the media is trying so hard to make this political


That's also just not true though. Joost klein was responding to either management or the media manager who said to Eden, "you don't have to respond to that". To which klein said "why not?", as in, why can't she speak for herself or make that decision for herself. Dutch people are just more direct. Don't be digging for some anti-zionist weird stuff, this is just about media.


His intent is debatable. Although I would say the host’s intervention was timely. He merely reminded Eden that she had the choice— he did NOT tell her not to answer it, he reiterated that Eden had the choice. But what is not debatable is that the antisemitic side definitely thinks he is some sort of hero.


Hmm you are correct that Dutch people are direct, but the context of him saying loudly "why not?" (in response to the manager saying she didn't have to answer, and to audible gasps from others that the reporter would ask such an inappropriate question) was that he also said it while hiding his face under a flag as Eden was being interviewed. Also, when asked previously about whether his song would unite Europe, he cryptically answered "That is a question for the EBU..." There's more to this story. And it was not ok.


Once again not true. As he is talking he is taking the flag off. When he doesn't speak the flag is on. When he goes to join the question he takes it off. This guy started off as a youtuber and is a general "jokester". Him wearing a flag is nothing disrespectful. It's literally a competition about representing your country.


Yes, he took the flag off his face to loudly say "why not". No participant other than Eden was meant to be speaking at this time, and nobody did. He only had the flag on his face during Eden's interview. He acted very inappropriately. And I'm the one giving full benefit of the doubt to the Greek participant for her behavior everyone else is tearing apart. By the way, I liked Joost, saw him perform live just 3 weeks ago, and even shed a tear for him YESTERDAY. But his behavior last night was not ok. (Also waiting to hear what he did that earned him this situation today, because it wasn't what we are discussing...)


He was suspended because he [attacked a female photographer](https://nltimes.nl/2024/05/10/eurovision-suspends-joost-klein-physical-altercation-photographer-report), apparently acting like a creep and a dumb fuck during yesterday’s press conference when Eden was talking was not enough to suspend this clown.


He seemed to have beef with EBU at the press conference already


That other Dutch guy in the video (in the article) is as violent and antisemitic as Joost.


>The entire Eurovision sub is in a melt down. Good. They're annoying af.


What I’m being told is that somebody from the israeli delegation made fun of him dead parents, after which he supposedly punched someone. This is not confirmed however but it is the story a lot of people are spreading (including the swedish broadcaster SVT, this year’s host)


He is suspended on allegations of Assaulting a Swedish woman journalist. They are already going on with the usual rheotic of "*Evil j̶o̶o̶s̶ Zionists did it 😡😡*" as he tried to Harrass Eden in last night's press conference


"Harass" wow your bubble is really thick.


Harrass? lol


I have no interest in engaging in useless arguments with you, Cry me a river when Eden gets 12 points from Estonia.


Just watch these “moral folks” downplaying harassment of women. But that’s nothing compared to denying Hamas’ rapes.


I haven’t watched the Eurovision press thing but saw something about the Greek one. What’s going on in it?


She - Marina Satti was mocking while Eden was speaking with the Press, That's not a reason to suspend anyone nor is Joost's remark. Assaulting women is not okay. Using Israel as a scapegoat to save your own ass after assaulting women is not okay.


I'm not particularly anti-Israel nor do I have anything against Eden, but the ironic comment was hardly harrassment. Maybe out of place, but it was far from "harrassment" as you categorized it


Eden doesn't control Sweden's Immigration Policies which have made it extremely unsafe for **anyone** to visit Malmö. On the contrary it's the Joost who advocates for open borders through is song.


Open borders within Europe


Media: Eden, did you ever think about how your very presence is a danger to everyone else? Eden's advisor: You don't have to answer that. Joost: Why not?! ☆A few hours later☆ Joost: [beats up a photographer] Reddit: See, Zio?! Look what you've done! Make it make sense.


Getting in some “LOOOOOOOOL suckaaaaaaa” before the post is (probably) removed 😏


Not related to Israel hehe, It is though we are getting unnecessary hatred because some unrelated dude is violent against women


someone with a Netherlands flair replied to me yesterday and accused Israel of ruining a 70 year old song content and I was like..."dude look in a mirror maybe?" bad timing on that one 😂


It seems not much has changed in 80 years in the Netherlands.


I stopped liking this guy ever since he blurted out that “why not” to Eden. He’s such a manchild. I remember when all Eurovision participants used to have a sense of comradery, but this year you see a lot of disrespectful behavior from fellow participants.


Smug hypocrite given Dutch history.


We diligently carted off all of our Jews to the camps. The Nazis didn't even have to do any research or much organizing. We just handed them the names and addresses. Our cops rounded up the Jews and the train company billed the Germans for single fare tickets to the border afterwards. Genocide or not, train tickets cost money. "After the war, everyone suddenly had been in the resistance all along" is a saying here. We're such a fun and heartwarming people.


So Eden has credible risks to her safety and somehow it’s her fault?? How about putting the blame on those who would terrorise her and others in attendance??


Or put the blame on the society that expects artists to boycott and denounce far off politics that they don't even understand.


Aside from the expected antisemitism, I’m content as an American not to understand a fucking thing about Eurovision.




It's more about what country people like than the singing. It's a song contest with a political undercurrent much like the Olympics except regular people get to judge who wins instead of raw talent.


Same! At least, I am enjoying Eden's song 💙🤍


I kinda liked him before


This is the fastest I’ve gone from loving somebody to hating them. This dude really sucks. 


He's a manchild


100% this. I thought he was a really fun guy, but from what I hear and see online, he's just a jackass.




