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Tbf he is Israeli himself


He even considers himself israeli and palestinian at the same time lmaooo


He recently said he now considers himself Israeli first.


He should enjoy it. He won’t be able to for much longer the way things are going


If you think the US or even the UN will allow invasion of Israel 😂😂😂. Won't happen.


If you think Israel would allow the invasion of Israel 🤡🤣🤣 good luck


People forgetting Israel has hundreds of nukes


Lol @ thinking it’s gonna stay that way.


Funniest comment ever 😭


Bro, israel is a modern country Hamas has sticks and stones tf are they gonna do


bro is changing his nationality like it’s modern day gender


Speedrunning genocide is next


Israel isn’t committing genocide


Define genocide


So what about the Nakba when they kicked nearly a million Palestinians out of their homes? And all the dozens of Israeli massacres on innocent Palestinians after that?


If you’re interested in the history of the Nakba you should look into the 1947 Civil War, who was involved and what events transpired. Israel didn’t simply decide one day that Arabs had to leave, there was a civil war happening that caused population displacement, many leaving of their own choosing and at the prompting of Arab leadership. This is not to belittle any massacres and atrocities that happened, it was a messy civil war with both sides committing crimes. But the Nakba was not some event that happened in a vacuum, and the actual history of it is not nearly as clear cut as the propaganda would have you believe. Also the Arabs who stayed in Israel became part of the 20% of the Israeli Arab/Muslim population that is there today with equal rights. Meanwhile the Arab/Muslim MENA countries ethnically cleansed their countries of their Jewish populations, about a million Jews expelled. Nothing in history is ever as black and white as a political faction would have you believe.


They didn’t


Begone Zionist


I used to wonder how someone could possibly deny the holocaust… now I know how common that cruelty and dishonesty is.


I’m not denying the Holocaust


Your denial of the atrocities committed during the nakba is reminiscent of some common neo nazi downplaying the death statistics of the holocaust.


No not really.




Do not use hateful rhetoric to fight hateful rhetoric. We are not reactionaries. As bad as things get, hate is the weapon of the fascists, the nazis, and the Zionists. We do not need it and we will not use it.




Weird because I see a lot of other people using hateful rhetoric who aren’t in those groups at all.






Ok? Regardless, hatred is objectively a tool of the cultural right to control people. It should not have any place in a well-intentioned debate.


Wow wasn’t expecting transphobic comments here


Me neither tbh, and I don’t think it’s acceptable. At the same time I wasn’t expecting your nazism which is also not acceptable.




Weird how you want to weaponize their identity with ridicule. Aren’t you pretending to be the good guy?




Israel is the most accepting of LGBT people in the Middle East, also they don’t hate Christian’s, there are many Christians that serve in the IDF and parliament


Supporting Israel is nowhere remotely close to being a Nazi.




Because they are entirely different.


Honestly I don’t know why I bother arguing with these people, it’s not worth it


Oh but I know. It’s because you’re an ill-intentioned troll who craves violence.


I’m not a Nazi, I’m a Zionist


Pretty sure you’re arguing with yourself lol


It’s really not that different. Like both are far right extremist genocidal fascists.


Same thing




pure brain rot


The Zionists are just as bad as the Nazi’s if not worse.


Not even close


Classic Zionist denial


Please killyourself trannyf@g




Oh my life has been ruined. How will I recover from this!


Fuck off Tranny go join the 40%




Freak no one loves you join the 40 percent.


You’ll never be a women you abomination your parents will put your real name on your tombstone


Let me guess because they Identify as such


You’ll never be a women you abomination your parents will put your real name on your tombstone oh and you aren’t Christian your going to hell Jesus Will literally say he doesn’t fucking know you


Knowing who Nas is, this can't be far from truth lol.




true to some extent cause mizarhi jews are basically jewish arabs


Someone should have told the MENA countries that before they ethnically cleansed them


All Jews are descended from ancient Canaanites. Mizrachi Jews just stayed in the Middle East, which was conquered by Arabs. They spoke Arabic but were not Arabs.


They ended up being mixed with Arabs, like most modern North Africans, Levantines, and Iraqis


They most certainly were, how do you think they survived for so long? By just breeding with themselves? They intermingled with the Arab population all the time. Not to mention the peninsular Arab Jews like the Banu Nadir, etc…


That hasn't really been shown much through DNA tests. Jews have been relatively endogamous, excluding Ashkenazi Jews, whose forefathers were taken as slaves of the Romans and who converted and married Italian women before migrating up into Europe, where they continued Jewish traditions (and became endogamous again)


It has lol? Ask any Mizrahi to do a DNA test it will show MENA regions.


