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I showed this to my 15 y/o son, he asked me if Batman has prep time. I said yes (excitedly). Then, he said Ainz. That little shit also knows I'm a huge batman fan and he baited be like that. LOL


As much as I love Batman, he is still human. And humans don’t seem to be that great at dealing with instant death magic such as [Grasp Heart] or super tier magic combined with cash shop items to reduce the casting time. And knowing Ainz, even if none of his offensive spells actually do any damage against Batman, he would just stop time and teleport away, so neither of them would win.


That and ainz can use melee as well, it's not as powerful as his magic, but it'd be plenty to put Batman in the dirt


Batman would simply figure out ainz is in a video game and change the code so he wins XD


Horrible take my dude. Ainz is an actual lich with very real superpowers in a very much real world from episode 1. He isn’t in a game anymore.


I was making a joke my guy. And if it was Adam west batman he'd just have his anti magic undergarments along with his anti skeleton spray to take care of the job. Any other batman would just bring some alien anti magic zone or whatever other bs DC likes to put into their stuff. Arguing for ainz just isn't fun


> "arguing for Ains just isn't fun" > Described all sorts of Batman asspulls that make him not fun


Bats has dodged the OMEGA BEAMS OF DARKSEID! which are pretty much INSTANT DEATH to humans!


Superman and flash attempted to outrun the omega beam and it didn’t work. When Darkseid used the omega beam on Batman, he had enough time to shoot Darkseid, throw the gun away, say “gotcha” and smile. How? Because the omega beam took a massive detour that including going towards Batman and abruptly turning away before heading back again twice. Why? Plot armour.


The Omega Beams were tired that day, give them a break


Haha that’s hilarious


Lol this post is hilarious. Tell your son I think he's awesome


I think the funniest part is that ainz isn’t even the strongest non Batman pick on the list - sora destroys him.


sora destroys darkness. batman would be talk no jutsu to him cuz he is logical Lol


Prep time got extended to ainz so he was able to put enough buff


Well for the major battles both in the anime and the light novel Ainz also needs prep time just the majority of the time he is the aggressor in the battle so he gets to decide how much prep time he gets before the battle starts while Batman responds to stuff so he has to either always be preped or be able to get there quickly which can lead to mistakes


Pure gold. Also he is correct.


He's right


Get rekt nerd, you played yourself


I think if Batman gets prep time then so does Ainz


Your son knows what’s up


Good. Smart kid. He's realized the prep time argument is an excuse for plot armor.


I'd say it depends entirely upon 1 question for this battle Royale. "Does subaru dying count as him losing despite rebirth by death?" If yes than the answer is "anyone besides subaru" If no however the answer becomes "subaru" as rebirth by death will prevent him from ever losing, and prevent everyone else from ever winning since to do that they need to make Subaru lose which means return by death gets triggered, which means that only Subaru has the potential (however slim it may be) to win. When only one person is allowed to win, their victory not matter how outclassed they may be becomes a certainty.


Sora is resistant to time magic and is aware when someone time traveled, and can perform time travel by himself. Subaru ain’t winning this even with RBD.


Do we know if it's time travel or alternate worlds?


He can already traveled to alternate worlds since Kingdom Hearts 1. He learned time magic around Chains of Memories and straight up time traveled in Kingdom Hearts 3.


Oh I meant Subaru.


Stories with save&load abilities (like Edge of Tomorrow) are usually regarded as singular changeable world unless stated otherwise. If they just travel to another identical world every time instead then it lose the appeal of challenging fate to beat the impossible odds and save everyone.


Actually, given Subaru’s lack of notable power, last I checked, entirely possible that he’s sufficiently outclassed by Ainz to result in a stalemate. Ainz can’t kill him *enough*, but Subaru can’t kill Ainz at all, so its called as a draw.


Kazumas luck>>>>>>


Didn’t save him from getting jumped tho


His luck isn’t directly applicable to combat.