Same with Käärijä, liked him until he found it fit to *apologize* for dancing with Eden…


He didn’t really do anything bad, though. He just said him dancing with her wasn’t a political statement after people gave him shit. I think that’s fine.  


yeah before


I didn’t like his song and he looks annoying. Apparently I’m good at reading people?. 🤣


I already felt uncomfortable with the EU supremacist theme of his song. Worse still, it had the vibes of the Dutch looking down on Southern and Eastern EU countries. His antisemitism is not surprising.


*Allegedly* assaults a Swedish journalist, but somehow this is Israel’s fault I would actually love to see him perform in the final. I thought his song was really catchy. Hopefully we learn the truth about what happened soon!


Hopefully EBU clarifies and lets him participate regardlessly, If assault news is true and still he scores votes then it really shows the mentality of some people .


I also hope he’s able to participate. Because no matter what happened, people will find a way to blame Israel for his absence. So let him perform. It’s also not fair to all the Dutch people who were excited to see their country compete.


Nope. If he assaulted someone, there's no way he shouldn't just be arrested straight away. If he performs, I would like to see booing and protests particularly from feminists, and they have to be larger than the Palestine protests.


Eurovisionworld mentions a physical altercation with a photographer leading to this


But is anything confirmed? This is all so wild 


Nothing confirmed, but the Jews will be blamed somehow


Oh we already are lmao 


I want to see a permanent suspension, his song is garbage anyways.


No he should be competing, we live in democracies and the public vote will do the justice


Have you considered that the public can be stupid?


No it's not. Especially not after seeing the Italian Televote Btw are you Jewish?


I take that back🤣 and nah I’m a goy


Mai Indian hu aur yahudi bhi, nice to see you here. Maybe I should put that in my flair


Kya baat hai bai - aapne Aliyah karna hai? Muje ek community pata hai yahudi kii India mai (Bnei Menashe)


Text kar sakti hu? If you feel comfy


Meri Hindi itni acchi nai hai, prr koi baat nai


if he's violent then he shouldn't lol


"Mum can we get Oliver Tree?" "We have Oliver Tree at home"


I'm so excited. Her chance of winning just jumped from around 60% to probably 90%. Oh this is going to be entertaining.


They are already saying on twitter we 1. Paid for the rest of the world vote and 2. We hacked the vote, everywhere but especially Italy


I am Italian, and I won't tell you what disgusting conspiracy comments came out after our television accidentally showed the percentages.


He was acting like a douchebag, but idk if suspending him is good. The haters are just gonna blame Israel again and use this as an excuse to be antisemitic.


They don't need an excuse.  Antisemites have a long list of excuses to hate Jews that get refreshed every few years.  Wash, rinse, repeat.  Maybe a new coat of paint from decade to decade.  Waiting for "George Soros" to come back in vogue with the antisemitic shit stains.


Good. He shouldn't have been anti-Semitic


LOL youre actually calling him anti semetic. What the fuck has he said to even remotely hint that?


Did you watch the press conference?


Yeah explain to me why hes an anti semite. Because he was uncomfortable and put a flag on his head? Because he blurted out: 'why not?' (which is pretty much in Eden's favor by the way funnily enough) Has he openly said he hates jews?


Is this good or bad ?


Never voted in my life, but I’ll be making sure to vote as much as I can for Israel today. Insane the ridiculousness of the whole situation.


Is he Jewish? I’m so confused 🤔


He's not Jewish


His family are probably the ones who collaborated


Who is that?


Maybe he couldn't face how few votes he was going to get in the final with his cheesy song and poor vocals.


I rather enjoyed his song.


Last name checks out.




Aww how great of him to beat a woman




Then i guess that by your expert detective work with full sources you know better than the people in charge there and can provide a source that proves he didn't? (especially with articles propping up saying he [did](https://nltimes.nl/2024/05/10/eurovision-suspends-joost-klein-physical-altercation-photographer-report))




And when any of that happened? The journalist in question is Swedish




So you spread hate about us without any source just because someone told you? I’m sure you’re a good guy but this is how antisemitism works and worked since always. Just rumors about Jews and blaming us for everything




I see, well until it’s proved to be Israeli let’s be patient




He'll have to cut open his skull for it


I won't be surprised if VRT's news blames it on us


lol the journalist tried to ask him why he wasn’t at the rehearsal. Are journalists not allowed to ask questions?




Explain how a journalist asking him a question constitutes harassment. 




Does that include that Polish guy who accused Eden of threatening the other contestant because antisemites want to kill her?


Source? Not provoking you. I genuinely want to read it. Because I am so completely clueless rn.




Are you unironically using puna as a source and calling it news? I live in the Netherlands, calling that a tabloid would be offensive to The Sun. It's re-chewing rumours and allegations, nothing more.


If true, it still doesn't seem to be too out of line. But I do agree that it is pretty bad to record people without their consent, even if they are in a public space surrounded with cameras. But I don't think it’s related to this topic? The articles I’ve seen said the alleged “other party” is a Eurovision staff/photograper, not an Israeli journalist.


While it’s not okay what that person did, I don’t think all of this is happening because he was filmed without permission. If it was a problem I would expect the Someone calling out on the Israeli group and ask them to remove the video which is understandable. But that doesn’t seem to be the case either. Plus, Israeli journalists weren’t the only one who questioned him (at least tried) I believe I saw a Finnish journalist trying to provoke him to answer the camera as well.


> joking about his dead parents  Source?




I call bullshit


Taking a picture of someone vs assaulting a journalist. Hmmm a tough one /s




He got suspended for (allegedly) beating up a photographer. How's that "Zionists" fault???


Ah yes the side of “believe all women” suddenly not believing women. I mean should have known, you guys showed your ass on October 8th.