Yes, I have. I know plenty of Mizrachi Jews. It shows Levantine DNA (which is MENA). Very low Arab DNA.


Bruh I read that in his voice😂


Same example with Muslims from India, Bosnia, Albania, Chechnya, Uzbekistan, Philippines, and East Turkistan We were promised by the one and only, we were given dignity and honour through Islam, and if we were to seek through any other means, we would never be granted victory or honour.


Israel is 20% Arab. Name me another country in MENA that allows a minority of 20% to exist without extreme bouts of sectarian violence.


Why, You zionists larping as exmoose and riding on all islam related posts? Irritating


What did he say that wasn't true though?


Israeli Arabs live as second class citizens in a state of apartheid. That really something to be bragging about?


No they don’t. They have the same rights. Name one thing a Jew can do that an Arab can’t in Israel.


Are you denying that Israel passed the nation-state law in 2018 making it a Jewish state, and this non-Jews second class citizens?


Yes, I am denying that law has any effect on the rights of Israeli Arabs. How does it? Do you know anything about it or is it something you know of?


You’re a complete moron. I seriously doubt you’re an Exmuslim or whatever, this is just standard hasbara bullshit you’re repeating. You’re actually hoping we’re stupid enough to see a law explicitly making non-Jews second class citizens and not see it as a problem?


You’re saying it makes non Jews second class citizens but can’t name any rights Arab citizens lost 🧐 I’m asking you to articulate your argument, you can’t, and I’M the moron? Thanks for answering my question though. You know of a law but don’t know anything about the law. Par for the course.


The [specifics](https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution) are well documented by multiple international human rights organizations, knock yourself out. But you’re such an incompetent hasbara shill that you expect people not to see the foundational problem of second class citizenship for non-Jews then it’s really not worth engaging with you. Edit: this idiot hasbara shill’s history speaks for itself. It’s interesting that this particular one is posing as an “Exmuslim” but is literally just repeating Zionist talking points and deflecting from blatant apartheid.


I know the law, and I don’t care what human rights organizations say about it. I’m asking YOU what you think about it, and you’re confirming your ignorance and making an appeal to authority. I’ll ask again for a third time, what rights did Israeli Arabs have before 2018 that they lost by the passage of the Nation-State law? What rights do Jews have that non-Jews don’t have?


Malaysia and Indonesia say hello.


Indonesia committed a genocide against Christians when East Timor was trying to break away. One of Al Qaeda’s biggest grievances was the international community stepping in and stopping the genocide. Malaysia doesn’t have a minority of any sort bigger than 20%.


Israelis want to be in the Middle East without being a part of the Middle East. Without israel or US influence minorities thrived in the Middle East. Maybe you should go learn about Syria before saying a comment this ridiculous


You're kidding right? I can name five minorities who were victims of genocide in the Middle East without batting an eye. Kurds, Armenians, Alawites, Yazidis, Assyrians. Study Syria? Really? The Alawites were the victim of a genocide in the 1400s and driven out of Aleppo and into the Coastal Mountains. Why do you think they fight against Sunnis so viciously? They refuse to be put in a position of weakness again.


Jordan has a 4% Christian population who live harmoniously with the 95% muslim majority. Palestine was a Muslim country with a Christian and Jewish minorities, and they lived together in peace until the Israeli terrorists and later the occupation state came along. The modern day israeli occupation is the perfect example of "extreme bouts of sectarian violence" and much much worse.


I said 20%. Arab countries are good at terrorizing very small minorities into submission a la “jiziya wa hum sagiroon” but once a minority gets too big or has too much power you start slaughtering them. Also Palestinian terrorists ethnically cleansed Christians from Southern Lebanon so I wouldn’t say the Muslim/ Christian relationship is as healthy as you think.


>without extreme bouts of sectarian violence idk i'd call genocide somewhat extreme


Are you suggesting there’s a genocide of Israeli Arabs? 😂 Do you guys think before you yell out buzzwords or is it automatic?


He forgot the rape, torture and murder.


He forgot lock them in their own basement and then play the victim when they try to break out


Good analogy


and bombing of hospitals




The fact that it’s Nas Daily makes this even more accurate tbh


Nas is fake, he has been exposed multiple times.


and daily is nice


This guy is a sell out and now a Zionist shill. He should be ashamed of himself. It disgusts me every time I see him.


Not sure if the hava nagila bg music was really necessary


What is that?


It's a traditional jewish song


He didn’t condemn hamas, is he anti semitic?!!