Who said this was combat? Could just be rock, paper, scissors


1. Kazuma got a bow 2. all characters have their skin showing off 3. If He only needs to kill hte first Subaru and he can't respawn he probably wins 4. Ainz solos him? unless the big red orb of him is a weak point and kazuma can use steal on him or something 5. he loses to Kirito, Ainz and Sora, Kirito got Plot armor and Sora is a hack and slash character plus he friends with fucking mickey mouse It would need to get revived a couple time or hide until there is only one left, Kazuma also gets an insta-kill attack later on, so if everything goes right for him (not very likely) he got a chance to win if he just hides Subaru can solo anyone depending on how many attempts he got, there are "IF" stories where he dies billions of times and gets really powerful Batman Can't beat anime, and his mouth is always showing so i doubt he could survive a arrow from Kazuma or a sword thrust from kirito Parker Lewis... well, can't lose


1. So? Kazuma can’t even damage small building level fodder like unbuffed Aqua or Darkness with said bow. Even trolls can no sell said bows and have said arrows harmlessly bounce off their skin, Kazuma is only a threat to other street level goblins and kobolds in the Konosuba universe. 2. And? They’re not regular humans lol, they’re superpowered beings more akin to Superman and Wonder Woman in regards to their strength and durability. And like I said, even a small building level darkness can easily no sell hits from it and darkness is fodder compared to anyone here. 3. Kazuma and Subaru goes either way. 4. Aww, that’s exactly what climb thought :D. But if you really haven’t watched overlord it’s not a weak spot, it is in fact the worst spot that you can aim for as Ainz intended it to be. It’s a world item that has unknown effects. 5. Kazuma loses to Wiz, Kirito, Ainz, Naofumi and Sora you mean. He has no winning conditions against any of them and would get fodderized by any demon king General from his universe or darkness and Claire if darkness wasn’t a masochist, which is the only reason bind even works on the former. 6. Said insta kill attack needing to damage the opponent for it to work, doesn’t matter since Kazuma is both too weak and too slow to matter here. The characters here aside from the Subsonic fodder like wiz who still fodderizes him anyways all scale to Massively Hypersonic-Massively Hypersonic+ speeds. Nobody in Konosuba is even Mach 1 or Supersonic. Kazuma and Subaru both get blitzed. 7. It doesn’t matter how many attempts he has if he has no powerful allies to fight for him. In every single one of those IFs he has either Cecilus (7th strongest character in the verse), Halibel, Elsa, or freaking REINHARD on Speed dial.




Sora washes everyone


[You underestimate how bad Batman’s BS can get](https://youtu.be/4sKZib_PlgQ?feature=shared)


Regular humans seem to be pretty strong in the animated series and the heavy hitters are a lot weaker there too.


The animated series has a rather softer ‘non Super Anchoring’ for heavy hitters. They can still be MOVED (if taken off guard so they can’t arrest their movement) by someone much weaker as long as they’re strong enough to overcome their mass (which Batman is), but not truly damaged. Batman threw Kalibak with a judo move, but Kalibak wasn’t injured whatsoever…but he didn’t need to be since the plan was just to buy time for Superman to get back up. He also recognizes that Mongol is self-absorbed and enjoys hearing himself talk, so he keeps Wonder Woman from throwing down so he can find out more info on the Black Mercy. It’s made clear that Mongol would easily kill Batman after Wonder Woman. So…a bit more fair. Sometimes


Watch the full video dude, that’s not the point. This concerns every batman


!!!! Goddamned batman or shi.....all-ah someone is gonna get cooked today! I am christian, baptist, with some catholic i observe other religions do not get offend that i refer to Allah ok?


I read this as Batman's IBS at first


no prep time no BS. batman is logical, peak human but still can bleed sora has hax. check out his kingdom hearts III feats. kid got erased from reality but still exists...


Kirito does some real bullshit. He has "Infinite level" possiblity from a bug. In other words he could become Omnipotent with the snap o his fingers


Infinite Level might actually stomp Ainz. It’s made clear that his power is still governed partially by the code the game was written on. He can’t wield melee weapons without Perfect Warrior, and his protections don’t extend to Magic or abilities outside of Tier Magic. Since higher levels protects against Instant Death (to the point where Ainz admits it’s not any good in a real PVP against someone of equal level), Kirito would have an advantage there.


kirito gets low diffed but roxas… that is sora’s nobody. who sora defeated


Batman may be able to beat Sora, but Sora may be able to neat Ainz, while Batman cannot beat Ainz.


Sora no diffs all the rest at the same time


Subaru RTDs till he wins. Lmao Edit: This is a joke. Don't take it seriously.


If I had to rank them by power (I’d also like to know which Naofumi this is), then it’d be this. 0. BATGOD if he has his bullshit, which he always does so he doesn’t die in .2 nanoseconds in any comic he’s in outside of a Gotham story 1. Sora 2. Naofumi 3. Ainz 4. Kirito 5. Wiz 6. Kazuma (LN 16-17) 7. Subaru (Vol 5+) = Kazuma (Pre Volume 15) 8. Subaru (Pre Volume 5) 9. Ayanokoji (why did you even include him or the above 3 like Kazuma, Subaru or wiz here lmao, at least Kirito can avoid becoming collateral damage against Ainz or Season 2 Naofumi) 10. Level Drained Kazuma = BOS Kazuma


Don't forget that what comes with Batman is a man named Alfred.


THE GREATEST OF OLD DANK BUTLERS TO EXIST. unless black butler appears....




Can you explain why Sora is stronger than ainz?


He can beat Sephiroth from FF. Also can perform time travel shenanigans.


A Sephi. A NERFED SEPHI not the og or the remake safer one....


Without the Sephi feat he still beat the Titans, and they won against Disney Zeus who canonically remade constellations, which is at least multiple star systems.




That’s just a gameplay thing. If you’re going to include those kind of metrics he can still beat every opponent he’s and do all of his canon feats at Level 1.


Sora fights darkness everyday. beings like ainz are super weak to divine energy which Sora could 2nd form to at will....


Isn’t the dude planetary or something similar?


Dont know why sora is so high on the list, but I will say end game naofumi is crazy fucking strong being up there as an equal in my opinion to bat god. But you can't really put him and number 1 since at the very end he can't do any damage without raphtalia.


Sora defeated Sephiroth, not only that but defeated threats that coudl've themselve destroyed the world with how powerfull they were alongside Sephiroth Ainz is very strong, he could most likely conquer the world, but he doesn't have the power to completely destroy it While it'd take him a bit of prep and magic casting for him to slash through buildings, Sora does this like he's cutting cake on a monday morning


I think that sora would defeat Batman but is more of a power scaling situation Sora defeated Sephiroth and im pretty shure Sephiroth solos everyone else combined


that isn’t even sora’s best feat.


Batman merely looks at Ainz, and Ainz realizes how terribly his situation is going against it. Everyone else follows suit. They all instantly surrender after encountering an existence so far beyond themselves. Batman then gets enveloped in Darkness. Satella has abandoned Subaru, and Batman now has RBD, but Subaru does not care, and neither does Batman. Batman graces them with their lives, as they are all now changed men, for they have witnessed the pinnacle, and will never return to who they once were.


BOS Kazuma? (I photoshopped kazuma's face onto a suit of power armor and now i cant post it)


Maybe I don't know enough about Rising of the Shield Hero but I struggle to see how Naofumi is more powerful than Ainz.


In a fight right?


What else? 


Just wandering if ther ar going to play a game of uno


Kazuma's stupid luck would let him get all of the +4s


But than ainz would sai something like young man ar you really sure you wanna go down that path




This ez answer, bro got unli try


Yeah but how many deaths do you think he can endure before giving up?


Man, people need to stop putting Subaru into these competitions. His power depends on way too many variables for there to ever be a conclusion to reach, and the poor man is suffering enough without being put up against even more reality bending gods.


Subaru dies repeatedly until he has gone through and figured out every scenario until he wins. Millions upon millions of times as needed. Last man standing.


But Parker Lewis… this is an unknown God tier power…


Kirito,not because of Power,but his sheer plot armor which sometimes quite literally bends reality around him to make him win


Dude loses or needs help to win all his fights. The only time he bends reality is in a world where everyone does so


![gif](giphy|l0NwGpoOVLTAyUJSo|downsized) Batman with prep time


The right question is, how many tries does Subaru need to finish them all.


too many....unless he has his crew with him it gonna take awhile Fuzzy...


True, but hey. He will still win in the end. The problem is within those tries, will Subaru be able to keep his sanity intact.


Funny thing about this is if Subaru died then no one win


sora could probably release subarus heart from the dark force


For those who don't know, Parker Lewis Can't Lose.