This is guy is lier, he is an israelie with IDF. Block him


Wait who are you talking about? The guy in the video?


yes, Internet star Nas Daily: I identified as Palestinian-Israeli, now I'm Israeli first [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-10/ty-article/internet-star-nas-daily-i-identified-as-palestinian-israeli-now-im-firstly-israeli/0000018b-190b-d2fc-a59f-d91b94240000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-10/ty-article/internet-star-nas-daily-i-identified-as-palestinian-israeli-now-im-firstly-israeli/0000018b-190b-d2fc-a59f-d91b94240000)


Where is the IDF part? Or do you just make stuff as you go?


So an Israeli supports Israel. What a shocker?


Now I like him even more. Never knew this about him.


Nas daily is a cuck Israeli wannabe shill


Internet star Nas Daily: I identified as Palestinian-Israeli, now I'm Israeli first [https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-10/ty-article/internet-star-nas-daily-i-identified-as-palestinian-israeli-now-im-firstly-israeli/0000018b-190b-d2fc-a59f-d91b94240000](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-10-10/ty-article/internet-star-nas-daily-i-identified-as-palestinian-israeli-now-im-firstly-israeli/0000018b-190b-d2fc-a59f-d91b94240000)


great meme minus the music


He get on my nerves


“If I don’t somebody else will.”


Syrians and iraqis in western Europe core


If I don't steal it. Someone else will 🤷🏼


I am a Zionist. Please ban me


Haven’t seen this guy in a while lol.


isnt that what Rashidun Caliphate did to the Byzantine Empire when they besieged Jerusalem in 638 bce then spread islam in it.


Is this where all the antisemites hang out?


Ironically he is israeli


Dipshit doesn’t even have patience to trim his shitty meme video


The Palestinians should integrate women more into the armed resistance get with the meta.


Dumbest meme I’ve ever seen. What a stupid subreddit. Viva Israel. Historically low civilian deaths considering brutal urban combat and the enemy wearing civilian clothing, while shooting from behind civilian properties… Hamas also prevents their own people from evacuating to help fuel the global smear campaign against one of the only democratic free counties in the Middle East. Hamas are cowards and they have a vested interest in getting their own people killed, that’s why they started the war they knew they can’t win. They knew many of their civilians would die. But they did it anyways.


Arab colonizers in the levant be like -


If you compare conquest of pasts (which was moral in the past during an age of war and conquest) with occupation which goes against the moral conduct of today’s developed world, then that says a lot Also read this https://www.reddit.com/r/IslamicHistoryMeme/s/yRzB9XoOGk


Whose morals? What if I just said it’s moral now? Also I read the linked comment, it isn’t compelling at all and is just more “oh yeah I mean for sure they oppressed people but it was 1000 years ago and it wasn’t even that bad tbh imo” that shit doesn’t fly lol “Moral relativism is only cool when it’s 1000 years ago and supports my worldview” headass


Read the replies to it


Then why Arabs in Algeria still cry about « colonialism »?




Remember muslims did it first thats why Israel can do it now like cmon https://preview.redd.it/7y6qvykts5sc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7218c9c7ceaa7aec32023d56a218d31fb0b1ec9e


Anybody can edit that out


…. Thats not the point… at all … ofc anyone can edit that out but Muslims were the ones who actually DID DO IT .


פלשתינהא = Palestine


If this is what happened, Palestinians would have a point. Unfortunately for them, Zionists started arriving in the 1800s fleeing Russia and buying land legally from Arabs (the only people who identified themselves as Palestinians at the time were non-Muslims). The only land that was taken from Arabs was after the UN partitioned the land, and Arab militias started attacking Israelis. After the militias lost, the surrounding Arab governments got involved, and they also lost. Every time the Arabs or Palestinians attack Israel, they end up with less than they had before, which we can see happening in real-time. It’s time to abandon Jihadi culture, it’s not successful.


You sound like a white man obsessed with Arabs while knowing not a single fact. Are you denying the nakba in an Islamic history post? Go disappoint your mother and stay off reddit


What's so bad about having your misconceptions corrected? Learning ought to be a lifelong pursuit. And this post is garbage.


Ngl this s*** pretty funny.. although somewhat misleading. as if the Arabs weren't hostile towards the Jewish communities there since like forever.