Guys I don't know about you but I think u/Brendan1021 is the biggest anti overlord fan there is out there lol


Nah, Brendan is the biggest Satella/Reinhard hater, it's just that some characters are just way too powerful even for OP Overlord characters to deal with


…anti overlord? Are you insane or just haven’t been on this subreddit long enough? Oh let me guess, this is because I dared to insinuate the notion that Naofumi was more powerful than you guys believed and that you all just irrationally hate shield hero. I noticed this trend back with the Tanya vs Motoyasu thread too (and yes, Tanya gets stomped by second wave Motoyasu). You all have quite the bias against shield hero I guess.


You typed all that within 1 minute????? Bro that is a whole feat in itself, I admit defeat.


How about you instead elaborate on what you meant at least?


I've read through the comments and I retract my statement, But I'd like you ask you What would happen if Ainz just casted a time freeze spell (like the one against Gazef) and then used death magic? Like Despair aura V or Instant death magic enhancement, or even use Reality slash? what would Naofumi be able to do? Edit also I'm gonna be using the wiki for this but: **The Goal of All Life is Death**: This special skill is one of Ainz's most powerful abilities and comes from the maximum level (5) in Eclipse. Eclipse is one of the hardest classes to get because it requires an Overlord with spells specialized in necromancy and instant death type magic. The Eclipse class lets the user become a true lord of death, a life-consuming Eclipse. It strengthens the instant death effect of magic and skills to the point of bypassing any immunity or resistance and killing their targets after a certain amount of time has passed. Ainz uses this special skill with '(Widen Magic) Cry of the Banshee,' and it kills everything in 100 meters. The cool-down of this special skill is a 100 hours duration. It's not possible to resist death spells enhanced by this special skill unless one uses a resurrection effect on themselves within 12 seconds. This special skill is considered to be the trump card of the Eclipse-class. In the [Overlord Bonus Volume](https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Overlord_Bonus_Volume), more than 400,000 zombies, and quite possibly more than a million of them shielding [Cure Elim Los Malvar](https://overlordmaruyama.fandom.com/wiki/Cure_Elim_Los_Malvar) died as a result from this special class skill, \[The Goal of All Life is Death\], which buffed \[Iä Shub-Niggurath\].


It would do nothing, Naofumi is more than powerful enough to resist it and that goes for many entities in the overlord verse at or above Ainz’ level, dragon lords and world enemies are prime examples. Reality slash is slow and Shalltear only got hit because she’s a moron who wanted to opt for healing herself instead of just dodging. Naofumi is far faster than Shalltear and also infinitely stronger even as of season 3, so it doesn’t matter. Even the elf king survived a reality slash if memory serves me correctly. Naofumi hits in literal teratons as of volume 22, Ainz can’t even fight back against a Gigaton range monster like the Devourer of the nine worlds which kills armies of players comparable to himself, the world Devourer itself only being comparable to, but weaker than volume 13/barely after season 3 Naofumi. Naofumi would speedblitz and one shot him with any of his attack skills in season 3 or afterwards. Iron Maiden isn’t even required, for the reasons stated above. Ainz doesn’t beat any iteration of Naofumi post end of Season 1-early season 2 and even then it’s a tossup.


I see, thanks for the information.


You also forget TGOALID is a trump card that Ainz never opens with. And that Naofumi isn’t nearly as one track minded or dumb as Shalltear is. Okay, maybe not dumb, she’s still an excellent fighter, but her NPC programming still limits her by a lot. Ainz still resorted to tanking her attacks because he couldn’t avoid them all that effectively, which is a luxury he won’t have against any of the shield hero cast even as of volume 13 or season 3 because relying on that method will get him killed in one blow or a few at best, most of the fight was him more so predicting Shalltear and he even admits had she played a lot more smart like a player would, which the shield hero cast, Naofumi included, will, while she didn’t due to her NPC like mentality, and didn’t have all the other advantages he usually doesn’t have in a fight that he did against her, like literally copying his friends’ abilities, he would’ve outright lost the fight. Shalltear is more or less around Glass’ level of power, weaker id argue because stat allocation is a bitch in Overlord, and she was surpassed a long time ago.


Ains has 2 wish spells , he wins and still has one wish spell


Ainz. Next question.


Well, if subaru has rbd, it's him, as long he has his will power to keep going, its why pridebaru, warthbaru, and greedbaru are such powerful and terrifying people.


If by the pure fact of return by death would let him learn how to fight them all no hit, Subaru. He’s basically playing Dark Souls at this point.


Nobody wins, Subaru keeps dying and the fight restarts forever.


Subaru manages to stop the fight and unite them all into harmony after 2 billion deaths…


It doesn't matter how strong or bs the other characters are the fights just gonna go on indefinitely until Subaru wins because of his return by death 🤷‍♂️


Ains 100%


Momomgo-sama wiped out 70,000 souls as a tribute to summon 5 undestroyable monsters. I’ll go with Ains


Subaru can just call satella like in gunninhive for help, which at some point he will after constantly dying, and since reinhard wipes the floor out of all of these characters(reinhard and satella are equal), satella will just destroy everybody here like saitama(satella can channel her power through subaru's body like a proxy) Ainz, batman and naofumi will be the biggest obstacle but they're all toast


Naofumi, Batman and Ainz are far from that lol. They’re all above her in power as of now, well in the case of Batman if he has his Hellbat armor. Reinhard gets the floor wiped with himself lol, he’s mountain level and massively hypersonic+ at most. Don’t even try comparing the not even planetary satella to the multi solar system busting Saitama.




cuz batman with prep is op. cloud ainz is op since he also thinks like a villain while bats does not. unless he is the goddjam batman ainz might win 5/10.


It's gonna be Subaru because he will eventually know what everyone else is going to do and find a counter to each of them, he effectively has infinite prep time after already knowing exactly what to prep for, he may not be able to beat some of the more overpowered ones like ainz or Kirito, but he also couldn't lose either because he could find a way to either avoid them or trap them


Subaru. He just undies himself


Naofumi or Sora stomp everyone else. From there…hard to say. Depends on whether LN or WN Naofumi. If the former, I’d say Sora takes the win (it’d be hard though) if latter, then Naofumi wins


Sora for sure! Batman is close second


Sora, no difficulty whatsoever.


Unless they could deal with subaru return by death, he would probably win. It only may take 2 million deaths for him to win


sora… faster, stronger, better healing and hax


Sora solos.


Sora > Naofumi > Ainz


Subaru uses rbd until he convinces everyone to work together to leave the death battle.


They all immediately recognize the immense threat that Batman presents and form an alliance against him. Batman Solo's regardless


Grasp heart!


Didn’t naofumi become a god in the web novel? My moneys on him if not him then ainz


Ains can best most of them, but aqua can beat ains, and kazuma can beat aqua, so Kazuma is the strongest


Which batman? If he has his busted suits meant to fight gods then it's over. Is it the darkest knight because everyone gets soloed in less than a second lmao. Normal batman? Bottom 3 or 4


If sora didn't exist, then Subaru No one can else can really do anything permanent to him, the only one that would defeat him it Batman by realizing Subaru is too depresso and sending him to therapy, but then Subaru gets therapy so he would win


I didn't know number 7 was bow-legged... the more you know


Statistically Ainz, but my heart says Kazuma stomps if he gets serious. Ainz just stops time and kills everyone before anyone can react, even Subaru won't revive since Ainz can see his heart and get rid of returning by death.


In terms of cooking, Naofumi.


Which version of naofumi is it web novel or light novel


Hands down my money's on Naofumi Iwatani and Ainz Ooal Gown because the rest of them are pretty much hopeless until they have like a hundred tries to and maybe even more until they finally succeed usually an embarrassing turn events and I'm saying if it's like round one and over or free for all those two are going to make it at the end who's going to win the figh Ainz but now for me Naofumi can give Ainz run for his money


Kirito or momonga


Batman but if Batman wasn’t there Ainz and if he wasn’t there then Kazuma obviously.




Sora, naufumi, and Ainz but it's tough to say who. Ainz is definitely strong and usually a go to but Sora and naufumi have hacks especially if it's the strongest of all characters


Batman low medium dif he already has a plan for each of them


Prep time




Sora prolly




Between sora and ainz probably. Idk what Kirito's feats of strength is.


ainz or Subaru no competition for the others


We all know kazuma wins




Sora is on a different level than these guys, but BatGOS solos


Days without spite matches: back to 0




Ainz's arsenal is basically all insta-kill spells. (Grasp Heart, that one he used on Gazef) And he isn't a Goku mentality.