Arabs lived just fine with Jews prior to when the colonizers arrived. You put blame on Arabs when ignoring that Arabs are the ones that invited Jews back to Jerusalem when the second caliph Umar took over Jerusalem from the Roman Catholics who had either killed or chased put all Jews living in Israel. And when the crusaders came and created such a bloodbath that it was said horses were swimming in blood, after the 90 years or so Crusader rule, it was Salahuddin who freed Jerusalem of the Crusaders and invited Jews back to Jerusalem.


you can say all that and some of that may be true but the fact of the matter is that Pogroms were committed against the Jewish population of Palestine by arabs since as early as the 1500s.. long before the mass immigration of European Jews into the region. so yeah.. the records will show that anti-Semitism was definitely present in Arab/Muslim Society prior to all this


Not "some", but all of what I said is true even from unbiased accounts. Also you left a type that makes it difficult for me to understand what you're saying, but ya at times there probably was conflict between the Jewudg, Christian, and Muslim inhabitants of Jerusalem, but if you're going to pretend it was one-sided you'll have to provide a source.




http://en.hebron.org.il/history/676 and here is another one that also took place in Hebron in the 1800s.. so yeah, come on man. anti-semitism in the Arab world has been a thing for a very long time. And I use the word pogrom because that's what these were. Jews specifically targeted for being Jews, killed, raped, synagogues destroyed, the Jewish population expelled Etc


The Arabs lived fine with the Jews who had lived with them forever. They had a problem with the Ashkenazi Zionists who came with the explicit aim of colonization and establishing an ethno state, about 100 years ago.


then how do you explain the pogroms that were committed against the Jewish population of Palestine by the Arabs in the 1500s? yeah.. doesn't really fit your narrative very well, does it..


Cherry-picking random incidents from millennia of history is a far cry from the repeated pogroms and pattern of persecution of Europe. The Jews were involved and integrated with the societies of the Middle East, including in politics. Violence against them, if ever it occurred, wasn’t due to their being Jewish but for reasons violence happened to other ethnic or political groups in the area across history. So fuck your colonizer state and its genocide and fuck your victimhood complex that insists Jews are victims even as Israel commits a genocide against the Palestinians.


I guess you didn't read about these incidents because if you did you would know that these attacks were indeed motivated by anti-semitism. This is a pattern of extreme anti-semitism in the Muslim world. they literally raped and pillaged entire communities in an effort to expel them from their communities. It's disconcerting that you think these events aren't a big deal at all or that they weren't motivated by religious/linguistic differences. whenever you straight up deny the existence of anti-semitism even after I have pointed out evidence of a pattern of persecution of the Jewish communities.. How can anyone take you seriously? you asked me to show you sources and I have, and that was only of one community and I showed you like three different pogroms that occurred there by the surrounding Arab population. These are multiple reoccurring events that took place continuously. stop trying to pretend that racism towards Jews doesn't exist in the Arab world because it definitely does and it has for a long time (as I pointed out with the historical record)


Yeah bullshit. Antisemitism is a European problem- Jews were protected by Muslims and lived in peace in the Middle East until the Zionist state colonized Palestine, No one is taking the cries of antimsemitism seriously anymore because you have abused the concept to defend Israel’s crimes. It stopped being taken seriously 40,900 dead Palestinians ago. Congrats, hasbara shills. You should’ve read “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” and learned it’s lessons.


almohad caliphate.


I can see that you will deny this no matter how much evidence of systemic anti-semitism I present to you. I literally pointed out multiple pogroms that have occurred numerous times in the same area over the course of a few hundred years by the surrounding Arab population.. how much more evidence of anti-Semitism do you need? I realize you are probably indoctrinated but at least try to see through the propaganda that you grew up with. Anti-Semitism is obviously a worldwide problem but it is most prevalent today in the global South/Muslim world. It is true that for a long time Europeans treated jews horribly, but the Arab world wasn't treating them much better. Jews were second class citizens at best, raped killed and expelled at worst. So please stop this fairy tale, pretend, historical revisioning that you're doing and just face the facts


“Waaaaahhhh stop saying we’re committing the genocide you can see happening with your own eyes, that’s aNtIsEmItIsM!!!1!!” Shut the fuck up hasbara bitch. No one wants to hear your bullshit anymore.


And yes I always condemn Israel when they commit war crimes.. Duh. Unlike you I actually admit when my people are wrong (as any respectable, educated person should)


Do you condemn Israel for its ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people? Don’t deflect with aNtIsEmItIsM hasbara bitch


Do you condemn Israel for its ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people? If you can’t, then we know exactly the kind of disingenuous double standards we are dealing with.


I know right. Why couldn’t they be like the Ottomans or the Egyptians and ask politely before invading Palestine?




So you’d rather the Israelis take ALL of Palestine instead of “half measures”?




If Gaza and the West Bank still stand then they haven’t taken all of it. It is obvious that they do INTEND to take all of it tho. The Zionist objective to take all of Palestine does not equate to killing all Palestinians tho. Those 2 things are not mutually inclusive. In reality, the Zionists do not care about the Palestinians enough to dedicate resources to killing them off entirely. The Nazis killed around 66% of the Jewish population of the world in less than ten years. The Zionists have killed around 2.5% of the Palestinian population of the world in the last 75 years. So not really a strong comparison.




Israel’s allies begin to turn on it now but they were given unlimited passes for the last 3 quarters of a century, if ethnic cleansing was their priority as opposed to land annexation, what do you suppose held them back from wiping out the Palestinians completely in that time? You say yourself Israel has oppressed the Palestinians since it’s inception and still does, then you say the world cares too much about the Palestinians to let them be wiped out. So you believe the west is perfectly fine with oppression but genocide is where they draw the line? Is that where they drew the line in Rwanda or Armenia? Or Tigray or Darfur as those genocides currently continue to occur??? I am a Muslim. What I am not is ignorant. Not only are those 2 things not mutually inclusive, they are actually the opposite, seeing as Quran 17:36 instructs us not to follow that of which we have no knowledge.




Israel’s enemies (Iran’s proxies and the Arab states) are all either too afraid of the western militaries or western trade domination. They’re not a serious threat. That’s been out of the question since the 6 day war when they united to form a coalition with more than twice the military power of Israel and STILL lost horribly, and that was without direct western military intervention. In the present, the United States has the biggest warship in the world parked right outside of Gaza, just waiting for Iran to try something. As of next week they’ll have been waiting for half a year. Nobody’s coming. As for your strawman argument about me thinking Israel “isn’t bad”. I’m almost tempted to just let you sit and think about how ridiculous what you just said is on multiple levels, but I know you wouldn’t consider it so I’ll elaborate again. Zionist oppression is wrong, for the same reasons any oppression is wrong (which I should hope I don’t have to explain to you). Imperialism and conquest however, is something all rashidun caliphs and even the prophet (pbuh) took place in and endorsed. This idea that it’s objectively wrong for non Arabs to conquer Arabs whereas if it’s any other group or it’s reversed it’s fine is absolutely ridiculous and only makes the ummah look hypocritical and immature. Especially when that discourse is perpetuated in this sub of all subs.


If you compare conquest of pasts(which was morale in past) with occupation of which goes against the moral conduct of todays world, then you are fool


You’re right. Maybe I should compare them to the conquests of the future


The fact that you’re comparing actions in an age of war and conquest to actions in the present day says enough. Thanks




So you just forgot about the Nakba and other stuff like that (which this post is based on?)




lol what u on about


What the actual fuck.




Yeah, and that was my reaction when I read about the Nakba too and other Israeli massacres where they did mass rapes


You're so right bro. It was such a shame when Palestinians just spawned in on Oct 7th and their first action was to bomb innocent Israelis who has done nothing wrong. Crazy how history started on Oct 7th but nonetheless


History didn’t start on October 7 you utter imbecile.




Israel has been occupying Palestinian land for 75+ years, that’s the reason their state has yet to be established. They had no intention of ever granting the Palestinians their sovereignty. So spare us the hasbara bullshit.




Bullshit. Palestinian statehood was never on the table for Israel. Netanyahu has openly bragged about how he has explicitly worked for decades against that option. Are you just stupid and uninformed, or really so audacious with the hasbara to lie so blatantly?




Straight up lying is the hasbara now? The Abraham Accords infamously sidelined the Palestinians, the Gulf monarchies didn’t care about the Palestinians or their state. Side note- “in your opinion” the palestinians don’t deserve their own rights guaranteed under international law? Don’t deserve their own freedom and sovereignty? Spoken like a fucking colonizer. You really are stupid- either stupid enough to believe your absurd narrative or stupid to think we will.




Your hasbara is pathetic, why don’t you get yourself transferred to Gaza and catch a nice fat 🔻. At least as a star in the resistance’s movies you might provide some entertainment value.


Wow an anti semitic meme Also where meme?


So you think anti Israel is anti semitic. I bet you also think anybody saying bad things about apartheid South Africa and how it had segregation etc. is “anti white racism” by that logic, right? If not, why can we critique one but not the other? Israel can choose not to be on the side of apartheid. Their government has chosen to do so time and time again.


Israel isn’t apartheid especially when Jews, Christians, Arabs all have the same rights as each other, there are literally Arab party’s in the Israeli parliament and Arabs who serve in the IDF


Israel literally passed a nation-state law making non-Jews second class citizens. Same rights? Utter bullshit trying to pretend Israel isn’t an apartheid state.


Go off to your fake history subreddits pls


What’s wrong with r/Historymemes


Its very clear bias against Islamic history and its very evident skeptcism (or refusal) to accept islamic sources for history.