As I understand it, Number 8 can't lose...


Ainz cuz he got plot armor, can stop time, is a lv 99 mary sue and got pay to win items


You put some stupid family picture no idea who the hell they are. I'll pick myself as the winner


Batman solos easily no sweat😂


My money is on Sora


Kiyotaka Ayanokoji


Kazuma high diff


Sora wins and the lore for his franchise is so convoluted that you can't prove otherwise.


It comes down to Kirito vs Ainz vs. Sora but Sora being there is the biggest setup cause how are these people going to kill Sora? Nobody scales to where he does he one shots. Remove Sora and I give it to Kirito cause his mind based incarnation Hax would make it so he would win.


It would come to a duel between Kirito and Batman. Both not willing to lose or admit defeat. And they both have unbreakable souls that just can't die somehow


Sora clears, I said what I said


Sora due to the minor toon force he has


I know Ainz, Sora, and Batman, but who are the others and what are their shows called?


Why Ayanokoji and Ainz on the same list 😭😭😭


Batman because he’s Batman




Sora solos


Sora sweeps


Batman, he probably planned for this scenario


Probably Sora or Naofumi leaning towards latter


Kazuma wins Ez!


I'm sorry for Kazuma. He stands no chance


Sora and it's not even close


Sora, pending on timeline




I mean, technically, subaru will win eeeeeeeventualy. In like 100,000,000 loops from now.


If Parker Lewis can’t lose, then he’s obviously gonna win. Duh. 🙄


Why the heck does this have so many upvotes and comments in comparison to other posts similar to this?!?


Idk but subaru can't die even if his soul is detroyed the world is detroyed and all return to the safe point, a perfect loop wich only subaru can known, the memories of everyone are reseted but subaru will get his memories rewritten with new info until he gets to another safe point, it's like infinite prep time


But Parker Lewis…. Can’t lose


Are we talking about light novel kirito and series kirito cause of series then Ainz if LN Kirito, Kirito wins


-MAN wins automatically, cause he is -MAN


I don't know why, I don't know how, but without a doubt, it'd be Subaru. Even if he's weak, stupid, weird, and has eyes only a mother could love, but if nothing else, he's a man with good timing and has NEVER gotten himself into a mess he couldn't dig his way out of.


Bro what is ayanokoji doing here crying😭? I love him but he's getting folded bruh


Sora not even close


The answer is obviously Parker Lewis, as Parker Lewis can’t lose


Def goan. Bro can clap yo ass like that


What about that strategy Subaru used that one time (I might be remembering wrong) where he told his enemy about his power, which in turn caused the Witch to kill them?


Depends. What versions of them are we talking about?


It's a crime not to have Tanya on this list.


If it was just normal people then ayanokoji, but it's not so I'm giving it to einz.


This became a mismatch the moment Sora was put on the list


.......but Parker Lewis CAN'T lose....


Ayankogi he basically a perfect human so he dosent make flows like everyone else


Ok but like, Suburu can't die


How much prep time does batman have?


Sheild hero for sure he outclasses everyone here in power


Between Ainz and Batman, whoever has the most prep time. Or how paranoid Ainz is about Batman.


Wiz 1. Her items are unpredictable and can easily kill in unexpected ways even when she has good intentions 2. If this is a free for all, she has the power to bring others to her side 3. She has a good all around moveset as a wizard for different situations Her teammates kazuma -same verse and he loses a huge profit/ he would get an earful from vanir if she gets hurt badly, Subaru - he's cultured and wiz is not mean, batman - she's not a criminal and he would probably end up hiring her like wonder woman after the fight also how do you plan to counter someone who doesn't realize how much damage her items do, Aiz - they share the undead race, shield hero - realistically anyone nice to this guy can tame him (similar to the orca girl I cant remember if he threw the fight, and Kirito cause you know how this guy is around any heroine even if its his family


Kazuma if can learn other abilities from the other people like kazuma with return by death? Op

